and stowage chart-Continued Hazard Stowage Handling Fire can cause the engines to liberate dangerous toxic gases. Such gases (or smoke) are dangerous if allowed to become airborne contaminators, or to be ingested or inhaled into the body. Use copious amounts of water to combat fires or leakers. Fire extinguishers containing carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride, or dry powder should not be used. Normal fire-fighting equip ment is less useful, since the blanketing or smothering is less effective because the oxidizers supply their own oxygen. In case of fire, or if leaky containers are discovered, personnel should use protective clothing. "On deck protected". Class X-E items shall not be stowed in the same hold or compartment with other military explosives. Ammunition stowage in a lower hold or deep tank if the space is equipped with a sprinkler system. Shipments stowed on deck shall be last-on/first-off shipments on board the vessel. Shipments stowed on deck shall be last-on/first-off shipments on board the vessel. On vessels having the bridge structure amidship, the holds separated by the bridge structure from the Class X-E explosives stowage may be worked. Adequate fire hose, adjacent to the stowage area, shall be readily accessible to ship's personnel. The on deck stowage shall be isolated from other deck cargo. It shall be separated from other military explosives, hazardous munitions or dangerous cargoes on deck by the bridge structure. Stowage on deck shall not be over the square of the hatch. 1. Observe containers for evidence of leakage and reject any showing such signs. 2. Handle by hand or mechanical means using extreme care against damage to the container. 3. Do not drop, drag, tumble, walk or otherwise subject packages to shock. 4. Packages shall be stowed in the position indicated by their markings. 5. Do not use chute in loading or unloading. 6. In the event of damage to a container resulting in leakage or spillage, stop operations, clear area of all personnel, render first aid to personnel affected and spray copious amount of water on area affected. Decontamination must be handled by personnel trained in this procedure and equipped with protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus. 7. Four complete sets of acid-resistant protective clothing, including a self-contained breathing apparatus of an approved type, must always be immediately available for emergency use. In this operation, as well as all other operations involving fuming nitric acid, treadle type of deluge showers and a container of approximately 5% solution of acetic acid or strong vinegar must be available. 8. Weight per draft shall not exceed 2,400 pounds plus 10% using a five-ton boom. Single items of this class, or assembled units designed to be handled as a unit, may be loaded regardless of weight provided the cargo handling gear is of a design capable of handling a working load at least 50 percent additional to the actual weight of the item or unit comprising the draft and provided further the integrity of the cargo handling gear is unimpaired. 9. Must be loaded first on the side away from the pier so that motors being loaded do not pass over those already loaded. Classification, handling Class XI-A Chemical ammunition, lethal. Description Chemical ammunition filled with lethal gases such as mustard gas (H), lewisite gas (L), nerve gas (GB and VX), BW agents, phosgene gas (CG), hydrocyanic acid (AC), nitrogen mustard gas (HN), diphosgene (DP), chlorpicrin gas (PS), cyanogen chloride (CK) when shipped assembled with or without their ignition elements, bursting charges or fuzes. When these substances are shipped in drums, barrels, cylinders or other authorized containers they shall be classified Class A, Poison Gas. When these substances are shipped in authorized DOT specification containers or Army Materiel Command specification containers of integrity equal to DOT containers (including projectiles, bombs and rockets without ignition elements, bursting charges or fuzes) they may be handled and stowed either as Class A poison gas or chemical ammunition Class XI-A. Includes but is not limited to the following items when filled with any of the above agents: Ammunition for guns with gas projectile. Bombs, chemical. Bombs, clusters, chemical. Frangible grenade. Hand grenade. Howitzer projectile. Land mine. Mortar projectile. Rockets, chemical. Separate loading projectile. NOTE: The Army Materiel Command or U.S. Navy, when shipping chemical ammunition, mark such ammunition and the containers thereof, in general, as follows: (a) By the use of color bands painted upon the ammunition the containers thereof; by letter symbol to indicate the particular kind of chemical therein and the word "Gas" stenciled upon the ammunition of the containers thereof. (b) Persistent gases are marked with two (2) green bands. Nonpersistent gases with one (1) green band. (c) The word "Gas" will be stenciled upon projectiles and upon the outside container of projectiles, grenades, bombs, candles, etc., the stenciling to be of the same color as the designating band. (d) The bodies of all ammunition containing gas will be painted gray. and stowage chart-Continued