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THE Oratorio at the Episcopal Chapel, it is expected, will be well attended. At the present moment there could be no more appropriate employment than that of a Concert of Sacred Music, affording, as it will do, charity to the poor, and awakening, at the same time, devout feelings in the hearts of the rich.

We have heard that some fair ladies in this city have expressed a dread of appearing at an assembly or any other public place, on account of the critical attention which they are exposed to from The Day. We beg these enchanting alarmists to quiet their fears, as our Spectacles are dim to the failings of the sex. Need we add, that those only blush at the disclosures made by The Day, whose evil deeds require the covering of darkness.


IN noticing, yesterday, the "Poor Man's Friend," in reference to the disease about which so much has been said and written, we cautioned our readers from nurturing any of those absurd fears which a certain portion of the press take such pleasure in encouraging. We repeat again-why should our citizens be more terrified for the Cholera than for the Typhus Fever? The latter, as we proved, is more contagious, and has affected, more generally, all the several classes of society than the former, and is, therefore, in every point of view, proved more likely to attack the higher and middling classes than the Cholera. The following letter, from "A Father," on this subject, is well worthy of consideration, and, we trust, will be attended to:

To the Editor of THE DAY.

SIR,-The proposal to shut up the Seminaries is the most foolish, respecting the present panic, that has yet been made; for parents know, that, were any such thing to take place, every boy, being idle, would mix, indiscriminately, with the population of his neighbourhood, and in this way be far more likely to be infected with the threatened disease, than if he were busily engaged at school. I know, by experience, and I have no doubt it is the case with others, that my children meet with more mishaps during the vacation, than all the other part of the year. And the shutting up of the College and the Grammar School would be, of itself, proof sufficient, to some weak minds, that the Cholera must be raging to a most frightful extent in Glasgow; and we are aware that the pomp of preparation is nearly all that we know as yet of the disease.

We have, already, by far too many people who spend almost the whole of their time in carrying about tittle-tattle on this melancholy subject—and thereby propagating the most foolish stories-stories that, in ordinary times, on account of their self-evident absurdity, they would be ashamed of—and which, if the hearers would examine as they do in ordinary cases they would never repeat:—and it would never do to increase their number by shutting up the Seminaries of this large city.

The truth of the matter is, while judicious steps ought to be taken by all and sundry, for the purpose of meeting the calamity with which we are just now threatened and which "I hope and trust" will never do us much harm-let us all attend to our usual avocations, whatever they may happen to be, and in this way our minds will be engaged, and the operation of fear thereby limited.-I am, &c.

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ENGLISH BEAUTY.I admit that my countrywomen claim a decided pre-eminence in point of beauty over the rest of Europe. There is nothing in the party complexions and flattened features of Germany, comparable with those brilliant cheeks, where the full tide of feeling ebbs and flows with such varying beauty, and those prominent features which impart so intellectual a character to the face; nothing in the aërial slimness of a Parisian outline comparable with the Grecian shoulders and fair graceful throats of the blondes of England. But, alas! where Nature has done so much, Art has added little to her triumph. The handsomest Englishwoman has a cold and awkward deportment ;-the most intelligent, a reserved and almost surly address! With certain exceptions, they walk ill, talk ill, dress ill; and those who attempt to counteract their national deficiencies, by an imitation of Gallic vivacity or Italian spirituality, degenerate into affectation, and a sort of mongrel indefinite character, which is the vilest of defects. Let them be content with the possession of the virtues, and leave the graces to their more accomplished neighbours of the Continent; they have that within which enables them to dispense with extrinsic fascination. Lord Brabazon, who borrows most of his similes from the table, observed yesterday, in speaking of English beauty, that "it was like the English cuisine ;—the raw material (horrid pun!-ED.) superior to that of all other nations, but utterly ruined by the manner of dressing."-The Opera.

NEW ZEALAND COOKERY.-In New Zealand they dress their food by steaming it in native ovens after the following manner. A pit is dug in the ground, in which some stones are placed, and a fire lighted upon them, and suffered to remain until they are well heated; after the fire is removed, water is thrown over the stones, and damp leaves placed also upon them, which causes much steam to arise; the meat, potatoes, &c. are then placed into this oven, covered with leaves, and the whole entirely covered over with earth, &c,; it remains for nearly an hour, when the cooking process is found completed.-M. S. Journal.

POLISH SOCIETY.-The Poles, who have been forced to seek an asylum in France, have instituted a Society at Paris, under the name of the "Literary Society of the Polish Refugees; under the presidency of the celebrated Lelewel. Its object is to bring the rest of Europe better acquainted with the beauties and value of Polish literature, the ancient and modern history of Poland, and whatever may bear upon the arts and sciences, so far as that country is concerned. On the list of the first founders of this Society, we observe the names of Chodzko, Slowacki, Casimir Dobrowski, Niewicz, Wodzinski, and many others, as eminent for their patriotism as their scientific attainments. A somewhat similar Society is, we believe, about to be established in London.

