A thousand fantasies Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth. Deep in forest drear. Of forests, and enchantments drear. Far sunken from the healthy breath of morn. Am I to leave this haven of my rest, That we must change for Heaven? this mournful gloom When the chill rain begins at shut of eve. Vanish'd unseasonably at shut of eve. Return'd at shut of evening flowers. Who cost her mother Tellus keener pangs. With locks not oozy. His oozy locks he laves. Too full of joy and soft delicious warmth. In aid soft warble from the Dorian flute. For empty shells were scatter'd on the grass, Comus, 205-9. Lamia, i. 148-9. Nightingale, 12. Hyperion, i. 2. P. L. iv. 641. Ib. i. 235-8. P. L. i. 242-5. Ib. ii. 36. "The day is gone," 5. Lamia, ii. 107. P. L. ix. 278. Ib. ii. 266. Lamia, ii. 89 (rejected reading). P. L. ii. 400, 601. Hyperion, iii. 12. Fall of Hyperion, i. 23-34, 52-3. (A reference to P. L. v. 298-395; note particularly, Fruit of all kinds, in coat Rough or smooth-rined, or bearded husk, or shell... They came, that like Pomona's arbour smiled, Their table was, and mossy seats had round. . . . The embossed roof, the silent massy range And love the high embowed roof, With antic pillars massy proof. A power within me of enormous ken, To see as a god sees. At once, as far as Angels ken, he views. ... Which marries sweet sound with the grace of form. Lap me in soft Lydian airs Married to immortal verse. Mortal, that thou mayst understand aright, I humanize my sayings to thine ear, And what surmounts the reach Of human sense I shall delineate so, When winds are all wist. The winds, with wonder whist. As the fabled fair Hesperian tree, Bearing a fruit more precious! But Beauty, like the fair Hesperian tree Trees... whose fruit, burnish'd with golden rind, Hung amiable, Hesperian fables true. As if Night's chariot-wheels Were clogg'd in some thick cloud? O, changeful Love, Let not her steeds with drowsy-footed pace. Till an unusual stop of sudden silence Nods, becks, and hints. Nods and Becks, and wreathed Smiles. In midmost Ind, beside Hydaspes cool.... Of faeries stooping on their wings sublime. Upon the wing or in swift race contend. P. L. v. 341–9, 377–9, 391–2.) Ib. i. 83-4. Penseroso, 157-8. 1 This is not given by Mr. De Sélincourt. Let the sweet mountain nymph thy favourite be, With England's happiness proclaim Europa's Liberty. On Peace, 8-9. Allegro, 36. DICTION I admire how crystal-smooth it felt (Endymion, iii. 383); cf. P. L. i. 690, ii. 677, etc. To sit upon an Alp (“Happy is England," 7), upon that alp (End. i. 666); cf. P. L. ii. 620. Feel amain (End. ii. 12; also gazed amain, drive amain, etc., Lamia, ii. 151, Cap and Bells, xxv. 9, etc.); cf. Lycidas, 111, P. L. ii. 165, 1024, etc. I see, astonied, that (Hyperion, ii. 165); cf. P. L. ix. 890. Begirt with ministring looks (End. i. 150); cf. P. L. i. 581, v. 868, P. R. ii. 213. The whole mammoth-brood (of the Titans, Hyp. i. 164); cf. P. L. i. 510-11, 576, Samson, 1247. Arcs, and broad-belting colure (Hyp. i. 274); cf. P. L. ix. 66. Sly compeers (Cap and Bells, x. 7); cf. P. L. i. 127, iv. 974. Curtain'd canopies (End. ii. 618), fragrant-curtain'd love ("The day is gone,” 7); cf. Nativity, 230, Comus, 554. A darkling way (Eve of St. Agnes, xl. 4), darkling I listen (Nightingale, 51); cf. P. L. iii. 39. Knowledge enormous (Hyp. iii. 113); cf. P. L. v. 297. My eternal essence (= myself, Hyp. i. 232), that puny essence (= Jove, ib. ii. 331); cf. P. L. i. 138, 425, ii. 215, iii. 6, ix. 166, etc. Faded eyes (Hyp. i. 90); cf. P. L. i. 602. Trees Fledge the ... mountains (Ode to Psyche, 54-5), a fledgy sea-bird choir (Staffa, 41), the swan ... on her fledgy breast (Otho, II. ii. 102); cf. P. L. iii. 627, vii. 420. Eye of gordian snake (End. iii. 494), she [the snake] was a gordian shape (Lamia, i. 47); cf. P. L. iv. 347-8. I gratulate you (Otho, I. i. 55); cf. Comus, 949, P. R. iv. 438. Through . . . griesly gapes (End. ii. 629); cf. P. L. i. 670, ii. 704, etc. Honied wings (End. ii. 997); cf. Penseroso, 142. Of bees in each case. That inlet to severe magnificence (Hyp. i. 211); cf. Comus, 839. The monstrous sea (=peopled with monsters, End. iii. 69); cf. Lycidas, 158. Of sciential brain (Lamia, i. 191); cf. P. L. ix. 837. Who 'sdains to yield to any (King Stephen, iii. 41), he 'sdeigned the swine-head (Stanzas on Brown, ii. 4); cf. P. L. iv. 50. The slope side of a suburb hill (Lamia, ii. 26), came slope upon the threshold of the west (Hyp. i. 204); cf. Comus, 98, P. L. iv. 261, 591. Sovran voices (Hyp. iii. 115), her sovran shrine (Melancholy, iii. 6); cf. P. L. i. 246, 753, etc. Turn'd, syllabling thus (Lamia, i. 244); cf. Comus, 208. Herself, high-thoughted (Lamia, ii. 115), turn, sole-thoughted, to one Lady (Eve of St. Agnes, v. 6), one-thoughted . . . love ("I cry your mercy," 3); cf. Comus, 6. 