EMPLOYEES-Continued Federal Corporation, this index Income tax, this index
Surplus property disposal, liability, 41 239
Terms defined, 5 § 790
Disbursing officer not liable for amount of overpayment where adjust- ment or recovery waived, 5 § 788 Extension of time limitations, certain injuries or deaths, 5 791-1
EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION ACT Accrual of right to compensation, 5 Eyes, loss of as prima facie permanent
Delegation of authority to officer or employee of Federal Security Agency, 5778 Regulations, decreasing subsequent on overpayment, 5
payments 788 Annuity under retirement act affected by refunds of compensation paid, 5 § 714 Appeal board, creation and powers, 5 133y-16 note, Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1946, § 3
Arms, loss of as prima facie permanent total disability, 5 § 753 Attorneys' fees, legal services in connec- tion with claim, etc., 5 § 773
Partial disability, 5 § 754 Certification, vouchers for medical ex- penses, etc., initially payable by employer, 5759 (a)
Certifying officer not liable for amount certified where adjustment for recovery of overpayment waived, 5 $788
Civil Service Retirement Act, time while receiving benefits included in computing length of service un- der act, 5707
Compensable injuries, scheduled disabili- ties, 5 § 755
Compensation commission, administrator substituted for, 5 § 778
Compensation fund, Medical and other benefits, initial fur- nishing by employing establish- ment, 5759 (a)
Physician's fees for physical examina- tions payable out of, 5 § 773 Vocational rehabilitation, permanent disability, 5 § 759 (b)
Compromise settlements, private acts, 5 $ 791-3
Computation of monthly pay, increase of computation base for injuries occurring before July 1, 1946, 5 § 756a
Contempt, disobedience or resistance to lawful order or process of ad- ministrator, 5 § 773
Death resulting from injuries, Computation base for injury occurring before July 1, 1946, 5 § 756a Tbility, scheduled disabilities, 5 § 755
total disability, 5 § 753
Federal Security Agency, Administrator, authority to delegate powers to officers or agents of agency, 5 $778
Fees, physicians or attorneys, 5 § 773 Feet, loss of as prima facie permanent total disability, 5 § 753
Hands, loss of as prima facie permanent total disability, 5 § 753 Legs, loss of as prima facie permanent total disability, 5 § 753 Notice of injury, failure to give, 5 § 770 Overpayments of compensation, adjust- ment, decreasing subsequent payments, 5788 Partial disability,
Basic benefit for, 5 § 754 Refusal to work as forfeiting com- pensation, 5 § 754
Permanent total disability, losses or dis- abilities constituting, 5 § 753 Private acts, compromise settlements, 5 § 791-3
of injuries and accidents, de- partments and other agencies of United States to keep, 5 $784 (c)
statistical and other reports, ac- cidents and injuries, etc., 5 § 784 (c)
council, President authorized to establish by executive order, 5 § 784 (c)
Safety promotion, $ 784 (c) Scheduled disabilities, 5 § 755
EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY Government department, 5 § 118d-1 Defense articles to foreign government, 22 412
EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION United States over federal laws permit- ting state to impose tax, 4 § 108 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Definition, General Services Administra- tion, 41 § 202 Procurement, warehousing, and related activities, 41 § 231
Property utilization, 41 § 232 Surplus property, transfer among, 41 232
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Abatement of action by reason of reor-
ganization, 5 § 133y-7 Abolishment prohibited under reorgan- ization plan, 5 § 1332-3 Abolition of agencies, 5 §§ 133y-1, 133y-2
Administrative determinations and dele- gations, procurement, 41 § 257 Advisory committee on management im- provement, 5 133z note, Ex. Ord. No. 10072
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Agencies, 5 §§ 133y to 133y-7 "Agency' within Reorganization of Government Agencies Act, 5 § 133z-5
