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"Britannia needs no bulwarks,

No towers along the steep;

Her march is on the mountain wave, Her home is in the deep."

THERE must be more poetry in the life of a sailor than landsmen are accustomed to suppose. What is it, but the power of imagination, that induces the blooming boy to leave his father's halls, and desire to contend with the fierce elements themselves, or the fiercer passions of mankind? Why does the husband and fat her, as soon as the trump of war sounds in his ears, leave all the endearments of home, to brave the battle fire and the wreck? It is because a sailor's life has pleasures and enjoyments, peculiarly its own; and, when the mind can truly relish them, it will, in active service, generally receive a succession of new and exciting impressions, which no other occupation can afford. Is the ship under sail? How majestic her motion, as for a moment, she gradually yields to the passing breeze; but, like the virtuous, smitten by misfortune, she soon uprears herself and her lofty masts, again point directly to heaven! Does she sail by night, in a sea of radiance, when the moon paves, with silvery light, the almost unruffled waters, and heaven, and all its host of gems, are reflected in the mighty ocean? Is the enemy at length in sight, the chase begun, the first broadside fired? Does the storm rage, and is the weather-beaten bark tossed and tempest-driven before the mountain billows? Different as these situations appear, they are all full of poetical tendencies of excitement-of interest-and undoubtedly form causes of that predilection which is so striking a characteristic in a seaman's mind. The world has, indeed, various names for this feeling. It calls it honourable ambition, love of fame, desire of approbation and of distinction; but none of these honourable motives of action will ever be entertained in a mind, destitute of imagination, and, although they may not manifest themselves in the smooth flowing verse of the poet, yet, they afford heart impressions, which do manifest themselves in the frank, manly, free, and unsuspicious character of a British Naval officer.

The subject of the present short memoir was an enthusiast in his profession. He soon conquered all its mechanical difficulties, but rested not, until he had acquired a perfect knowledge of its higher and more scientific objects. In war, the glory of his country led him forward in battle, and in peace, he sought still to advance her honour by his ardour for those pursuits which had philosophical investigation connected with naval discovery for their object.

Douglas Charles Clavering, the eldest son of Brigadier General Henry Clavering, and Lady Augusta Campbell, was born at Holyrood House on the 8th September, 1794. He entered the navy at an early age, and, on the North American station, served as midshipman in the Shannon frigate, under the command of Sir P. V. B. Broke. Of the British navy, there was not a ship that formed a better school of naval discipline than the Shannon, and long and anxiously did her officers and crew seek for an opportunity to distinguish themselves. This frigate, accompanied by the Tenedos, 48, lay off Boston for the greater

part of the months of April and May, 1813. On the 25th of May, the Tenedos having shipped part of her provisions on board the Shannon, left the station, and it was hoped the Chesapeake, American frigate, which vessel they had watched for some time, would avail herself of the circumstance, and stand to sea. On the first of June, the American frigate appeared to be in fighting trim, and, as the patience of the Shannon's officers and crew was now almost exhausted, we may believe they were not a little exhilerated by the appearance of the enemy's ship, fully rigged, and lying at single anchor, within sight of them. The officers frequently dined with their Commander, and the subject of the expected combat was generally introduced:

"I would give six dozen of claret to see the American under weigh," exclaimed one of the Lieutenants. "Sir," said Captain Broke, "I would willingly give my life."

to fear?

Where love of country so prevailed, need we wonder that Captain B. should use every means in his power to place the British flag again in the hands of victory, and prove that on equal terms it had no enemy On the morning of Monday, 1st June, 1813, he addressed a letter to the commanding officer of the Chesapeake, inclosing a challenge, and proposing a combat with their respective vessels. It is the production of a noble mind, and, although such documents are not perhaps sanctioned by the Admiralty, it is impossible to blame the brave spirit by which they are dictated. We shall subjoin an extract:

Challenge of Captain Broke to Captain Lawrence. "SIR,-As the Chesapeake appears now ready for sea, I request you will do me the favour to meet the Shannon with her, ship to ship, to try the fortune of our respective flags. To an officer of your character, it requires some apology to proceed to further particulars. Be assured, Sir, it is not from any doubt I can entertain of your wishing to close with my proposal, but merely to provide an answer to any objection which might be made, and, very reasonably, upon the chance of our receiving unfair support. You will feel it as a compliment if I say, that the result of our meeting may be the most grateful service I can render to my country; and, I doubt not, that you, equally confident of success, will feel convinced, that it is only by repeated triumphs in even combats, that your little navy can hope to console your country for the loss of that trade it can no longer protect. Favour me with a speedy reply-we are short of provisions and water, and cannot stay long here."

