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2. Create a new Joint Standing Committee on Private Legislation of all types, with an adequate staff: Celler.

3. Grant home rule to the District of Columbia: Benton, Humphrey, Kefauver, Heller, Loeb, Levy, Stone, Van Arkel.

4. Create a Congressional Commission to Study the Devolution of Governmental Functions: Bennett.

5. Reduce workload on Congress by

(a) Avoidance of special investigating committees.

(b) Fewer committee assignments per Member.

(c) Systematic personnel arrangements.

(d) Addition of more staff where needed: Stone.


1. Increase oversight of administration by congressional committees (sec. 136): Murray.

2. Conduct a televised "report and question period" fortnightly in both Houses: Kefauver, Walker.

3. Require committees to review administrative legislation and recommend to Congress disapproval of regulations contrary to legislative intent: Walker. 4. Use the Subcommittee on Senate Investigations as a central investigating body for the Senate: Nobleman. (S. Doc. 51, 82d Cong.)

5. Establish a Joint Legislative Council: Holcombe.


1. Create a Joint Committee on the Budget, with an expert staff (S. 913) : McClellan, Bridges, Taft, Atkins.

2. Let the Joint Budget Committee furnish estimates of probable cost of proposed authorizations: Bridges, Schoeppel.

3. Let the Joint Budget Committee make a study of existing authorizations to see if any could be repealed: Bridges.

4. Consolidate all the general appropriation bills (S. Con. Res. 27): Bridges, Butler (Nebraska), Humphrey, Saltonstall, Atkins.


5. Require a record vote on all appropriation bills (H. Res. 119): and on all committee amendments offered thereto: Atkins, A. L. Miller. 6. Include cost estimates in committee reports (S. Con. Res. 2): Ferguson, Atkins, Schoeppel.

7. Authorize President to veto individual items in general appropriation bills (H. J. Res. 24; H. R. 492): Keating, Multer, Humphrey, Saltonstall, Atkins. 8. Establish a permanent Congressional Commission on Government Efficiency and Economy (H. R. 1402): Rees.

9. Increase expert staffs of Appropriations Committees: Douglas, Ferguson, Humphrey.

10. Make greater use of the facilities of the General Accounting Office: Ferguson.

11. Require amendments offered to appropriation bills to specify where the money shall come from: Furcolo.

12. Reduce the number of appropriations; break each appropriation down into subheads; and empower Budget Bureau to sanction transfers between subheads: Wilmerding.

13. Appoint a single accountable officer in each department to prepare and defend the appropriation accounts: Wilmerding.

14. Let the appropriation accounts be audited for Congress by an audit department completely independent of the Executive: Wilmerding.

15. Establish a Public Accounts Committee to receive and review the Auditor General's report: Wilmerding.

16. Start the fiscal year October 1 instead of July 1: McClellan.


1. Clarify scope of application of lobby law: Frazier.

2. Delete the words "principal" and "principally" in section 307 of title III: Zeller.

3. Require lobbyists before executive agencies to register and report: Lane, Zeller.

4. Require groups engaged in "indiret lobbying" to register and report: Lane, Zeller.

5. Authorize withdrawal of registrations of persons who have stopped lobbying: Lane, Frazier.

6. Extend exemption granted under section 308 of the lobby law to include radio, television, and facsimile: Lane, Zeller.

7. Exempt organizations receiving and spending less than $1,000 a year, directly or indirectly, from lobby law: Lane, Zeller.

8. Amend section 305 to require reporting of contributions of $100 or more: Lane.

9. Require lobbyists to give names and addresses of contributors of $500 or more: Zeller.

10. Require lobbyists to report campaign contributions: Benton.

11. Amend the lobby law to require an allocation of payments into lobbying and nonlobbying categories: Lane.

12. Require a statement of total expenditures of organizations engaged in influencing legislation, broken down into broad categories, with legislative expenditures itemized: Zeller.

13. Require quarterly listing of name and address of each recipient of an expenditure of $50 or more (sec. 305, a4): Zeller.

14. Prohibit payment of contingent fees to lobbyists: Lane, Zeller, Buchanan committee.

15. Require lobbying organizations to file statement of their bona fide total membership: Zeller.

16. Require lobbying organizations to state how their legislative policy was determined and to indicate the responsibility of their agents: Zeller.

