Census Bureau-statistical work-moneys received therefor prior to May 27, 1935, must be deposited to credit of Miscel laneous Receipts and cost charged against current appropriation. After that date, and in accordance with act of that date, Pub. 74, payment for such services may be made from funds deposited therefor... Federal Emergency Relief Administration: Vouchers submitted must show the actual appropriation or appropriations charge- able with the expenditure involved, and where the wrong appropriation has been charged it is the duty of the General Accounting Office in auditing the accounts to question the expenditure and require a satisfactory explanation or adjustment of the matter before credit may be allowed.... When an obligation is chargeable to more than one appropriation it is proper to show on the voucher all applicable ap- propriations and to draw one check to the payee in payment.. While the General Accounting Office may effect adjustments between appropria- tions when, under a mistake of law or fact, a voucher has been charged to the wrong appropriation and it clearly ap- pears another appropriation is avail- able, an administrative officer may not, for the sake of an administrative expe- diency, deliberately charge the wrong appropriation with the expectation of obtaining subsequently an adjustment by transfer of applicable appropriations. Postmasters-reopening not authorized on basis of claim made by or on behalf of receiver of bank on theory that return to postmaster of public funds on deposit in bank when business was suspended was erroneous, where former postmaster has accounted for all moneys belonging to the United States and his accounts closed.... Virgin Islands Company-appropriated moneys are not available for services of certified public accountants in providing for a system of general accounts and a cost system....
Combinations-bids should not be re- ceived from two corporations, one of which is owned and controlled by the other, where corporate identities are retaired merely for trade purposes.... Debarment-fact that bidder in previous transaction furnished supplies not in accordance with specifications is not alone valid reason for continued refusa! to give consideration to bids; but upon reasonable showing that interests of the United States require debarment, ad- ministrative action will not be ques- tioned provided length of debarment is definitely stated and not unreasonable. Deposits-set-off-amount deposited by unsuccessful bidder in connection with bid for lease of grazing lands from the United States may be set off against indebtedness to the United States..... Experience-United States is not required to accept low bid for performance of important construction work where bidder has had no experience in con- nection with similar work. Indebtedness to the United States-no legal authority for giving preference to highest bidder merely because of in- debtedness to United States, growing out of loan from Reconstruction Finance Corporation... Protests-bidder whose products are normally offered in competition with products admitted under specifica- tions has sufficient basis for protest against mechanical details, as dis- tinguished from actual needs of the service, illegally included in advertised specifications, even though he has re- fused to submit a bid... Qualifications-bidders may be required to show certain qualifications as con- dition precedent to letting contract where work is of such magnitude or in- volves technical requirements that interests of United States would not adequately be protected by giving of performance bond....
ADVERTISING-Continued. Bidders-Continued.
Responsibility-fact that subcontractors from which contractor proposes to pur- chase materials or to sublet a portion of construction are reported to be not re- sponsible is not sufficient to authorize low bid to be disregarded or for holding that bidder is not responsible...
Acceptance of highest-office space-no legal authority for giving preference to highest bidder merely because of in- debtedness to United States, growing out of loan from Reconstruction Fi- nance Corporation................ Acceptance of other than lowest: Cement--if notice of withdrawal of low- est bid for noncompliance with appli- cable code was not received by the Government officer prior to accept- ance of bid, and award was later re- quired to be made to next lowest bidder, any difference in cost is chargeable to lowest bidder....... Trucks:
No legal justification for specifica- tion that spare tire be mounted in fender well, and where contract awarded to higher bidder because of failure of lowest bid to meet such stipulation, payment may not exceed lowest price bid... Rejection of low bid, otherwise cor- rect, because engine in truck offered by low bidder had piston displace- ment of 331.4 cubic inches, instead of not less than 358 cubic inches as called for in specifications, and award of contract to higher bidder, not justified where specifications did not notify bidders of special service conditions under which truck was to be operated------ Acceptance-time limit-where time specified for acceptance of bid is not sufficient to permit final determina- tion of claim of mistake before expira- tion thereof, and bidder refuses to extend time limit pending such de- termination, bidder should be notified before expiration of time and before forwarding matter to General Ac- counting Office for determination, that bid is accepted subject to final action by said office on pending claim of mistake... Competitive-bids should not be received from two corporations, one of which is owned and controlled by the other, where corporate identities are retained merely for trade purposes------- Evaluation:
Automobiles-specifications stipulating minimum requirements for weight and wheel base are not proper factors for evaluating bids.....
