Page images


Miss Burrows.

Miss Amy Burrows.

Mifs Elizabeth Burrows.

H. B. Buckeridge, Esq;

Mrs. Buckeridge.
Dudley Baxter, Efq;

Robert Bogle, Efq;

Mifs Bogle.

Mr. Henry Baker.

Mr. Briggs.

Mr. Bull.

Mr. James Burgh.

Mr. Brown.

Mr. Banner.

Mr. Ba lard.

Mr. Banbury.

Mrs. Boyd.

Mr. Bramble.

Mr. Brisbane.

Mrs. Brifbane.

Mr. Burton.

Mr. William Burton.

Mr. Brifcoe.

Mr. Bristow.

Mr. Bennett.

Mr. Jofeph Bennett.
Mr. Bowson.

Mr. Ifaac Buxton.

Mrs. Bell, of Dumfries. Mrs. Bell, Aldermanbury. Mrs. Bruce.

Mr. Branston.

Mrs. Braithwaite.


His Grace the Lord Archbi-
fhop of Canterbury.
The Right Honourable Lord
Charles Cavendish.

The Right Rev. the Lord Bi-
shop of Carlifle.
Rev. Dr. Chandler.

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Mr. Dawes, Lecturer of Charles Ferguson, Esq;

St. Laurence Jewry.

Thomas Dickson, M. D.

Rev. Mr. Davies.

Mr. Dean.

Mr. Deaton.

Mrs. Finlow.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Rev. Dr. Gregory, Dean of Chrift Church, Oxon.

Rev. Mr. Griffith, Rector of St. Mary-hill.

Rev. Mr. Gibson, Rector of
St. Magnus.
James Greive, M. D.
William Grant, M. D.
Moses Griffith, M. D.
- Gordon, M. D.
John Grub, Efq;
Thomas Godfrey, Efq;
Peter Godfrey, Efq;
John Gray, Esq;
Chamberlan Godfrey.
William Gordon, Efq;
Mr. Samuel Gardiner.
Mrs. Gilbert.

Mrs. Garneau.
Mr. John Grier.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Earl of Hertford. Sir Thomas Harrison, Knt. Sir James Hodges, Knt.. Rev. Mr. Henley, Rector of St. Ann's Black-friars, Rev. Mr. Heckstall, Lecturer of St. Mary le Bow. Rev. Mr. Hargrave, of Green


Rev. Mr. Hume, Vicar of
St. Laurence Jewry.
A 3


[blocks in formation]

Frederic Hollingsworth, Esq; Rev. Mr. Kenrick.

Mr. Hooker.

Mrs. Hill.

Mifs Hill.

Mr. Hogarth.

Mr. Howe.

Mr. Heylın.

Mr. Edward Heylin.
Mr. William Harris.

Mrs. Herne

Mr. Hodges.

Mr. Nathaniel Hillier. Mr. Joseph Hodges. Mr. Nathan Hodges.

Mrs. Hanks.

Mrs. Harris.

Mr. Hafelfoot.

Peter Holford, Esq; Master in

Richard Holford, Efq;
Mrs. Holford.

Mr. Francis Hawes, jun.
Mr. William Hutchins.
Mr. Richard Harling.
Mr. Septimus Harling.


Rev. Dr. Jortin, Rector of
St. Dunstan's in the East.

Theodore Jacobson, Esq;
Robert Jackson, Esq;
Robert James, Efq;
Captain Inglis.

Rev. Mr. Kettilby, Fellow of

St. John's College, Oxon.
Gilbert Kennedy, M. D.
Ralph Knox, Esq;
Mr. Thomas Kippax.
James Keneworthy, Esq;
Mr. Cooper Keating.

Mr. Keale.

Mr. Robert Knipe. Mr. Kinder...

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Right Honourable the Earl of Macclesfield.


The Right Honourable
Earl of Marchmont.
Sir John Morgan. Bart.
Rev. Dr. Milles, Dean of

Rev. Mr. Mence, Rector of
Allhallows, London-wall.
Rev. Mr. Moore, Rector of
St. Bartholomew the Great.
Rev. Dr. Morgan, Confeffor
to the Houshold.

Rev. Mr. Monro, Vicar of St. Bartholomew the Less. Rev. Mr. Marriett, Rector of St. Michael Bassishaw. John Mitchell, M. D. Peter Muilman, Efq; John Merril, Esq; Ifrael Mauduit, Efq; Simon Moreau, Efq; Mr. Mountain.

Captain Macleod.

William Mainwating, Esq;
Mrs. Mitchell.

Mr. Charles Morney.
Mr. Millar.

Mr. John Moore.

Mr. Meers.

Mr. Monckley.

[blocks in formation]

Rev. Mr. Pinkney, Vicar of Rev. Mr. James Reading.

Charing, Kent. William Pitcairn, M. D.

Petit, M. D.

Daniel Ponton, Esq;
Mrs. Ponton.

Philip Powys, Efq;
William Pocock, Esq;
Mrs. Pocock.

Nicholas Peter Pilon, Efq; James Leigh Parrot, Efq; Captain Pattel.

Mr. George Peters.

Mr. Payne.
Mr. Edward Payne.

Mr. Perry.

Mrs. Palmer.

Miss Palmer.

Mrs. Parker.:

Mr. Samuel Paterson.

Mr. John Partridge.
Mrs. Pinfold.

Miss Ann Pinfold.
Mr. Powel.

Mr. Peters.

Mr. Pearfon.

Mrs. Proudman.
Mrs. Poole.


The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Royfton.

The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Rochester.

Rev. Mr. John Rhudde, Vicar of Portesham, Dorsetshire. Rev. Mr. A. I. Rhudde, Rector of Londesburgh and Bun- by, Yorkshire. Rev. Mr. D. Rhudde, Minister of St. Thomas's Southwark. Rev. Mr. Ridley, Minister of Poplar.

Rev. Mr. Philip Reading.
Rev. Mr. Ring, Lecturer of

Rev. Mr. Rush, Fellow of
St. John's, Oxon.
Nicholas Robinson, M. D.
Alexander Ruffel, M. D...
Hugh Rofs, Esq;
Mrs. Rofs.

Captain Rofs.
Mr. Reading.
Moreton Rockcliffe, Efq;

Philip Roberts, Efq;

Mrs. Roberts.

Mr. Roberts.

Mr. Abel Regaile..

Mr. Charles Rivington...
Mr. Ruffel.


Sir William Stephenson, Knt. Rev. Dr. Gregory Sharpe, Maffer of the Temple.

Rev. Dr. Stukely, Rector of

St. George the Martyr,

[ocr errors]

Rev. Dr. Stebbing, Preacher
of Gray's-Inn.
Rev. Mr. Sterry, Fellow of
St. John's, Oxon.
Rev. Mr. Smith, Rector of
Chadwell, Effex.
Miss Stephenfon.
Lady Frances Stewart.
George Lewis Scott, Esq;
Commiffioner of the Excise.

Thomas Scott, Esq;
James Walter Scott, Efq;
Walter Shairp, Efq;
John Spiker, Esq;
Peter St. Hill, Esq;


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