This challenge was forwarded by a confidential person, who immediately departed in his boat to Marblehead, a few miles from Boston, the Shannon at the same time standing in with colours flying. Between twelve and one o'clock, while the men were at dinner, Captain Broke went himself to the mast head, and there observed the Chesapeake fire a gun, and loose and set top-gallant sails. She was soon under weigh, having a light breeze in her favour. Captain Broke also saw, that the boat which contained his letter of challenge had not arrived, so that the sailing of the Chesapeake at this moment, presents one of those curious coincidences so well calculated to impress the


The Shannon now filled her sails, and led the way off shore, followed by the Chesapeake, until four o'clock, when the latter vessel fired a gun, as if in defiance, both ships, however, continued their course immediately afterwards, still at a considerable distance from each other, but at a few minutes past five o'clock, the Shannon hauled up and lay to, until the Chesa

peake should approach. The interest of the scene at this time was heightened by the noble bearing of the American frigate, she advanced with royals set, and three ensigns flying, whilst, far astern, the white sails of a number of American pleasure boats were visible, whose proprietors desired to witness another trophy for their country's naval glory. The vessels were now only a short distance from each other, and it appeared, from the manner the Chesapeake bore down, that she intended to round the stern of, and rake the Shannon. So convinced was Captain Broke of this, that he ordered his men to lie down flat, to avoid the raking fire of the Chesapeake. But the American commander had another object in view: he was determined to board the Shannon at once, and accordingly, at 30 minutes past 5, he luffed on the starboard side of the Shannon, at the same time edging down upon her. Captain Broke kept his vessel away at the same time, but the Chesapeake was still closing, and the officers of the Shannon distinctly heard the words, "boarders away," from the American frigate. There was considerable ingenuity in this manoeuvre, and, with a less vigilant commander and crew than the Shannon's, it might have succeeded, as instead of being prepared to repel boarders, they were calmly expecting the enemy's first raking broadside. As soon, however, as the Chesapeake altered her course, every man was at his gun, and it is almost unnecessary to advert to the tremendous precision of their fire.

The American official letter states, "that the first broadside from the British frigate did great execution, damaged our rigging, killed, among others, Mr. White the sailing master, and wounded Captain Lawrence." On this occasion Mr. Clavering commanded the after division of the main deck guns, and the following marks the coolness that pervaded all parties at the moment the Chesapeake was running up alongside :

"Shall we fire now, Sir," cried the captain of a gun. "No," said Clavering, "not until you see her rudder," and when the damages of the Chesapeake were afterwards ascertained, the effect of her opponents after guns were apparent, "a shot passed through one of her transoms, several shot entered her stern windows, beat in the stern posts, and swept the men from their quarters." In seven minutes from the commencement of the action, the fluke of the Shannon's anchor, which had been stowed away in the main chains, entered the Chesapeake's quarter gallery window, and in a few minutes afterwards, Captain B. states, "I went forward to ascertain her position, and observing that the enemy were flinching from their guns, I gave orders to prepare for boarding. Our gallant band appointed for that service, immediately rushed in. The enemy made a desperate but disorderly resistance; the American flag was hauled down, and the proud old British union floated triumphant over it." After mentioning the superior officers who had distinguished themselves on this occasion, Capt. B. proceeds thus, in his Admiralty letter, "I beg leave, particularly, to recommend Mr. Etouch the acting master, and Messrs. Smith, Leake, Clavering, Raymond, and Littlejohn, midshipmen."

