| United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - Interstate commerce - 1914 - 964 pages
...the regulations a red label is required for " any liquid or liquid mixture that gives off inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's...of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F." The 80° flash point is the dividing line between oil and naphthas and other petroleum products... | |
 | United States - 1940 - 550 pages
...by its advice. INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS An inflammable liquid is any liquid which gives off inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's...of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F. Packing for articles not mentioned should be governed by the requirements of the Interstate Commerce... | |
 | Administrative law - 1943 - 1222 pages
...EXPLOSIVES INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 100. An inflammable liquid is any liquid which gives off inflammable vapors (as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's...of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F. [Order, Mar. 31, 1941. effective July 1, 1941; 6 FR 1843] PACKING ***** 101 (j) No cargo tank or... | |
 | United States. Army. Chemical corps - Chemical warfare - 1940 - 144 pages
...inflammable liquids. 11. Definition. — An inflammable liquid is any liquid which gives off inflammable vapors as determined by flash point from Tagliabue's...of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F. 12. Classification. — A list of well-known dangerous inflammable liquids is given in Interstate... | |
 | Administrative law - 1970 - 964 pages
...Governing Inflammable Liquids § 146.21—1 DefinItion of Inflpnnnpl'Ie liquids. (a) An fnfin.mmable (flammable) liquid is defined by the DOT regulations...test of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80 F. (b) Such definitions are binding upon all shippers making shipments of Inflammable (flammable) liquids... | |
 | Administrative law - 1963 - 960 pages
...146.21-1 Definition of inflammable liquids. (a) An inflammable (flammable) liquid is defined by the ICC regulations as any liquid which gives off inflammable...of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° F. (b) Such definitions are binding upon all shippers making shipments of inflammable (flammable) liquids... | |
 | Administrative law - 1964 - 1042 pages
...combustible liquids. A combustible liquid is defined for the purpose of the regulations in this subchapter as any liquid which gives off inflammable (flammable)...test of burning oils) at or below a temperature of 150° P. and above 80° P. This definition is binding on all shippers making shipments of combustible... | |
 | Administrative law - 1954 - 1812 pages
...combustible liquids. A combustible liquid is denned for the purpose of the regulations in this subchapter as any liquid which gives off inflammable (flammable)...for test of burning oils) at or below a temperature ot 150° P. and above 80° P. This definition is binding on all shippers making shipments of combustible... | |
 | Administrative law - 1963 - 942 pages
...(a) A flammable liquid for the purpose of Parts 71-78 of this chapter is any liquid which gives off flammable vapors (as determined by flash point from...burning oils) at or below a temperature of 80° P. Cb) Flammable liquids are described as viscous flammable liquids (see I 73.119 (j) ) when viscosity... | |
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