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Subpart 1-Basic Labor Policies

12.000 Scope of Part. This Part (i) deals with general policies regarding labor, insofar as they relate to procurement, (ii) sets forth certain pertinent labor laws and requirements, indicating in connection with each its applicability and any procedures thereunder, and (iii) prescribes contract clauses. (This Part does not apply to any matter or agreement arising under Executive Order 10988 or to any related authority governing Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service.)

12.101 Labor Relations. It is NASA policy to maintain and encourage the best possible relations with industry and labor in order that the Government may procure needed supplies and services without delay. All problems arising out of labor relations of private contractors and all communications with labor organizations or Federal agencies relative thereto will be handled in accordance with procedures which are consistent with the following general policy.

(a) NASA contracting officers, in taking any of the actions prescribed or authorized in this Part 12, will consult with and secure advice from the labor relations advisor or other NASA offical assigned such function at the installation concerned.

(b) NASA officials will remain impartial in, and will refrain from taking a position on the merits of, a dispute between labor and private management and will not undertake the conciliation, mediation, or arbitration of a labor dispute. NASA must, however, take any action that may be open to it under the circumstances to protect the Government's interest and to prevent, where possible, interruptions in NASA schedules.

(c) NASA will, insofar as is practicable, exchange information concerning labor matters with other affected Government agencies in order to maintain a uniform Government labor policy in a particular plant or labor-management dispute.

(d) NASA officials will not take any independent action with respect to labor matters which involve major policy determinations which have a substantial impact on the activities of NASA or other Government agencies without the prior approval of the Director, Office of Industrial Relations (Code QL). A full report concerning any labor relations problem, particularly where a labor dispute significantly threatens to affect important NASA procurement, should be furnished to the Director, Office of Industrial Relations, in accordance with 12.101-2.

(e) The Director, Office of Industrial Relations will take action in connection with labor relations problems consistent with his responsibilities, for example:

(i) giving notice of the existence of a labor dispute, which affects or threatens to affect procurement of supplies or services, to the Government agency which has responsibility for conciliation, mediation, arbitration, or other action with respect thereto;

(ii) advising the Government agency responsible for action with respect to labor disputes, or the parties to a labor dispute, of factual information pertaining to procurement of the supplies or services involved to the extent consistent with security regulations; or



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