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CUSTOM calls for some explanation as to the necessity and object of every new literary undertaking, and that explanation the Projectors of the Dar will now offer as briefly as possible. That the cheap products of our Periodical Press are at this moment of the most pestilential and tasteless description, and that their pernicious effects must, if not checked by corrective and salutary remedies, infallibly tell upon those exposed to their influence, cannot be denied by any one who for a moment calmly reflects upon the subject. The fact is, a great moral, political and literary Cholera is at this hour threatening our vast and industrious population, arising from the poisonous panaceas, proposed by a set of idle, uneducated and reckless characters-the baneful consequences of which, if not carefully watched and timeously met, by cleansing, purifying and sedative remedies, will assuredly endanger the moral health, the literary taste, and the religious principles of what constitutes the best portion of a nation's strength. A Board of Political and Literary Health is loudly called for, to arrest the progress of this frightful and wide-spreading disease—a disease, the symptoms of which are--a perfect pulselessness with regard to the feelings of others—a ceaseless evacuation of filth on all who may approach the sufferers-a tongue foul with vulgar and dastardly diatribes against those who are more fortunate-a perfect insensibility to all good taste or feeling-a deathlike assassin sinking of the eye-and, in fine, a continued dreaming and raving about the phantoms of political purity, political rectitude, political honesty and political saviours. Such a Board being evidently a desideratum, its formation was determined upon, and this Journal now appears as its special and authorized organ. The Board is, from the circumstances attending its formation, and the peculiar character of its functions, necesarily not an open one; but it is to be hoped that, sympathizing, as all its members do, with the interests and welfare of the right-thinking and patriotic portion of the public, its operations may be found as salutary as though its appointment had originated from a public meeting of the people. This Board however, like all others, to effect any substantial good, must have the countenance and assistance of the public; and to that public will now be submitted the claims on which its members rely for obtaining the confidence of the community.

The individuals who compose this literary Hygeian assembly are neither uneducated quacks nor patientless practitioners. They have each and all of them been long accustomed to feel the pulse of the public, and to prescribe for its periodical fullness or fluctuation. They have been all thoroughly schooled to the difficult anatomy of human motive and human action, without however asking the aid of the Burkers of reputations, or of becoming themselves Resurrectionists-to illustrate, in their envy of the dead, their own vindictiveness! They have long stood as sentinels to protect a susceptible and a confiding people from the fever of selfish demagogues on the one hand, and the asphyxia of an indifferent oligarchy on the other. They have long in fact grappled with the principles which contribute to the health and happiness of mankind; and it is only from the purest motives of patriotism, and the most devoted love for letters, that they now step down from the arena of their higher practice to meet, and to combat, in the most interesting of all fields-the field of the people-that party pest, and that taste-destroying plague which is hourly engendered from the offal of brazen-faced and hollow-hearted quidnuncs, of soi-disant, and nicknamed critics.

To all good men and true, therefore-who have their own and

their country's welfare at heart-who find delight in the bosom of their families, and pride in protecting their homes-who respect truth, philosophy and philanthropy-who are desirous to keep the fountain of English literature pure and uncontaminated, and the temple of English art from being desecrated-who fear God who honour the king, and who love real and substantial libertythis BOARD have many medicines to offer, for soothing sorrows in an hour of woe, for alleviating irritated feelings, springing from hopes deferred, for stimulating the honest-hearted patriot in his endeavour after political and moral regeneration. But, while they thus possess inexhaustible remedies for the diseases that afflict the good, the virtuous and the patriotic, they have no panaceasfor the political distempers that afflict the dissipated, the idle, or the reckless-for bankrupts in fame, in fortune, or in honour. To such individuals, whether they be seen humming amid that class of the community whose exclusive habits and tastes have rendered inattentive to the claims of humble and neglected merit, and who deny to intelligence its just right; or, whether they be heard buzzing amid the idle and ignorant spouters of Utopian or atheistical assemblies, who refuse to wealth its inalienable power, this BOARD has nought either to offer or to promise. It shall be its solemn duty however, to watch the convulsive symptoms of those men's cholera, and to warn the community from the infection which may arise from coming too frequently in contact with the malaria of their meetings. In one word, this BOARD is composed of true patriots in politics and in literature, and its members confidently look for support and encouragement from the great body of the people, whose cause, in this perilous hour, they feel so strongly bound to advocate, and for whose moral and intellectual benefit they are willing to sacrifice their time and their talents.