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February 16,

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PUBLISHED every Morning, Sunday excepted, by JOHN FINLAY, at No. 9, Miller Street; and Sold by JOHN WYLIE, 97, Argyle Street; DAVID ROBERTSON, and W. R. M'PHUN, Glasgow ; THOMAS STEVENSON, and the other Booksellers, Edinburgh: DaVID DICK, Bookseller, Paisley: THOMSON, Greenock; and J. GLASS, Bookseller, Rothsay.






THE DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION OF PARIS. Gratium est, quod patriæ cives popula que dedisti.


Of the many philanthropic institutions of Paris, there is perhaps none which is better managed than that for the INSTRUCTION of the DEAF and DUMB. The fame of this establishment is in fact so widely disseminated, that it is hardly necessary to say that its founder was the Abbé De L'Epée, who, having caught a few stray ideas upon the subject, from our mathematician Wallis, and some others, formed a system of tuition for such unfortunates, the incalculable advantages of which are becoming not only more apparent in France, but also in our own country. The Abbé De L'Epée unfortunately died before his system became to be duly appreciated by his country, and it might perhaps have been altogether lost to France, and to the world, had not the Abbé Sicard, equally zealous, and equally competent as his predecessor, prevented this, by his perseverance, talents, and enthusiasm. Through his exertions the institution was rendered a national establishment, and has since continued to be patronized and supported by the successive governments which have had their rule in France.

It is now many years since we visited this establishment, but the impression which the examination of the pupils then made upon us, will never be forgotten. The questions which were put by the Abbé Sicard, who also has been since numbered with the dead, and the answers which were given by the pupils, and which we pencilled down at the moment are among the most pleasing souvenirs which we brought with us from the French capital. They shew what the ingenuity of one man, aided by the experience and ability of another, has been able to accomplish, for those, who void of one of the chief senses of man, could, notwithstanding, reason, read, and even speak. On reflecting upon these, there is a degree of love, of respect, and of honour, ever called up in our mind, to the genius of L'Epée, and to the systemising industry of Sicard, which even the recollection of the self-sufficiency, pride, and egotism of the latter, can never chase away.

As an interesting preliminary to the questions and answers of the Deaf and Dumb Philosophers, of the Parisian Institution; we feel much pleasure in presenting our readers with the following picture of a Public Day of the Sourds-Muets, from the pen of Paulmier, in the last volume of the famous "Livre des cent et un," just published in Paris :—

"On a fine spring morning, in the season of roses and of lilacs, you may see crowds from every part of Paris, hastening to this institution through the beautiful gardens of the Palais Royal, the Tuileries, the Luxembourg, and the Jardin des Plantes. Parents with deaf and dumb children, boys and girls from the boarding-schools, parties of foreigners and of natives; citizens, nobles, ambassadors, bishops, deputies, cardinals, peers, princes, and even kings, form, in the great hall of the institution, a motley assembly. On the right hand side of this vast apartment are seated the female deaf and dumb pupils, from the ages of five to eighteen, in dresses of pure white, with sashes of sky

The Abbé Sicard died 10th May 1822.

blue; on the left are placed the males, in grey uniforms, with sky blue facings.

"What serenity appears in those young and lovely features! What vivacity and rapidly-varying expression in the countenances ! The happiness of innocence beams from their looks as they use those gestures, rapid as lightning, to which they are forced to have recourse as a substitute for words. Poor children! destined never to hear the accents of a brother, of a kind and tender mother, or a voice still sweeter, which sends a thrill of delight through the heart! Never will they enjoy the delights of harmony-for them the valleys have no echo--for them there is no soft murmur of the brook. They never will feel agitation at the sound of a falling leaf, or the rustling of a silk gown upon the outskirts of a wood. In vain does the nightingale chaunt its vernal lay-in vain do the feathered songsters of summer utter their hymns of joy-all is lost to them. The distant and religious sound of bells, which seems to ascend as it grows fainter, and to carry its last harmonies to heaven-all the voices and treasures of melody-all the beauties and delights of sound-are to these interesting children as if they did not exist.

"Here are the twin brothers, Martin, born at Marseilles, both deaf and dumb; alike in stature, countenance, and even in habits. So perfect, indeed, is their resemblance to each other that it is impossible to distinguish them. They are artists, and are well known at Paris as gaining their livelihood by portraitpainting.

