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Federal Corporation, this index
Income tax, this index

Surplus property disposal, liability, 41

Terms defined, 5 § 790



Disbursing officer not liable for amount
of overpayment where adjust-
ment or recovery waived, 5 § 788
Extension of time limitations, certain
injuries or deaths, 5 791-1

Accrual of right to compensation, 5 Eyes, loss of as prima facie permanent

752, 758


Delegation of authority to officer or
employee of Federal Security
Agency, 5778
Regulations, decreasing subsequent
on overpayment, 5

Annuity under retirement act affected by
refunds of compensation paid, 5
§ 714
Appeal board, creation and powers, 5
133y-16 note, Reorg. Plan No.
2 of 1946, § 3

Arms, loss of as prima facie permanent
total disability, 5 § 753
Attorneys' fees, legal services in connec-
tion with claim, etc., 5 § 773

Basic benefit,

Partial disability, 5 § 754
Certification, vouchers for medical ex-
penses, etc., initially payable by
employer, 5759 (a)

Certifying officer not liable for amount
certified where adjustment for
recovery of overpayment waived,
5 $788

Civil Service Retirement Act, time while
receiving benefits included in
computing length of service un-
der act, 5707

Compensable injuries, scheduled disabili-
ties, 5 § 755

Compensation commission, administrator
substituted for, 5 § 778

Compensation fund,
Medical and other benefits, initial fur-
nishing by employing establish-
ment, 5759 (a)

Physician's fees for physical examina-
tions payable out of, 5 § 773
Vocational rehabilitation, permanent
disability, 5 § 759 (b)

Compromise settlements, private acts, 5
$ 791-3

Computation of monthly pay, increase of
computation base for injuries
occurring before July 1, 1946, 5
§ 756a

Contempt, disobedience or resistance to
lawful order or process of ad-
ministrator, 5 § 773

Death resulting from injuries,
Computation base for injury occurring
before July 1, 1946, 5 § 756a
Tbility, scheduled disabilities, 5 § 755

total disability, 5 § 753

Federal Security Agency, Administrator,
authority to delegate powers to
officers or agents of agency, 5

Fees, physicians or attorneys, 5 § 773
Feet, loss of as prima facie permanent
total disability, 5 § 753

Hands, loss of as prima facie permanent
total disability, 5 § 753
Legs, loss of as prima facie permanent
total disability, 5 § 753
Notice of injury, failure to give, 5 § 770
Overpayments of compensation, adjust-
ment, decreasing subsequent
payments, 5788
Partial disability,

Basic benefit for, 5 § 754
Refusal to work as forfeiting com-
pensation, 5 § 754

Permanent total disability, losses or dis-
abilities constituting, 5 § 753
Private acts, compromise settlements, 5
§ 791-3




of injuries and accidents, de-
partments and other agencies of
United States to keep, 5 $784

statistical and other reports, ac-
cidents and injuries, etc., 5 §
784 (c)

council, President authorized to
establish by executive order, 5
§ 784 (c)

Safety promotion, $ 784 (c)
Scheduled disabilities, 5 § 755

[blocks in formation]

Government department, 5 § 118d-1
Defense articles to foreign government,
22 412

United States over federal laws permit-
ting state to impose tax, 4 § 108
Definition, General Services Administra-
tion, 41 § 202
Procurement, warehousing, and related
activities, 41 § 231

Property utilization, 41 § 232
Surplus property, transfer among, 41

Abatement of action by reason of reor-

ganization, 5 § 133y-7
Abolishment prohibited under reorgan-
ization plan, 5 § 1332-3
Abolition of agencies, 5 §§ 133y-1,

Administrative determinations and dele-
gations, procurement, 41 § 257
Advisory committee on management im-
provement, 5 133z note, Ex.
Ord. No. 10072

[ocr errors]

Agencies, 5 §§ 133y to 133y-7
"Agency' within Reorganization of
Government Agencies Act, 5
§ 133z-5

Agency head, definition 41 § 259
Unexpended appropriations by reason
of reorganization, 5 § 133y-6