Having now attempted to satisfy the public on the necessity and object of a BOARD of HEALTH, against the attacks of the political and literary cholera, with which we are now threatened, the Projectors of the DAY shall now descend from their doctorial Chairs, to address themselves to their readers as the writers of a daily paper of instruction and amusement.

Our design, then, in this paper is, in the first place, to pour, through the channel of a cheap publication, wholesome political truths, into one of the richest and most fertile fields of the community-the middling and working classes-truths that are at once calculated to give a clear idea of the rights of man, and of the duties of a Christian, and, what is more, to lead to the proper estimation of the one when once substantially obtained, and to the just demands of the other when once openly avowed.

In the second place, to ridicule, with good humour, the vices, the fashions and the follies of the age in which we live; to lash the libertine, and to unmask the hypocrite; to unveil Asmodeuslike the numerous haunts of the club-going spirits for which our good City has been so long celebrated; in one word, to catch and to delineate, by means of ideal personages, the odd features of our Protean society, and the chameleon character of our commercial community.

In the third place, to give honest and dispassionate criticisms on books and art, from the solid conviction that is entertained, that the critic of literature or art who sacrifices his conscientious opinions, and cultivated taste, at the shrine of influence or timidity, is criminally instrumental in arresting not only the improvement of art itself, but even the progress of his country's civilization.

In the fourth place, to extract and abridge from the popular literature, of the past and the present, what may be found either instructive, curious or amusing.

In the fifth place, to give a succinct account of what has just

appeared in the republic of letters, in the circle of science, the school of arts, and the temple of Melpomene and Thalia, and to annouce the approach of the literary novelties which the press is daily and hourly pouring forth.

And in the last place, in order to send the blood somewhat more swiftly through our readers' veins, to give them now and then a sample of that glorious gossip and tea-table tittle-tattle which is so well calculated to throw light on the social history of Glasgow, and which, if carefully preserved among the archives of this city, cannot fail to prove, to some MAITLAND CLUB of the thirtieth century, the very best of the "Brief Chronicles" of the


As a key to the spirit with which we shall conduct our leading department, we may merely state that our politicial opinions are completely independent. We shall be neither trimmers nor incendiaries. Our sentiments are fixed, and our principles, we trust, are unassailable. We have courage also, when called upon to develope what we want and what we ought to enjoy. But there are times when it is more expedient to allay than to stir up hatreds, to soften rather than to stimulate dislikes, and to bring countrymen and citizens, as much as possible, within the reach of those common ties and feelings which teach us to bear and to forbear, rather than to obtrude upon them theories and systems of our own. If we theorize at all, it shall be with a view of establishing a theory of moderation, which it would afford us great pleasure to see reduced to practice. Connected with no party, save that whose motto is "justice and peace," we care not who be minister, provided his measures be such as will guarantee peace, happiness and comfort to the people, it will be our object neither to wound nor to irritate extreme politicians, but to endeavour to moderate all. The measures of the worst factions are more frequently taken through ignorance, and from ungrounded fears, than with criminal designs. Unprincipled and heartless individuals bave wrought, and are still working, upon the fears of the illinformed, both in the higher and lower classes; and it is pretty evident that evil workers will succeed best, and enjoy the greatest security among the higher ranks. But we should take care, in both cases, how we confound those who are duped, with the miscreants who dupe them. The mass of men are honest in all parties. Most of the misled, and some of the misleaders, are well intentioned. The people are often at fault, and take strong impressions; but may this not be accounted for, if not justified, by the illiberality on the part of those who obstinately defend errors, which are too palpable to be covered, and too obvious in their results to be misunder stood; and may not the short-sighted violence of the people find some apology, though certainly no justification, in the erroneous reasonings and unalterable pretensions, of those from whom something better might be expected? In one word, we shall endeavour to discuss every political question with candour and moderation; avoiding, in so far as may be practicable, those extreme views which each side is prone to adopt, and which necessarily engender dogmatism and political insolence.

