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(c) When car is unloaded through leakage continues, further efforts must bottom outlet valve, manhole cover must be made to seat the outlet valve, see be adjusted as follows:

paragraph (f) of this section. If this (1) Screw type. Manhole cover must fails, the cap or reducer must be screwed be put in place, but not entirely screwed up tight and tank must be unloaded down, in order that air may enter tank through the dome. If upon removal of through vent holes in threaded fiange of the outlet cap the outlet chamber is cover.

found to be blocked with frozen liquid (2) Hinged and bolted type. A small or any other matter, replace cap immewooden block should be placed under diately and make careful examination to one edge of cover.

determine that outlet casting has not (3) Interior type. Screw must be been cracked. If the obstruction is not tightened up in yoke so that cover will frozen liquid, the car must be unloaded be brought up within one-half inch of through the dome. If the obstruction closed position.

is frozen liquid and no crack has been (d) When unloading through bottom found in the outlet casting, the car may, outlet of cars equipped with interior if circumstances require it, be unloaded manhole type of covers, and in all cases from the bottom as follows: where unloading is done through the (1) Remove cap and attach unloading manhole (unless special covers are used, connections immediately. Then, before provided with safety-vent opening and opening the valve inside the tank car, tight connection for discharge outlet), apply steam to outside of outlet casting the manhole must be protected against or wrap casting with burlap or other rags entrance of sparks or other sources of and apply hot water to melt the frozen ignition of vapor by asbestos or metal liquid. In any event, top unloading is covers or by being covered and sur- considered safer than bottom unloading. rounded with wet burlap. Burlap must (h) Unloading connections must be be kept damp by replacement or the securely attached to unloading pipes on application of water as needed.

dome or to bottom discharge outlets be(e) Seals or other substances must fore discharge valves are opened. not be thrown into the tank. Also care (1) Tank cars must not be allowed to must be taken to avoid spilling any of stand with unloading connections atthe contents over car or tank.

tached after unloading is completed, and (f) Valve rod handle or control in throughout the entire period of unloaddome must be operated a few times to ing, or while car is connected to unsee that outlet valve in bottom of tank loading device, the car must be attended is on its seat before valve cap is removed. by the unloader.

(g) Valve cap, or reducer when large (1) If necessary to discontinue unoutlet is to be used, must be removed loading a tank car for any reason, all with suitable wrench after set screws are unloading connections must be disconloosened and a pail is placed in position nected. All valves must first be tightly to catch any liquid that may be in out- closed, and the closures of all other let chamber. I valve cap or reducer openings securely applied. does not unscrew easily, it must be (k) As soon as a tank car is comtapped lightly with mallet or wooden pletely unloaded, all valves must be made block in an upward direction. If leak- tight, the unloading connections must age shows upon starting the removal, be removed and all other closures made cap or reducer must not be entirely un- tight, except that heater coil inlet and screwed, but suficient threads must be outlet pipes must be left open for drainleft engaged and sufficient time allowed age. The manhole cover must be apto permit escape of any accumulation of plied by the use of a bar or wrench, the liquid in the outlet chamber. If leak- outlet valves reducer and outlet valve age stops or initial rate of leakage di- cap by the use of a wrench having & minishes materially, cap or reducer may handle at least 36 inches long, and the be entirely removed. If initial rate of outlet valve cap plug, end plug, and all

tion for "Flammable Poison GasEmpty" and "Poison Gas-Empty" placards respectively). The printing must be as shown in the cuts in this section, in black on strong white paper, or on tag board designated commercially as 100 percent sulphate, weighing 125 pounds per ream, of sheets 24 inches by 36 inches, and having a resistance of not less than 60 pounds per square inch, Mullen test.

(b) The reverse side of such placards may bear the wording as prescribed for the “Dangerous" placard. (See § 174.552.)

(c) Paper placards must be securely pasted over the “Dangerous" placards pasted on metal placard boards provided for the purpose. Tag board placards must be securely tacked to wooden boards or inserted in holders provided for the purpose.


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other closures of openings and of their protective housings by the use of a suitable tool.

(1) Railroad defect cards must not be removed.

(m) Ground around connections must be covered with fresh, dry sand or dirt, if oil or gasoline bas been spilled previously.

(n) All tools and implements used in connection with unloading should be kept free from oil, dirt, and grit. 8 174.562 Removal of placards and car

certificate after unloading. (a) When lading requiring placards or car certificates is removed from cars other than tank cars, placards and car certificates must be removed by the party unloading the car.