The result of this action, so honourable to the captain, officers, and crew of the Shannon, and not dishonourable to her opponent, was received with gratitude by the British nation. The accounts of it arriv ed in time for Mr. Croker to meet a motion of enquiry, as to the conduct of the Admiralty, and that gentleman, in the House of Commons, replied to the opposition, by, simply, reading Captain Broke's letter, which was received with cheers, and all inquiry suspended.

On the 25th of September following, the Prince Regent conferred on Capt. B. a Baronetcy, which honour was preceded by plate of the value of one hundred guineas, from the underwriters at Halifax, and followed by a silver cup from some gentlemen in Ipswieh, and a splendid memorial of regard from the county.


THE ALTRIVE TALES, by the Ettrick Shepherd. Vol. I.—Lon. don, 1832.

We have just had a glimpse of this volume, which is a reprint of certain of Hogg's prose works. The chief attraction, however, about the work before us does not lie so much in the tales themselves, as in the tale of the Shepherd's own literary life, told in his own blunt, honest and egotistical way. It appears from this odd, but interesting piece of autobiography, that Hogg began, as he calls it himself, the "idle trade" of poetry, in the twenty-fourth year of his age. But let him speak for himself:

The first time that I attempted to write verses was in the spring of the year 1796. Mr. Laidlaw having a number of va luable books, which were all open to my perusal, I about this time began to read with considerable attention; and no sooner did I begin to read so as to understand, than, rather prematurely, I began to write. For several years my compositions consisted wholly of songs and ballads made up for lasses to sing in chorus; and a proud man I was when I first heard the rosy nymphs chanting my uncouth strains, and jeering me by the still dear appellation of "Jamie the poeter."

It appears, that it was not till a year after this, that Hogg heard of Robert Burns.

The first time I heard of Robert Burns was in 1797, the year after he died. One day during that summer a half daft man, named John Scott, came to me on the hill, and to amuse me repeated Tam O'Shanter. I was delighted—I was far more than delighted I was ravished! I cannot describe my feelings; but, in short, before Jack Scott left me, I could recite the poem from beginning to end, and it has been my favourite poem ever since. He told me it was made by one Robert Burns, the sweetest poet that ever was born; but that he was now dead, and his place would never be supplied. He told me all about him, how he was born on the 25th of January, bred a ploughman, how many beautiful songs and poems he had composed, and that he had died last harvest, on the 21st of August.

This formed a new epoch of my life. Every day I pondered on the genius and fate of Burns. I wept, and always thought with myself what is to hinder me from succeeding Burns? I too was born on the 25th of January, and I have much more time to read and compose than any ploughman could have, and can sing more old songs than ever ploughman could in the world. But then I wept again because I could not write. However, I resolved to be a poet, and to follow in the steps of Burns.

We are next informed, that his first published song was "Donald McDonald:" which, as he says himself, was sung at a great masonic meeting in Edinburgh, the Earl of Moira in the chair; and was loudly applauded, and three times encored.

The first work of the Ettrick Shepherd, which obtained him any great fame, was the "Queen's Wake.” This, our readers, no doubt, have all read, and is, perhaps, the finest thing that Hogg has yet written. He next turned his attention to writing, "Winter Evening Tales," and then became editor of his "Jacobite Relics." It appears, from the memoirs, that Hogg, was chiefly instrumental in getting up and establishing Blackwood's Magazine, and, although he appears to have written a great deal for, and been upon the most intimate terms of acquaintanceship with its chief writers and conductors, he does not seem altogether pleased with the use which has been made of his name in the "Noctes Ambrosianæ." In speaking of Blackwood, he says,

For my part, after twenty years of feelings hardly suppressed, he has driven me beyond the bounds of human patience. That Magazine of his, which owes its rise principally to myself, has often put words and sentiments into my mouth of which I have been greatly ashamed, and which have given much pain to my family and relations, and many of those after a solemn written promise that such freedoms should never be repeated. I have been often urged to restrain and humble him by legal measures as an incorrigible offender deserves. I know I have it in my power, and if he dares me to the task, I want but a hair to make a tether of. In the concluding portion of this piece of autobiography, he draws the characters of the celebrated publishers, Longman & Co. Constable, Miller, and Blackwood. He sketches those of Britain's leading Literateurs, Scott, Wilson, Lockhart, Woodsworth, Galt, and Allan Cunningham. The whole is done, if not with a powerful, at least with an original pencil, and will fully reward the reader. The fact is, the preliminary memoir is worth the price of the whole volume.