17. Deny the privilege of the floor to ex-Members who are engaged in lobbying: Lane, Loeb.

18. Create a Joint Committee on the Legislative Process to supervise administration of the lobby law and the Corrupt Practices Act: Lane, Zeller, Buchanan committee.

19. File lobby statements in triplicate with Department of Justice, Clerk of House, and supervisory committee: Zeller.

20. Require registrations and reports under lobby law to be filed either with Clerk of House or Secretary of Senate, not with both: Frazier.

21. Simplify the information published quarterly in the Congressional Record under the lobby law, and use one form for filing: Frazier.

22. Do not require notarized oath on registration forms under lobby law: Frazier.


1. Increase congressional salaries: Heller, Ruml, Multer, Stone.

2. Increase compensation of Members of Congress to $15,000 a year (S. 1290): Williams.

3. Increase congressional salaries to a minimum of $25,000 a year: Benton. 4. Establish a Commission on Congressional Salaries (S. 1117): Dirksen, Bridges.

5. Refer the question of adequate salaries for Congressmen and fair retirement allowances to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board: Ruml.

6. Let the President name a commission to study congressional salaries and pensions: Loeb.

7. Repeal tax exemptions allowed Members of Congress and high executive officers (S. 1290): Williams, Pickett.

8. Permit Members of Congress to deduct official expenses in computing their income taxes: Pickett, McClellan,

9. Grant expense allowances to Members of Congress: Multer.

10. Grant more adequate allowances for travel: Walker.

11. Grant allowances to enable Senators to travel abroad: Wilcox.

12. Increase retirement allowances for Members: Benton, Heller.

13. Amend section 602 to base retirement allowances on length of service in Congress rather than on age, with 12 years' service a minimum condition: Bridges.

14. Provide an alternative option of retirement under title VI at age 55, with appropriate reduction in annuity: Bridges.

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15. Permit former Members of Congress to participate in the Federal retirement system: O'Connor, Nye, and Bulow.


1. Amend Constitution to provide that term of office of Representatives shall be 4 years, with half the House selected each biennium: Lea.

2. Four-year term for Representatives: Case, Multer.

3. Limit first term of Senators to 2 years: Furcolo.

4. Consider methods of fixing a future age limit on service in Congress: Bridges.

5. Equalize the size of constituencies in the House of Representatives: Walker.


1. Repeal congressional immunity section of the Constitution (Article I, section 6) Hunt.

2. Amend title 28 of United States Code to allow damage suits by persons defamed by Members of Congress (H. R. 2130): Denton, Hunt, Walker.

3. Provide that no Senator or Representative shall be immune from civil liability for any defamatory statement inserted in the Congressional Record (H. R. 3440): Celler.

4. Make it unlawful for any Member of Congress to receive or accept any part of the salary of his employees (H. R. 451): Burdick.

5. Amend the Corrupt Practices Act to cover receipts and, expenditures in primary campaigns, and to check smear methods of compaigning: Morse.

6. Require certain members of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the Government to disclose the amounts and sources of their income (S. 561): Morse, Loeb.

7. Forbid persons registered under the Lobby Law to distribute literature under congressional franks: Deane.

8. Limit distribution of franked matter to a Member's district or State: Deane.

9. Limit distribution of franked matter in proportion to the population of a congressional district or State: Deane.

10. Assign a monthly quota for free distribution of franked matter: A. L. Miller.

11. Find a formula for maintaining confidential character of congressional documents (sec. 202d): Meader.

12. Regulate nepotism: A. L. Miller.


1. Consolidate the several leadership groups in each House into one truly effective and responsible leadership committee for each party: Humphrey, Gross (APSA), Holcombe, Loeb, Stone.

2. Make the party leadership committees in each House responsible for: (a) Regular meetings of party membership.

(b) Submitting policy proposals to party membership.

(c) Selection of committee chairmen.

(d) Assignment of members to committees.

(e) Planning the legislative schedule: Gross (APSA), Loeb, Stone, Humphrey.

3. Establish party policy committees in the House of Representatives: Ruml, Smith.

4. Place more responsibility upon the party caucus and party steering committees: Walker.

5. As regards seniority:

(a) Abandon or modify seniority rule in committee appointments: Burdette, Walker.

(b) Let party caucuses elect chairmen of standing committees: Holcombe. (c) Provide for the democratic selection of chairmen and members of committees: Sifton.

(d) Appoint standing committee chairmen on some other basis than seniority: Henderson, Stone.

