| Administrative law - 1942 - 1220 pages
...ammunition used in warfare is all kinds of explosive chemical projectiles, shells, bombs, grenades, etc., loaded with toxic, tear, or other gas, smoke,...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (b) When these articles are shipped assembled with their ignition elements, bursting charges, detonating... | |
 | Administrative law - 1974 - 1072 pages
..."lift-on/llft-off" methods. Such container must conform to Military Specification MIL-B-11886 or MHr-B-21560. It is commonly referred to as "Conex Box." (12) Chemical...its boundaries. Access openings fitted with doors, hatch covers (steel or wood) or bolted plates are accepted as preserving the integrity of deck, bulkhead... | |
 | Administrative law - 1963 - 868 pages
...rope and used as a means of handling loose or package cargo to and from the hold of a vessel. (11) Chemical ammunition. Chemical ammunition used in warfare...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (12) Compartment. A compartment is any space formed by permanent steel bulkheads and the ship's side... | |
 | Administrative law - 1963 - 960 pages
...rope and used as a means of handling loose or package cargo to and from the hold of a vessel. (11) Chemical ammunition. Chemical ammunition used in warfare...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (12) Compartment. A compartment is any space formed by permanent steel bulkheads and the ship's side... | |
 | Administrative law - 1958 - 1216 pages
...ammunition used in warfare is all kind of explosive chemical projectiles, shells, bombs, grenades, etc., loaded with toxic, tear, or other gas, smoke...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (s) Boosters, bursters and supplementary charges. Boosters and supplementary charges consist of a casing... | |
 | Administrative law - 1964 - 1042 pages
...ammunition used in warfare is all kind of explosive chemical projectiles, shells, bombs, grenades, etc., loaded with toxic, tear, or other gas, smoke...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (s) Boosters, bursters and supplementary charges. Boosters and supplementary charges consist of a casing... | |
 | Administrative law - 1970 - 964 pages
...ammunition used in warfare Is all kind of explosive chemical projectiles, shells¿bombs,grenades,etc,, loaded with toxic, tear, or other gas, smoke or incendiary...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. Thesearticles must be shipped In accordance with the icquirements for “Ammunidon—Projectile., grenades,... | |
 | Administrative law - 1969 - 932 pages
...projectiles, shells, bombs, grenades, etc., loaded with toxic, te&r, or other gas, smoke ot incen diary agent; also such miscellaneous apparatus as cloud-gas...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. These articles must be shipped In accordance with the requirements for "Ammunition— ProjectUa, trenada,... | |
 | Administrative law - 1970 - 918 pages
...ammunition used to warfare Is all kinds of explosive chemical projectiles, shells, bombs, grenades, etc., loaded with toxic, tear, or other gas, smoke...generators, etc., that may be utilized to project chemicals. (s) Boosters, bursters, and supplementary charges. Boosters and supplementary charges consist of a... | |
 | Administrative law - 1974 - 998 pages
...all kinds of explosive chemical projectiles, bombs, rrenades, mines, etc., loaded with toxic, :ear, or other gas, smoke or Incendiary agent, also such...its boundaries. Access openings fitted with doors, hatch covers (steel or wood) or bolted plates are accepted as preserving the Integrity of deck, bulkhead... | |
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