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"These amiable twins have the most polished manners, and what is still better, honest and upright minds. They are accompanying, with the most respectful attention, as you perceive, that tall and handsome woman. She is their countrywoman, and, although advanced in years, retains many of the graces of youth. She is a mother, and her retinue is composed of twelve children, six of either sex, grouped around her. The ages of the latter, born in pairs, are six, eight, ten, twelve, sixteen, and eighteen, and by a strange freak of nature they speak, or are deaf and dumb, in alternate pairs. "How marvellous is our alphabet! It would seem the very last effort of human genius! That beautiful conception of reducing the elements of speech to a very small number, and representing them by as many characters or letters, is a master-piece of the human mind. * * * With the organ of speech, man has received from the Deity, voice, accent, song, and words, which he can exercise either separately or together. He can lament with the mourner, rejoice with the light-hearted, roar with the lion, coo with the dove, sing with the morning bird, whistle with the winds, sigh with his beloved, and speak with man. The language of action or gesture, by giving a body to thought, and by speaking as it were by things, brings abstract ideas under the dominion of the imagination and of the senses. This principle of natural mnemonics renders the abstract and the concrete inseparable.

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"Ask a pupil, without giving him time for reflection, to show you one. He will immediately present his stick, his hat, or any other object. Observe to him that he is showing you an object, and not the num

ber one alone, and separated from every object; and he will hold up his finger, to which you will make the same objection. He will next try a line in the air; but this line leaves no trace; and even if it were imprinted, permanent and visible, it would only show him the impossibility of designating the number one distinct from any physical object. Hence he becomes convinced that he cannot separate the abstract from the concrete, and that such separation is perhaps impossible to be conceived.


"It is, in our country, one of the defects of the age, to separate instruction from education. How absurd and foolish is it to consider the mind of an unfortunate child as a repository into which everything may be crammed, without paying any attention to his heart, to the direction of his inclinations, or to the cultivation of those dispositions upon which his future happiness depends.

"Education and instruction ought to be inseparable. If it be impossible to give to infancy a clear conception of the greatness of man's destiny, of the immortality of his soul, and the eternity of his future lifelet us at least attempt to give him some notion of these things."

Mons. Paulmier, after going into some detail, gives several of the extraordinary answers to the questions which were, on the day that he visited the establishment, proposed to some of the elder pupils of the Institution; to these we will add those which we pencilled down on the forenoon on which we visited the Rue St. Jacques-questions which required no little metaphysical acumen to solve, and which few individuals with all their senses about them, could so satisfactorily answer. The principal pupils, at the time we visited the Institution, were, Massieu and Le Clerc; the former, from his peculiar philosophical turn of mind, being denominated the Newton of the deaf and dumb. John Massieu was born deaf and dumb, of poor parents, who had also the misfortune to have other six children born under the same unfortunate circumstances. After the Abbé Sicard succeeded the Abbé de l'Epée in the superintendence of the Deaf and Dumb Institution of Paris, Massieu, who had been his most celebrated pupil, was chosen as his Répétiteur. Upon this, Massieu devoted himself to the study of languages, and the higher branches of science, viz. mathematics and philosophy, and has shown, by the acute answers which he has frequently given to metaphysical questions, the peculiar capability of his mental powers for such studies. It was Massieu who so well designated Gratitude as "the confession of the heart"-who so well defined Hope as the "blossom of happiness"—and Eternity as a day without yesterday or to-morrow." Le Clerc, though not quite so profound, possessed a more lively imagination. But our readers will discover this for themselves, from the following questions and answers. We shall give Monsieur Paulmier's in English, and those we ourselves noted down in the original. Their translation will be an excellent French exercise for our numerous fair readers :

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"Answer by Berthier. A magnificent pardon.' Q. What is the difference between a handsome woman and a pretty one?'

"Answer by Gazan. "A handsome woman has a powerful charm which excites our admiration. She strikes us by the noble and regular proportions of her body, and by the roses and lillies of her complexion. A pretty woman pleases and interests us by the delicacy of her features and the grace of her manners. She is like a jewel which we love more than we admire. A handsome woman is handsome only in one way; a pretty one is pretty in a thousand.'


Q. What is the difference betwixt fine and magnificent?'

"Answer by the same. For works of art or productions of the mind to be fine, they must have regularity, a noble simplicity and grandeur; but magnificence adds to them an extraordinary splendour arising from an assemblage of perfections and proportions, which we cannot help admiring. A union of the fine and the magnificent, produces the sublime, which elevates, ravishes, and transports us. The sublime is always na


"Q. What is happiness?' "Answer by the same.

To taste of the enjoyments of life, is only pleasure. Happiness is the pe ace of conscience."

Qu'est-ce que Difficulté ?-Difficulté est possibilité avec obstacle! This is a most beautiful and clear answer. We believe however that this answer was made on some former occasion, and was then only answered as an instance of conciseness.-The following questions were more difficult to solve.