Tractors--no legal objection to evalua- tion of bids on basis stated in specifica- tions of initial cost of tractor plus fuel consumption during stated period... Informalities: Failure of low bidder to accompany bid with required bid bond may be waived if in public interest, and since bid bond has been subsequently furnished and bidder appears. other- wise qualified, appropriated moneys are not available for the work in any amount in excess of low bid...... Whether technical failure to submit bid bond with bid may be waived in public interest, where bond was furnished shortly after bids were opened, is controlled by circum- stances surrounding said failure, the responsibility of bidder, and the saving of public moneys to be made. Multiple-bids should not be received from two corporations, one of which is owned and controlled by the other, where corporate identities are retained merely for trade purposes. Not required:
Experiments--no objection to purchase without advertising of one mortar motor carriage for experimental pur- poses, except that contract should reserve to United States, or obtain for the Government, right to use design or patent for vehicle in event it should prove to be a success and quan- tity purchases should be desirable... Personal services-exception of personal services from requirements of adver- tising under sec. 3709, R. S., is identified with and attaches to the individual and means that the personal element predominates and necessitates a selection of the person and that the contracting be directly with and binding on that person. It is not an authority to contract for an individual's services through another agency--
Qualified dental gold-where bidder proposed to furnish at specified price per ounce and attempted to qualify bid to provide for variation in price to correspond with depreciation of gold purchasing power of American dollar, and bid was accepted on basis of price stated, such qualification was, in effect, an attempt to make contract price payable in gold, or its equivalent, and void. Payment authorized only of contract price..................... Rejection:
violator of some provision of act Feb. 22, 1935, superseding sec. 9, National Industrial Recovery Act, declared - unconstitutional by U. S. Supreme Court... Where specifications did not notify bidders of special service conditions under which truck was to be operated, rejection of low and otherwise correct bid was not justified on the basis of a lower piston displacement than called for by the specifications... Required:
Airplanes-under sec. 10 (t), act July 2, 1926, quantity purchases of airplanes for Army and Navy may be made only as result of advertising............... Automobile repairs and parts-con- tracts for repairs and parts for auto- mobiles in use by the Civilian Con- servation Corps should be awarded after advertising for bids in the com- munities where such work is to be done...... Leases-general rule is that there must be advertising for bids for leasing of premises for use of various Govern- ment activities. While clearance may be obtained from Procurement Division, Treasury Department, such clearance does not relieve administrative office from complying with sec. 3709, R. S... Character of:
Any method of advertisement that gives all available competition under circum- stances of particular case, generally, will be accepted by General Accounting Office as compliance with sec. 3709, R. S......
Where only form of advertisement for bids was insertion in local newspaper, and only one response was received out of 20 persons or firms in the locality, adver- tisement not adequate... Experiments-mortar carriage no objec- tion to purchase without advertising of one mortar motor carriage for experimen- tal purposes, except that contract should reserve to United States, or obtain for the Government, right to use design or pat- ent for vehicle in event it should prove to be a success and quantity purchases should be desirable.
Codes of fair competition:
Kids submitted in arsv er to advertised specification stipulating code com- pliance opened after May 27, 1935, date of decision by U. S. Supreme Court holding unconstitutional pro- visions of National Industrial Re- covery Act relative to codes and code compliance, should be rejected and
ADVERTISING-Continued. Readvertisement-Continued.
Codes of fair competition-Continued. readvertisement had on basis of spec- ifications eliminating such require- ment.
Where lowest bidder not determined after two months since opening of bids, and in the meantime the Su- preme Court of the United States declared the code provisions of the National Industrial Recovery. Act unconstitutional and the requirement for code compliance was suspended, it is in the interests of the United States to reject all bids based on code compliance and to readvertise elimi- nating requirement that bidder sub- mit certificate of code compliance.... Notice while there is no legal require- ment that former bidders be notified of readvertisement, in order to stimulate competition it would clearly be in inter- ests of United States to notify them.... AGENTS:
Authority-general rule stated, where a person has held out another as his agent authorized to act for him in a given capac- ity...
Cotton pool sales-where contract fixes definitely obligation of contractor, ex- penditures which may be reimbursed, and compensation to be paid, there is no au- thority for payment of additional amount to cover brokers' commissions expended in effecting sale of cotton.. Employees' classification--
For periods on and after July 1, 1934, credit allowed for salary payments only at minimum salary rate of grade in which position allocated by Civil Serv- ice Commission, if positions are in Dis- trict of Columbia, and only at mini- mum salary rate of grade in which posi- tion administratively placed or allo- cated, if in the field, unless there is showing that personnel funds are avail- able on annual basis for difference between minimum rate and higher rate in grade at which paid on basis of administrative promotion.... Temporary employees subject to classi- fication act as amended are authorized to be paid only at minimum salary rate of grade in which temporary positions properly placed or allocated, whether in departmertal or field service, and promotion above minimum salary rate of grade not authorized........... Wheat purchases-
No authority in Secretary of Agriculture or his designated agent to direct or authorize purchase of salvaged fire- damaged, smoke-odor wheat for export.
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