Civil service,
Authority of President to order posi-
tions into classified service, 5
$ 631a
Compensation of head of reorganized
agency, 5133y-2
Concurrent resolution disapproving reor-
ganization plan, 5133y-11
Congressional committee, resolution relat-
ing to reorganization referred
to, 5133y-12 to 133y-14
Congressional procedure relating to reor-
ganization plans, 5 § 133y-10
to 133y-16

Consolidation or coordination of agen-
cies, 5133y-1

Consolidation prohibited under reorgan-
ization plan, 5 § 133z-3
Consultants, temporary or intermittent
services, 555a

Continuing agency beyond period of au-
thorized existence by reorgan-
ization plan, 5 § 133y-3


Advance payments, 41 § 255
Advertising, 41 §§ 252, 253
Negotiated, requirements, 41 § 254
Performance, delay, liquidated dam-
ages, waiver, 41 256
"Department" within Classification Act
of 1949, 5 § 1081

[blocks in formation]

Methods and terms, 41 § 272
Proceeds, refunds, special deposit, 41
$ 273

Head of reorganized agency, 5 § 133y-2
Motion to consider reorganization plan
by Congress, 5 § 133y-14

Motor vehicles, maximum amount al-
lowable for purchase, 5 § 78a-1


Change of, 5 § 133y-3
Reorganized agency, 5 $ 133y-2
Appropriation not available for in-


creased cost resulting from
higher grade or creation of new
position, 31 § 694

Employees, 5 901

Plans for management improvement, re-
view by Bureau of Budget, 5
133z note, Ex. Ord. No. 10072
Printing reorganization plan for agencies,
5 § 133y-9

Procurement procedure, 41 §§ 251-260
Warehousing, and related activities,
41 § 231

Purchase of vehicles, etc., payment by
exchange allowance, etc., 5
§ 118d-1

Records, property and personnel of cor-
solidated or abolished agency,
5 § 133y-2

Regulations not affected by consolidation
or transfer of functions, 5
§ 133y-7

Abatement of action, 5 § 133y-7
Agencies, 5 $ 133y to 133y-16
Appropriations, unexpended appropria-

tions by reason of reorganiza-
tion, 5133y-8

Compensation of head of reorganized
agency, 5133y-2

Congressional committee, resolution re-
lating to reorganization referred
to, 5133y to 133y-14
Consolidation or coordination of agen-
cies, 5133y-1

Head of reorganized agency, 5 § 133y-2
Reorganization, 5 §§ 133y to 133y-16
Resolutions of Congress relating to
reorganization of agencies, 5
$ 133y-10 to 133y-16


Term of office not increased by reor-
ganization plan, 5 § 133y-3
Review of programs to determine effec-
tiveness, 5133z note, Ex. Ord.
No. 10072

Rules of Congress relating to reorganiza-
tion plans, 5 $ 133y-10 to

Statutes not affected by consolidation or
transfer of functions, 5 § 133y-7
Stenographers, temporary and intermit-
tent services, 555a
Suggestions by employees, cash awards, 5
§ 116a

Term of office not increased by reorgani-
zation plan, 5 § 133y-3

Time reorganization plan of agency takes
effect, 5133y-4

Transfer prohibited under reorganiza-
tion plan, 5 § 133z-3
Winding up affairs of abolished agency,
5 $ 133y-2

Abolishment of Office of Economic Sta-
bilization and transfer of func-
tions to office of War Mobiliza-
tion and Reconversion, Ex. Ord.
9620, 50 App. § 901

Continued stabilization of national econ-
omy during transition from war
to peace, Ex. Ord. 9697, 50 App.