From the German of Krummacher.

Der Rhein, der Rhein-gesegnet sey der Rhein !
The Rhine, the Rhine-be blessings on the Rhine!

WHEN, at the beginning of time, nature upreared the mountains, and hollowed out the ocean-bed-she descended from out her cloud-incanopied pavilion upon the Gotthard, and thus she spoke :-" Meet it is and proper, that to the great should be given the power of doing good; to the strong, a wide and distant circle of activity. Thou art firmly fixed, and can'st not move from the bed where I have placed thee, but to thee will I give a son, who shall bear to distant lands the strength and the blessings from Heaven thou hast derived." So spake she, and from the mountain sprang the Rhine.

Joyous and free, full of power and courage, the young stream rushed adown the mountain; in playful gambols he threw himself into the Bodenser; but the lake retained him not; its waves rolled asunder, and in unweakened and undiminished strength, he careered along for he was nature's son, and born upon the mountain crest.

Young and spirited, he chose for himself a course : nature never errs in her choice: she ever selects the great and the good. Through rocks and mountains he forced his way, whilst they confined and moderated the impetuosity of his youthful career. Thus did vinehills embank the young and rapid stream. Splendid now became his course. A hundred rivers and countless brooks accompanied him, and mingled their rolling waters with his powerful waves: for godlike qualities always attract noble natures, and the mighty always strive to join themselves to the mightiest.

Majestic and composed, now he rolled his water. More silently, but not less powerfully, he flowed along. Winter tried to bind him in his icy fetters; but, asunder he burst the chains that strove to hold him, for he had but to exert his youthful vigour, and rocks were rent by the impetuosity of his assault.

His stream now resembled the polished mirror. No more the clustering vine, the fruit of the mountain side, but rich and luxuriant fields of grain surround him ; ships and barks sailed gallantly along his bosom. Thus does tranquil power add utility to beauty.

Thus did he approach the end of his course, and then did nature divide him into several different streams, to which have been given various names. When we speak of the Rhine, we mean that majestic river alone, which bears grandeur on its waters, and strews its blessings around.


From Chateaubriand's Itineraire de Paris á Jerusalem.

At the

OVERWHELMED with fatigue, I slept for some time without interruption, when I was at length awakened by the sound of Turkish music, proceeding from the summits of the Propyleum. same time a Mussulman priest from one of the mosques called the faithful to pray in the city of Minerva. I cannot describe what I felt at the sound; the Imen had no need to remind one of the lapse of time: his voice alone in these scenes announced the revolution of ages.

This fluctuation in human affairs is the more remarkable from the contrast which it affords to the unchangeableness of nature. As if to insult the instability of human affairs, the animals and the birds experience no change in their empires, nor alteration in their habits. I saw, when sitting on the hill of the Muses, the storks form themselves into a wedge, and wing their flight towards the shores of Africa. For two thousand years they have made the same voyage-they have remained free and happy in the city of Solon, as in that of the chief of the black eunuchs. From the height of their nests, which the revolutions below have not been able to reach, they have seen the races of men disappear; while impious generations have arisen on the tombs of their religious parents, the young stork has never ceased to nourish its aged parent. I involuntarily fell into these reflections, for the stork is the friend of the traveller: "it knows the seasons of heaven." These birds were frequently my companions in the solitudes of America: I have often seen them perch on the wig

wams of the savage; and when I saw them rise from another species of desert, from the ruins of the Parthenon, I could not avoid feeling a companion in the desolation of empires.

The first thing which strikes a traveller in the monuments of Athens, is their lovely colour. In our climate, where the heavens are charged with smoke and rain, the whitest stone soon becomes tinged with black and green. It is not thus with the atmosphere of Athens. The clear sky and brilliant sun of Greece have shed over the marble of Paros and Pentilicus a golden hue, comparable only to the finest and most fleeting tints of autumn.

