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setting of the sun and stars, their progress through the vault of the heavens, and their return to the same apparent places at the same hours of the day and night. The accomplishment of this restoration in the regular interval of twenty-four hours is the first instance we encounter of that great law of periodicity*, which, as we shall see, pervades all astronomy; by which expression we understand the continual reproduction of the same phenomena, in the same order, at equal intervals of time.

(56.) A free rotation of the earth round its centre, if it exist and be performed in consonance with the same mechanical laws which obtain in the motions of masses of matter under our immediate control, and within our ordinary experience, must be such as to satisfy two essential conditions. It must be invariable in its direction with respect to the sphere itself, and uniform in its velocity. The rotation must be performed round an axis or diameter of the sphere, whose poles or extremities, where it meets the surface, correspond always to the same points on the sphere. Modes of rotation of a solid body under the influence of external agency are conceivable, in which the poles of the imaginary line or axis about which it is at any moment revolving shall hold no fixed places on the surface, but shift upon it every moment. Such changes, however, are inconsistent with the idea of a rotation of a body of regular figure about its axis of symmetry, performed in free space, and without resistance or obstruction from any surrounding medium. The complete absence of such obstructions draws with it, of necessity, the strict fulfilment of the two conditions above mentioned.

(57.) Now, these conditions are in perfect accordance with what we observe, and what recorded observation teaches us, in respect of the diurnal motions of the heavenly bodies. We have no reason to believe, from history, that any sensible change has taken place since the earliest ages in the interval of time elapsing between two successive returns of the same star to the same

*Пagíodos, a going round, a circulation or revolution.


point of the sky; or, rather, it is demonstrable from astronomical records that no such change has taken place. And with respect to the other condition, permanence of the axis of rotation, the appearances which any alteration in that respect must produce, would be marked, as we shall presently show, by a corresponding change of a very obvious kind in the apparent motions of the stars; which, again, history decidedly declares them not to have undergone.

(58.) But, before we proceed to examine more in detail how the hypothesis of the rotation of the earth about an axis accords with the phenomena which the diurnal motion of the heavenly bodies offers to our notice, it will be proper to describe, with precision, in what that diurnal motion consists, and how far it is participated in by them all; or whether any of them form exceptions, wholly or partially, to the common analogy of the rest. We will, therefore, suppose the reader to station himself, on a clear evening, just after sunset, when the first stars begin to appear, in some open situation whence a good general view of the heavens can be obtained. He will then perceive, above and around him, as it were, a vast concave hemispherical vault, beset with stars of various magnitudes, of which the brightest only will first catch his attention in the twilight; and more and more will appear as the darkness increases, till the whole sky is over-spangled with them. When he has awhile admired the calm magnificence of this glorious spectacle, the theme of so much song, and of so much thought,- a spectacle which no one can view without emotion, and without a longing desire to know something of its nature and purport, - let him fix his attention more particularly on a few of the most brilliant stars, such as he cannot fail to recognize again without mistake after looking away from them for some time, and let him refer their apparent situations to some surrounding objects, as buildings, trees, &c., selecting purposely such as are in different quarters of his horizon. On comparing them again with their

respective points of reference, after a moderate interval, as the night advances, he will not fail to perceive that they have changed their places, and advanced, as by a general movement, in a westward direction; those towards the eastern quarter appearing to rise or recede from the horizon, while those which lie towards the west will be seen to approach it; and, if watched long enough, will, for the most part, finally sink beneath it, and disappear; while others, in the eastern quarter, will be seen to rise as if out of the earth, and, joining in the general procession, will take their course with the rest towards the opposite quarter.

