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nihilated. Let PQ be two objects which we may suppose fixed, for purposes of mere explanation, and let KL be a

[blocks in formation]

telescope moveable on O, the common axis of two circles, A M L and a b c, of which the former, A M L, is absolutely fixed in the plane of the objects, and carries the graduations, and the latter is freely moveable on the axis. The telescope is attached permanently to the latter circle, and moves with it. An arm Oa A carries the index, or vernier, which reads off the graduated limb of the fixed circle. This arm is provided with two clamps, by which it can be temporarily connected with either circle, and detached at pleasure. Suppose, now, the telescope directed to P. Clamp the index arm OA to the inner circle, and unclamp it from the outer, and read off. Then carry the telescope round to the other object Q. In so doing, the inner circle, and the index-arm which is clamped to it, will also be carried round, over an arc A B, on the graduated limb of the outer, equal to the angle POQ. Now clamp the index to the outer circle, and unclamp the inner, and read off: the difference of readings will of course. measure the angle POQ; but the result will be liable to two sources of error-that of graduation and that of observation, both which it is our object to get rid of. To this end transfer the telescope back to P, without unclamping the arm from the outer circle; then, having

made the bisection of P, clamp the arm to b, and unclamp it from B, and again transfer the telescope to Q, by which the arm will now be carried with it to C, over a second arc, BC, equal to the angle POQ. Now again read off; then will the difference between this reading and the original one measure twice the angle POQ, affected with both errors of observation, but only with the same error of graduation as before. Let this process be repeated as often as we please (suppose ten times); then will the final arc A B C D read off on the circle be ten times the required angle, affected by the joint errors of all the ten observations, but only by the same constant error of graduation, which depends on the initial and final readings off alone. Now the errors of observation, when numerous, tend to balance and destroy one another; so that, if sufficiently multiplied, their influence will disappear from the result. remains, then, only the constant error of graduation, which comes to be divided in the final result by the number of observations, and is therefore diminished in its influence to one tenth of its possible amount, or to less if need be. The abstract beauty and advantage of this principle seem to be counterbalanced in practice by some unknown cause, which, probably, must be sought for in imperfect clamping.





(161.) GEOGRAPHY is not only the most important of the practical branches of knowledge to which astronomy is applied, but is also, theoretically speaking, an essential part of the latter science. The earth being the general station from which we view the heavens, a knowledge of the local situation of particular stations on its surface is of great consequence, when we come to enquire the distances of the nearer heavenly bodies from us, as concluded from observations of their paralax as well as on all other occasions, where a difference of locality can be supposed to influence astronomical results. We propose, therefore, in this chapter, to explain the principles, by which astronomical observation is applied to geographical determinations, and to give at the same time an outline of geography so far as it is to be considered a part of astronoiny.

(162.) Geography, as the word imports, is a delineation or description of the earth. In its widest sense, this comprehends not only the delineation of the form of its continents and seas, its rivers and mountains, but their physical condition, climates, and products, and their appropriation by communities of men. With physical and political geography, however, we have no

concern here. Astronomical geography has for its objects the exact knowledge of the form and dimensions of the earth, the parts of its surface occupied by sea and land, and the configuration of the surface of the latter, regarded as protuberant above the ocean, and broken into the various forms of mountain, table land, and valley; neither should the form of the bed of the ocean, regarded as a continuation of the surface of the land beneath the water, be left out of consideration; we know, it is true, very little of it; but this is an ignorance rather to be lamented, and, if possible, remedied, than acquiesced in, inasmuch as there are many very important branches of enquiry which would be greatly advanced by a better acquaintance with it.

(163.) With regard to the figure of the earth as a whole, we have already shown that, speaking loosely, it may be regarded as spherical; but the reader who has duly appreciated the remarks in art. 23. will not be at a loss to perceive that this result, concluded from observations not susceptible of much exactness, and embracing very small portions of the surface at once, can only be regarded as a first approximation, and may require to be materially modified by entering into minutiæ before neglected, or by increasing the delicacy of our observations, or by including in their extent larger areas of its surface. For instance, if it should turn out (as it will), on minuter enquiry, that the true figure is somewhat elliptical, or flattened, in the manner of an orange, having the diameter which coincides with the axis about th part shorter than the diameter of its equatorial circle ; - this is so trifling a deviation from the spherical form that, if a model of such proportions were turned in wood, and laid before us on a table, the nicest eye or hand would not detect the flattening, since the difference of diameters, in a globe of sixteen inches, would amount only to th of an inch. In all common parlance, and for all ordinary purposes, then, it would still be called a globe; while, nevertheless, by careful measurement, the difference

would not fail to be noticed, and, speaking strictly, it would be termed, not a globe, but an oblate ellipsoid, or spheroid, which is the name appropriated by geometers to the form above described.

(164.) The sections of such a figure by a plane are not circles, but ellipses; so that, on such a shaped earth, the horizon of a spectator would nowhere (except at the poles) be exactly circular, but somewhat elliptical. It is easy to demonstrate, however, that its deviation from the circular form, arising from so very slight an "ellipticity" as above supposed, would be quite imperceptible, not only to our eyesight but to the test of the dipsector; so that by that mode of observation we should never be led to notice so small a deviation from perfect sphericity. How we are led to this conclusion, as a practical result, will appear, when we have explained the means of determining with accuracy the dimensions of the whole, or any part of the earth.

(165.) As we cannot grasp the earth, nor recede from it far enough to view it at once as a whole, and compare it with a known standard of measure in any degree commensurate to its own size, but can only creep about upon it, and apply our diminutive measures to comparatively small parts of its vast surface in succession, it becomes necessary to supply, by geometrical reasoning, the defect of our physical powers, and from a delicate and careful measurement of such small parts to conclude the form and dimensions of the whole mass. This would present little difficulty, if we were sure the earth were strictly a sphere, for the proportion of the circumference of a circle to its diameter being known (viz. that of 3.1415926 to 1·0000000), we have only to ascertain the length of the entire circumference of any great circle, such as a meridian, in miles, feet, or any other standard units, to know the diameter in units of the same kind. Now the circumference of the whole circle is known as soon as we know the exact length of any aliquot part of it, such as 1° or th part; and this, being not more than about seventy miles in

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