Required conditions for transportation-Continued Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass. earthenware, clay or stone (DOT-1C) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal. cap. Carboys in plywood drums, glass, (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed glass, earthenware, clay or stone (DOT-1X) STC, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead. metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5, 5A) not over 110 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums (DOT-17C, 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. Metal drums: (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-28 or 28L, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 15C, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIO polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIC (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 28L) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiherboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U poly. ethylene) not over 5 gal. cap. Ferry vessel, passenger or vehicle Ferry stowage (AA). Outside containers: Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware. clay or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys. boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass, earthenware, clay or stone (DOT-10) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal. cap. Carboys in plywood drums, glass, (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay or stone (DOT-1X) STO, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead, metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5, 5A) not over 110 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums (DOT-170, 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. Metal drums: (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-28 or 2SL, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 150, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIC (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 28L) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U poly. ethylene) not over 5 gal. cap. R: R. car ferry, passenger or vehicle Ferry stowage (BB). Carboys, boxed, glass. earthen. Carboys, boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, in kegs, glass, earthen- Carboys, boxed. glass (DOT-1D) lead, metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5, 5A) not over 110 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums (DOT-50) Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT- (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIO DOT-28 or 2SL, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 150, 16A, 19A) WI C, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIO (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 2SL) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U poly. ethylene) not over 5 gal. cap ea. Plywood or wooden box or drum (DOT-15P, 22C) WIC (DOT2T) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiber drum (DOT-21P) WIC DOT-28, 28L or 2U not over 30 gal. cap. Portable tanks (DOT-60) not over 8,000. lb gr. wt. marked "For Caustic Soda, Liquid, Only" or "For Caustic Potash, Liquid, Only." Tank cars complying with DOT regulations. Motor vehicle tank trucks complying with DOT regulations. Descriptive name of article Chemical kits (containing acids in inside container not exceeding 6 fluid ounces each). Must not contain any of the items named in 146.23-30 (c). Chemical kits containing larger amounts of acids must be packed, marked and labeled as prescribed by these regulations for these specific acids or corrosive liquids contained therein. Chloracetyl chloride.... Characteristic properties, cautions, markings required Chemical kits containing small amounts of acid used for experimental or pleasure purposes. The contents of the kit must be of such nature and/or so packed that there will be no possibility of the mixture of contents causing dangerous evolution of heat or gas. Label required Table F-Classification: Required conditions for transportation No label required. Stowage: A colorless, corrosive liquid hav- White. ing a very pungent odor. Decomposes in water evolving hydrochloric acid fumes, which are irritating to mucous membranes and in sufficient quantities will be suffecating. Keep dry Cargo vessel "On deck protected." "Under deck away from heat." Outside containers: Strong wooden or metal con. tainer, or packed in a strong wooden or metal container. Chemical kits containing acids or corrosive liquids and other materials not classed as dangerous articles used for photographic processing must be packed in: Fiberboard boxes (DOT-12A) Stowage: "On deck protected." "On deck under cover." Outside containers: Steel barrels or drums. leadlined (DOT-5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Wooden boxes (DOT 15A, 15B) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. Carboys, lead. metal-jacketed (DOT 28) not over 15 gal. cap. Nickel drums: (DOT-5K) not over 110 gal. cap. Tank cars complying with DOT regulations (trainships only). Motor vehicle tank trucks complying with DOT regulations (trailerships and trainships only). Stowage: "On deck protected." "On deck under cover." Outside containers: Cylinders (3A 150, 3AA150, 3E1800, 3B240, 4B240, 4BA240) 3E1800 cylinders must be packed in strong wooden boxes. Tank cars complying with DOT regulations (trainships only). Stowage: "On deck protected." "On deck under cover." Outside containers: Steel barrels or drums (DOT-5A, 5C) not over 110 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs (DOT11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes (DOT-15A. 15B, 15C, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. Motor vehicle tank trucks complying with DOT regulations (trailerships and trainships only). Tank cars complying with DOT regulations trainships only). Table F-Classification: Required conditions for transportation Stowage: Cargo vessel "On deck protected." "On deck under cover." "Tween decks readily accessible." Outside containers. Carboys, boxed, glass, earthen ware, clay, or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass. earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1C) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal. cap. Carboys in plywood drums. glass (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal. cap., Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1X) STC, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead, metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal cap. Steel barrels or drums: (DOT-5A)not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. cap. (DOT-170. 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. (DOT-17H, 37A, 37B) STO, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT-5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-28 or 2SL, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal cap. Wooden barrels or kegs. (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 150, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIO (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 28L) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U polyethylene) not over 5 gal. "On deck protected." "On deck under cover." Outside containers: Required conditions for transportation-Continued Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1C) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass, (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal cap. Carboys in plywood drums, glass, (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal cap. Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT 1X) STC, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead, metal-jacketed (DOT28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums: (DOT-5A) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. сар. (DOT-17C, 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. (DOT-17H, 37A, 37B) STO, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT-5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-28 or 28 L, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 15C, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIC (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 28L) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U poly ethylene) not over 5 gal cap. ea. Plywood or wooden box or drum (DOT-15P, 22C) WIC (DOT2T) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiber drum (DOT-21P) WIC DOT-28, 2SL or 2U not over 30 gal. cap. Ferry vessel, passenger or vehicle Ferry stowage (AA). Outside containers: Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-10) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal. cap. Carboys in plywood drums, glass, (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1X) STC, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead, metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums: (DOT-5A) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. сар. (DOT-170, 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. (DOT-17H, 37A, 37B) STC, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel overpack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-28 or 2S L, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 15C, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIC (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 2SL) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B), WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12F) WIC (DOT-2U polyethylene) not over 5 gal. cap. ea. Plywood or wooden box or drum (DOT-15P, 22C) WIC (DOT2T) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiber drum (DOT-21P) WIC DOT-28, 28L or 2U not over 30 gal. cap. R. R. car ferry, passenger or vehicle Ferry stowage (BB). Carboys, boxed, glass, earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1A) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, lead (DOT-1B) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys in kegs, glass. earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1C) not over 13 gal. cap. Carboys, boxed, glass (DOT-1D) not over 61⁄2 gal. cap. Carboys in plywood drums, glass, (DOT-1E) not over 7 gal cap. Carboys, boxed, glass. earthenware, clay, or stone (DOT-1X) 8TO, for export only, not over 6 gal. cap. Carboys, lead, metal-jacketed (DOT-28) not over 15 gal. cap. Steel barrels or drums: (DOT-5A) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-5C) not over 110 gal. cap. (DOT-37P) NRC, not over 5 gal. сар. (DOT-17C, 17E, 17F) STC, not over 55 gal. cap. (DOT-17H, 37A, 37B) STC, not over 5 gal. cap. Monel drums (DOT-5M) not over 55 gal. cap. Metal drums, rubber-lined (DOT 5D) not over 110 gal. cap. Metal drums, lead-lined (DOT5H) not over 110 gal. cap. Cylindrical steel over pack: (DOT-6D, 37M (NRC)), WIC DOT-25 or 28L, not over 55 gal. cap. Rubber drums (DOT-43A) not over 30 gal. cap. Wooden barrels or kegs: (DOT-10A) asphalt, paraffin, or wax lined not over 50 gal. cap. (DOT-11A, 11B) WIC, not over 200 lb. net wt. Wooden boxes: (DOT-15A, 15B, 150, 16A, 19A) WIC, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16A) WIC polyethylene 2U, not over 200 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-16D) WIC (DOT-2T, 2TL, 28, 28L) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiberboard boxes: (DOT-12A, 12B). WIC, not over 65 lb. gr. wt. (DOT-12P) WIC (DOT-2U poly. ethylene) not over 5 gal. cap. ea. Plywood or wooden box or drum (DOT-18P, 22C) WIO (DOT2T) not over 15 gal. cap. Fiber drum (DOT-21P) WIC DOT-28, 2SL or 2U not over 30 gal. cap. |