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Mr. SCHMIDT. Now, Mr. Corey, at the time you approached Mr. Richards about the possibility of this Diamond Lumber Co. warehouse being available for lease, did you approach him as a possible tenant or as a possible partner to go into the grain storage business?

Mr. COREY. As a possible tenant.

Mr. SCHMIDT. And you had been previously contacted by Mr. Gould?

Mr. COREY. That is right.

Mr. SCHMIDT. Now, did you receive a check dated November 6, 1956, in the sum of $3,295 from Diamond Lumber Co. ?

Mr. COREY. I can't say about the date, Mr. Chairman, but there was a check mailed to me which I never cashed.

Mr. SCHMIDT. Do you still have that check?

Mr. COREY. No. Well, I guess maybe it is around some place. I packed the thing around for a number of months not knowing just exactly what to do with it, about wore it out, and then I put it away where I would know where it is and the thing is—well, I just can't find it here at the moment, and I don't know where it is.

Mr. SCHMIDT. Isn't this a 5 percent arrangement under the first year's lease rental of $65,900 and was made to you as a finder's fee for getting a tenant for this company?

Mr. COREY. Well, the statement here shows that it is a 5 percent finder's fee. However, there was no request on my part and there was no understanding that I would receive anything.

Mr. SCHMIDT. We would like to put into the record this statement or ledger sheet from the books of the Diamond Lumber Co., Portland branch, 323 Pittock Block, Portland 5, Oreg., voucher No. 9243, check No. 9360, 11-6-56, to Earl Corey, Inc., 1717 Southwest Park Avenue, Portland, Oreg.

"Gentlemen: The enclosed check is in settlement of items shown below. If correct, no acknowledgment is desired."

The description is 5 percent of first year's rent from L. M. Smith, $65,900 at 5 percent. That amounts to $3,295.

(The document referred to follows:)

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