Amending the Government Corporation Control Act: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations House of Representatives, Eighty-fifth Congress, Second Session, on H. R. 8332 a Bill to Amend the Government Corporation Control Act, February 18, 20, and 24 1958

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Page 97 - In apportioning any appropriation, reserves may be established to provide for contingencies, or to effect savings whenever savings are made possible by or through changes in requirements, greater efficiency of operations, or other developments subsequent to the date on which such appropriation wns made available.
Page 71 - Monetary Policy and the Management of the Public Debt, Hearings before the Subcommittee on General Credit Control and Debt Management of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, Congress of the United States, 82nd Cong., 2nd Sess. (1952), p. 78. 7. Ibid., p. 43o. 8. Monetary Policy and the Management of the Public Debt...
Page 96 - House, and the pay bill, which has been passed by the Senate and is now before the House, all become law in their present forms, there would be, immediately, a disparity with respect to pay and allowances.
Page 2 - ... such comments and information as may be deemed necessary to keep Congress informed of the operations and financial condition...
Page 171 - The budget program shall be a business-type budget, or plan of operations, with due allowance given to the need for flexibility, including provision for emergencies and contingencies, in order that the corporation may properly carry out its activities as authorized by law.
Page 143 - The committee met at 10 am, the Honorable Dewey Short, chairman of the committee, presiding. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will please be in order. Members, we resume hearings this morning on HR 7103. I think we have had a very good hearing thus far with the Army. We are very happy to have with us this morning as our first witness Vice Adm. JL Holloway, Jr., Chief of Naval Personnel.
Page 1 - OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, Washington, DC The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 am, in room 1501, New House Office Building, Hon.
Page 3 - The Fund shall contribute, from the respective appropriation or fund used for payment of salaries, pay or compensation, to the civil service retirement and disability fund, a sum as provided by section 4 (a) of the Civil Service Retirement Act, as amended (5 USC 2254a), except that such sum shall be determined by applying to the total basic salaries (as defined in that Act) paid to the employees of the...
Page 97 - ... subsequent to the date on which such appropriation was made available. Whenever, it is determined by an officer designated in subsection (d) of this section to make apportionments and reapportionments that any amount so reserved will not be required to carry out the purposes of the appropriation concerned, he shall recommend the rescission of such amount in the manner provided in the Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, for estimates of appropriations.
Page 73 - Experts advise us that more than 90 percent of the business of the Nation is conducted with bank credit or check currency. The use of bank credit has declined to the vanishing point. The public is afraid to deposit their money in the banks, and the banks are afraid to employ their deposits in the extension of bank credit for the support of trade and commerce.

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