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Replacement of Personal Property Sold, Judiciary:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)----.




Advances for Mutual Defense Assistance, Executive Office of the President:
Advances for mutual defense assistance (trust account)_.


23, 948, 625


Replacement of Personal Property Sold, Atomic Energy Commission:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which
is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items.
Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C.
231 (c)) (special account)___

Unclaimed Moneys Due Creditors of Contractors With the United States Under
Cost-Plus-a-Fixed-Fee Contracts, Atomic Energy Commission:

This represents funds which are withheld from payment to contractors be-
cause of claims of creditors and is available for the settlement of such
claims (trust account)_




Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund:
The Act of May 22, 1920 (41 Stat. 614), as amended, authorized the estab-
lishment of the civil service retirement and disability fund and the deposit
therein of deductions from the salaries of, and deposits for additional
annuity by, employees and other members of the civil service retirement
and disability fund and appropriated said fund for the payment of annui-
ties, refunds, and allowances to such members. Said fund is supplemented
annually by appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury (5
U. S. C. 700a) (trust account).....

Canal Zone Retirement and Disability Fund:

The Act of March 2, 1931 (46 Stat. 1477), authorized the establishment of the Canal Zone retirement and disability fund and the deposit therein of deductions from the salaries of, and deposits for additional annuity by, employees of the Panama Canal and of the Panama Railroad Company on the Isthmus of Panama and other members of said fund, and appropriated said fund for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances to such employees. Said fund is supplemented annually by appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury (46 Stat. 1477) (trust account)_ Alaska Railroad Retirement and Disability Fund:

The Act of June 20, 1936 (49 Stat. 2017), authorized the establishment of the Alaska Railroad retirement and disability fund and the deposit therein of deductions from the salaries of employees of the Alaska Railroad, and other members of said fund, and appropriated said fund for the payment of annuities, refunds, and allowances to such employees. Said fund is supplemented annually by appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury (49 Stat. 2021–2022) (trust account)_.

804, 812, 675

Replacement of Personal Property Sold:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)‒‒‒‒‒

Total, Civil Service Commission:
General and special accounts.
Trust accounts___.


804,812, 675

804, 815, 675


Replacement of Personal Property Sold:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)___.

International Telecommunication Settlements:

This fund represents collections made by the Federal Communications Com-
mission for reimbursement to ships of United States registry of tolls per-
taining to international telecommunications in compliance with the Com-
munications Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 1224) (trust account).
Total, Federal Communications Commission:

General and special accounts_

Trust accounts_



1, 500

350, 000




Payments to States Under Federal Power Act:

This fund represents 37% per centum of a portion of the proceeds of certain licenses issued by the Federal Power Commission for the occupancy and use of National forest and public lands under the Federal Power Act (16 U. S. C. 810; act of June 10, 1920, as amended) (special account)_. Replacement of Personal Property Sold:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts. (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)_

Total, Federal Power Commission: general and special accounts---


29, 400


30, 200

To Promote the Education of the Blind (Interest):

An account equivalent to interest at 4 per centum per annum is received from the general fund each year on a fund of $250,000 held in trust, being appropriated for payment semiannually to the American Printing House for the Blind (20 U. S. C. 101, 102; 31 U. S. C. 7258 (82)) (trust account)__ Colleges for Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts:

Permanent specific appropriation to pay each State and Territory for the more complete endowment and maintenance of colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts now established, or which may be hereafter established, in accordance with an act of Congress approved July 2, 1862.

That there shall be, and hereby is, annually appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid as hereinafter provided to each State and Territory for the more complete endowment and maintenance of agricultural colleges now established, or which may hereafter be established, in accordance with the act of Congress approved


July 2, 1862 (7 U. S. C. 301–308), and the act of Congress approved August
30, 1890 (7 U. S. C. 321–328), the sum of $5,000 in addition to the sums
named in the said act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1908, and an
annual increase of the amount of such appropriation thereafter for 4 years
by an additional sum of $5,000 over the preceding year, and the annual sum
to be paid thereafter to each State and Territory shall be $50,000 to be
applied only for the purposes of the agricultural colleges, as defined and
limited in the act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, and the act of Con-
gress approved August 30, 1890.

That the sum hereby appropriated to the States and Territories for the
further endowment and support of colleges shall be paid by, to, and
in the manner prescribed by the act of Congress approved August 30, 1890,
entitled "An Act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to
the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit
of agriculture and the mechanic arts established under the provisions of
the act of Congress approved July 2, 1862," and the expenditure of the
said money shall be governed in all respects by the provisions of the said
act of Congress approved July 2, 1862, and the said act of Congress ap-
proved August 30, 1890: Provided, That said colleges may use a portion of
this money for providing courses for the special preparation of instructors
for teaching the elements of agriculture and the mechanic arts (7 U. S. C.
301-308, 321-328) (general account)_

Promotion of Vocational Education:

Cooperative Vocational Education in Agriculture (20 U. S. C. 12) (general account)___‒‒.

Cooperative Vocational Education in Trades and Industries (20 U. S. C. 13) (general account).

Cooperative Vocational Education, Teachers, etc. (20 U. S. C. 14) (General account)___

Operation of Commissaries, Division of Mental Hygiene, Public Health Service: The First Supplemental National Defense Appropriation Act, 1944 (Public Law 216), authorized the establishment of commissaries in the Public Health Service hospitals at Lexington, Ky., and Fort Worth, Tex., for the sale of miscellaneous articles and supplies to patients, the proceeds of such sales to be deposited in the Treasury in a special account which shall be available for expenditure for the replenishment of stock and the continued operation of the commissaries. Under this authorization receipts from sales are appropriated monthly to this account; thus the estimated or actual appropriations shown here represent the estimated or actual sales to patients (57 Stat. 617) (special account)____

Patients' Benefit Funds, Public Health Service Hospitals:

$2,550, 000

3, 018, 453

3,041, 914

1,089, 756


This trust fund is maintained to account for donations received for the benefit of patients at the marine hospital, Carville, La., for the erection and support of hospitals for sick and disabled seamen (42 U. S. C. 219) (trust account)__


Public Health Service Conditional Gift Funds:

This trust fund is maintained to account for conditional gifts to the Public
Health Service (42 U. S. C. 219) (trust account)......


