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Selective Draft Act of 1917.

Selective Training and Service Act of 1940.
Office of Selective Service Records.
Service Extension Act of 1941.

Army Reserve and Retired Personnel Service Law of 1940.

Universal Military Training and Service Act.
Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940.
First War Powers Act, 1941.

Second War Powers Act, 1942.

Exportation Restrictions on Certain Articles. Requisition of Military Equipment, Materials and Supplies.

Territorial Use of Army and Extension of Service

Civilian Protection From War Hazards.
Decorations, etc., for Merchant Marine
Use of Public Lands for War Purposes.
Miscellaneous Provisions Affecting Military Estab-

Photographing, Mapping or Other Representation of Military or Defense Properties.

Exemption of Certain Articles From Import Duties and Taxes.

Temporary Appointments, Promotions, etc., of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Officers. Jurisdiction of Prizes.

Certain Allowance Assistance for Civilian and Military Personnel.

Free Entry of Gifts From Members of Armed Forces. Free Postage for Armed Forces Personnel. Emergency Price Control Act of 1942.

Stabilization Act of 1942.

Extension of Sugar Controls.
Missing Persons Act.

Small Business Mobilization Act.
War and Defense Contract Acts.

National Emergency and War Shipping Acts.
Farm Labor Supply Appropriation Act, 1944.
War Overtime Pay Act of 1943.

Training of Nurses Through Grants to Institutions.
Civilian Reemployment of Members of Merchant

War Labor Disputes Act.

Voluntary Enlistments in the Regular Military Establishment.

Women's Army Corps.

United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.

Temporary Appointments of Army Nurse Corps
Members, etc., as Officers of Army of the United

Disposal of Materials on Public Lands.
Surplus Property Act of 1944.

War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944.
Fleet Admiral of the Navy and General of the Army.
Disposal of Censored-Mail.

Disbursing Officers' Additional Functions.
General of the Marine Corps.

Admiral in the Coast Guard.

Exception of Navy or Coast Guard Vessels From
Certain Navigation Rules.

Sale of Surplus War-Built Vessels.
Rehabilitation of Philippines.

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