of the Public Debt HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON GENERAL CREDIT CONTROL AND DEBT MANAGEMENT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT. SECOND SESSION PURSUANT TO Section 5 (A) of Public Law 304 (79th Congress) 97308 MARCH 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, Printed for the use of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report HG181 1952 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE ECONOMIC REPORT JOSEPH C. O'MAHONEY, Wyoming, Chairman Statement of: Page Appleby, Paul, dean of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public 573 Bell, James Washington, chairman, Department of Economics, 911 Bryan, Malcolm, president, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta- Cook, H. Earl, member Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, accompanied by E. H. Cramer and L. L. Robertson, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation--- Economists' National Committee on Monetary Policy, New York, a 940 Fennelly, John F., Investment Bankers Association of America, ac- companied by Robert Craft, vice president, Guaranty Trust Co. Folsom, Marion B., Chairman, Board of Trustees, Committee for Eco- 291 Harris, Seymour E., professor of economics, Harvard University--- 355, 380 Hemingway, W. L., American Bankers Association_ 324 Kemmerer, Donald L., professor of American economic history, 926 143, Keyserling, Leon H., chairman, Council of Economic Advisers_ 154, 185, 269 Lanston, Aubrey G., president, accompanied by Leroy M. Piser, vice president in charge of research, Aubrey G. Lanston & Co., Inc---- Martin, William McC., Jr., Chairman, Board of Governors of the Pollock, Dr. James K., professor of political science and chairman of 584 463 928 Robinson, Leland Rex, professor of political economy, New York Uni- 932 Shanks, Carrol M., president of Prudential Insurance Co. of America, and chairman, committee on inflation control of the American Life Convention and the Life Insurance Association of America____ Snyder, John W., Secretary of the Treasury, accompanied by mem- 7, 45 Sproul, Allan, president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York__ Trant, James B., dean, College of Commerce, and professor of money and banking, Louisiana State University (submitted) - Wiggins, A. L. M., chairman, board of directors, Atlantic Coast Line 506 296 219, 235 |