Delegation of certain functions and au-
thority to Economic Stabiliza-
tion Director, Ex. Ord. 9705, 7
$ 608c
Designating Federal Loan Administrator

and War Food Administrator as
members of Economic Stabiliza-
tion Board, Ex. Ord. 9534, 50
App. § 901
Functions of Office of Economic Stabili-
zation transferred to Office of

War Mobilization and Reconver-
sion, Ex. Ord. 9762, 50 App.
§ 901
Interim Administration of certain con-
tinuing functions of Office of
Price Administration, Ex. Ord.
9745, 50 App. § 901
Redistribution of Foreign Economic
Functions and functions with
respect to Surplus Property in
foreign areas, Ex. Ord. 9630, 50
App. § 601
Reestablishment of Office of Economic
Stabilization, Ex. Ord. 9699, 50
App. § 901
Termination of War Food Administration
and transferral of its functions
to Secretary of Agriculture, Ex.
Ord. 9577, 50 App. § 601
Transfer and release of federal person-
nel, Ex. Ord. 9695, 5 § 631 note

[blocks in formation]


Additional appropriation, co-operative
extension work, 7 § 343d-1
Amount, 7 $343d-1
Cooperative extension work, appropria-
Puerto Rico, co-operative extension work,
tions, 7343d-1
7 §§ 343d-2, 343d-3
Research, maximum use of extension
Use of facilities to effectuate purpose of
service, 7 427, 427i
Agricultural Marketing Act, 7
§ 1621


Inspectional services on Sundays or holi-
days, 5 § 941

Federal establishments, 5 § 22 note,
Ex. Ord. No. 9980
See Fraud

§ 1334 note

Commodity Credit Corporation, this index
Consolidation of, 7 § 1030
Federal Security Agency, powers, duties,
property, personnel, records and
funds transferred to, 12 §§ 1751a



Director of bureau of federal credit
unions to exercise functions and
powers of, 12 § 1751a
Powers, functions and duties of gov-
ernor transferred to Federal Se-
curity Agency, 12 § 1751a note
Reconstruction Finance Corporation's
powers relating to regional agri-
cultural credit corporation trans-
ferred to farm credit adminis-
tration, 12 §§ 1148, 1148a
Study of ways and means for loans to
farmers to Federal Land Bank
System, 12 636 note


Administrative powers in general of Sec-
retary of Agriculture, 42 1480

Appropriations, 42 § 1483
Contributions, 42 § 1482
Potentially adequate farms, credits on
loans, 421473

Estimates of national farm housing
needs, 42 § 1476

Farm defined, 42 § 1471
Hawaii, Act applicable, 42 § 1471
Leases, change of terms, necessity of ap-
proval by Secretary of Agri-
culture, 42 § 1479

Authority to make loans, 42 § 1471
Adequate farm, 42 § 1472
Potentially adequate farms, 42


Eligibility of applicant, 42 § 1471
Interest, 42 § 1472

Cancellation, 42 § 1475

Plans and specifications, 42 § 1476
Puerto Rico, Act applicable, 42 § 1471
Repairs and minor improvements, loans
and grants, 42 § 1474

Reports by Secretary of Agriculture, 42

Research and technical studies, 42 § 1476
Rules and regulations, power of Secre-
tary of Agriculture, 42 § 1480
Standards of adequate farm buildings,
42 § 1479

Supervision and inspection, 42 § 1476
Technical services, 421476
Veterans and families of deceased ser-
vicemen, preferences, 42 § 1477
Virgin Islands, Act applicable, 42 § 1471
See also Agri. labor
Agriculture extension services of land
grant colleges to co-operate in
supplying, 7 $ 301 note
Extension of farm labor supply program,
50 App. 1351 note

Income tax, exemption from withholding

tax at source, 26 § 1621
Liquidation of farm labor supply pro-
gram, 50 App. § 1351 note
Mexican labor, permission to remain in
Research, 7 §§ 427, 427i
country, 50 App. § 1351 note


Text, 50 App. §§ 1351-1355


Agricultural extension service of land
grant colleges to cooperate with
state in recruiting labor, 7 § 301

Minor repairs or improvements, 42 Appropriations and continuance, 50 App.