Hazard Stowage Handling This type of ammunition or bulk shipments of these substances in containers other than ammunition, represents 8 particular and special hazard. Minute quantities of either liquid or vapor can cause serious burns and death. The liquid or vapor will contaminate everything with which it comes in contact, cause serious and painful burns to exposed portions of the body and the eyes, and attack the respiratory system usually with fatal results. Nerve gas is highly toxic, quick acting nerve poison. It can be absorbed through any body surface including the respiratory tract, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. The rapidity of action of nerve gas and absence of identi fying symptoms may incapacitate 8 person so rapidly that he may be unable to take individual protective measures. CHEMICAL AMMUNITION STOWAGE, SPECIAL STOWAGE, OR PORTABLE MAGA ZINE Bulk shipments of chemical agents in DOT cylinders, tanks or Army Materiel Command specification containers of integrity equal to DOT containers may be stowed in a shelter deck space or in a deck house suitable for such stowage. Chemical ammunition (explosive) shall be stowed in a deep tank, lower hold or between deck, and such stowage shall be effectively sealed off to prevent the escape of any leakage which may take place. (See $146.29-85.) Drums or other authorized DOT or Army Materiel Command specification containers filled with Class A poison gas may be stowed in the same hold or compartment with chemical ammunition Class XI-A. For stowage adjacent to other dangerous articles see $146.29-59. May be loaded at a temporary location authorized by the Captain of the Port for the specific loading. When given chemical ammunition stowage, see $146.2985 for additional requirements. When possible and the amount of such ammunition or containers of these chemical substances warrants, a technical representative of the appropriate Department of Defense technical service shall be present during the loading and stowage. 1. Handle by hand or mechanical means. 2. Do not drop, drag, tumble, walk or otherwise subject packages to shock. 3. Do not use chute in loading or unloading. 4. Shall not be rolled except under hand control and on a level surface without appreciable incline. 5. Packages shall be braced so as to prevent any movement. Top tiers shall be braced to prevent upward movement. 6. Packages or containers shall be stowed in the position indicated by their markings. When not so marked, boxes shall be stowed on the most stable side and arranged in such a manner that the joints between boxes are staggered. 7. No packages shall be "cant" stowed. 8. Dunnage shall be applied to the sides, ends and tops of the boxes before bracing is applied. 9. Cargo handling stevedore gear may be trays, skipboards, pallets, or pleplates provided they are fitted with cargo nets or sideboards. Boxes or trays with removable sides are authorized. 10. Cargo nets without trays, skipboards, pallets or pie plates are not permitted. 11. Wire rope slings are permitted when handling unboxed bombs or containers filled with this class of chemical warfare material. 12. The maximum permitted weight per draft when handled by tray, skipboard, pallet, or pieplate fitted with cargo net or sideboards shall not exceed 2,400 lbs. plus 10%. 13. Single bombs or other unit containers weighing in excess of 2,200 lbs. must bel oaded or unloaded one at a time. 14. Drafts consisting of one or more palletized units shall not exceed 4,000 lbs. plus 10%. 15. Lifts of palletized units shall not be tiered except when using a sling so designed as to prevent, by means of sideboards or netting extended upward to the uppermost height of the draft, the upper tier or tiers from shifting or falling from the draft. 16. The limiting weights noted above are for a 5-ton boom. See § 146.29-41. Classification, handling DOT marking DOT class Class XI-B Description Chemical ammunition filled with non-lethal gases such as Chloracetophenone gas (CN), Chloracetophenone solution (CNB) or (CNS), Brombenzylcyanide (BBC) and Adamsite (DM) when shipped assembled with or without their ignition elements, bursting charges or fuzes. When these substances are shipped in drums, barrels, cylinders or other authorized containers, they shall be classified as tear gasses or irritating substances, Class Cpoisons. When these substances are shipped in authorized DOT specification containers or Army Materiel Command containers of integrity equal to DOT containers (including projectiles, bombs and rockets, without ignition elements, bursting charges or fuzes) they may be handled and stowed either as Class C-poisons or as chemical ammu. nition Class XI-B. Includes but is not limited to the following items when filled with any of the above agents: Ammunition for cannon with gas projectile Bombs, aircraft cluster. CN capsules. Gas identification sets. Grenades, hand. Grenades, frangible, hand. Grenades, rifle. Rockets. Projectiles, mortar. Tear gas candles. Tear gas pots. NOTE: The U. S. Army and Navy when shipping harassing gas ammunition, mark such ammunition and the containers thereof with the word "gas" and Army Materiel Command symbol of the gas with one red band. |