Agency head, definition 41 § 259 Appropriations Unexpended appropriations by reason of reorganization, 5 § 133y-6
Civil service, Authority of President to order posi- tions into classified service, 5 $ 631a Compensation of head of reorganized agency, 5133y-2 Concurrent resolution disapproving reor- ganization plan, 5133y-11 Congressional committee, resolution relat- ing to reorganization referred to, 5133y-12 to 133y-14 Congressional procedure relating to reor- ganization plans, 5 § 133y-10 to 133y-16
Consolidation or coordination of agen- cies, 5133y-1
Consolidation prohibited under reorgan- ization plan, 5 § 133z-3 Consultants, temporary or intermittent services, 555a
Continuing agency beyond period of au- thorized existence by reorgan- ization plan, 5 § 133y-3
Advance payments, 41 § 255 Advertising, 41 §§ 252, 253 Negotiated, requirements, 41 § 254 Performance, delay, liquidated dam- ages, waiver, 41 256 "Department" within Classification Act of 1949, 5 § 1081
Additional appropriation, co-operative extension work, 7 § 343d-1 Amount, 7 $343d-1 Cooperative extension work, appropria- Puerto Rico, co-operative extension work, tions, 7343d-1 7 §§ 343d-2, 343d-3 Research, maximum use of extension Use of facilities to effectuate purpose of service, 7 427, 427i Agricultural Marketing Act, 7 § 1621
Inspectional services on Sundays or holi- days, 5 § 941
FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Federal establishments, 5 § 22 note, Ex. Ord. No. 9980 FALSE STATEMENTS See Fraud FARM
ACREAGE ALLOTMENT, 7 § 1334 note
FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION Commodity Credit Corporation, this index Consolidation of, 7 § 1030 Federal Security Agency, powers, duties, property, personnel, records and funds transferred to, 12 §§ 1751a note
Governor, Director of bureau of federal credit unions to exercise functions and powers of, 12 § 1751a Powers, functions and duties of gov- ernor transferred to Federal Se- curity Agency, 12 § 1751a note Reconstruction Finance Corporation's powers relating to regional agri- cultural credit corporation trans- ferred to farm credit adminis- tration, 12 §§ 1148, 1148a Study of ways and means for loans to farmers to Federal Land Bank System, 12 636 note
Administrative powers in general of Sec- retary of Agriculture, 42 1480
Appropriations, 42 § 1483 Contributions, 42 § 1482 Potentially adequate farms, credits on loans, 421473
Estimates of national farm housing needs, 42 § 1476
Farm defined, 42 § 1471 Hawaii, Act applicable, 42 § 1471 Leases, change of terms, necessity of ap- proval by Secretary of Agri- culture, 42 § 1479
Loans, Authority to make loans, 42 § 1471 Adequate farm, 42 § 1472 Potentially adequate farms, 42
Eligibility of applicant, 42 § 1471 Interest, 42 § 1472
Cancellation, 42 § 1475
FARM HOUSING-Continued Plans and specifications, 42 § 1476 Puerto Rico, Act applicable, 42 § 1471 Repairs and minor improvements, loans and grants, 42 § 1474
Reports by Secretary of Agriculture, 42 1476
Research and technical studies, 42 § 1476 Rules and regulations, power of Secre- tary of Agriculture, 42 § 1480 Standards of adequate farm buildings, 42 § 1479
Supervision and inspection, 42 § 1476 Technical services, 421476 Veterans and families of deceased ser- vicemen, preferences, 42 § 1477 Virgin Islands, Act applicable, 42 § 1471 FARM LABOR See also Agri. labor Agriculture extension services of land grant colleges to co-operate in supplying, 7 $ 301 note Extension of farm labor supply program, 50 App. 1351 note
Income tax, exemption from withholding
tax at source, 26 § 1621 Liquidation of farm labor supply pro- gram, 50 App. § 1351 note Mexican labor, permission to remain in Research, 7 §§ 427, 427i country, 50 App. § 1351 note
Text, 50 App. §§ 1351-1355
Agricultural extension service of land grant colleges to cooperate with state in recruiting labor, 7 § 301 note
Minor repairs or improvements, 42 Appropriations and continuance, 50 App.