Before I saw these splendid remains I had fallen into the ordinary error concerning them. I conceived they were perfect in their details, but that they wanted grandeur. But the first glance at the originals is sufficient to shew, that the genius of the architects has supplied in the magnitude of proportion what was wanting in size; and Athens is accordingly filled with stupendous edifices. The Athenians, a people far from rich, few in number, have succeeded in moving gigantic masses; the blocks of stone in the Pnyx and the Propyleum are literally quarters of rock. The slabs which stretch from pillar to pillar are of enormous dimensions: the columns of the Temple of Jupiter Olympius are above sixty feet in height, and the walls of Athens, including those which stretched to the Piræus, extended over nine leagues, and were so broad that two chariots could drive on them abreast. The Romans never erected more extensive fortifications.

By what strange fatality has it happened that the chefs d'œuvre of antiquity, which the moderns go so far to admire, have owed their destruction chiefly to the moderns themselves? The Parthenon was entire in 1687; the Christians at first converted it into a church, and the Turks into a mosque. The Venetians, in the middle of the light of the seventeenth century, bombarded the Acropolis with red-hot shot; a shell fell on the Parthenon, pierced the roof, blew up a few barrels of powder, and blew into the air great part of the edifice, which did less honour to the gods of antiquity than the genius of man. No sooner was the town captured, than Morosini, in the design of embellishing Venice with its spoils, took down the statues from the front of the Parthenon; and another modern has completed, from love for the arts, that which the Venetian had begun. The invention of fire-arms has been fatal to the monuments of antiquity. Had the barbarians. been acquainted with the use of gunpowder, not a Greek or Roman edifice would have survived their invasion; they would have blown up even the pyramids in the search for hidden treasOne year of war among the moderns will destroy more than a century of combats among the ancients. Every thing among the moderns seems opposed to the perfection of art; their country, their manner, their dress; even their discoveries.




Though I cannot conceal that I rose from the dust,
And that fate has refused constitution robust,
My person, though delicate, pleases the sight,
And I boast of a character, shining and bright.

An observer of life, and describer combined,
Few prosper so well in depicting mankind:
It is true, some allege, that I flatter the fair,
From the fond admiration their faces declare ;
But whoe'er will attend with dispassionate view,
Must allow that my portraits are honest and true.
Disposed in the jovial circle to shine,

I will candidly own I am fond of my wine;
As a bottle companion my friends often say,
I have some little talent for making them gay.
With a fancy for splendour, I love to adorn,
And render my villa as bright as the morn;
I delight much in gardens, and often prevail,
In raising exotics where others would fail.
But astronomy blazons my merit to all,
When I picture the brilliant celestial ball;
How the planets in circles so gracefully run,
Figuranti around their great master, the sun;
What a noble pas seul the wild comet can prance,
While remote constellations continue the dance.

I appear an enchanter, when changing their state,

I exalt the poor little, and humble the great;
Summon round me the distant woods, mountains and plains;
Or surprise with sweet melting harmonical strains;
When I rival the rainbow in coloured attire ;

Or illumine my torch with bright Phoebus's fire.

With talents so varied, you'll doubtless divine,
That I'm pleased with my fortune, and never repine;
But alas! I maintain a precarious breath,
And something presages a violent death;
For, dependant on chances that baffle my power,

I may flourish for ages, or die in an hour.



To the Editor of THE DAY. DEAR DAY,-Can't your friend, the Bachelor, show himself. He mopes and makes poetry, but keeps his lodgings-where is he to be seen? On Thursday next, two young ladies and myself are to walk in St. Vincent Street, exactly at half-past two, let him wear a daisy in his hat, and we shall immediately recognize him, and, if he be at all tolerable, pa will call on him, and endeavour to soothe him in his lame-ntable way.

