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This form and, when continuation sheets are necessary, Standard Form 120a shall be used to report excess personal property in accordance with Personal Property Management Regulation No.3 and to make amendment or withdrawal of prior reports.

Reports shall be confined to property at one location constituting a single commodity group, as defined in detailed instructions below. Contractor inventory, reimbursable property, and nonreimbursable

property shall not be included on the same report but shall be the subject of separate reports.

Legal restrictions (including patent) on the power of the holding agency to dispose of property being reported excess shall be fully explained in the listing of such items.

Reports shall be submitted in the number of copies required by Personal Property Management Regulation No. 3


No. of Pages. Enter here total number of pages in the report. 1. Report Number. Insert the serial number of the report and any other identifying number or symbol the reporting agency may desire. If the report is an amendment or withdrawal of a prior report, the prior report number shall be entered followed by the letter (a), (b), or (c), etc. to identify the respective successive amending and withdrawing reports.

2. Date Mailed. Insert the date the report is mailed (not date on which prepared).

3. Total Cost. Insert the sum of all amounts shown in column. (h) of the property listing except that, when reporting an adjustment or withdrawal of a prior report, the net amount by which the "Total Cost" of the prior report is increased or decreased shall be entered followed, respectively, by the letters "Inc." or "Dec."

4. Type of Report. Indicate the type of report by inserting an (X) in the appropriate box. If the report is an amendment or withdrawal of a prior report enter the number and date of mailing such prior report in 4A. In preparing such reports observe the following:

a. If the report amends a prior report, each line item amended shall be restated under its original consecutive line item number in column (a) and as it should be in columns (b) through (j). b. If the report withdraws in part a prior report the line items withdrawn shall be restated in columns (a) through (c) as they appeared in the original report. The word "withdrawn" should be written across the remaining columns (d) through (j). c. If the report withdraws in total a prior report the word "withdrawn" should be written across columns (a) through (j) of the Excess Property List.

d. The amount by which the "Total Cost" of the prior report is increased or decreased by the amending or withdrawing report shall be entered in box 3 as an "Inc." or "Dec." amount, respectively.

5. To. Enter name and address of the executive agency and office to which the report, in accordance with Personal Property Management Regulation No. 3, is to be made.

6. From. Enter the name and address of the Federal agency or department, and bureau, office, or other subdivision making the report.

7. Location of Property. Give the warehouse, building, or other specific location and the address at which the property is located.

8. Custodian. Enter name, address, and telephone number of the custodian of the property. If the property is in the custody of another agency enter also the name of such agency. 9. Rail Carrier. Indicate by (X) in appropriate box whether location is served by rail carrier. If so, enter name of carrier. Any clear, commonly understood abbreviation may be used. 10. Further Information Contact. Enter name, title, address, and telephone number of the person who may be contacted for further information about the property.

11. Send Purchase Orders To. Give name, address, and telephone number of the person, or office, to whom purchase orders are to be sent.

12. If the property is at a location to be abandoned give date for such abandonment. If located on excess realty indicate such fact by an (X) in the appropriate square.

13. Reimbursable. Indicate by (X) in appropriate box whether the property is or is not reimbursable and if reimbursable enter the appropriation symbol and title or the name and address of the Government corporation to receive the net proceeds from disposition. 14. Contractor Inventory. Indicate whether the property is or is not contractor inventory.

15. Report Approved By. Type the name and title of the person authorized to approve the report by signature on the original copy.

16. Commodity Group Number. Enter the number of the following commodity group to which the property being reported belongs. (In cases of uncertainty as to the correct category in which to report certain items, the reporting office shall make the determination, using its best judgment and such information as is available, including a visual inspection when feasible):

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Agricultural products, including animals, foodstuffs, and related products and manufactures.

10.. Crude and basic materials, including ores, coal, petroleum, oila, chemicals, and metals.