(b) After tank car is unloaded, the party unloading the car must remove all shipping cards and “Dangerous" placards from car, or may replace or cover the placards with the “Dangerous Empty" placards prescribed in $ 174.563, or reverse the reversible metal placards so as to exhibit the "Dangerous Empty" wording, and must promptly notify the railroad agent that car is empty.

(c) Tank cars Alled with water or an inert gis after unloading phosphorus must have the "Dangerous" placards replaced by the caution placard for residual phosphorus as prescribed in 174.555.

(d) After flammable poison gas is unloaded from tank car, the party unloading the car must remove all shipping cards and “Flammable Poison Gas” placards from car. “Dangerous Empty Flammable Poison Gas" placards detalled in § 174.563 must be applied to empty tank car.

(e) After poison gas is unloaded from tank car, the party unloading the car must remove all shipping cards and "Poison Gas" placards from car. “Dangerous-Empty Poison Gas" placards detailed in § 174.563 (f) must be applied to empty tank car. § 174.563 “Dangerous—Empty” plac

ards. (a) "Dangerous Empty" placards must measure 1034 inches on each side (see paragraphs (d) and (f) of this sec

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(Reduced Size)



13 inches

(e) The reverse side of such placards may bear the wording as prescribed for the "Flammable Poison Gas” placard. (See § 174.556.)

(f) “Poison Gas-Empty" placard, for tank cars, must be of rectangular shape, measuring 13 inches by 17 inches and must bear the wording as shown in the following cut:


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(1) The reverse side of such placards loaded at nonagency stations unless the may bear the wording as prescribed consignee is there to receive them or unfor the “Poison Gas" placard. (See

less properly locked and secure storage § 174.557.)

facilities are provided at that point for & 174.564 Removal and disposition of their protection. hazardous materials at destination.

(1) If delivery cannot be so made, (a) Delivery at nonagency stations. shipment must be taken to next or nearShipments of explosives must not be un. est agency station for delivery.

tre to SPE Ad no

(b) Delivery at agency stations. Car- tamination has been removed. This subrier must require consignee to remove paragraph does not apply to cars used shipments of hazardous materials from solely for transporting such poisons so carrier's property within 48 hours after long as they are used in that service, notice of arrival has been sent or given. (b) After unloading poisons or potasSaturdays, Sundays, and holidays are slum permanganate from steel hopper not included. If not so removed, carrier cars or other cars, cars must be must immediately dispose of the ship- thoroughly cleaned except that cars. ments as follows:

used exclusively in this service under the (1) Class A explosives, by storage at provisions of $$ 173.194(a) and 173,the expense of the owner or by return to 368(a) of this chapter shall not be subthe shipper if reasonably safe storage is ject to this requirement. not available; by sale; when necessary (c) All loose powder or other hazardto safety, by destruction under super- ous material which has leaked from vision of a competent person.

packages must be carefully removed from (2) Hazardous materials, except class car and other railroad property. A explosives, in carload and less-than- (d) Cars contaminated with radiocarload lots as prescribed in subpara- active materials: graphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph. (1) Each car used for transporting

(3) Carload shipments: By storage on low specific activity radioactive matecarrier's property; by storage on other rials in carload lots under the provisions than carrier's property, it safe storage on of $ 173.392(d) of this chapter must be carrier's propety is not available; by sale surveyed with appropriate radiation deat expiration of 15 calendar days after tection instruments after each use. Carnotice of arrival has been sent or given riers must not return such cars to service to consignee, provided consignor has until the radiation dose rate at any acbeen notified of nondelivery at expira- cessible surface is not more than 0.5 tion of 48-hour period and orders for millirem per hour, and there is no sigdisposition have not been received. nificant removable radioactive surface

(4) Less-than-carload shipments: By contamination (see § 173.399 of this return to shipper if notice of nondelivery chapter). was requested and given consignor as (2) This paragraph does not apply to prescribed by carrier's tariff, and orders any car used solely for transporting for return to shipper have been received; radioactive materials if a survey of the by storage on carrier's property; by stor- interior surface shows that the radiation age on other than carrier's property, 11 dose rate does not exceed 10 millirem per safe storage on carrier's property is not hour at the interior surface or 2 milliavailable; by sale at expiration of 15 cal- rem per hour at 3 feet from any interior endar days after notice of arrival has surface. These cars must be stenciled been sent or given to consignee, pro- with the words "For Radioactive Mavided consignor has been notified of non- terials Use Only” in lettering at least. delivery at expiration of 48-hour period three inches high in a conspicuous place: and orders for disposition have not been on both sides of the exterior of the car. received.

These cars must be kept closed at all $ 174.565 [Reserved]

times other than loading and unloading.