I really commiserated his last disappointment, and can assure him, that there is no danger of such another in Glasgow. Mary is in love with the Fortune Hunter, so our beaux of this good town must exert themselves, or else they may chance to meet with a severe disappointment: we cannot wait upon them, although they wait so often upon us. My dear Day, I beg you will allow a charade, enigma, puzzle, conundrum, and dear delightful riddle sometimes to appear, and why have you been so harsh to your poetical correspondents lately? I would not marry yourself unless I thought you could write verses. I wish you would introduce me to Jaques and Omega: those who admire beauty so much must be true and ardent lovers. Pray is your friend, Baillie Pirnie, enjoying his usual health! No doubt so patriotic a citizen will be too much occupied in administering to the relief of the distressed, to add to the hilarity of the healthy. Well, we must have patience. Let me remind the Bachelor, that the month of May is speedily approaching, and that, in Scotland, we are very superstitious. Pray, my dear Sir, have you ever heard the Bachelor say, what colour of female dress he prefers? As I am to have a new pelisse one of those days, it would be as well to wear his favourite colour. I am very fond of music-is the Bachelor fond of music? You know the poet says, that music is the nourishment of love, and I believe it. Perhaps he plays on the flute. Quite a classical instrument, you know. Or the violin-less indeed of Cupid about that, but still an acquirement that is desirable -but, should he only play the bag-pipe, and be passable in appearance, and not too old, I shall anxiously await the hour of appointMARGARET MATCHLESS.


Street, Friday Evening.


CAPT. T. who commanded the Argo of 28 guns, being stationed with some cutters off Ostend, sent a messenger to the governor of the place, importing, that, as the King, his master, was not at war with the house of Austria, he expected to be supplied with provisions from Ostend, although it was garrisoned with French troops, otherwise he would make prize of every vessel belonging to the place, that should presume to come out of the harbour. No notice being taken of this message, he proceeded to put his threats into execution, by detaining three fishing boats. The governor finding him in earnest, sent out a flag of truce, with a compliment, assuring him, he would comply with his request, and the captain received daily supplies from the shore.

HATCHING CHICKENS.-The following singular, though effectual mode of hatching chickens, prevails in the interior of Sumatra ; it is vouched for by Major Clayton of the Bencoolen council. The hens, whether from being frightened off the nests by the rats, which are very numerous and destructive, or from some other cause hitherto prevalent in Sumatra, do not hatch their chickens in the ordinary way, as is seen in almost all other climates. The natives have for this purpose, in each village, several square rooms, the walls of which are made of a kind of brick, dried in the sun. In the middle of these rooms they make a large fire, round which they place their eggs at regular distances, that they may all enjoy an equal degree of heat. In this manner they let them lie for 14 days, now and then turning them, that the warmth may be better administered to all parts alike, and on the fifteenth day the chicken makes its appearance, and proves, in every respect, as strong and perfect as those hatched according to the rules of na



"JAQUE'S" last communication is not equal, in merit, to the one we formerly inserted.

"Q. P. D." will never be Poet Laureate to Cupid, until his versification be improved.

"Anna" is, truly, amiable in her intentions, but her communication must be deferred till Saturday.




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PETER PARLEY'S TALES ABOUT AFRICA, 16mo. with plates, half bound, 4s.







"When called by his country, he lingers no more; But, leaving the joys of his dear native shore, Embarks to explore hyperborean coasts, Surrounded by ice, and enfettered by frosts."


We endeavoured, in our last publication, to present our readers with a correct account of the naval engagement between the Chesapeake American, and the Shannon British frigate; in the latter vessel Capt. Clavering was midshipman. The Shannon, on her return to old England, having been long in service, was paid off. The Admiralty immediately offered Capt. Broke one of the ships, building at that time, for the purpose of contending with the largest class of American frigates, but his wounds were then too recent to allow him to engage in active service, and this offer he respectfully declined. His Lieutenants, Wallis and Falkiner, were both promoted to the rank of Commander, for their conduct in the recent engagement. In March, 1818, Mr. Clavering was appointed Lieutenant of the Spey sloop of war, which vessel was destined for service in the Mediterranean, and, three years afterwards, he was appointed to the command of the Pheasant, then on that not very desirable station the coast of Africa. The Pheasant continued there for some time, and was, afterwards, employed in visiting the Island of St. Thomas, near the Bight of Biafra, Ascension Island, several places in the Brazil, the West Indies, and, finally, New York. The purof this voyage was, to institute a series of experipose ments on the pendulum, under the direction of Capt. Sabine, of the artillery, and, after the return of the Pheasant to England, it was determined that these observations should, also, be extended to a high northern latitude. For this purpose, Capt. Clavering was appointed to the Griper, and, along with Capt. Sabine, sought the bleak and inhospitable shores of Greenland, both animated by a love of scientific pursuits and the hope of benefitting their country, by their discoveries. Capt. Sabine's experiments and their results have already been given to the world, but Capt. Clavering's journal of this voyage was presented to his friend,* James Smith, Esq. who published it, for the first time, in the New Philosophical Journal. A coasting voyage is, generally, interesting, but where, every moment, new scenes are presented to the eye on a previously unexplored coast, there is a continued and agreeable excitement. The following description of the approach of the Griper to Norway is truly picturesque :

