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Support Service Contractors

AMFMS had seven support service contracts with funding of $7.3 million as of July 1989. The contracts were in the following


--The Engineering and Facilities Management Branch has one support service contract for $150,000 to assist SAN with utilities management at DOE facilities.

--The Management Information Systems and Telecommunications Division had two support service contractors with contracts valued at about $6 million.

--The Grants and Business Services Division had four support contractors: one at $800,000 for mailroom and motor pool operation; one at $70,000 for two-year monitoring of weatherization grants; one at $45,000 for entering data into the grants computer data base system; and one at $240,000 for engineering reviews of institutional conservation grant applications from Federal Region IV and IX State grantees.


AMFMS advises the Manager in areas such as automated data processing management, construction, telecommunications, utilities, personal property and equipment, and real estate acquisition as well as in any other areas in which the Assistant Manager may have had relevant information and expertise. According to SAN officials, 42 of the 60 staff in AMFMS are dedicated to M&O contractor oversight.


AMFMS provides support on the administration of grants and other financial assistance programs as well as in the review and approval of real estate and utility improvements and procurements.


AMFMS supports internal computer and telecommunications systems and mail, files, policy development and coordination, travel, and parking administration.


Personal Property Surveys

The Grants and Business Services Division experienced complete turnover of its property management staff during the past several years, including a period of several months when all positions were vacant. In August 1989, 1.5 staff were responsible for overseeing $1.2 billion in personal property under SAN cognizance. There was also a backlog of 90 personal property reviews, including 13 reviews of major contractors.


We recommend that the SAN Manager determine and secure the support necessary to conduct personal property reviews according to DOE Property Management Regulations.

The SAN Manager concurred with our recommendation stating that SAN has already doubled its staff to 3 full time equivalents in response to our inspection.

Property and Property Management Clause

LLNL and LBL property management contract clauses do not include standard DEAR language that requires compliance with DOE Property Management Regulations. The clauses include the concept of mutuality. Thus, SAN officials cannot change the LLNL and LBL property management systems without LLNL and LBL officials agreement. Although headquarters procurement officials concurred with the property management contract clauses in the LLNL and LBL contracts, they concluded that the clause was a "very abbreviated and weakened version of the standard DEAR clause." They also observed that strengthening this clause would assist SAN oversight in property management.


We recommend that the SAN Manager include the standard DEAR property management clause in future LLNL and LBL contracts and all other new or extended M&O contracts under SAN cognizance.

The SAN Manager concurred with this recommendation.

Property Management System

A May 1988 headquarters procurement report includes a statement that LLNL, LBL and SLAC were operating without approved property management systems. At the time of our review, SAN officials still had not approved these laboratories' property systems.


We recommend that the SAN Manager ensure that approved property management systems exist at all M&O contractor sites under SAN cognizance.

The SAN Manager concurred with our recommendation and stated that SAN officials have proceeded with steps to assure that property management systems, approved by DOE are in place. Specifically at LLNL, new property management procedures have been drafted, as well as procedures formalizing walk-through inspections of property. These procedures are being reviewed by SAN officials. SAN is pursuing similar results from its other M&O contractors.




The Office of the Assistant Manager for Energy Programs (AMEP) is responsible for the overall planning and management of SAN nondefense energy programs and projects. These activities include nuclear energy, renewable energy, magnetic fusion, basic energy sciences, and other energy research programs. The obligational availability for AMEP totalled approximately $754.4 million in FY 1989. In addition, AMEP was responsible for approximately $111.2 million in reimbursable work for others (Federal and non-Federal). AMEP has operational cognizance over the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL), the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC), the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), and several other smaller program-dedicated laboratories.



The AMEP mission is stated in the headquarters approved SAN organization document. AMEP is responsible for overseeing the management, implementation, and administration of all nondefense energy research and development programs assigned to SAN. Major programs include those listed above in the introduction. AMEP maintains a site presence at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), LBL, SLAC, and selected other programdedicated laboratories.


AMEP functions, by division, are:

Nuclear Energy Division

The Nuclear Energy Division manages and implements fission reactor, nuclear fuel-cycle, nuclear waste management, and space nuclear energy research, development, and demonstration programs assigned to SAN for execution by DOE headquarters.

Conservation and Renewable Energy Division

The Conservation and Renewable Energy Division provides all technical and program management functions for the conservation and renewable energy programs and projects assigned to SAN. Energy conservation programs include the Buildings and Community Systems Programs and the Multisector Programs. The renewable energy programs include Solar Research and Development, Geothermal Research and Development and Loan Guaranty, and Energy Storage Systems Research and Development.

Energy Research Division

The Energy Research Division manages DOE Office of Energy Research programs assigned to SAN and provides institutional management of LBL; the Laboratory of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, University of California-Los Angeles; the Laboratory of Environmental Health Research, University of California-Davis; and the Laboratory of Radiobiology and Environmental Health, University of California-San Francisco. Energy program areas include high energy physics, nuclear physics, magnetic fusion, basic energy sciences, biomedical and environmental research, university research support, and small business innovative research. The Division also serves as the SAN contact point with the DOE headquarters Office of Energy Research.

Laser Isotope Separation Division

The Laser Isotope Separation Division supports DOE and SAN missions and goals to ensure that assigned laser isotope separation programs and projects at LLNL are properly managed and successfully completed within the technical, cost, and schedule baselines. Present assignments include a demonstration program to enrich uranium with the Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation Technology (U-AVLIS).

Stanford Site Office

The Stanford Site Office provides onsite management and institutional management of SLAC and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL). Both SLAC and SSRL are major international facilities encompassing complex, high technology activities that may achieve first-of-a-kind advances in the areas of high energy physics, nuclear physics, and basic energy sciences.


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