SERM. and relies upon him for falvation; and VIII. } he endeavours to form his life, his practice, and the inward disposition of his foul, according to the precepts of the gospel. This is the true and serious believer, to whom are made all the promises of life and salvation, immortality and glory for ever. Such a one has all afsurances given him, that he shall be happy after this frail and imperfect life, whatever be his present condition and circumstances. And therefore, let him lift up his head and rejoice, as our Saviour expresses it, for the day of his redemption draweth nigh. 2. From hence also, every man may examine himself, whether he be in a state of salvation, and whether he has any claim to the promises of the gospel. For the enquiry is very short and easy. Can he say from his heart, that he is a serious believer of the gospel revelation, and that he endeavours, as far as human frailty will allow, to form his life and conversation according to the dictates of it, without allowing himself in any known fin, or neglect of his duty. If so, then he may take comfort to himself, and be affured of his happiness. Let him lay VIII. afide all his doubts and misgivings; for SERM. his infirmities, that he is confcious of and often laments, will never condemn him before a merciful God, who has promised his acceptance through a mediator. But if he cannot say, that he seriously believes the gospel, nor that he endeavours to conform his heart and life to its precepts, such a one has no part nor lot in the redemption purchased by Jesus Christ; he runs the hazard of being condemned at the last day, and of having a portion affigned him among the unbelievers. SER SERMON IX. The Conversation that becometh the Gospel. PHILIPPIANS I. 27. Only let your conversation be as becometh the gofpel of Christ. T IX. HOUGH experience shews that SERM. the bulk of christians are corrupt and degenerate, and that nơ means used to reform them are in general effectual; yet it is confessedly true, that the doctrines and precepts of the gospel are pure and rational, and well fitted to recover mankind to that degree of perfection which they are capable of; and that if they would conduct themselves agreeable to what it prescribes, their practice would be unblameable, and as perfect as their nature will allow. And therefore, whatever be the practice of believers, the scheme of the gospel will always be vindicated, and the blame of their conduct will fall upon themselves. Our M SERM. Our holy religion gives no encourageIX. ment to the wickedness of its professors, but justly and severely condemns it; and it requires nothing more for the vindication of its reasonableness and purity, and to place it in an amiable light, than the suitable practice of Christians; that is, their doing what the apostle exhorts to do in the text, only to let their converfation be as becometh the gospel of Christ. In the former part of this epistle, which was written while the apostle was prifoner at Rome for the fake of the gofpel, he expresses his thankfulness and joy on account of the faith of the Philippians: and then he tells them, that he only wished to continue in life for their improvement, and that their rejoicing might be more abundant in Christ; that whether he were present or absent from them, he might have the comfort to hear of their good behaviour; for this only he defired of them, and this was only expected of them from their profession, that they would let their conversation be as becometh the gospel of Christ. The Greek word which is here tranflated, let your converfation, signifies strictly, the behaving as citizens, who live according |