HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON EXPENDITURES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS UNITED STATES SENATE FIRST SESSION ON S. 1149 A BILL TO PROVIDE FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION ON ORGANIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH OF THE GOVERNMENT (Revised Bill, Committee Print of August 14, 1951) 88670 AUGUST 28, 29, SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, and 18, 1951 COMMITTEE ON EXPENDITURES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, Arkansas, Chairman CLYDE R. HOEY, North Carolina II JOSEPH R. MCCARTHY, Wisconsin WALTER L. REYNOLDS, Chief Clerk CONTENTS Page S. 1149, committee print of August 14, 1951. - Section-by-section analysis of S. 1149, as revised, August 14, 1951. Staff memorandum No. 82-1-51, Hoover Commission recommendations on the Department of Agriculture, August 23, 1951_- Staff memorandum No. 82-1-53, analysis of provisions of S. 1149, as re- Adams, J. Marion, State director of vocational education, Little Rock, Ark., representing the National Association of State' Directors of Vocational Education and the American Vocational Association. Aiken, Hon. George D., a United States Senator from the State of Baker, John A., legislative secretary of the National Farmers Union, Brannan, Charles F., Secretary of Agriculture; accompanied by Chapman, Hon. Oscar L., Secretary of the Interior; accompanied by Dale E. Doty, Assistant Secretary; John B. Bennett, chief of program development, Division of Land Utilization; Herbert J. Slaughter, Chief, Legislative Division; and William Dougherty, Director of 302, 419 Cross, Lionel E., San Jose, Calif., acting executive secretary, National Dashner, Lee, Agricultural-Interior Branch, Estimates Division, Doane, D. Howard, St. Louis, Mo., chairman of the board, Doane Ellis, Clyde T., executive manager, National Rural Electric Cooper- Finan, William F., Assistant Director for Administrative Manage- ment, Bureau of the Budget; accompanied by Lee Dashner, Agri- 114 119 77 209 41 |