Photographic film scrap (slow-burning) (see: "Motion-picture film (slow-burning)"). Photographic film, scrap (Nitrocellulose base) (see: "Motion-picture film scrap (nitrocellulose base)"). Inf. S.. Yellow. No restrictions. Photographic flash lamps (capable, upon breakage, of igniting inflam | Haz..... mable vapors or finely divided combustible substances). Photographic flash lamps (that will not, upon breakage, ignite inflam- No restrictions.. mable vapors or finely divided combustible substances). 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Potassium peroxide.. Potassium sulfide (fused or concentrated when ground).. Potassium sulfide, fused or concentrated but not ground-may be Potato spray (arsenical), liquid (see: "Insecticide, liquid"). Primers, detonating (see: "Initiating or priming explosives"). Projectiles, gas, nonexplosive (see: "Chemical ammunition, classes A, Projectiles, gas, smoke, or incendiary, with burster or booster with or Projectiles, sand-loaded, empty or solid (see: "Ammunition for cannon, nonexplosive"). Pois. C. Pois. A.. Comb. L.. Inf. L.. Red. Comb. L.. Cor. L.. White. Pois. B. Poison. Pois. B.. Poison. Oxy. M.. Yellow. Oxy. M.. Yellow. Pois. B.. Poison. Pois. B.. Poison. Oxy. M. Yellow. 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. 43 Railway torpedoes (track torpedoes). Range oil (see: "Fuel oil").. *Reducing compounds, paint, varnish, lacquer, etc. (see: "Com pounds, lacquer, etc., removing, reducing, or thinning, liquid"). Reducing compounds, paint, varnish, lacquer, etc. (see: "Compounds, lacquer, etc., removing, reducing, or thinning, liquid”). Refined oil (export shipment only) (see: "Kerosene"). Refined petroleum (export shipment only) (see: "Kerosene"). Refrigerating machines (assembled for shipment and containing not over 15 pounds of an inflammable liquid for their operation). Refrigerating machines (of the self-contained type containing not over 50 Removing compounds, paint, varnish, lacquer, etc. (see: "Com- Radioactive.. Radioactive.. Radioactive. Radioactive. Radioactive. Radioactive. Radioactive. Yellow. Radioactive. Expl. C. Expl. B.. Comb. L.... Inf. G. or Noninf. G.. Comb. L........ Comb. L.... Yellow. Special fireworks. Red. Haz Inf. L... Red. Comb. L. Rocket ammunition with empty projectiles.. Expl. B. Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Yellow. Yellow: Red. Yellow. Red. Sodium, metallic, dispersed in organic solvent. Inf. S. Yellow. Sodium, metallici iquid alloy (see: "Potassium, metallic liquid alloy"). Inf. S.. Yellow. Sodium methylate, alcohol mixture. Comb. L.. Sodium methylate, alcohol mixture.. Inf. L.. Red. Sodium methylate, dry.. Sodium nitrate (see: "Nitrates"). Sodium nitrite.. Оху. М. Yellow. Sodium permanganate (see: "Permanganates”). Oxy. M. Yellow. Sodium peroxide. Ory. M. Yellow. Bodium picramate, wet with 20 percent water. Inf. 8.. Yellow. Sodium potassium alloys.. Sodium sulfide (fused or concentrated when ground).. 1 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. Article Solvent, mineral spirits (see: "Compounds, lacquer, etc."). Sodium sulfide (fused or concentrated but not ground-may be chipped, Inf. S.. flaked, or broken) (see: “Potassium sulfide, etc."). Solvents, N. O. 8.. *Sparklers (see: "Fireworks, common"). Special fireworks (see: "Fireworks, special”). Comb. L.. Expl. B. Classed as Label required 1 Yellow. Red. Special fireworks. Yellow. Yellow. Spent mixed acid. Cor. L.. Spent oxide (see: Iron mass, spent") Inf. S.. White. Spent sulfuric acid. Cor. L.. White. Spent sulfuric acid in bulk (see: § 146.23-35). Spirits of nitroglycerin (when consisting of not more than 1 percent by weight of nitroglycerin in ethyl alcohol). Spirits of nitroglycerin (when consisting of not more than 10 percent by weight of nitroglycerin in ethyl alcohol or acetone). Sporting powder (see: "Black powder"). Spray starting fluid (see: "Engine starting fluid"). Squibs, electric or safety (see: "Igniters"). Spreader cartridges (see: "Fireworks, special" or "Low explosives"). "Stain (see: "Paint, enamel, etc."). Comb. L.. *Stain (see: "Paint, enamel, etc."). Starter cartridges, jet engine, class B explosives. Expl. B. Starter cartridges, jet engine, Class C explosives (see: "Explosive cable Expl. C.. cutters"). Succinic acid peroxide, wet (with not less than 30% water) (see "Organic Oxy. M.. perorides"). Tertiary butylisopropyl benzene hydroperoxide (see "Organic Oxy. M. perorides"). Red. Tetrachloride (see: "Silicon chloride"). Tetrachloroethane... Haz..... 1 Unless otherwise exempt by the provisions of the detailed regulations. |