1/10/66 CHAPTER 1. PROGRAM OBJECTIVE AND FUNDS SECTION 1. PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND OF PROGRAM PURPOSE. This handbook sets forth the policies, procedures and guidelines for administering the Federal-aid Airport Program. This program has been established by the FAA to carry out the provisions of Section 4 (a) of the Federal Airport Act (49 U.S.c. 1101) i.e., to make grants of funds to sponsors for airport development to bring about, in conformity with the National Airport Plan, the establishment of a nationwide system of public airports adequate to meet the present and future needs of civil aeronautics. BACKGROUND. Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Federal Airport Act cover There are no regulations specifically covering these sections of the Act and this chapter sets forth policies and procedures in connection with appropriations, contract authorization, and funds. For all practical purposes, appropriations (other than administrative) will be treated in the same manner as contract authority and will not be dealt with separately in this chapter. CONTRACT AUTHORITY. Contract authority is the authority to obligate funds by the execution of Grant Agreements prior to the time such fuds are appropriated by the Congress. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. Section 5(e) of the Act covers administrative expenses of the Federal Aviation Agency, itself, relative to administration of the Federal Airport Act. As used herein, Section 5(e) includes expenses of the character specified in Section 303 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 731). . 8. RESERVED. SECTION 2. PROGRAM FUNDS 5100.1A 1/10/66 9. GENERAL. Since contract authorization is essentially the same as available funds or appropriations, it will be referred to herein as either contract authority or funds. The funds authorized by the Congress for obligation under the Act shall be distributed in the manner set out in Paragraphs 10 through 14. 10. FUNDS AUTHORIZED PRIOR TO P.L. 07-255. Section 5(a) of the Act provides Section 5(b) of the Act provides contract authority for projects outside These authorizations remain available until obligated. Funds appropriated to liquidate these obligations remain available until expended. 11. FUNDS AUTHORIZED BY P.L. 87-255 AND P.L. 88-280. Funds authorized by these laws are distributed as follows: a. b. C. Sections 5(a)(1) and 5(a)(4) Funds. These sections of the amended Act authorize appropriations of $66,500,000 for each fiscal year for projects in the fifty states. Sections 5(a)(2) and 5(a)(5) Funds. These sections authorize appropriations in addition to the amounts authorized by Sections 5(a)(1), 5(a)(3), 5(a)(4) and 5(a)(6), of $1,500,000 for each fiscal year for projects in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Funds authorized under these sections are divided as follows: 40 per cent for Hawaii, 40 per cent for Puerto Rico and 20 per cent for the Virgin Islands. Sections 5(a)(3) and 5(a)(6) Funds. These sections authorize appropriations of $7,000,000 for each of the fiscal years for the purpose of developing in the several states, airports the primary purpose |