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CHAP. I. Recapitulation...Events of 1777...Low state of the
American army at Morristown...Dismission of Dr. Stringer,
and resolution of Congress, censuring General Schuyler's
want of respect... State of the British army...Expedition of
Cornwallis against Boundbrook... Narrow escape of General
Lincoln... Governour Tryon's expedition against Danbury...
Gallant conduct of Generals Wooster and Arnold...Arnold
makes a stand at Radfield...Is obliged to retreat... Follows
the enemy to Sagatuck bridge... Action there...Expedition of
Colonel Meigs to Saggharbour...Sir William Howe takes
the field... His sudden retreat to Amboy... Washington moves
his army to Quibbletown...Howe evacuates the Jerseys...
General Schuyler appointed to the command of the North-
ern army....General St. Clair ordered to the command of Ti-
conderoga...The weak state of that garrison...Burgoyne
makes his appearance before it...St. Clair evacuates it and
joins General Schuyler.
CHAP. II. The events of 1777 continued... Reflections on St.
Clair's retreat...General Schuyler removes to Stillwater...
Fort Stanwix invested by Colonel St. Leger... Brave and pat-
riotick conduct of General Herkimer... Arnold volunteers to
go to the relief of Colonel Gansevoort... Successful sortie of
the latter...Arnold resorts to stratagem, and forces St. Leger
to raise the siege...Battle at Bennington, and defeat of Co-
lonel Baume...General Schuyler again superseded in his
command by General Gates... Movements of Washington...
The enemy enter the Chesapeake... Surprise and capture of
General Prescott...Expedition of General Sullivan and
Colonel Ogden on Staten Island...Conduct of the Quakers...
Battle of Brandywine...Proceedings of Congress... Northern
army... Advantages under which Gates took the command...
Correspondence of Gates and Burgoyne, relative to prison-
ers... Miss M'Crea... Movements of the two armies... Action of
the 9th September.
CHAP. III. Events of 1777 continued...Meeting of the two ar-
mies of Washington and Howe on the Schuylkill..Battle
prevented by a storm... Narrow escape of Hamilton and Lee...
Unfortunate fate of Monsieur de Coudray...General Wayne
is surprised by the enemy, and suffers considerable loss...
Sir William Howe enters Philadelphia in triumph...Con-
gress repair to Yorktown.... Further powers granted to
Washington...Lord Howe enters the Delaware... Battle of
Germantown...Retreat of the American army...Sir William
withdraws his troops from Germantown to Philadelphia...
Sir Henry Clinton's expedition up the Hudson... He reduces
Forts Montgomery and Clinton...Northern army...Dispute
between General Gates and General Arnold... The latter is
excluded from command...Battle of Behmus's Heights...Re-
treat of Cornwallis... Convention of Saratoga.
CHAP. IV. Events of 1777 continued...Conduct of the British
up the Hudson... They retire to New-York... General Gates's
letter to General Vaughan... Anecdote of a Spy... Movements
of Washington and Sir William Howe...Attack on Fort
Mercer, and gallant defence of it by Colonel Greene...Ene-
my establish themselves on Province Island...Heroick de-
termination of Colonel Smith, and the garrison of Fort Mif-
flin...Gallant conduct of Major Thayer... Mud Island evacuat-
ed... Lord Cornwallis is sent against Red Bank... Fort Mer-
cer abandoned... Americans compelled to destroy their gal-
lies...Sir William Howe moves towards White Marsh...Skir-
mish there... Returns to Philadelphia... Washington goes into
winter quarters at Valley forge... Distresses of the American
CHAP. V. Events of 1777 continued... Proceedings of Congress...
Resignation of the President... Henry Laurens appointed
President...Colonel Wilkinson delivers a message to Con-
gress from General Gates...Is brevetted a Brigadier Gene-
ral...General Mifflin resigns as Quarter Master General...
