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III. The proposed insurance is not practicable.

A. It would be complicated.

B. Experience is not favorable to it.

1. European experience is against it.

a. It has been of doubtful value in Germany and Austria.

(1) Particularly as regards medical benefit, service and morale.

b. It has been defective and inefficient in England. 2. Experience here is not favorable to it.


It has not met the claims of its advocates.

b. There is a staggering list of defects in present laws.

C. The cost would be excessive.

I. Would be a needless burden on industry.


Would be a heavy burden on the state.

a. Benefits will increase enormously if at all ade


3. Workers would be unable or unwilling to pay.

D. State insurance would be inexpedient.


Would not be economical.

a. The state would not be as efficient and economical as the private companies.

b. The cost of state insurance is greater than is generally shown.

(1) Overhead and part administration through other bureaus and departments is larger than estimated.


A large part of cost is paid by taxation. (3) The state would lose the taxes now paid by insurance companies.

2. Administration would be poor.


The state would be handicapped by lack of funds and agents.

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Of doubtful constitutionality.

b. Based on financially unstable and actuarially unsound principles.


Funds would not be guaranteed by the state.

4. There would be political control or manipulation. 5. Regulation of private companies alone is needed.

E. Compulsory insurance would be undesirable.

I. It would be paternalistic.

a. It would be inquisitorial.

b. An infringement of liberty.



American Labor Legislation Review. 4:417-20. My. '14. Select bibliography; unemployment insurance.

American Labor Legislation Review. 6: 269-75. Je. '16. Select critical bibliography on health insurance.

American Labor Legislation Review. 7: 689-95. D. '17. Supplemental bibliography on health insurance.

Annotated subject index and order list of books and pamphlets, including government reports, on maternity and child welfare in England and Scotland. 181p. American Red Cross. Washington, D.C. 1920.

Oregon State Library. Compulsory Health Insurance. 15P. typewritten. Salem, Oregon. n.d.

Includes bibliography published in Oregon High School Debate League Bulletin. v.14 no.1. N. 1, '16.

Public Affairs Information Service. Annual Cumulations. 19151921, and current bulletins. See various headings. 958 University Ave., New York.

Unemployment: [a selected bibliography]. Russell Sage Foundation Library. no. 50. 4p. D. '21.

United States. Department of Labor Library. Recent literature on unemployment with particular reference to causes and remedies. Laura A. Thompson. 35p. (Mim.) S. 24, '21. United States. Library of Congress. List of recent references on industrial insurance, with special reference to accident insurance. 6p. typewritten. O. 9, '15.

United States. Library of Congress. List of recent references on unemployment insurance. 12p. typewritten. D. 5, '21. United States. Library of Congress. List of references on employers' liability and workmen's compensation. 19p. typewritten. My. 24, '17.

United States. Library of Congress. Select list of recent references on employers' liability and workmen's compensation. Public Affairs Information Service, New York. N. 12, '19.

United States. Library of Congress. Select list of references on dependency of widowhood with special reference to widows' pensions. 8p. typewritten. Mr. 10, '20.

United States. Library of Congress. Select list of references on pensions for mothers, motherhood insurance, etc. 9p. typewritten. N. 20, '12.


General References


American Labor Year Book. v. 3. 1919-20. p. 211-14, 230-40, 248

9, 253. Labor and the law. Rand School of Social Science. New York. 1920.

American Yearbook. 1919. p. 418-20, 464-5, 469-70. D. Appleton & Co. New York. 1920.

Bullock, Edna D. Selected articles on compulsory insurance.
H. W. Wilson Co. New York. 1918.
Contains bibliography and brief.

Carr, A. S. Comyns and others.
Macmillan & Co. London. 1912.

National insurance. 504p.

Study of the British national insurance act.

Commons, John R., and Andrews, John B. Social insurance. In Principles of labor legislation. p. 354-414. Harper & Bros. New York. 1916.

Concise survey of the forms and status of social insurance. Bibliography. p. 482-7.

Dawson, William Harbutt.

German workman. 304p. Charles

Scribner's Sons. New York. 1906.

Insurance against worklessness. p. 29-36; Insurance against old age and invalidity. p. 209-15.

Frankel, Lee Kaufer, and Dawson, Miles M. Workingmen's insurance in Europe. 477p. Russell Sage Foundation. New York. 1910.

Bibliography. p. 437-42.

Gephart, W. F. Insurance and the state. 228p. Macmillan Co. New York. 1913.

Hayes, Carlton. National insurance. In British social politics. p. 506-72. Ginn & Co. Boston. 1913.

British Parliamentary bills.

*Knibbs, G. H. Social insurance. Report of the Commonwealth Statistician. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics. Melbourne, Australia. 1910.

Reviews origin, development and status of social insurance in European countries.

Lloyd-George, David. People's insurance. 303p. Hodden & Stoughton. London. 1912.

Miller, Gurdon Ransom. Social insurance in the United States. 136p. A. C. McClurg & Co. Chicago. 1918.

*National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. 1914: 346-55. American problems in social insurance. Frederick L. Hoffman.

Also issued as a separate. 11p. National Conference of Charities and Correction. Chicago.

National Conference of Social Work. 1917: 525-35. Social in


Socialism and social insurance. Morris Hillquit; *Social Insurance in the United States. Royal Meeker.

New International Year Book. 1918:601-2. Social insurance. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York. 1919.

Ogg, Frederic Austin. German system of social insurance, and, Spread of social insurance. In Economic development of modern Europe. p. 568-641. Macmillan Co. New York. 1917. Bibliographies. p. 598-600, 638-41.

Ogg, Frederic Austin. Spread of social insurance. In Social progress in contemporary Europe. p. 264-92. Macmillan Co. New York. 1912.

Traces development of social insurance in Europe.

Parmelee, Maurice. Social insurance and pensions. In Poverty and social progress. p. 331-48. Macmillan Co. New York. 1916.

Also Widowhood. p. 203-4; Dependent women. p. 287-8; Unemployed. p. 288-93.

Pigon, A. C. Insurance. In Economics of welfare. p. 893-911. Macmillan & Co. New York. 1920.

Rowntree, B. Seebohm. Security of life. In Human factor in business. p. 31-53. Longmans, Green & Co. New York 1921.

Unemployment. p. 33-7; Sickness. p. 39-41; Invalidity. p. 41-3; Pension fund. p. 44-9; Widows' pensions. p. 49-53.

Rubinow, I. M. Social insurance. 525p. Henry Holt & Co. New York. 1913.

Broad summary of social insurance and a critical comparison of various institutions and methods.

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