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1 lend to an applicant or grantee not more than 90 per centum 2 of the non-Federal funds required as a condition of assistance 3 under any such program, and may pay all or part of the 4 interest in excess of 3 per centum per annum on any loan 5 made, guaranteed, or insured under any such program.




SEC. 104. (a) The Board is authorized to assist, in ac8 cordance with this section, the establishment, expansion, 9 and operation of (1) comprehensive health service organi10 zations which meet or will meet the requirements of sec11 tion 47, and (2) public or other nonprofit agencies and organizations, described in section 48 (a) and (b), which



13 furnish or will furnish care to ambulatory patients.

14 (b) The Board is authorized to make grants (1) to any public or nonprofit agency or organization (whether



or not it is a provider of health services), for not more than 17 90 per centum of the cost (excluding costs of construction) 18 of planning, developing, and establishing an organization or 19 agency described in subsection (a), or (2) to an existing 20 organization or agency described in subsection (a), for not more than 80 per centum of the cost (excluding costs of



construction) of planning and developing an enlargement 23 of the scope of its services or an expansion of its resources



to enable it to serve more enrollees or a larger clientele. In

25 addition to grants under this subsection, or in lieu of such


1 grants, the Board is authorized to provide technical assist

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3 (c) The Board is authorized to make loans to organi4 zations and agencies described in subsection (a) to assist 5 in meeting the cost of constructing (or otherwise acquiring,


or improving or equipping) facilities which the Board 7 finds will be essential to the effective and economical deliv


ery, or to the ready accessibility, of covered services to 9 eligible persons. No loan to a newly established agency or 10 organization shall exceed 90 per centum, and no loan to 11 any other agency or organization shall exceed 80 per centum, 12 of such cost, or of the non-Federal share if other Federal 13 financial assistance in meeting such cost is available. 14 (d) The Board is authorized to contract with an organi15 zation or agency which is described in subsection (a) and 16 which has been either newly established or substantially 17 enlarged, to pay all or a part of any operating deficits, for 18 not more than five years in the case of an organization 19 described in subsection (a) (1), and until not later than 20 June 30, 1973, in the case of an agency or organization 21 described in subsection (a) (2). Any such contract shall 22 condition payments upon the contractors making all reason23 able effort to avoid or minimize operating deficits and (if 24 such deficits exist) making reasonable progress toward 25 becoming self-supporting.




2 SEC. 105. (a) In consultation with State comprehen3 sive health planning agencies, the Board shall promptly 4 establish (and from time to time review and, if necessary, 5 revise) schedules of priority for the recruitment, education, 6 and training of personnel to meet the most urgent needs of 7 the health security system. The schedules may differ for 8 different parts of the United States.

9 (b) The Board is authorized to provide to physicians 10 and medical students training for the general or family prac11 tice of medicine and training in any other medical speciality 12 in which the Board finds that there is, for the purpose of this title, a critical shortage of qualified practitioners.



(c) The Board shall provide education or training for 15 those classes of health personnel (professional, subprofes16 sional, or nonprofessional) for whom it finds the greatest 17 need, if other Federal financial asistance is not available for 18 such education or training; and if other assistance is available 19 but the Board deems it inadequate to meet the increased 20 need attributable to the health security system, it may, with 21 the approval of the Secretary, provide such education or 22 training pending action by the Congress on a recommenda23 tion promptly made by the Secretary to increase the au24 thorization of appropriations (or, if the authorization is 25 deemed adequate, to increase the appropriations) for such 26 other assistance.


(d) The training of personnel authorized by this sec2 tion includes the development of new kinds of health per3 sonnel to assist in the furnishing of comprehensive health 4 services, and also includes the training of persons to pro5 vide education for personal health maintenance, to provide 6 liaison between the residents of an area and health organiza7 tions and personnel serving them, and to act as consumer representatives and as members of advisory bodies in rela9 tion to the operation of this title in the areas in which they 10 reside. The Board may make grants to public or other nonprofit health agencies, institutions, or organizations (1) to




pay a part or all of the cost of testing the utility of new. 13 kinds of health personnel, and (2) until June 30, 1973,


to pay a part of the cost of employing persons trained under 15 this subsection who cannot otherwise readily find employ16 ment utilizing the skills imparted by such training.

17 (e) Education and training under this section shall be 18 provided by the Board through contracts with appropriate 19 educational institutions or such other institutions, agencies, 20 or organizations as it finds qualified for this purpose. The 21 Board may provide directly, or through the contractor, for 22 the payment of stipends to students or trainees in amounts 23 not exceeding the stipends payable under comparable Fed24 eral education or training programs.

25 (f) The Board shall undertake to recruit and train pro26 fessional practitioners who will agree to practice, in urban



or rural areas of acute shortage, in comprehensive health

2 service organizations referred to in section 47 or in agencies


or organizations referred to in section 48 (a) or (b). A 4 practitioner who agrees to engage in such practice for at 5 least five years and who enters upon practice in the area 6 before July 1, 1973, may until that date be paid a stipend to supplement his professional earnings, and in an appro8 priate case the Board may make a commitment to compensate the practitioner after that date in accordance with 10 section 82 (c).


11 (g) In administering this section the Board shall seek 12 to encourage the education and training, for the health pro13 fessions and other health occupations, of persons disadvan14 taged by poverty, inadequate education, or membership in 15 ethnic minorities. To this end the Board may, through con16 tracts in accordance with subsection (e), provide to such persons remedial or supplementary education preparatory to or concurrent with education or training for the health




professions or occupations, and may (directly or through 20 such contracts) provide to such persons stipends adequate



to enable them to avail themselves of such education or


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SEC. 106. (a) The Board is authorized to make grants

to public or other nonprofit health agencies, institutions, and

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