Public Health Service Unconditional Gift Funds:

This trust fund is maintained to account for unconditional gifts to the Public
Health Service (42 U. S. C. 219) (trust account)_

27, 120

Miscellaneous Trust Funds, Federal Security Agency:

This trust fund consists of payment of claims from moneys and effects of former patients, Public Health Service; payments to patients from their personal funds and earnings, Public Health Service; use of patients' funds received from non-Federal sources, St. Elizabeths Hospital; and use of pensions financed from Federal sources, St. Elizabeths Hospital (trust account)___


Replacement of Personal Property Sold, Federal Security Agency:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)_.

Total, Federal Security Agency:
General and special accounts_.

Trust accounts__


$9,938, 998
479, 620


10, 418, 618


Wages of Employees of Contractors, Act of August 30, 1935:
Represents amounts withheld from contractors for payment of wages found
due to laborers and mechanics under the terms of the Act of August 30,
1935 (40 U. S. C. 276a-2) (trust account)___

Proceeds From Estates of American Citizens Who Die Abroad:

Proceeds of personal estates left by citizens of the United States who die abroad, other than seamen belonging to any vessel, in cases where the legal representative of the deceased has failed to make demand therefor, are transmitted to the General Accounting Office by the respective United States Consuls, to be held in this trust account for the legal claimants (22 U. S. C. 75) (trust account)___

Total, General Accounting Office: Trust accounts_-



Maintenance, Etc., LaFayette Building, Washington, D. C., General Services

This account provides for the appropriation of rental deposits received
from commercial occupants of the LaFayette Building, Washington, D. C.,
against which are charged the costs of maintenance, upkeep, and repair
of such space (62 Stat. 644) (special account)-----
Cost of Maintenance, Repair, Etc., of Improvements, Public Buildings, General
Services Administration:

Rental deposits received from tenants occupying buildings or sites acquired for future construction available for the cost of maintenance, repair, and alteration of such sites and improvements as are necessary to keep them in rentable condition (63 Stat. 176) (special account). Replacement of Personal Property Sold, General Services Administration: The proceeds from sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)__

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library:

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The joint resolution to provide for the establishment and maintenance of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (53 Stat. 1062-1066) establishes a Board to be known as the Trustees of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and authorizes it to accept gifts and bequests of personal property (sec. 205 (a) (c)). "The income from any trust funds held by the Board . . shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States, who shall enter it in a special account . . . subject to disbursement by the Archivist, except where otherwise restricted by the instrument of gift, in the purchase of equipment for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; in the preparation and publication of guides, inventories, calendars, and textual reproduction of material in the said Library; and in the purchase. . . of historical material for the said Library" (sec 205 (d)). Proceeds from the sale of publications and duplicate printed material and from fees collected from visitors are also paid into the special account and available for disbursement by the Archivist as provided above (53 Stat. 1062-1066, sec. 203, 205 (d), 207) (trust account)....

38, 400




National Archives Trust Fund:

The Act of June 25, 1948, provides that certain fees collected by the Archivist shall be available for disbursement in the interest of the National Archives (44 U. S. C. 300h) (trust account)____

National Archives Gift Fund, Investment Account, General Services Administration:

The National Archives Trust Fund Board is authorized to receive and
administer gifts and bequests for the benefit of or in connection with the
National Archives (trust account)_____.

Total, General Services Administration:
Special accounts___

Trust accounts.



$315, 400



Replacement of Personal Property Sold, Interstate Commerce Commission:
The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which
is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items.
Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C.
231 (c)) (special account)___.

Unearned Fees, Admission of Attorneys, Interstate Commerce Commission:
For the refundment of unearned fees, Admission of Attorneys under section
17 (12), Transportation Act of 1940 (49 U. S. C. 17 (12)) (trust account)__


Replacement of Personal Property Sold:

The proceeds from the sale of personal property, the replacement of which is authorized by law, are available for the acquisition of similar items. Amounts not so used are deposited as miscellaneous receipts (41 U. S. C. 231 (c)) (special account)___


National Capital Park and Planning Commission, Contributed Funds, George
Washington Memorial Parkway:

One-half the cost of acquiring land for the George Washington Memorial
Parkway is contributed by the States of Maryland and Virginia, and held
in trust for purchases as authorized by the Commission (46 Stat. 482
(trust account)_



10, 000



Railroad Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund, Railroad Retirement

The act of June 25, 1938, as amended, established the Railroad Unemploy-
ment Insurance Administration fund, to which there is credited such part
of all contributions collected pursuant to section 8 of said Act as equals
0.2 per centum of the total compensation on which such contributions are
based. All moneys credited to the fund are permanently appropriated
for administrative expenses necessary in carrying out that act, except
that so much of the balance in the fund as is in excess of $6,000,000 as of
June 30 of each year is transferred from this fund and credited to the
railroad unemployment insurance account in the unemployment trust fund
(45 U. S. C. 361) (special account)__.

Payment to Railroad Retirement Account:

For an annual premium to provide for the payment of all annuities, pensions, and death benefits, in accordance with the provisions of the Railroad Retirement Acts of 1935 and 1937, as amended (45 U. S. C. 228-228s), and for expenses necessary for the Railroad Retirement Board in the Administration of said Acts as specifically provided for under this title, for

10, 000, 000

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