As a pledge for our probable success in our second proposition, that of ridiculing and lashing the vices and follies of the age, we may mention that we mean to arın ourselves with the "SPECTATOR's" spectacles, and with the "TATLER'S" tongue, with the "RAMBLER'S" seven-league boots, and the "IDLER'S" sauntering domino. We mean likewise to avail ourselves of the "LOUNGER'S' ears, and the "CONNOISSEUR's" caution, the "MIRROR's" reflections, and the "WORLD'S" variety. In fine, we mean to poise the lance of the knightly " ADVENTURER," and with it to attack every enchanter who lies in wait to ensnare innocence, and every dragou who poisons society with indelicacy, while we shall exercise the magic wand of Merlin to crowd the scene with ideal personages to recall the past, and anticipate the future, or to transport our readers to regions which no traveller has yet visited.

As an argument in favour of our third proposition, of giving honest and dispassionate criticisms on literature and art, we may only say that, being free from all advertising obligations, we have less chance than some of our neighbours from becoming the mere pander of booksellers, and being actuated by no favourite predilection, and deterred by no artist's wrath, we shall praise and we shall condemn, with equal indifference, and we hope with equal justice. Our strictures, whatever may be thought of them, shall at least be honest, fearless and unbiased. We have lived too long behind

the scenes, not to know the machinery of book and picture puffing, and it will be our immediate duty to expose that curse, to the ridioule, and the contempt, which such injustice and falsehood towards the public, deserve.

For our fourth and fifth propositions, we can offer no other proof of our capability, save that of having been each and all of us long connected with the public press, and that several of us have dedicated much time and study, in the best quarters of the world, for giving our opinion on all matters connected with painting, sculpture and the stage.

And, with respect to our probable success in our last proposition, that of giving occasionally the cream of Glasgow gossip, the mysterious on dits and secrets of the thousand and one circles that constitute our motley society, we have merely to say that, like the unseen spies of Venice, we have our scouts in every quarter, and our informants in every circle. We have got hold of Argus's eyes, and we are now in terms for Dionysius's ear. But, although, through these appliances our SECRET COUNCIL OF TEN, like that of the "sea girt queen," shall be made acquainted with whatever has been or is transacted, it will ever disdain privately to doom delinquents to trudge the Bridge of Sighs, or secretly to send offenders to the Canal Orfano! We have a Lion's Mouth too at our Publisher's, like that in the palace of St. Mark's, into which the more secret scandal of the city may be dropped; but we pledge ourselves never to circulate one syllable of it, save when we deem it calculated to inculcate some great moral principle.

We have now detailed, at some length, our Projects, Opinions and Prospects, with the capabilities and appliances which we possess for carrying these into execution. Our Paper has been undertaken upon public grounds, not for private emolument; and it now remains to be seen, whether the public can estimate the boon that is offered to it. The writers in such a periodical as this can scarcely look for any fame, far less calculate on any gain; but, although they willingly submit to waive both, they are nevertheless desirous to keep their publisher from any pecuniary loss. To the public in general therefore they look for encouragement and patronage. The kindness or the coldness shewn to this, our firstborn, will be the test of the public temper and feeling with regard to the others, and will moreover shew the amount of legitimate patriotism which is to be found in our city and neighbourhood. As lovers of our country we have done our duty. For its welfare, and its peace, we are willing to spend our mental energies; for its improvement and amusement we are willing to sacrifice time and personal enjoyment; and for its glory and happiness we are willing to forget fame and emolument! Let us see what the public will do, to aid us in our patriotic project?


THE arrival of a New-Year among us is distinguished by all those circumstances which attend the visits of an important personage to

a country village. It gives to the whole nation an excuse for suspending the engagements of business, and it absorbs all minor pleasures in the eagerness with which it inspires every one to bid it welcome. Like the gaping rustics, who collect in crowds to gaze a the equipage of some travelling incognito, we run to meet it at its approach, and to testify our joy at the reception of the stranger, ignorant whether he is to turn out a friend or a foe. Perhaps, while we celebrate, by our convivial festivities, the birth of another daughter in the family of Time we are blindly sacrificing to an object which will repay our homage with ingratitude, and are singing Paeans, like the devoted Trogans, in honour of our own destroyer. But such fearful misgivings we leave to those gloomy politicians who distrust the feelings of the British Nation, and who predict to it the evils which have fallen upon the Revolutionary States of the Continent. We have more confidence in the people; for we know them to be animated by motives which are hostile to anarchy; and we therefore assure ourselves, that when the great question which now agitates our country is fairly settled, there will be a more joyful, because a more united, feeling among all classes on the return of this yearly festival.