(59.) If he persists for a considerable time in watching their motions, on the same or on several successive nights, he will perceive that each star appears to describe, as far as its course lies above the horizon, a circle in the sky; that the circles so described are not of the same magnitude for all the stars; and that those described by different stars differ greatly in respect of the parts of them which lie above the horizon. Some, which lie towards the quarter of the horizon which is denominated the SOUTH*, only remain for a short time above it, and disappear, after describing in sight only the small upper segment of their diurnal circle; others, which rise between the south and east, describe larger segments of their circles above the horizon, remain proportionally longer in sight, and set precisely as far to the westward of south as they rose to the eastward; while such as rise exactly in the east remain just twelve hours visible, describe a semicircle, and set exactly in the west. With those, again, which rise between the east and north, the same law obtains; at least, as far as regards the time of their remaining above the horizon, and the proportion of the visible segment of their diurnal circles to their whole circumferences. Both go on increasing; they remain in view more than twelve hours, and their visible diurnal arcs are more than semicircles. But the

We suppose our observer to be stationed in some northern latitude; somewhere in Europe, for example.

magnitudes of the circles themselves diminish, as we go from the east, northward; the greatest of all the circles being described by those which rise exactly in the east point. Carrying his eye farther northwards, he will notice, at length, stars which, in their diurnal motion, just graze the horizon at its north point, or only dip below it for a moment; while others never reach it at all, but continue always above it, revolving in entire circles round ONE POINT called the POLE, which appears to be the common centre of all their motions, and which alone, in the whole heavens, may be considered immoveable. Not that this point is marked by any star. It is a purely imaginary centre; but there is near it one considerably bright star, called the Pole Star, which is easily recognized by the very small circle it describes ; so small, indeed, that, without paying particular attention, and referring its position very nicely to some fixed mark, it may easily be supposed at rest, and be, itself, mistaken for the common centre about which all the others in that region describe their circles; or it may be known by its configuration with a very splendid and remarkable constellation or group of stars, called by astronomers the GREat Bear.

(60.) He will further observe that the apparent relative situations of all the stars among one another is not changed by their diurnal motion. In whatever parts of their circles they are observed, or at whatever hour of the night, they form with each other the same identical groups or configurations, to which the name of CONSTELLATIONS has been given. It is true, that, in different parts of their course, these groups stand differently with respect to the horizon; and those towards the north, when in the course of their diurnal movement they pass alternately above and below that common centre of motion described in the last article, become actually inverted with respect to the horizon, while, on the other hand, they always turn the same points towards the pole. In short, he will perceive that the whole assemblage of stars visible at once, or in succession, in the heavens, may be regarded as one great constella

tion, which seems to revolve with a uniform motion, as if it formed one coherent mass; or as if it were attached to the internal surface of a vast hollow sphere, having the earth, or rather the spectator, in its centre, and turning round an axis inclined to his horizon, so as to pass through that fixed point or pole already mentioned.

(61.) Lastly, he will notice, if he have patience to outwatch a long winter's night, commencing at the earliest moment when the stars appear, and continuing till morning twilight, that those stars which he observed setting in the west have again risen in the east, while those which were rising when he first began to notice them have completed their course, and are now set; and that thus the hemisphere, or a great part of it, which was then above, is now beneath him, and its place supplied by that which was at first under his feet, which he will thus discover to be no less copiously furnished with stars than the other, and bespangled with groups no less permanent and distinctly recognizable. Thus he will learn that the great constellation we have above spoken of as revolving round the pole is co-extensive with the whole surface of the sphere, being in reality nothing less than a universe of luminaries surrounding the earth on all sides, and brought in succession before his view, and referred (each luminary according to its own visual ray or direction from his eye) to the imaginary spherical surface, of which he himself occupies the centre. (See art. 49.)

(62.) There is, however, one portion or segment of this sphere of which he will not thus obtain a view. As there is a segment towards the north, adjacent to the pole above his horizon, in which the stars never set, so there is a corresponding segment, about which the smaller circles of the more southern stars are described, in which they never rise. The stars which border upon the extreme circumference of this segment just graze the southern point of his horizon, and show themselves for a few moments above it, precisely as those near the circumference of the northern segment graze his northern

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