§ 1474

Moratorium on payments, 42 § 1475
Provisions of loan instruments, 42
§ 1472

Purposes, 42 §§ 1471, 1474
Recommendations by local committees,
42 § 1478

Refinancing with private lenders, 42
$ 1472

Release from liability, 42 §§ 1473,

Security, 42 § 1472

Time limit, 42 § 1472

Local committees to assist Secretary of
Agriculture, 42 § 1478

Mortgages securing loans,

Moratorium, 42 § 1475

Power of Secretary of Agriculture,
42 § 1480

Modification, power of Secretary of
Agriculture, 42 § 1480
Necessity, 42 §§ 1472, 1473
Notes and other obligations, issuance,
etc., 421481

§ 1351 note

Extension and liquidation, 50 App. § 1351

[blocks in formation]

Advancements to mortgagor, 7 § 1005b
Expenses and fees incident to fore-
closure, 71005d

Agencies of the federal government, etc.,
utilization of services, 71015
Assignment of mortgages insured under
Farmers' Home Administration
Act of 1946, 7 § 1005b
Bankruptcy Act, application, 7 § 1003
Bid by Secretary at foreclosure or other
sale, 71025

Change of terms of lease by recipient of
housing loan, necessity of ap-
proval by Secretary of Agri-
culture, 42 § 1479

Collective farming, etc., loans for pro-
hibited, 7 § 1018

Compromise, adjustment of claims, etc.,
7 1015

Concealment, removal or conversion of
property, 71026

Consolidation of agricultural credit and
service offices, 7 § 1030
Conspiracy to violate law, 7 § 1026
Contracts for services and purchase of
supplies, 71015

Corporations, transactions with private
corporations prohibited, 7§ 1020
County committee, 7 §§ 1002, 1016
Debt adjustment, Secretary may assist,
7 § 1008

Dedications of public facilities, 7 § 1017
Defaulted insured mortgages, 7 §§ 1005c,

Defense relocation corporations, liquida-
tion by secretary, 7 § 1017
Deposit or investment of Farm Tenant
Mortgage Insurance Fund, 7
§ 1005a
Embezzlement, etc., by persons in employ
of Secretary, 7 § 1026

Employees of secretary, 7 §§ 1026, 1027
Expenses and fees incident to fore-
closure, advancement out of
funds for account of mortga-
gor, 71005d

Experts, appointment, 7 § 1015
Farm management units, determination
of suitableness by Secretary, 7
§ 1017

Farm Tenant Mortgage Insurance Fund,
7 § 1005a-1005d

Fees and commissions to officer, attorney
or employee of Secretary pro-
hibited, 71027

Fees for inspection, appraisal, etc., be-
fore granting insured mortgage,
7 § 1005b
Foreclosure of insured mortgage, 7
§ 1005d

Purchase at foreclosure sale, 7 § 1025
Information of federal agencies, utiliza-
tion, 7 § 1015

Insurance or mortgages pursuant to
Farmers' Home Administration
Act of 1946, 7 §§ 1005a-1005d
Investigations by secretary, 7 § 1021
Labor supply centers, labor homes, etc.,
application of laws, 7 § 1017

Legal work, 7 § 1015
Loans, 71001

Appropriations for tenant-purchase
loans, 7 §§ 1005, 1006

Bid at foreclosure, 7 § 1025
Compromise, cancellation and adjust-
ment, 12 §§ 1150-1150c
Corporations, loans to private corpora-
tions not permitted, 7 1020
County committees, functions, 7 $ 1002
False representations, etc., 71026
Homestead entrymen, 7 §§ 1006a, 1006b
Interest, 71018

Mortgage insurance fund, 7 § 1005a-


[blocks in formation]

Aggregate amount, 7 § 1005b
Assignment, 7 § 1005i
Default, 71005d

Eligibility provisions, 7 § 1005c
Fees, 71005d

Insurance of mortgages, 7 § 1005a
National defense program, transfer of
lands acquired from, 7 § 1019
Notes issued to pay defaulted insured
mortgages, 7 § 1005c
Officers and employees, 7 § 1015
Offenses, 71026
Payments, 7 §§ 1022, 1023

Insured mortgages after default, 7

Mortgages insured, 7 $$ 1005b, 1005c
Penalties, 7 § 1026

Powers of Secretary, 7 § 1015

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