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" Islands, together with the personnel, records, property, and funds of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands are transferred from the Secretary of the Interior to the said United States High Commissioner to the Philippine... "
President's Plan for Reorganization of Executive Departments: Hearings ... - Page 9
by United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary - 1946 - 471 pages
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Digest of Official Opinions of the Attorneys General of the ..., Volumes 33-42

United States. Department of Justice - Administrative law - 1921 - 596 pages
...Statutes contains any authority for a proposed Executive order providing that in the event of a vacancy in the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands or the temporary disability of the High Commissioner, the Legal Adviser, or in his absence, the Financial...
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United States Code Annotated, Volume 31

United States - Law - 1927 - 682 pages
...the Petroleum Administration for War, the War Relocation Authority, the Coal Mines Administration, the Office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, and that part of the functions of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions authorized under...
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Hearings: Interior Dept

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1940 - 1940 pages
...Equipment 3,180 12. 344 Total estimate for 1941 lj'J, 000 This estimate is to provide for the expenses of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands, which has heretofore been Included in the estimates of the War Department. There lins been some difficulty...
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Hearings, Parts 1-2

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1941 - 2372 pages
...have one new committee member, Mr. Jones, of Ohio. He has been assigned the Fine Arts Commission and the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. STATEMENTS OF EK BURLEW, FIRST ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR; MRS. J. ATWOOD MAULDING, DIRECTOR...
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First Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1935: Hearing ... 74th Congress, 1st ...

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1935 - 1032 pages
...United States High Commissioner t<o the Philippine Island*. — For the establishment and maintenance of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands us authorized by subsection 4 ot section 7 of the act approved March 24, 1934 (48 Stat. 456), including...
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Annual Report of the Secretary of War

United States. War Department - 1935 - 802 pages
...the new government of the Commonwealth entered upon its duties and responsibilities. On the same day the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands was established and the Honorable Frank Murphy, last American Governor General, became the first United...
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First Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1935

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - United States - 1935 - 262 pages
...United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. — For the establishment and maintenance oi the office of the United States High Commissioner to the ^Philippine Islands as authorized by subsection 4> of section 7 of the act approved March 24, 1934 (48 Stat. 456), including...
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Windup Operations Incident to Repeal of the Bankhead Cotton Act of 1934 ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - Cotton growing and manufacture - 1936 - 886 pages
...assistant to General Cox. Mr. PARKS. We have a new item in our bill this year covering the expenses of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. You are here, I understand, to justify the estimate for that item. Colonel STOCKTON. That is correct....
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War Department Appropriation Bill for 1937, Hearings ... 74th ..., Parts 1-2

United States. Congress. House. Appropriations - 1936 - 862 pages
...assistant to General Cox. Mr. PARKS. We have a new item in our bill this year covering the expenses of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. You are here, I understand, to justify the estimate for that item. Colonel STOCKTON. That is correct....
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Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1938: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1937 - 858 pages
...for the support of the Military Establishment the committee has included $152,000 for the maintenance of the office of the United States High Commissioner to the Philippine Islands. This appropriation, as you know, has heretofore been carried under the nonmilitary activities of the...
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