Moratorium on payments, 42 § 1475 Provisions of loan instruments, 42 § 1472
Purposes, 42 §§ 1471, 1474 Recommendations by local committees, 42 § 1478
Refinancing with private lenders, 42 $ 1472
Release from liability, 42 §§ 1473, 1480
Security, 42 § 1472
Time limit, 42 § 1472
Local committees to assist Secretary of Agriculture, 42 § 1478
Mortgages securing loans, Foreclosure,
Moratorium, 42 § 1475
Power of Secretary of Agriculture, 42 § 1480
Modification, power of Secretary of Agriculture, 42 § 1480 Necessity, 42 §§ 1472, 1473 Notes and other obligations, issuance, etc., 421481
Extension and liquidation, 50 App. § 1351
FARM TENANCY-Continued Advancements to mortgagor, 7 § 1005b Expenses and fees incident to fore- closure, 71005d
Agencies of the federal government, etc., utilization of services, 71015 Assignment of mortgages insured under Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, 7 § 1005b Bankruptcy Act, application, 7 § 1003 Bid by Secretary at foreclosure or other sale, 71025
Change of terms of lease by recipient of housing loan, necessity of ap- proval by Secretary of Agri- culture, 42 § 1479
Collective farming, etc., loans for pro- hibited, 7 § 1018
Compromise, adjustment of claims, etc., 7 1015
Concealment, removal or conversion of property, 71026
Consolidation of agricultural credit and service offices, 7 § 1030 Conspiracy to violate law, 7 § 1026 Contracts for services and purchase of supplies, 71015
Corporations, transactions with private corporations prohibited, 7§ 1020 County committee, 7 §§ 1002, 1016 Debt adjustment, Secretary may assist, 7 § 1008
Dedications of public facilities, 7 § 1017 Defaulted insured mortgages, 7 §§ 1005c, 1005d
Defense relocation corporations, liquida- tion by secretary, 7 § 1017 Deposit or investment of Farm Tenant Mortgage Insurance Fund, 7 § 1005a Embezzlement, etc., by persons in employ of Secretary, 7 § 1026
Employees of secretary, 7 §§ 1026, 1027 Expenses and fees incident to fore- closure, advancement out of funds for account of mortga- gor, 71005d
Experts, appointment, 7 § 1015 Farm management units, determination of suitableness by Secretary, 7 § 1017
Farm Tenant Mortgage Insurance Fund, 7 § 1005a-1005d
Fees and commissions to officer, attorney or employee of Secretary pro- hibited, 71027
Fees for inspection, appraisal, etc., be- fore granting insured mortgage, 7 § 1005b Foreclosure of insured mortgage, 7 § 1005d
Purchase at foreclosure sale, 7 § 1025 Information of federal agencies, utiliza- tion, 7 § 1015
FARM TENANCY-Continued Insurance or mortgages pursuant to Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, 7 §§ 1005a-1005d Investigations by secretary, 7 § 1021 Labor supply centers, labor homes, etc., application of laws, 7 § 1017
Legal work, 7 § 1015 Loans, 71001
Appropriations for tenant-purchase loans, 7 §§ 1005, 1006
Bid at foreclosure, 7 § 1025 Compromise, cancellation and adjust- ment, 12 §§ 1150-1150c Corporations, loans to private corpora- tions not permitted, 7 1020 County committees, functions, 7 $ 1002 False representations, etc., 71026 Homestead entrymen, 7 §§ 1006a, 1006b Interest, 71018
Mortgage insurance fund, 7 § 1005a-
Aggregate amount, 7 § 1005b Assignment, 7 § 1005i Default, 71005d
Eligibility provisions, 7 § 1005c Fees, 71005d
Insurance of mortgages, 7 § 1005a National defense program, transfer of lands acquired from, 7 § 1019 Notes issued to pay defaulted insured mortgages, 7 § 1005c Officers and employees, 7 § 1015 Offenses, 71026 Payments, 7 §§ 1022, 1023
Insured mortgages after default, 7 $1005c
Mortgages insured, 7 $$ 1005b, 1005c Penalties, 7 § 1026
Powers of Secretary, 7 § 1015
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