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of the President, in his official report, was taken up for consideration and the general subject of the relation of Conferences to the Ministerium was very fully discussed.

The Treasurer presented a statement of the condition of the Treasury.

The President appointed the following Committee to attend the funeral of the Rev. B. E. Kramlich: Revs. H. A. Weller, S. L. Harkey, D.D., F. K. Huntzinger, H. S. Fegley, J. J. Cressman and C. J. Cooper, D.D.

The President announced that at 2 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon, the ordination would take place of the two candidates who had been examined by the Examining Committee and recommended for ordination.

Synod adjourned with prayer by the Rev. H. Grahn, D.D.


Wednesday, January 3, 1900, 2 p. m.

The session was opened with devotional service conducted by the Rev. Geo. Gebert. The minutes were read and approved. The roll was called and the presence of clerical and lay delegates noted, as presented in the Roll of the Ministerium, in connection with the first session.

The consideration of the subject, pending at the time of adjournment this morning, was resumed and further discussed. After a protracted discussion of the general subject, it was

Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to inquire into the sources of our difficulties under the existing methods of administration, and, if found advisable, to make such recommendations to the regular meeting of Synod, as in their judgment would remove the difficulties.

Resolved, That this Committee, of which the President of the Ministerium shall be the Chairman, shall consist of five clergymen and five laymen.

Synod adjourned to meet at 9.30 a. m., tomorrow. Prayer was offered by the Rev. S. A. Repass, D.D.


Wednesday, January 3, 1900, 8 p. m.

A special service was held on Wednesday evening in St. Mark's church, which was conducted by the officers of the Ministerium, and in connection with which the following addresses, in English, were delivered, to wit: "Retrospect of the Past Century," by Rev. Prof. H. E. Jacobs, D.D., LL.D., and "The Prospect in the Coming Century," by the Rev. Theodore E. Schmauk, D.D.


Thursday, January 4, 1900, 9.30 a. m.

The session was opened with devotional service conducted by the Rev. H. C. Wasmund. The minutes were read and approved.

The order of the day was taken up for consideration and the "ByLaws for Congregations" were discussed. After a protracted discussion of the proposed "By-Laws," it was, on motion of the Rev. Dr. Spaeth,

Resolved, That the further consideration of these "By-Laws" be postponed until the next regular meeting of Synod.

On motion of the Rev. Dr. Fry it was

Resolved, That the "Report of the Board of Presidents," of 1898, be taken up for discussion, item by item.

The report was read and considered. Pending the consideration, Synod adjourned.

On motion of the Rev. Dr. J. Fry, the time of final adjournment was fixed at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

Adjourned with prayer by the Rev. D. H. Reiter.


Thursday, January 4, 1900, 2.30 p. m.

The formal opening of the session was preceded at 2 o'clock by the ordination of Messrs. Paul Ludwig, pastor-elect at Burlingame, Pa., and Viggo J. A. C. Mengers, pastor-elect of the Danish congregation in Philadelphia. The service was conducted by the President of the Ministerium, the act of ordination performed by the officers of the same, and the Lord's Supper administered to the newly-ordained by the President and Treasurer, after which the service was closed according to the form of the Communion Service.

At 2.30 p.m. the President called the convention to order. Prayer was offered by the Rev. J. H. Waidelich. The minutes were read and approved.

The consideration of the report of the Board of Presidents was resumed. After some discussion, on motion of the Rev. Dr. Schantz, Resolved, That the further consideration of this report be postponed until the next regular convention of the Ministerium.

The Rev. F. Wischan read the report of the Committee on the Distribution of Minutes.

The report was received and, on motion, referred to the next convention of the Ministerium for consideration and action.

The following resolutions were adopted:

Resolved, That the minutes of this convention be reported to the next regular convention of the Ministerium.

Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered to the pastor and

congregation of St. Mark's church for the use of the church building. Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered to the reporters of the Philadelphia papers for their reports.

The following

REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON EXCUSES. was presented and adopted. This Committee reports:

1. That the following named members of this Synod have given satisfactory reasons for non-attendance at this special convention, and we recommend that they be excused: Revs. B. Sadtler, D.D., J. B. Fox, S. L. Harkey, D.D., Prof. F. K. Bernd, M. J. Kramlich, W. C. L. Lauer, A. L. Ramer, Ph.D., E. M. Beysher, V. J. Bauer, J. W. Early, W. M. Rehrig, Ph.D., J. W. Knapp, Ph.D., W. W. Kramlich, F. Berkemeyer and F. Walz.

Likewise those who were in attendance at most of the sessions of this convention and have given valid reasons for their departure, be excused, viz: Revs. Dr. T. L. Seip and H. F. J. Seneker.

2. We recommend that the aged members, not in attendance be excused.

3. We recommend that the Foreign Missionaries, who are members of this body, be excused.

4. The Committee cannot recommend the other absentees who have not sent any or proper reasons to be excused, especially those who reside within one hundred miles of the place where this special meeting of the Ministerium has been held:



The convention adjourned according to the formula for the closing of Synods.


English Secretary.




Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium

of Pennsylvania and Adjacent States,



The Revs. A. Spaeth, D. D.. LL.D., and G. C. Eisenhardt, Pastors,


June 7th to 13th, 1900.

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