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§ 1–16.901–20


Standard Form 20: Invitation for Bids (Construction Contract).

FED. PROC. REG. (41 CFR) 1-16.401





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§ 1–16.901–21

Standard Form 21: Bid Form (Construction Contract).

(a) Page 1 of Standard Form 21.

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In compliance with the above-dated invitation for bids, the undersigned hereby proposes to perform all work for

in strict accordance with the General Provisions (Standard Form 23-A), Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts in Excess of $2,000 (Standard Form 19-A), specifications, schedules, drawings, and conditions, for the following amount(s)


The undersigned agrees that, upon written acceptance of this bid, mailed or otherwise furnished within calendar days ( calendar days unless a different period be inserted by the bidder) after the date of opening of bids, he will within calendar days (unless a longer period is allowed) after receipt of the prescribed forms, execute Standard Form 23, Construction Contract, and give performance and payment bonds on Government standard forms with good and sufficient surety.

The undersigned agrees, if awarded the contract, to commence the work within

calendar days after the date of receipt of notice to proceed, and to complete the work within calendar days after the date of receipt of notice to proceed.


(Continue on other side)

(b) Page 2 of Standard Form 21.

Receipt of Amendments: The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the following amendments of the invitation for bids, drawings, and/or specifications, etc. (Give number and date of each):


The bidder represents (Check appropriate boxes):

(1) That he is, is not, a small business concern. (For this purpose, a small business concern is a business concern, including its affiliates, which (a) is independently owned and operated, (b) is not dominant in its field of operation, and (c) had average annual receipts for the preceding three fiscal years not exceeding $5,000,000. For additional information see governing regulations of the Small Business Administration.)


(2) (a) That he has not, employed or retained any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the bidder) to solicit or secure this contract, and (b) that he has, has not, paid or agreed to pay any company or person (other than a full-time bona fide employee working solely for the bidder) any fee, commission, percentage or brokerage fee, contingent upon or resulting from the award of this contract; and agrees to furnish information relating to (a) and (b) above as requested by the Contracting Officer.

(For interpretation of the representation, including the term "bona fide employee," see Code of Federal Regulations, Title 41, Subpart 1-1.5.)

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Envelopes containing bids, guarantee, etc., must be sealed, marked, and addressed as follows:

CAUTION: Bids should not be qualified by exceptions to the bidding conditions.

[26 F.R. 1047, Feb. 3, 1961]


§ 1–16.901-22 Standard Form 22: Instructions to Bidders (Construction Contract)

(a) Page 1 of Standard Form 22.





1.. Explanations to Bidders. Any explanation desired by a bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the invitation for bids, drawings, specifications, etc., must be requested in writing and with sufficient time allowed for a reply to reach bidders before the submission of their bids. Any interpretation made will be in the form of an amendment of the invitation for bids, drawings, specifications, etc., and will be furnished to all prospective bidders. Its receipt by the bidder must be acknowledged in the space provided on the Bid Form (Standard Form 21) or by letter or telegram received before the time set for opening of bids. Oral explanations or instructions given before the award of the contract will not be binding.

2. Conditions Affecting the Work. Bidders should visit the site and take such other steps as may be reasonably neccessary to ascertain the nature and location of the work, and the general and local conditions which can affect the work or the cost thereof. Failure

to do so will not relieve bidders from responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. The Government will assume no responsibility for any understanding or representations concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included in the invitation for bids, the specifications, or related documents.

3. Bidder's Qualifications. Before a bid is considered for award, the bidder may be requested by the Government to submit a statement regarding his previous experience in performing comparable work, his business and technical organization, financial resources, and plant available to be used in performing the work.

4. Bid Guarantee. Failure to furnish a required bid guarantee in the proper form and amount, by the time set for opening of bids, may be cause for rejection of

the bid.

A bid guarantee shall be in the form of a firm commitment, such as a bid bond, postal money order, certified check, cashier's check, irrevocable letter of credit or, in accordance with Treasury Department regulations, bonds or notes of the United States. Bid guar

antees, other than bid bonds, will be returned (a) to unsuccessful bidders as soon as practicable after the opening of bids, and (b) to the successful bidder upon execution of such further contractual documents and bonds as may be required by the bid as accepted.

If the successful bidder withdraws his bid within the period specified therein for acceptance (sixty days if no period is specified) or, upon acceptance thereof by the Government, fails to enter into the contract and give bonds within the time specified (ten days if no period is specified) after the forms are presented to him, he shall be liable for any difference by which the cost of procuring the work exceeds the amount of his bid, and the bid guarantee shall be available toward offsetting such difference.

5. Preparation of Bids. (a) Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished, or copies thereof, and must be manually signed. If erasures or other changes appear on the forms, each erasure or change must be initialed by the person signing the bid. Unless specifically authorized in the invitation for bids, telegraphic bids will not be considered.

(b) The bid form may provide for submission of a price or prices for one or more items, which may be lump sum bids, alternate prices, scheduled items resulting in a bid on a unit of construction or a combination thereof, etc. Where the bid form explicitly requires that the bidder bid on all items, failure to do so will disqualify the bid. When submission of a price on all items is not required, bidders should insert the words "no bid" in the space provided for any item on which no price is submitted.

(c) Unless called for, alternate bids will not be considered.

(d) Modifications of bids already submitted will be considered if received at the office designated in the invitation for bids by the time set for opening of bids. Telegraphic modifications will be considered, but should not reveal the amount of the original or revised bid.

6. Submission of Bids. Bids must be sealed, marked, and addressed as directed in the invitation for bids. Failure to do so may result in a premature opening of, or a failure to open, such bid.


(b) Page 2 of Standard Form 22.

7. Late Bids and Modifications or Withdrawals. Bids and modifications or withdrawals thereof received at the office designated in the invitation for bids after the exact time set for opening of bids will not be considered unless received before award and (a) they are submitted by mail (or by telegraph, if authorized) and (b) it is determined by the Government that -late receipt was due solely to either (1) delay in the mails (or by the telegraph company, if telegraphic bids are authorized) for which the bidder was not responsible or (2) mishandling by the Government after receipt at the Government installation. However, a modification which is received from an otherwise successful bidder and which makes the terms of the bid more-favorable to the Government will be considered at any time it is received and may thereafter be accepted.

8. Withdrawal of Bids. Bids may be withdrawn by written or telegraphic request received from bid. ders prior to the time set for opening of bids.

9. Public Opening of Bids. Bids will be publicly opened at the time set for opening in the invitation

[26 F.R. 1048, Feb. 3, 1961]

for bids. Their content will be made public for the information of bidders and others interested, who may be present either in person or by representative.

10. Award of Contract. (a) Award of contract will be made to that responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the invitation for bids, is most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered.

(b) The Government may, when in its interest, reject any or all bids or waive any informality in bids received.

(c) The Government may accept any item or combination of items of a bid, unless precluded by the invitation for bids or the bidder includes in his bid a restrictive limitation.

11. Contract and Bonds. The bidder whose bid is

accepted will, within the time estabished in the bid,

enter into a written contract with the Government and, if required, furnish performance and payment bonds on Government standard forms in the amounts indicated in the invitation for bids or the specifications.


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