(e) In case of fire, wreck, breakage or § 174.566 Cleaning cars.

unusual delay involving shipments of (a) Cars which have contained ar- radioactive material, see § 174.588. senic, arsenate of lead, sodium arsenate, (29 F.R. 18774, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended by calcium arsenate, Paris green, calcium Amdt. 174-1, 33 J.R. 14931, Oct. 4, 1968; Amdt. cyanide, potassium cyanide, sodium cya- 174-1, 34 F.R. 7162, May 1, 1969; Amdt. 174-5, nide, or other poisonous articles, which 34 F.R. 18554, Nov. 21, 1969) show any evidence of leakage from pack- § 174.567 Flammable vapors. ages, must be thoroughly cleaned after unloading before cars are again placed

(a) A box car or container car plain service.

carded "Dangerous”, or known to contain (1) A car which has been used to

flammable liquids, gases, or vapors must transport material marked as or known

not be entered with a lighted open-flame to be poison (class A or B) must be in

lantern, torch, or other fire, until both spected for contamination before reuse,

car doors have been opened and sufficient A car which has been contaminated must

time allowed for ventilation and escape not be returned to service until such con- of any vapors. The presence of these

vapors will generally be indicated by must be delivered on such days in time
characteristic odors. When leakage is to permit proper inspection, billing, and
continuous, ventilation will not remove loading on that day.
the danger. The leaking package should

§ 174.578 Flammable vapors.
be located and removed, using electric
Lights or waiting for daylight.

(a) A box car or container car pla

carded "Dangerous," or known to contain Subpart E-Handling by Carriers by

flammable liquids, must not be entered Rail Freight

with a lighted open-fiame lantern, 8 174.575 Restrictions.

torch, or other fire, until both car doors

have been opened and sufficient time al(a) When local conditions make the

lowed for ventilation and escape of any acceptance, transportation, or delivery

vapors. The presence of these vapors of hazardous materials unusually haz

will generally be indicated by characterardous, local restrictions may be imposed by the carrier.

istic odors. When leakage is continu

ous, ventilation will not remove the (b) Al carriers must report to the Bu

danger. The leaking package should be reau of Explosives for publication full

located and removed, using electric information as to restrictions which may

Ughts or waiting for daylight. be imposed against the acceptance, delivery, or transportation of hazardous f 174.579 Cars containing lading which materials, over any portion of their lines. has been fumigated or treated with

flammable liquids, flammable gases, § 174.576 Intermediate shippers and

poisonous liquids or solids, or poicarriers.

sonous gases. (a) Forwarding companies must have

(a) Delivery to a carrier or transporon file shipper's certified bill of lading

tation of cars containing lading fumior shipping order, and know that pack

gated or treated with flammable liquid ages delivered to carrier for transporta

or flammable gas is prohibited until 48 tion comply with Parts 170-189 of this

hours have elapsed after such fumigachapter.

tion or treatment, or until the car has (b) Every carrier offering or delivering

been ventilated so as to remove danger for rail transportation any loaded motor

of fire or explosion due to the presence vehicle or any loaded motor vehicle

of flammable vapors. trailer, semi-trailer, or container con

(b) Cars containing lading which has taining any shipment of a hazardous

been fumigated or treated with poisonous material shall show on the shipping order, shipping paper, transfer sheet,

liquid, solid, or gas, such as carbolic acid, or other billing issued in lieu thereof,

liquid or solid, chlorpicrin, hydrocyanic in addition to the description of the acid, methyl bromide, etc., must be plavehicle or container, the proper and

carded on each door or near thereto with definite name of the commodity as shown placard reading as follows (for cleaning in § 172.5 of this chapter and the color or cars, see $ 174.566): kind of label or kind of placards applied.

(Roduced size) f 174.577 Shipping days for explosives. (Red lettering on white cardboard) (a) When practicable at any point,

-10 inchosregular days should be assigned for re

DANGER ceiving from shippers less-than-carload lots of explosives, class A, as shown in

The lading of this car bas been Part 173 of this chapter.


TREATED (b) To enable the carrier to provide

with proper cars at stations where less-thancarload shipments of explosives, class A,

(Namo of poisonous liquid, solid, or gas) are accepted for loading by the carrier, the shipper must give to the carrier not BEPORR UNLOADING, open botha less than 24 hours' notice of his inten

doors and DO NOT ENTER untul car tion to offer such shipments, and state

18 free of gas. REMOVE ALL POI

SONOUS MATERIAL before releaso their destinations. When a regular day

of empty car. to receive all explosives shipments offered at such a station has been appointed, this notice may be waived by (29 FR. 18774, Dec. 29, 1964, as amended the carrier, but the explosives shipments by Amdt. 1746, 35 F.R. 13836, Sept. 1, 1970)

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