It is by similar reasoning that we would confute another set of unwelcome advisers, who wish to convert the present season of rejoicing into one of moping melancholy. These are the men who call upon us to reflect that, by entering into a New-Year, we have abridged the span of life, and ought to weep on an occasion which reminds us of our brief mortality, instead of hailing it with shortsighted delight. To such prophets of evil it would be a sufficient answer to bid them turn to the customs of mankind, and observe the same levity prevailing in every form and in every concern of humanity. And when they found that grief, sickness, death, nay marriage itself, the most protracted and self-inflicted of all sufferings, are each of them made the subjects of mirth, they might be convinced that it has been attached as a provision to our nature, that we should in trouble find comfort in the lightness of the fancy, and should draw amusement, to beguile our pilgrimage, from the very ills by which it is encompassed.

But we can justify the hospitable revelry of this period on much higher grounds, as it is a custom handed down to us by our ancestors, and interwoven with national feelings. The purpose for which the genial board is spread, and the cup filled with sparkling wine, is not to pamper the appetite, but to commemorate the glory of the British Name. It is to celebrate the success with which the triumphant vessel of the state has ridden through another year, weathering the storms of hostility, and baffling the treacherous waves of faction. The selfish feeling of regret for perishing existence never crosses the mind of the good man in that hour of enthusiasm which precedes the birth of a New-Year, and no personal fears enfeeble the shout of pleasure with which he answers to the twelfth beat of the heralding time-piece, for he then feels himself bound to his species by the ties of sympathy; he receives from each hand that is pressed in his, the clasp of a brother; he knows himself the member of a nation which at that moment has one common feeling; and every thought of his mind, and every pulsation of his heart, are in unison with the happiness of others!

The New-Year is likewise connected with associations which pleasingly link in the memory the different stages of life. It recals to us the holiday, so anxiously watched for in our childhood, when toys were spread out in endless array to our admiring gaze; and it brings up to view the indulgent parents who sat the long winter evening smiling at our gambols, and rejoicing in the thought of having made us happy. These, alas! now perhaps sleep beneath the silent sod; but there may be friends, yet living, who have shared with us in the celebration of our youthful Christmas. There may be hands of brave men which were always first stretched out to wish us joy of a New-Year; and there may be eyes of fair women which have "looked love" into ours again when we pledged a bumper to their brightness. There may be lips which then yielded, for the first time, to the privileged salute, and which made the lover bless the morning when all distinctions are removed, and the primitive rights of society are preferred to the usurping customs of fashion. To the old man, a New-Year recalls all the feelings of childhood, youth and manhood together. The romp and the dance are both numbered among his past pleasures, and he feels his youth renewed in witnessing the sports in which he was once himself a sharer. Reader, So may it be with thee when thou art old!


THE MOTHERS' Book, By Mrs. CHILD, Glasgow, 1832. We have perused many volumes on Education, and on the various modes of training up children "in the way they should go," but we must honestly confess that we have found more practical information in the little treatise before us, than all the rest put together. With a simplicity and earnestness of style, worthy of the interesting topic she handles, the authoress here presents the parent with rules and maxims of plain practical good sense, applicable to the management of children, from their tenderest years even till they begin to play their own part in the world. The concluding chapter, on Matrimony, is well worthy the careful study of every Mother who has daughters. Were the hints therein given attended to, we might predict the reign of greater happiness in domestic life. Thinking so much as we do of this volume, we have merely to suggest that, when the fond fathers are to day laying out a few shillings on the purchase of picture books for their little prattlers at home, that they will think of extending their gifts to Mama, and purchase for her especial benefit THE MOTHERS' BOOK.

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STATUE OF GEORGE THE FOURTH BY CHANTRY. WE happened lately to meet with certain modern Athenians, and we anxiously enquired of them, their opinion regarding the Statue of George the Fourth, designed for, and lately erected in, the eastern metropolis. Cold, formal, and chilling, was their reply. We were astonished, our curiosity was excited, and we therefore determined to repair thither ourselves, for the purpose of ascertaining, whether genius did not ratify what fame had long since proclaimed the superior taste and talent of Chantry. We saw and we were satisfied. Every lover of native talent will find himself amply and pleasantly compensated for undertaking the same journey, by half-an-hour spent in contemplating this distinguished work of the finest of our sculptors. The noble, dignified, and graceful figure of George IV. appears to peculiar advantage, from the artist having formed the Statue of colossal dimensions; while the grace, which was so marked a characteristic of our late king, is happily exemplified in the manner which, with partially extended arm, he receives the sceptre of Scotland, as its liege and sovereign lord.