6. Translate party platform pledges into legislation action: Multer.

7. Give priority in legislative scheduling to implementation of party platform promises: Henderson.


1. Have the Library of Congress make a study of the public relations of Congress, under auspices of Joint Committee on the Library: Benton.

2. Televise public hearings of congressional committees: Kefauver.

3. Make committee hearings available to American people through radio and television: Wilcox.

4. Broadcast and televise inportant House sessions, via commercial broadcasting companies, subject to a code of ethics (H. Res. 62): Javits.

5. Experiment with broadcasting and televising important debates: Humphrey, A. L. Miller.


6. Adopt a planned program of televising selected committee hearings, with a code of fair practices (S. Res. 106): Wiley.

7. Broadcast and televise all sessions of both Houses, and selected committee hearings, via Nation-wide networks owned and operated by Congress: Sifton.

8. Provide facilities for making motion-picture films for use in television stations in home States: Benton.

9. Arrange the sessions of Congress so as to have more frequent recesses: Walker.

10. Arrange for a regular congressional recess, during first session of each Congress, from July 1 to September 15: McCarthy (Minnesota).

11. Provide for adjournment of Congress during April, August, and September in odd-numbered years (H. R. 6180, 81-1): Celler.

12. Make the Daily Digest section of the Congressional Record separately available for public sale: Riddick.

13. Phrase the titles of bills and resolutions so as to summarize their objectives and contents: Riddick.

14. Include at end of each printed edition of a bill a digest of its objectives and contents: Riddick.

15. Print periodically a full history of legislation pending before both Houses: Riddick.


1. Arrange for a general revision of the standing rules of the Senate: Morse, Humphrey.

2. Adopt a rule of relevancy' in Senate debate: Hendrickson, Lehman, Morse, Douglas, Humphrey, Heller.

3. Adopt an improved cloture rule in the Senate: Walker.

4. Provide for majority cloture on all matters before the Senate (S. Res. 41): Morse, Humphrey, Gross (APSA), Heller, Loeb, Stone, Burdette.

5. Amend the Senate cloture rule (S. Res. 105): Lehman and 10 other Senators; Loeb (ADA), Henderson.

6. Amend rule XIX of the Senate standing rules (re disorder in debate) so as to permit the Chair or the Senate to rule upon its violation: Lehman.

7. Hold committee meetings and Senate sessions on alternate days: Ferguson, McClellan, Morse, Sifton.

8. Vote by electricity in the House: Davis (Wisconsin), Bennett (Florida), Denton, Kefauver, Heller, Walker.

9. Vote by electricity in both Houses: Humphrey, Miller, Sifton, Stone. 10. Limit power of House Rules Committee over legislation which may be considered from the the calendar: Walker.

11. Restore the "21-day rule" in the House of Representatives: Holifield, Heller, Loeb.

12. Liberalize the present House rule concerning the discharge of committees from further consideration of bills: Walker.

13. Reduce required number of signatures on House discharge petitions from 218 to 150 (H. Res. 59): Sabath, Holifield.

14. Require House Appropriations Committee to hold open hearings: Stone. 15. Hold joint hearings on identical or similar bills: McClellan, Sparkman, Furcolo, Holifield, Multer, Riddick, Sifton, Walker.

16. Hold joint hearings on departmental appropriation bills: Saltonstall.

17. Abolish riders on appropriation and other bills: Walker.

18. Abolish or limit the practice of pairing: Walker.

19. Add the following sentence to the rule limiting the power of conferees (sec. 135):

"It is hereby expressly provided that this paragraph shall be deemed to include reports on measures where one House has struck out all after the enacting or resolving clause and inserted a substitute."


1. Establish an Office of Congressional Services to coordinate the housekeeping facilities of Congress and modernize methods of personnel administration: Heller, Burdette, Kammerer.

2. Modernize methods of office management: Kammerer.

3. Appoint a business manager to rationalize housekeeping services of Congress: Kammerer.

4. Abandon antiquated patronage system on Capitol Hill: Kammerer.

5. Improve facilities of Senate Office Building for radio and television: Wilcox.

6. Provide more adequate office space for Senate committees: Wilcox; and for Senators: Bridges.

7. Improve labor-saving devices, mimeograph facilities, and restaurant services in the Capitol and Senate Office Building: Bridges.

8. Survey the facilities and needs of the Service and Duplicating Department of the Senate:


9. Increase telephone and stationery allowances for Senators: Bridges. GEORGE B. GALLOWAY, Consultant.

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