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the banners of either army. The first push was made by Webster, against the right wing of the continental line, (composed of the first Maryland regiment under Colonel Gunby and Lieutenant Colonel Howard, Hawe's Virginia regiment, and Kirkwood's brave Delaware company,) who met him with such unshaken firmness, that he was compelled to give way in some disorder. Lieutenant Colonel Stuart at the same time with the second battalion of guards, attacked Colonel Ford's second Maryland regiment, (who were formed in the open field a little to the left of Gunby,) and compelled them to retire, leaving upon the field their two pieces of cannon. Stuart in the ardour of victory, pursued them into the wood where Gunby's regiment had been concealed from his view. Here he was unexpectedly saluted with a heavy fire which threw his battalion into confusion, and Colonel Washington at the same time charging upon him at the head of his dragoons, he was driven back in great disorder; Washington, and Howard (upon whom the command of the regiment had devolved, in consequence of Gunby's being dismounted) pursued him into the field, completed the route of his battalion, and recovered the two pieces which Ford had lost.

Victory seemed now no longer doubtful : Washington upon coming into the open field, believed Cornwallis himself, in his power, and rushing forward with the view of securing his prize, his cap fell from his head; he leaped on the ground to recover it, and at that moment the leading officer of his column was shot -for Cornwallis, upon perceiving the vigorous pursuit of Washington and Howard, had ordered up his artillery under Lieutenant M-Cleod, and opened a fire through his flying guards upon their pursuers

the horse of the officer who was shot became unruly, and wheeling suddenly round galloped off the fieldthe whole of the cavalry, supposing this movement to have been directed, followed, and Washington was compelled to check his eager career. Webster in the mean time having rallied his grenadiers and 23d regiment, and O'Hara, though severely wounded, coming up to their support with the remnant of his first battalion and the 71st, they fell upon Howard, and Hawe's Virginia regiment at the same moment. Thus was the contest renewed and warmly continued for some time longer with various success, until Tarleton who had been hitherto unengaged, rushed in with his fresh cavalry and decided the fortune of the day.

General Greene now, fearful of risking the entire loss of his army, ordered a retreat, which was conducted in perfect order and regularity, under cover of Colonel Greene's Virginia regiment, which had been from the first selected for this purpose, and kept out of the action, very much to the dissatisfaction of this brave and veteran officer, who burned with desire to take his part in the contest. It would be impossible, perhaps, justly to find fault with the arrangements of General Greene for this battle. The choice of his ground, the disposition of his forces, the ability with which he adapted his plan to his means, and the personal contempt of danger which he displayed throughout the action, bespoke no ordinary generalship. But it is probable if Colonel Greene, with the reserve, had been brought into action at the moment that Webster and Stuart were routed, victory would have declared in favour of the American arms.

The British loss in this memorable battle, exceeded 500 killed and wounded, among whom were several of their best officers. Our loss was little more than 400 killed and wounded, of which more than three fourths fell upon the continentals. Major Anderson of the Maryland line was among the killed, and Generals Huger and Stevens among the wounded. Though the numerical force of General Greene nearly doubled that of Cornwallis, yet when we take into consideration the difference in the nature of those forces, the shameful conduct of the North Carolina militia, who fled at the first fire, never to return, the desertion of the second Maryland regiment, and that the reserve under Colonel Greene was not brought into the action, it will appear that our number but lit tle exceeded that of the enemy. Our veteran troops, indeed, of every description, amounted to not more than 500 rank and file; whereas the whole of Cornwallis's troops were well disciplined, experienced soldiers. Upon the whole it was a well fought battle, leaving to the victors nothing to boast of, and to the vanquished nearly all they could have expected from victory; for Cornwallis so crippled, as to be unable to pursue, and so straitened, for the means of providing for his broken force as to be compelled to leave his wounded behind, made a circuitous retreat of 200 miles from the scene of his victory, before he could find the means of shelter, subsistence, or rest. General Greene, on the contrary, retired quietly to his former position at the iron works on Troublesome Creek, where he soon prepared himself for another action, under the supposition that his Lordship would seek to follow up his advantages, and even marched in pursuit of his Lordship, the moment he heard of his having quitted Guilford. The vigour of his pursuit, indeed, showed that he was anx

ious for a second opportunity of measuring swords with his foe; and his troops though badly clothed, and without food, were equally desirous of another chance of striking at the British regulars. But their efforts were fruitless; Cornwallis felt no disposition to turn upon his pursuers, and General Greene halted his army at Ramsay's mill. Thus ended the active and diversified campaign of the south, which upon the whole resulted in manifest advantages to the United States.




Events of 1781 continued.-Revolt of the Pennsylvania troops at Morristown.-Sir Henry Clinton attempts to take advantage of the discontents. His agents are delivered up by the mutineers at Princeton-A committee of Congress meet them at Trenton, and adjust their claims. - The New-Jersey line revolt, are reduced to obedience, and their ringleaders executed.Views of Washington with regard to the state of the country. Arnold's expedition to Virginia-He destroys the stores at Richmond, Smithfield and elsewhere, and establishes himself at Portsmouth. Washington calls upon the French commanders to cooperate with him in an expedition against Arnold. The Marquis de la Fayette sent with a detachment to AnnapolisEngagement of the French and English squadrons off Cape Henry. Admiral D'Estouches retires to Newport.-The Marquis de la Fayette recalled from Annapolis, and ordered to Virginia-Major General Phillips is sent with a strong detachment to reinforce the British army at Portsmouth, and takes the command.--His marauding excursions up the James River.-The Marquis de la Fayette arrives at Richmond, and is joined by the militia under Baron Steuben. - General Phillips moves with his forces to Petersburg. -The Marquis establishes himself near Richmond. General Greene moves from Ramsay's mill, and advances to Cambden. -Marion and Lee invest Fort Watson and reduce it.-Battle of Cambden, and retreat of General Greene Lord Rawdon evacuates Cambden, and retires to Monk's Corner. -The post of Motte's surrenders to Marion and Lee. The Americans reduce Orangeburg and Fort Granby-Marion gains possession of Augusta-Greene lays siege to Ninety-Six-attempts a storm and is repulsed. Arrival of Lord Rawdon with reinforcements. - General Greene retreatsIs pursued by Lord Rawdon to the Ennoree.-Evacuation of Ninety-Six. Skirmishes of Lee's legion at Monk's Cornerat Quinley Bridge. General Greene retires with his army to the high hills of Santee.

WHILE these things were transacting in the south, it was the fate of Washington to experience a renew

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