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ancient ANDREW ANDREW LANG animal anthropological anthropologists Apollo Arcadian Artemis Aryan Asvins Australian Bart beasts Brassey Cabinet Edition cited civilised Cronos Crown 8vo Custom and Myth dances Dawn Demeter Demeter Erinnys disease of language E. A. Freeman English Essays etymology evidence explain fetish fire Fire-walk folk-etymology Frazer GEORGE GERALD LASCELLES goddess gods Greek Hirpi hypothesis Illus Illustrations Indian JAMES legend Lettish Library Edition LL.D logical Loki LORD M.A. Crown 8vo Mannhardt Maori Maps Märchen Maui Max Müller meaning Moon Mount Soracte Müller's method mythologists mythology natural Nistinares old colours Origin of Death phenomena philological philological method Plates POEMS poetical Political Popular Edition Portrait Poseidon Professor Tiele races Religion riddle rite Sanskrit Saranyu savage says scholars Science solar myths STANFORD stones tale Text theory Tiele's tions totem Translated trations tribes Tuna Tylor UNIVERSITY Veda Vedic Verse vols WILLIAM words Yama
Popular passages
Page xxiii - Our little systems have their day; They have their day and cease to be; They are but broken lights of thee, And thou, O Lord, art more than they.
Page 213 - INSECTS AT HOME : a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits and Transformations. With 700 Illustrations.
Page 210 - THE ROOTS OF THE MOUNTAINS, wherein is told somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale, their Friends, their Neighbours, their Foemen, and their Fellows-in-Arms. Written in Prose and Verse. Square cr. 8vo, 8s. A TALE OF THE HOUSE OF THE WOLFINGS, and all the Kindreds of the Mark.
Page 204 - THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES. Classified and Arranged so as to Facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Composition. By PETER MARK ROGET, MD, FRS Recomposed throughout, enlarged and improved, partly from the Author's Notes, and with a full Index, by the Author's Son, JOHN LEWIS ROGET. Crown 8vo., IDS.
Page 206 - Rich. — A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES. By A. RICH, BA With 2000 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo., js.
Page 194 - May.— THE CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND since the Accession of George III. 1760-1870. By Sir THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, KCB (Lord Farnborough). 3 vols. Crown 8vo.
Page 219 - Rossetti. - A SHADOW OF DANTE : being an Essay towards studying Himself, his World and his Pilgrimage.
Page 215 - ALERTE': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., y.
Page 213 - STRANGE DWELLINGS: a Description of the Habitations of Animals, abridged from ' Homes without Hands '. With 60 Illustrations.