INTERCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BETWEEN COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Us. Compless. House. SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS ON H. R. 4368 A BILL TO EXTEND AND BROADEN THE EXISTING PRO- OCTOBER 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, AND 24, 1945 AND ON H. R. 4982 A BILL TO ENABLE THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE MORE MAY 14, 1946 87235 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1946 Benton, Hon. William, Assistant Secretary of State, statement by. 4, 89, 117, 141, 178 Building funds, separation of Briggs, Ellis, Director, Office of American Republics Affairs, Department of Carr, William G., associate secretary, National Education Association, 77 17 30 Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., letter from_ 185 48 185 Denny, Charles R., Acting Chairman, Federal Communications Commis- 184 Doull, Dr. James A., Chief, Office of International Health Relations, United 55 Duggan, Stephen, director, Institute of International Education, Inc., New 153 Eby, Kermit, educational director, Congress of Industrial Organizations, Ethridge, Mark, publisher, Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky.: Statement by. I'lood, Francis A., Acting Director, Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, 33 197 195 44 174 Jamieson, Francis A., Acting Director, Office of International Affairs, Forrest, Wilbur, assistant editor, New York Herald Tribune, statement by - Hanson, Haldore, executive assistant to the Assistant Secretary of State, 187 44, 117, 141 Henderson, Roy, Director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, 81 88, 99, 110 McGill, Ralph, editor, Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga., statement by.. 191 47 Moore, W. E., superintendent of schools, Marathon County, Wis., state- 69 Porter, Paul A., Administrator, Office of Price Administration, letter from__ 184 From other American Republics visiting in United States__ 98, 155 113 Reed, Phillip D., chairman of the board of General Electric Co.: Schools, in American Republics which received assistance from United 145 Straus, Michael W., Assistant Secretary of Interior, Department of Interior, 22 III Text of committee print containing proposed amendments to H. R. 4982--- Thone, Dr. Frank, Science Service, Washington, D. C., statement by. West, Dr. John B., senior surgeon, Reserve, United States Public Health Westinghouse Electric Corp., letter from_ Zwemer, Raymund L., Associate Chief, Division of Cultural Cooperation, Page H. R. 4368 INTERCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS BETWEEN PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES AND PEOPLES OF OTHER COUNTRIES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1945 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Washington, D. C. The committee met at 10:30 a. m., Hon. Sol Bloom (chairman) presiding. Chairman BLOOM. The committee will kindly come to order. The committee has under consideration H. R. 4368 to extend and broaden the existing programs for the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills between the people of the United States and the peoples of other countries. (The bill is as follows:) [H. R. 4368, 79th Cong., 1st sess.] مي A BILL To extend and broaden the existing programs for the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills between the people of the United States and the peoples of other countries Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaives of the United States of America in Congres assembled, That the Act of May 25, 1938, entitled "An Act authorizing the temporary detail of United States employes, possessing special qualifications, to governments of American republics and the Philippines, and for other purposes", as amended, is amended to read as follows: "That this Act may be cited as the 'Act for the international interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills'. "SEC. 2. For the purpose of promoting that mutual understanding between peoples which is the true and essential foundation for durable peace and recognizing that such understanding requires the continuing interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills, and in order that all present and future activities of departments, agencies, and independent establishments of the Government directed to these ends may be most effectively planned and integrated to assure conformity with the basic foreign policies of the United States Government and to provide to review and approval of such activities by the Congress, the Secretary of State (hereinafter called the Secretary) is authorized to develop, maintain, and carry into effect, programs for the interchange of persons, knowledge, and skills between the people of the United States and the peoples of other countries. "SEC. 3. In carrying out his powers under this Act— "(a) The Secretary is authorized, when the government of a foreign country is desirous of obtaining the services of a person having special scientific or other technical or professional qualifications, from time to time to detail or authorize the detail for temporary service, under or in cooperation with such government, any person in the employ or service of the Government of the United States who has such qualifications, with the approval of the department, agency, or independent establishment in which such person is employed or serving. While so detailed, any such person shall be considered, for the purpose of preserving his rights and privileges as such, an officer or employee of the Government of the United States and of the department, agency, or independent establishment from 1 |