COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORA- COMPENSATION-Continued Records, personnel, funds and property 713a-9 Use of surplus agricultural commodity ac- Wheat, International Wheat Agreement rary and intermittent services, Foreign scholarships board members, 50 stationed outside continental Head and assistant head of reorganized Personal representative, in injuries to $901a Secretary of Price Control Board, 50 Act, powers and duties respect- Time for making claim for compensation ing, 1641, 1642 Wheat, purchase by, 15 $713 note Text of act, 15 §§ 714-7140 Disclosure of names and addresses of Secretary of Agriculture, disclosure of $12-1 for injuries or death of govern- COMPENSATION FOR INJURIES TO Burial expenses, 5 § 761 services, 5 $757 Loans to farmers, 12 §§ 1150-1150c Reports, Federal agency as to tort claims, 28 President to report operations under Witnesses, protection at appearance be- CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES CONSERVATION Scarce commodities, 50 App. § 1915 Government agencies, purpose of Reor- CONSPIRACY Farm Tenancy Act, conspiracy to violate, CONSULTANTS Civil Service, exceptions, 5 § 1082 TEE Notice of decontrol proceedings, 50 App. CONTAINERS CONTEMPT $ 1005 CONTRACT SETTLEMENT ACT OF 1944 Advisory Board, transfer, Department of Amendment, War contract to provide for compen Compensation for termination of war Methods and standards for determin- Costs, Deduction, Computing claim reviewable by Set- Settlement of termination claim, 41 Fraud, Obtaining settlement or interim fi- Suits for fraud in making settlement Fraud in obtaining, 41 § 119 note Materialmen, equitable settlement of Processed and renovated butter, 26 § 2325 | Photographs of records, 41 § 119 CONTRACT SETTLEMENT ACT OF | COOPERATIVE RESEARCH 1944-Continued Records, Destruction or secretion, 41 § 119 tration, 41212 Supplies, equitable settlement of losses, 41 § 106 note CONTRACTORS Fee, limitation, 41 § 254 Claims against United States, notice of Deposit of government bonds and notes CONTRACTS Damages, liquidated, delay, waiver, 41 Manufacture, etc., to foreign govern- Procurement for foreign government, Forest development roads and trails, Agricultural experiment stations, ap- COPIES Supplemental provisions relating to Parity price, 7 $1381 note Storage, amount, 7 §1330 Statistics, collection and publication, 13 6081-84 COST OF LIVING 66 1911-1919 COST PLUS A FIXED FEE CON- TRACTS Generally, 41 254 COST PLUS PERCENTAGE OF COST CONTRACTS Prohibition, 41 § 254 COSTS Tort actions against United States, 28 §2676 COTTON Acreage allotment County and farm allotments, 7 § 1344 COTTON-Continued COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE 1348 Ineligibility for payment, 7 § 1348 Long-staple cotton, 7 § 1347 COUNTIES Prohibited for year beginning Aug. 1, Defined to include parish, 1 § 2 1947, 71341 note State allotment, 7 § 1344 County acreage allotment committees, Crop insurance Transfer of administration of Federal Loans by Commodity Credit Corpora- Loans to farmers, compromise, cancella- Maximum prices for cotton or cotton Price support, 7 §§ 1282 note, 1423, 1441 Marketing quota, proclamation by, 7 CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCE- Conspiracy, Contracts, ceptions, 18 § 431 Exemptions with respect to certain con- Indian contracts for goods and sup- plies, 18 $ 437 War Contracts, 18§ 443 records, 18 $494 Contracts, deeds, and powers of attor- ney, 18 § 495 Military, Naval, or official passes, 18 Possessing and making plates or stones Seals of departments or agencies, 18 Elections and political activities, Coercion by means of relief appropria- ations, 18$598 Account as evidence of embezzlement, Refusal to pay as evidence of embezzle- False personation, 18913 |