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Events of 1779 continued.-Sir Henry Clinton sends an expedition up the Hudson-Takes Stony Point, and Fort La Fayette.Gallant attack and recapture of Stony Point, by General Wayne.-Surprise of the British garrison at Powle's Hook.Expedition of Governour Tryon against the Coast of Connecticut.-Destruction of the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk.-Unexampled enormities of the British army-Tryon is recalled by Sir Henry Clinton. Massachusetts expedition against Penobscot-Proceedings of Congress-Report of the Committee of Foreign Affairs-Decease of Colonel Trumbull.-Washington is empowered to draw on the Treasurer.-Instructions to Dr. Franklin-Conference with M. Gerard-His ideas on the prospect of peace-Retaliatory resolutions. Thanks voted to Washington, Wayne, and other officers.--Distribution of money to the troops of General Wayne.

By the time Sir George Collier had returned from the Chesapeake, Sir Henry Clinton had planned another expedition against the American fortresses on the Hudson. The command of this river had always been considered by both parties as highly important, and Washington had employed the opportunity which the cessation of active operations on the part of Sir Henry had allowed him, in constructing several works, particularly at Verplank's, and at Stony Point. His army lay at Middle Brook, in Jersey, and these posts were garrisoned by a small number of men chiefly artificers and labourers. Major General Vaughan, the former despoiler of the beautiful banks of the Hudson, was again chosen to command this expedition, which embarked under the convoy of Sir George Colfier, on the 30th of May. On the 31st General Vaug

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han, with the main body of the army, landed on the east side of the river, a few miles below Verplank's; General Pattison, accompanied by Sir Henry Clinton himself, advanced with the remainder of the army to within three miles of Stony Point, and landed on the west side. The garrison at this place withdrew on the approach of the enemy, and made some show of resistance by drawing up on the hills above, but retired without giving battle. Opposite to Stony Point the Americans had constructed a small fort, which they had named after the gallant Marquis de la Fayette. It was a single redoubt, mounted with 4 pieces of artillery, and manned by about 70 men. The approach to it from its own side was almost impracticable, but it was completely commanded by Stony Point, and General Pattison prepared for a vigorous bombardment of it, by drawing up his heavy artillery in the night, from his landing place, and fixing them on the commanding rocks of Stony Point.

On the 1st of June a tremendous fire from cannon and mortars was opened upon the little fort la Fayette, by 5 o'clock in the morning, while Sir George Collier advanced with his gallies and gunboats to the support of the attack, sending some of them above the fort, in order to prevent the escape of the garrison by water. General Vaughan had in the mean time by a circuitous route, gained the summits of the hills on the side of the fort, thus investing it on all sides. After sustaining a continued storm of fire for the whole day, this brave band surrendered prisoners of war. Sir Henry Clinton leaving a strong force to garrison these two posts, with orders to place Stony Point in the strongest possible state of defence, moved with the army and shipping to Phillipsburg, which complete

ly blockaded the navigation of the river, and rendered the intercourse betweeen the people of Jersey and those east of the Hudson, extremely hazardous as well as circuitous.

These movements of the enemy led Washington to suspect a design of attacking West Point, for the protection of which he moved with his army from Middlebrook, and took post on the high grounds above Verplank's and Stony Point. In this situation an enterprise was planned for the recapture of the latter post, which had been considerably strengthened by the enemy, and was now garrisoned by the 17th regiment of infantry, the grenadiers of the 71st, a company of tories, and a company of artillery, the whole under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Johnson. The enterprise was entrusted to the command of General Wayne, who marched from Sandybeach, a distance of 14 miles from the object of attack, on the 15th July at noon, with the choicest troops of the army. The road traversed numerous, difficult and dangerous defiles and morasses, which so retarded the march, that it was 8 o'clock in the evening when the van arrived within a mile and a half of the point. Here Wayne halted for the rest of the army, and employed the delay in reconnoitering the enemy's works. The troops were formed into two columns as they came up, and at half past 11 o'clock the whole advanced to the attack. General Wayne had determined to depend upon the bayonet alone, and the advance were therefore not even permitted to load their muskets. Lieutenant Colonel Fleury, at the head of 150 men, led the van of the right column, and Major Stewart that of the left, with a like number of picked troops, all with unloaded muskets and fixed bayonets. The van of each co

Iumn was preceded by an avant-guard, or forlorn hope, of 20 men each, under Lieutenants Gibbons and Knox, two young officers chosen for their undaunted valour. These were intended to remove the abbatis and other obstructions that might impede the march of the attacking columns; and both officers fortunately escaped unhurt, though each of them lost more than three fourths of their brave followers.

The natural difficulties in the approach to this post were at this moment considerably increased by the overflowing of the tide, which completely covered the deep morass that surrounded the works. The two attacking columns, however, moved on to different points, in spite of every obstacle, and in the face of an incessant fire from the enemy's cannon and musketry, driving every thing before them at the point of the bayonet, until they met in the centre of the works. General Wayne, who had placed himself at the head of the right division, received a slight wound in the head from a musket ball, just as he had passed the last abbatis, but bravely insisted upon being carried on, that if it were his lot to die, he might breathe his last `in the enemy's fort. He was supported through the fire by his two gallant Aids de Camp, Fishbourn and Archer. Lieutenant Colonel Fleury, who led the van of the right column, a young French officer who had on many previous occasions greatly distinguished himself, was the first to fly to the enemy's standard, which he struck with his own hand.

By this most brilliant enterprise, two flags, two standards, 15 pieces of ordnance, and a large quantity of military stores fell into the hands of the Americans, besides 543 prisoners. Of the assailants 98 were killed and wounded, of the enemy 63 were kill

ed, among whom were several of their bravest and most meritorious officers.

At the same time that General Wayne moved against Stony Point, General Robert Howe, (who, on the arrival of General Lincoln in the South, had joined the army under Washington,) was despatched against the opposite post of Verplank's; but owing to various unavoidable delays, he was unable to come up with his force, until Sir Henry Clinton had moved with large reinforcements to its assistance. On the morning after Wayne had gained possession of Stony Point, he turned the artillery against Verplank's, and kept up so warm a cannonade, that the enemy's shipping were obliged to cut their cables and fall down the river. Had General Howe been enabled at this moment to have approached the fort on the land side, it must have fallen into his hands.

Washington's force being too weak to admit of his leaving a sufficient garrison for the protection of Stony Point, it had been determined in Council, previous to the attack, that in the event of its being successful, the works should be destroyed and abandoned. This was accordingly done, after holding possession of it for three days: the artillery and stores were removed, the works demolished, and the post evacuated; so that when Sir Henry Clinton arrived with his whole land and naval force, he found none to dispute his taking possession. Thus did this post three times change masters in little more than a month. Sir Henry gave orders once more to repair the works, and left a strong garrison for its defence.

About the same time another daring and brilliant enterprise was undertaken, for the surprise of the British garrison at Powle's Hook, the execution of which

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