Federal Communications Commission Federal Housing Administration Federal Insurance Administration Federal Labor Relations Council and Federal Service Impasses Federal Maritime Commission Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Federal Power Commission Federal Prison Industries Federal Procurement Regulations Federal Procurement Regulations System Federal Property Management Regulations Federal Property Management Regulations System Federal Register, Administrative Committee of Federal Supply Service Federal Trade Commission Fiscal Service, Treasury Department Fish and Wildlife Service 41, Subtitle A 41, Subtitle C 50, I, IV General Services Administration Federal Procurement Regulations System Federal Property Management Regulations System 4, I, II 41, 1, 5, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D 41, 101, 105 30, II Rehabilitation Service 42, II; 45, II, IV, IX 42, III 20, III 23, I; 49, III 23, II 44, VII Interstate Land Sales Registration, Office of Immigration and Naturalization Service 24, III 24, V 24, Subtitle A 8, I Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Arts and Crafts Board 25, I; 41, 14H Indian Claims Commission Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission on Interim Compliance Panel (Coal Mine Health and Safety) Interior Department Federal Procurement Regulations System Federal Property Management Regulations System Fish and Wildlife Service Geological Survey Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Arts and Crafts Board Land Management Bureau Mine Operations Appeals, Board of Mines, Bureau of National Park Service Oil Import Administration Reclamation, Bureau of Secretary of the Interior, Office of Water Resources Research, Office of Inspector General, Office of the Internal Revenue Service International Agricultural Development Service International Commerce, Bureau of International Development, Agency for International Joint Commission, United States and Canada International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board International Regulatory Agencies (Fishing and Whaling) Interstate Commerce Commission Transport Mobilization Staff Interstate Land Sales Registration, Office of Justice Department Alien Property, Office of Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Prison Industries Immigration and Naturalization Service Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, Bureau of Public Contracts 41, 50 29, Subtitle A 29, V Maritime Administration Maritime Administrator, Office of National Shipping Authority Mine Operations Appeals, Board of Mines, Bureau of 46, II 30, III 30, I; 32, XIII Telecommunications Management, Director of Tennessee Valley Authority Trade Negotiations, Office of Special Representative Transport Mobilization Staff, Interstate Commerce Commission 29, III 49, II 20, II 43, I 32, XIV 7, XVII 42, III 33, IV 31, IV 17, II 32, XVI 13, I 36, V 50, I 22, I; 44, III 22, II; 41, 7 41, 6 7, XII 28, II 19, II 47, II 18, II 15, XI 32A, VIII Welfare-Pension Reports, Office of Labor-Management and 18, IV 29, IV 50, I 19 List of Sections Affected All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal Regulations which were made by documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER Since January 1, 1964, are enumerated in the following list. Entries indicate the nature of the changes effected. Page numbers refer to Federal Register pages. The user should consult the entries for chapters and parts as well as sections for revisions. For the period before January 1, 1964, see the "List of Sections Affected, 19491963," which is published in a separate volume. |