Board of war appointed... Mr. Silas Deane recalled...General
Conway appointed Inspector General... Discontent of the
officers...Confused state of the finances... Articles of confe-
CHAP. VI. Events of 1777 continued...March of Burgoyne's
troops... His reception by General Schuyler...Conduct of his
troops on the march... Their reception at Cambridge...Gene-
ral Burgoyne complains that the publick faith is broken...
Congress resolve to delay the embarkation of the troops...
Correspondence between Washington and Howe on the
subject of prisoners... Report of the Board of War thereon...
Conduct of a party of the enemy under Captain Emmerick...
Contemplated expedition of General Spencer against New-
port...Savage inroads on the western frontiers... Proceedings
of Congress...General Lincoln sends an expedition against
Lake George and Ticonderoga... Surprise of General St.
Clair...Extra pay given to Washington's army.
CHAP. VII. Events of 1778... Proceedings of the British Par-
liament... Lord North's second conciliatory scheme...Duke
of Richmond proposes to acknowledge the independence of
America...Last publick appearance of Lord Chatham... Dis-
grace of Burgoyne... Situation of the American army at Val-
ley Forge...Commissary General appointed...Baron Steuben
appointed Inspector General...Inactivity of Sir William
Howe at Philadelphia...Conduct of Congress on receiving
Lord North's Bills... Arrival of Mr. Simeon Deane with
copies of the treaties with France... Proceedings of Con-
gress thereon...Sir Henry Clinton arrives and supersedes Sir
William Howe... Arrival of the Commissioners, Lord Car-
lisle, Mr. Eden and Mr. Johnston... Their unsuccessful ne-
gotiation and outrageous conduct... Sir Henry evacuates Phi-
ladelphia... Is pursued by Washington...Battle in New Jer-
sey..Arrest and trial of Lee... Congress return to Philadel-
phia... Lieutenant Brown shot by a centinel at Cambridge...
Arrival of Count D'Estaing with a French fleet... Pursues
Lord Howe to New-York, and blockades him there...Sails
to Rhode Island to assist in the expedition of General Sul-
livan...British and French fleets prevented from engaging
by a storm. Retreat of General Sullivan... Count D'Estaing.
sails for Boston. Mysterious affair of Captain Folger...Mr.
Deane... Beaumarchais... Loss of the Frigate Randolph...
Bloody massacre at Wyoming...Colonel Clarke's expedition
to the Mississippi.
CHAP. VIII. Events of 1778 continued...Recognizance of M. Ge-
rard as Minister from the French King..Dr. Franklin ap-
pointed Minister Plenipotentiary to France... Marquis de la
Fayette returns to France...Count D'Estaing sails from Bos-
ton...Unsuccessful attempt of Admiral Byron...General
Gates arrives to take command at Boston... Movements of
Sir Henry Clinton...His expedition against Bedford....
Against Egg Harbour...Slaughter of Pulaski's Light Infan-
try... Of Baylor's regiment of Horse... Congress grant half
pay to the American officers...Exchange of prisoners...Ex-
peditions against East Florida... Sir Henry Clinton sends an
expedition against Georgia... Defeat of General Robert
Howe, and capture of Savannah, by Colonel Campbell...Ma-
rauding incursions into Georgia from East Florida...Gene-
ral Prevost arrives...Takes Sunbury, and the whole of Geor-
gia falls...Expedition from Scoharie-Gallant exploit of
Major Talbot...Conduct of the enemy at Cherry Valley...
Mr. Silas Deane makes an appeal to the people... Is answered
by "Common Sense"... Monsieur Gerard presents a memo-
rial to Congress... The French and British fleets meet in the
West Indies... Generals Schuyler and St. Clair honourably
acquitted by their Courts Martial... Sentence against Gene-
ral Lee confirmed... Reflections on the state of the Country. 204.
CHAP. IX. Events of 1779... General Lincoln is sent to take
command in the southern department...General Prevost at-
tempts to gain Port Royal, and is repulsed..Colonel Boyd
at the head of the tories defeated by Colonel Pickens.. Co-
lonel Campbell abandons Augusta...General Ashe defeated