The drapery, which is admirably cast, is in a grand and broad style, and tells with great effect upon the eye of the spectator. We viewed it in various positions and distances, and found an indisputable feeling of the grand predominate in them all. Although the details of this Statue, on close examination are found to be carefully made out, and that considerable labour has obviously been bestowed to produce them, they do not, in the least degree, interfere with the general breadth, or induce the eye to wander from its effect as a whole. The figure itself is of bronze.


we have already mentioned, it is of colossal dimensions, and it is placed upon a pedestal of granite, about twenty feet in height. This statue of George the Fourth is certainly one of Chantry's very best and most successful efforts; and it proves, beyond the power of contradiction, how deeply he is embued with the most elevated and scientific principles of his art. We recommend that it should be first viewed from the south, and then from the east. There cannot be a more useful lesson to the student than the careful observation of, and a faithful comparison between, Lord Melville's monument in St. Andrew's Square, and the statue of our late Sovereign. In the former, the confined character of the limbs, the petite style of the drapery, and the general breadth entirely destroyed by the frittering of detail, at once point to an inferior style of art, and an indistinct knowledge of its purest principles; while the latter, faultless in all these respects, will be admired by future generations, as a valuable and honourable me.. morial of the sculptor, and a splendid proof of the high state of British Art in the nineteenth century.


Owing to the length of our first article, we have been obliged to make use of smaller letter than we mean hereafter to use for our leading article.

The Communication relative to the Mal-appropriation of the Poor's Rate, for the Relief of the Barony Heritors, we decline inserting, the subject being already in the hands of a contemporary.

In order to insure this Publication being on the Breakfast Table every morning, it is requested that intending Subscribers will leave their names and addresses at the Publisher's.


THE judicious propositions submitted to the public by Mr. DAVID BELL, anent our Bridges, are creating considerable discussion among those connected with the municipal authorities. It requires not however to visit London, Paris, Bordeaux or Florence, to arrive at the just conclusion which our acute traveller has come, dnring his late perambulations, "that the more numerous the bridges are in a populous city, built on both sides of a river, so much the better for the communication of the inhabitants.” Agreeing with Mr. Bell in his statements, we cannot but wish his very feasible project every success. "In the name of Scottish prudence meddle not," say all cautious citizens, "with the Jamaica Street Bridge till the one at the foot of the Saltmarket be once open and patent." Let us only add that the proprietors of the Old City, of Gorbals and of Laurieston, are all deeply interested in the adoption of Mr. Bell's hints.

The absurd proposal, made by some sumph, of carrying the statue of King William from the Cross to George's Square, is causing very considerable merriment among all classes. If ancient Glasgow is to be defaced of all its well-known land-marks, it would be well if some scheming engineer would think of a plan of wheeling the High Church to Blythswood Square, the Tron Spire to the Highland Kirk, and the College to Sauchiehall Street. The Public Offices might then be removed to Buchanan Street, and George's Church converted into "a den of thieves." No, no, let the gifted figure of the hero of the Boyne stand where he does, and let the association with boyhood, of having gone on Hougmane to see a king with as many heads as there were days in the year, be still awakened on passing the Cross! We would propose that the Committee on the Old Cross Improvements should volunteer to turn out on Old Hougmane, and toss the Anti-Antiquarian projector, in a blanket, in front of the Tontine.

The Cholera Gallopades, now so popular in Vienna, and with the awful title of which the police interfered, and forced their author to give them a less alarming and offensive designation, are, it is hinted, to be brought out at the first Gorbals assembly. We have no doubt that their contagion will spread to the opposite side of the river, and will afford some City Holbein an opportunity of sketching another DANCE OF Death.


From our London Correspondent.