1680 1692 1697-8 APPENDIX B POEMS IN NON-MILTONIC BLANK VERSE' 1667-1750 ROSCOMMON, Earl of. Horace's Art of Poetry, made English, 1680. FLETCHER, THOMAS. Translations of parts of books ii-iv of the Aeneid (Poems on Several Occasions, 1692, pp. 120-32); Christ born, a pastoral (ib. 133-8). POPE, WALTER. The wish (1697); Moral and political fables, done into measured prose, etc. (1698). 1701-13 W. WATTS, ISAAC. A sight of Christ (Horae Lyricae, 1706, pp. 65-9); To Robert Atwood (ib. 146-52); To Sarissa (ib., 1709, pp. 174-8); True monarchy (ib. 188-90); True courage (ib. 191-3); Thoughts and meditations in a long sickness (Reliquiae Juveniles, 1734, pp. 172–83). TALBOT, G. On the vision, etc., a dialogue.-Prefixed to Matthew Smith's Vision, 1702. 1702 1702-18 1706 DENNIS, JOHN. The monument, a poem to William III (Select Works, 1718, D'URFEY, THOMAS. Loyalty's glory.-Stories, Moral and Comical, 1706, 1706 w. 1715 p. GROVE, HENRY. To Dr. Watts. -Works, 1747, iv. 391-2. 17132 1716 1718 1719 1720 ANON. [Short passages in] British Apollo, 1708-11, vol. i, nos. 50, 54, and supernumerary paper no. 7 (two pieces); vol. ii, nos. 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 39, 49, 53, 74, 76, 83, 92, 108, 114, 115, and supernumerary paper no. 8 (two pieces); vol. iii, nos. 5, 13, 15, 18, 30, 55, 61; vol. iv, no. 5. ANON. Joseph's discovery of himself to his brethren, imitated from Grotius. -Tate's Entire Set of the Monitors, 1713, vol. i, no. 8. ANON. Upon the crucifiction of our blessed Saviour.-Ib., no. 15, with a MONCK, MARY. [Translations from Della Casa, Marini, and Tasso.]- HINCHLIFFE, WILLIAM. To Sylvia, an epistle (Poems Amorous, Moral, and RICHARDSON, JONATHAN. [A translation from Dante, and a short original piece, in Discourse on the Dignity, etc., of the Science of a Connoisseur.] -Works, new ed., 1792, pp. 184-6, 229. ANON. On Homer.-Mist's Weekly Journal, no. 105, pp. 625-6 (Dec. 3, 1720). bef. 1721 W. PRIOR, MATTHEW. A prophecy.-Dialogues of the Dead, etc., ed. A. R. Waller, Camb., 1907, p. 318. 1725? W. 1726 ARMSTRONG, JOHN. Imitations of Shakespeare: [Winter], Progne's dream, THOMSON, JAMES. [A short translation from Virgil's Georgics.]-Winter, 2d ed., 1726, preface, pp. 17-18. 1 For form and abbreviations, see the last paragraph on page 636 below. 2 An American poem of this date is Richard Steere's Earths Felicities, Heavens Allowances, a Blank Poem (in The Daniel Catcher, Boston, 1713, pp. 55-73). bef. 1729? CAREY, HENRY. The cypress-grove.-Poems on Several Occasions, 3d ed., 1729 1729-39 1732 1739 1729, pp. 118-19. ANON. Timon and Flavia.-Miscellaneous Poems, ed. James Ralph, 1729, pp. 43-52. ANON. The courtier.-Ib. 73-9. ANON. The lunatick.-Ib. 115-25. ANON. Part of the third chapter of Job paraphras'd.-Ib. 208-11. ANON. The happy savage.-Gent. Mag., ii. 718. BROWNE, MOSES. The power and presence of God: a version of Psalm 139.-Poems on Various Subjects, 1739, pp. 447-50. c. 1740 W. 1849-84 p. GRAY, THOMAS. Dante, canto 33, dell' Inferno.-Works, ed. Gosse, 1884, i. 157–60. 1742 ANON. The muse's complaint to Strephon.-Scots Mag., iv. 166. WINSTANLEY, JOHN. An address to the sepulchre of Prince George.- C. 1742 W. WARTON, JOSEPH. The dying Indian.-Biographical Memoirs, ed. Wooll, 1806, pp. 156-7. bef. 1745 W. WARTON, THOMAS (the elder). A pastoral on the death of Bion, from Moschus.-Poems, 1748, pp. 197-208. 1746 HILL, AARON. Free thoughts upon faith (Works, 2d ed., 1754, iv. 217–42); Cleon to Lycidas, a time-piece (ib. 285-308). See also examples of various passions (joy, fear, etc.) in his "Essay on the Art of Acting" (ib. 377-84). 1746 w. 1777 p. ANON. (Miss A. CROSFIELD?). A description of the Castle hills, near Northallerton. -Town and Country Mag., ix. 605-6. 1747 1748 1750 ANON. An brutum sit machina?-Dodsley's Museum, 1747, iii. 380-84. WINGFIELD, RICHARD. To peace.—Gratulatio Academiae Cantabrigiensis de Reditu... Georgii II, Camb., 1748, sign. B. STILLINGFLEET, BENJAMIN. Some thoughts occasioned by the late earthquakes, 1750. |