CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCE- DURE-Continued Federal credit institution entries, re- in- Loan and credit applications generally; Official certificates or writings, 18 $ 1018 Possession of false papers to defraud Homicide, Protection of officers and employees of Limitations Offenses not capital, 18 § 3282 Loans to farmers, offenses relating to Malicious mischief, Buildings or property within special Government property or contracts, 18 1361 Misprison of felony, 18 § 4 National forest lands, trespass on, 18 § 1863 Obstruction of justice, Influencing or injuring witness before Perjury, Perjury generally, 181621 Petty offenses; application of probation Postal service, Franking privilege, 18 § 1719 Public lands, CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCE- Fires left unattended and unextin- Survey marks destroyed or removed, 18 Timber removed or transported, 18. Timber set afire, 18 § 1855 Trees boxed for pitch or turpentine, 18 § 1854 Trees cut or injured, 18 § 1853 Public officers and employees, Collecting or disbursing officer trading Examiner performing other services, 18 Lobbying with appropriated moneys, Salary of Government officials and em- Speculation in stocks or commodities Receiving stolen property, Trial of person charged before or after Records and reports, Concealment, removal, or mutilation False crop reports, 18 § 2072 False entries and reports of moneys or Officer failing to make returns or re- Robbery and burglary, Personal property of United States, 18 Searches and seizures, Assault or Resistance, 18 § 2231 CROP INSURANCE Fences destroyed; livestock entering, Comparable price, premiums established 18 § 1857 on basis of, 7 § 1508 CROP INSURANCE-Continued Secretary of Agriculture, administra- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Designation of employees or agencies Limitation as to crops and areas, 7 Parity, premiums established on basis of, CROPS 7$ 1508 DEFINITIONS-Continued Departments and establishment, 5$835 Government owned corporations, 31 Excess property, 41 $202 Executive agency, 41 $202 Farm, 42 $1471 Federal agency, 41 § 202 Federal area, 4 § 110 Foreign excess property, 41 § 202 Grade, 5$ 1091 Income tax, 4§ 110 Insane persons, 1§1 Lunatic, 1§1 Marketing year, 7 § 1428 Nonbasic agricultural commodity, 7 $ 1428 DEMONSTRATION WORK DEPOSITORIES 05 867,868 Bureau of Federal Supply, Abolished, functions transferred to Contract Settlement, Office abolished, functions transferred Economic Stabilization Director, approval War Assets Corporation, Ex. Ord. No. DISABLED VETERANS Civil service, entry of name of veteran unable to perform duties on list DISBURSING AND CERTIFYING OF- FICERS Agriculture, cooperation with state, 7 Exemption for liability for advances to $1621 defense relocation corporations, DISBURSING OFFICERS, CLERKS, DISCRIMINATION Relief assistance to foreign countries, DISTILLED SPIRITS Grain, allocation of production of, 50 DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING EDUCATION OF AGRICULTURAL PROD- Agricultural products, more effective uti- UCTS, 71621-1629 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS Farm housing loan litigation, 42 § 1480 Federal credit unions, liquidation, 12 Government owned corporation, appropri- Surplus property, use of foreign cur- Parity price, 7 § 1282 note Agricultural research, 7 §§ 427, 427i Civil service examination restricted to EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION ACT Indebtedness to eligibility for loans un- EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL Action Administrator to enforce compliance 9745 Adjustment of maximum prices, 50 App. Agricultural Adjustment Act, applica- Application, of law, 50 App. § 901 EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL -Continued Competitive bidding, purchases of com- Consultation with Industry Advisory Cotton materials and cotton clothing, 50 Cottonseed, 50 App. § 901a Eggs, 50 App. § 901a Extension Act of 1946, 15 § 713 note; 50 Slaughtering quota or limitation, 50 App. App. 901a, 902, 906, 963 Feed products, 50 App. 901a Fish and seafood considered as agricul- Food, 50 App. § 901a Grade labeling, construction of Act, 50 Temporary controls administrator, trans- App. 902 Grain, 50 App. § 901a Highest price line, regulation or order Imports, removal of maximum prices, 50 Interim administration of certain con- 906 Milk, 50 App. § 901a New commodity, 50 App. § 902 (u) EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL -Continued Parity prices for agricultural commodi- Action by Ádministrator to enforce Product defined, 50 App. § 906 Publication, parity prices, 50 App. § 903 Reestablishment of maximum prices, 50 Regional industry advisory committee, 50 § 963a Soybeans, 50 App. § 901a Standardization of commodity, construc- fer of functions, 50 App. § 601 Trade discounts or markups reduction in Text of act, 50 App. §§ 901, 901a, 902, Executive Orders No. 9328, 9534, 9620, EMPLOYEES |