THE idea of your Journal is a good one, and I will do my endeavour to aid you in the patriotic and independent course mean to pursue. As in all other matters here there is a very considerable degree of humbug in the Theatrical Criticism of London, but you may rest assured, that what I shall send you will, at least, have the merit of being unbought opinions. Well then, what have I to tell you! Why, that the long-promised infliction at Old Drury, in the shape of a three-act Comedy, has at last appeared under the astounding title of "Lords and Commons." Why, it might as well have been called "Masters and Misses," for any reference the title bears to the plot. It is attributed to Mrs. Gore, who appears to have attempted to bring upon the stage such scenes of fashionable life as those which the herd of Colburn's writers pretend to provide for their readers. As a literary production it is really contemptible. It possesses neither interest to enchain the feelings, or plot to rivet the attention, nor delineation of human character to fix the mind. The piece was entirely saved by the performers. To say that Farren, Wallack, Brindal (a clever rising actor), Miss Phillips, Mrs. Humby and Mrs. Faucet did their best is but faint praise. The fact is, they made mountains out of molehills, and gave to everything a local habitation and a name. Really, the authoress owes every thing to their exertions, especially for the noble manner in which they falsified the old adage "Ex nihilo nihil fit." Lords and Commons was given out for repetition amid faint applause. Like some second-rate playwrights, the authoress has descended to the introduction of clap-traps in allu sion to the present state of parties. If this be the footing on which a play is expected to succeed, it seems pretty evident that the chance of its surviving the temporary ciscumstances to which it is, in some measure, indebted for a favourite reception will be very trifling.-Adieu, till to-morrow.


A New Poem, of some extent, on the Fate of Poland, by the distinguished Author of the "Pleasures of Hope," is to appear in this month's number of the Metropolitan Magazine.

The Waverly Anecdotes, illustrative of Sir WALTER SCOTT'S Novels, in two Volumes, uniform with the "Waverly Novels," and embellished with Plates, are immediately to be published.

The Literary Guardian, a publication, which from the extraordinary low price at which it is produced, having met with great success, is announced to appear on the 7th of this month, in a more improved and perfect form.

The Second Volume of NIEBUHR's History of Rome, translated by HARE and THIRLWALL, is expected shortly.

Mr. JAMES, who has written so ably on Chivalry, is about to publish a new work, to be entitled Memoirs of Great Command


Passages fram the Diary of a late Physician, (reprinted from Blackwood's Magazine,) with Additions, Notes, and Illustrations, by the Editor, is announced for publication.


M. Von HUMBOLDT has returned to Paris, after having traversed a space of more than 4,500 leagues. He has presented to the Institute many rare and hitherto unknown minerals, which he picked up during his journey, and has intimated that his companion M. Rose is engaged on an important work on the gold found in veins and alluvial beds in the Ural mountains--a chain, which contains in its ridges alluvial deposits of gold and platina, from the 53d to considerably beyond the 61st degree of latitude.

The Historiographer of the Hohenstauffens, HERR RAUMER, is now busy on another great work, the History of Europe during the Last Three Centuries.

No fewer than nine long-established Periodicals terminated their existence in Russia during the year 1830. As some compensation for their demise, several new ones have started, among which the “Telescope" holds the first rank.

KLINGER, the romance writer and dramatist, died at St. Petersburgh, in February last. He was born at Frankfort in 1753, and took an active part in the regeneration of German literature, which took place about fifty years ago. His complete works were printed at Konigsberg in 1819, in 12 vols.

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THE debut of Madame CARADORI ALLAN, in the part of Rosina in the Barbiere, at the Italian Opera in Paris, was pre-eminently successful.

DONZELLI, the fine Italian Tenore, has been lately charming the cognoscenti at Bologna in the part of Otello.

LINDPAINTNER, the famous composer, at Stutgardt, has lately brought out a new Opera called the "Amazon."

A new Opera by MARSCHNER, entitled the "Templar and Jewess," founded on Sir Walter Scott's novel of Ivanhoe, has been brought out with great applause at Berlin.

GLASGOW: Published every Morning, Sunday excepted, by JOHN WYLIE, at the British and Foreign Library, 97, Argyle Street, Glasgow: STILLIES BROTHERS, Librarians, High Street, Edinburgh: W. REID & SON, Leith: MR. DAVID DICK, Bookseller, Paisley: MR. JOHN HISLOP, Greenock; and MR. GLASS, Bookseller, Rothsay.-And Printed by JOHN GRAHAM, Melville Place.

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