11.1 Miscellaneous materials and supplies. 11.2 Miscellaneous equipment.

17. Excess Property List. For the purpose of this list a line item of property shall consist of a single unit of property or a number of identical units each of which meets the descriptions in columns (b) through (e), (g), (i), and (j).

(a) Item. Enter the consecutive number' of the line items in the report, beginning with number one for the first line item on the first page.

For example, if 10 line items are being reported excess and there is room for only 6 on the first page of the report they will be given consecutive numbers "(1)" through "(6)" on the first page of the report and the remaining 4 line items will be given consecutive numbers (7)" through "(10)" on the continuation sheet. Leave, a blank line space across all columns between line items.

(b) Description. In this column describe each line item in commercial terms and in sufficient detail to permit transfer or sale without further reference to the holding agency. Stock numbers and prefixes, manufacturer's part number, and standard catalog reference numbers should be stated. The condition of the most important components of an item should be noted. Specify the type of container or package and the quantities in each.

(c) S. C. C. Code. The Standard Commodity Classification code may be entered in this column as additional descriptive identification of a line item.

(d) Cond. Code. Enter the appropriate letter and number code combination taken from the following code system:

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Used-repairs required


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Good Fair Poor

Items of no further value for use as originally intended but of possible value other than as scrap.

If condition of a line item cannot be adequately described by code, describe condition in column (5).

(e) Unit. Enter the unit of measure, such as: Each, pounds, tons, dozen, gross, etc. Distinguish between long, short, and metric tons. Standard abbreviations may be used. (f) Number of Units. Enter the quantity of each line item in terms of the unit of measure given in column (e).

(g) Acquisition Cost-Per Unit. Enter the recorded acquisi. tion cost per unit (Column (e)). If acquisition cost is not known, enter the estimated original cost per unit excluding transportation and handling charges incurred after purchase. Identify an esti mated cost by the prefix (E).

(h) Acquisition Cost-Total. Enter the computed total cost of each line item (number of units in column (f) times the cost per unit in column (g)).

(i) Fair Value--Code. Insert the following fair value letter code which describes the fair value condition of the property. Code Fair Value Condition





"New excellent" means unused personal property, ready for use in a
condition identical with new items delivered by a supplier.
"Usable--without repairs means personal property which has been
used and requires no reconditioning or repair; and property which,
although unused and requiring no reconditioning or repair, does not
qualify for Code A.

Usable minor repairs required" means personal property requiring
minor repeirs, to put into usable condition, whether used or unused.
"All other means property requiring major repairs, conversion, or
rehabilitation, and all other items which through deterioration, obso-
lescence, or other factors do not fit Codes A, B, or C and includes scrap
and salvage.

(j) Fair Value-Per Unit. Enter the fair value per unit determined by applying the following percentages to the base price (current delivered market price, new; or acquisition cost) arrived at in accordance with Personal Property Management Regulation No. 3 Percentage of Base Price 50%

Fair Value


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(March 26, 1948, 13 F. R. 1623)


Whereas section 12 (i) of the joint resolution of Congress approved November 4, 1939, provides in part as follows (54 Stat. 11; 22 U. S. C. A. 452 (1));

"The President is hereby authorized to proclaim upon recommendation of the [National Munitions Control] Board from time to time a list of articles which shall be considered arms, ammunition, and implements of war for the purposes of

this section

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Now, therefore, I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the said joint resolution of Congress, and pursuant to the recommendation of the National Munitions Control Board, and in the interest of the foreign affairs functions of the United States, hereby declare and proclaim that the articles listed below shall, on and after April 15, 1948, be considered arms, ammunition, and implements of war for the purposes of section 12 of the said joint resolution of Congress:


Rifles, carbines, revolvers, pistols, machine pistols, and machine guns (using ammunition of caliber .22 or over); barrels, mounts, breech mechanisms, and

stocks therefor.


Guns, howitzers, cannon, mortars, and rocket launchers (of all calibers), military flame throwers, military smoke, gas, or pyrotechnic projectors; barrels,

mounts, and other components thereof.

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