"1823, May 11th, We proceeded, without any material occurrence, till Saturday the 17th, when we descried the coast of Norway, distant about 30 or 40 miles. From this time, till our arrival at Hammerfest, we had a good sight of the land, having run along it for upwards of 300 miles. It is from 1500 to 2000 feet high, rising, abruptly, from the sea. The mountains are caped with snow, without the least appearance of vegetation. The coast is indented with numerous fiords, or arms of the sea, that run forty or fifty miles inland, and, from the similarity of the headlands, are difficult to be made out and are easily mistaken by those who are not

*James Smith, Esq. of Jordanhill, F. R.S.

cautious and correct in their reckoning. By speaking with fishing-boats, we were enabled to grope our way alongst a coast so difficult to distinguish, and on the charts of which, we could place no dependance. I was particularly unwilling to commit any error by running into a wrong inlet, as the Griper's sailing would hardly have compensated for the time we had lost."

The weather, as might be expected, at such a season of the year, was pleasant, but rather irksome to the voyagers, from the succession of calms and light winds that prevailed; for they now looked anxiously forward to the more distant part of their voyage, as the scene where their most interesting pursuits would commence. It was important, however, and, indeed, only in compliance with his instructions, that Capt. C. should "proceed to Norway, about the latitude of 70°," and, accordingly, on the 2d of June, they entered Hammerfest harbour, and anchored in 16 fathoms. The harbours of Norway have often afforded shelter to our enterprising seamen. In 1553, we find Chanceler, the companion of Sir Hugh Willoughby, before the unhappy catastrophe of the latter, "worthy gentleman" shaped his course for Wardhouse of Norway and remained there, for some time, in the hope of his being joined by the other ship that had formerly accompanied him. Captain Clavering's description of Hammerfest is not uninviting. "We saluted the fort with eleven guns, which were returned. The natives, here, are kind and hospitable, and pleased at the idea of a visit from even such a man of war as the Griper. The women are fair and pretty, and dress much like our own. mote from the uncivilized world, they are untainted by its vices or its wants. This place, built on a small island, consists of about a dozen houses. There are no provisions to be got, with the exception of rein-deer, which afforded a seasonable supply."


As soon as the Griper anchored, preparations were made for disembarking the instruments, and this having been performed in the most satisfactory manner, an observatory and tent were erected. Only three days elapsed after their arrival, when Captain Sabine

would have been enabled to commence his observations


had the weather been favourable. From Hammerfest the Griper proceeded to Spitzbergen. "We fell in with the first ice on the 27th, but as the sea was smooth, I did not hesitate in continuing to run. being the first introduction to the ice to most of us, the novelty of the scene rendered it intensely interesting. The ship received several severe shocks, but, from the mode in which she was strengthened, she did not seem to feel them. Notwithstanding the severity of the gale, with the thermometer at 32°, not the slightest inconvenience was felt, but rather a cheerful bracing effect, as the weather had become clear with the sun shining brilliantly, such as we have in the clear frosty mornings of October; splicing the main-brace, and issuing the extra warm clothing, seemed to produce general good-will and activity, fore and aft!

"1823, June 30.-Moderate breezes. The land high, rugged and barren, we kept running along shore at the distance of about five miles. Anchored at midnight in 17 fathoms. The following morning weighed, and towed the ship about 2 miles farther in, and brought up in seven fathoms, a-breast of a small

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