Quelle difference y a-t-il entre les idées intellectuelles et abstraites ?-C'est que les premiers sont celles des substances qui sont hors de la nature et qui ne peuvent tomber sous nos sens, telles que Dieu, que l'ame humaine, et que l'Ange cru par la révélation et la religion; et que les secondes viennent des qualités qu'on substansie par l'organe de l'abstraction, et qui n'exist ent que dans notre entendement.-A gentleman then asked the Abbé to enquire of Massieu.

Quelle idée a tu de la Musique? His answer was— Je n'en ai nulle idée, mais cependant Je m'imagine que la musique est l'art de chanter, de jouer, de s'amuser par la voix, ou par les instrumens-et que c'est la lecture de la parole de danse. The last clause of this answer is not a little curious. The next question was

Qu'est-ce que l'Amitié? C'est l'affection qu'on a pour une personne qu'on aime, et par laquelle on est aimé, c'est le double amour, l'amour mutuel, l'étroit attachment entre deux ou plusieurs amis qui se procurent l'un à l'autre des services, secours, consolation, defense, protection et soutien.-A person, upon this, started up and demanded

Quelle difference y a-t-il entre l'amitié et l'amour? The answer to this question was abundantly satisfactory, and such as but few in the room could have made, because few were metaphysicians; but we had not time to write it down.

Qu'est-ce que Lois? Ces sont les ordres, les ordonnances, les décréts, décisions, édits, commandemens




qui servent de regles pour que les devoirs se remplissent. Les lois sont l'expression de la volonté de Dieu, et d'un Souverain, ou de la totalité ou de la majorité des hommes, &c.

Qu'est-ce que Dieu ? C'est un esprit incrée, independant, infini, immense, immuable, qui a crée toutes choses corporelles et spirituelles et qui les gouverne, qui voit tout, peut tout, commande tout, &c.; and concluded with this climax-la gloire au ciel, la providence sur la terre, la justice dans l'enfer! This, as it might be expected, called forth a general and loud exclamation of applause. A gentleman who sat next us, and who appeared to be a great enthusiast for the Institution, was so highly delighted with the proofs Massieu had shewn of his good understanding and general knowledge, that he went through, in regular gradation, the whole catalogue of French exclamations, emitting one at the close of each réponse. At first it was only "c'est beau," then it was "c'est fort beau," then "c'est très spirituel!" then "c'est superbe," then "c'est magnifique," then "Oh, mon Dieu, c'est magnifique !"

Numerous other questions were put, which were as satisfactorily answered; but the above will suffice to shew what the Abbés de l'Epée and Sicard have accomplished, by their system and their industry.

THE ORIENTAL TATLER.-No. I. By JAMES NOBLE, A. M. author of "The Orientalist." OPIUM, it is well known, is a very common drug among the natives of the East, and, when used intemperately, it has the effect of destroying the relations of time in the memory. It frequently happens that the opium eater performs actions during his trance, which he forgets as soon as the drug ceases to act upon his mind. The hours, which have elapsed during his intoxication, are then entirely omitted in his calculation of time, and he is apt to speak of things which occurred, before the opium had begun to affect his mind, as if they had just happened. The ludicrous mistakes which this tendency gives rise to, are very well illustrated in the following stories, translated literally by a distinguished scholar, who has engaged to supply us with a continuation of these characteristic specimens of eastern literature.




A certain Rajpoot was a great eater of opium. By chance, having a journey before him, he arrived at a particular station, and alighted there. The people of that quarter came to him, and said, "Please your Lordship, there is a great deal of thieving going on here, your honour should remain very much upon the alert." When he heard this speech, he spent the night entirely in keeping watch, and kept the intimation constantly in mind, there is a great deal of thieving going on here." As soon as it was morning, he got on horseback, and having set out, was going in the neighbourhood of a city, when all at once, he started up from his intoxication, and bawled out, "halloo! servant, halloo! servant, what has become of my horse?" The servant* replied, "Great Sir, you are getting along mounted upon your horse, and what about it then?" The master not wishing it to appear that he had unintentionally forgot himself, answered, "Child, this circumstance is of no consequence at all, but one ought to remain constantly on the alert."


A certain person was a great opium eater. A new domestic came as steward, to his residence. The master enquired at him, "Sir, do you use anything at all of an intoxicating nature?" He replied, "My Lord, your slave is not acquainted with any thing of the kind, except opium." When the master heard this reply, he was much pleased, and, taking out a small box of opium, he eat some himself, and, giving it to the domestic, said, The words printed in italic are not in the original.

"Sir, I wish some sweet rice to-day, cook it, and give it me speedily, that we may eat." The domestic said,

very well," and began to cook. In the meantime, when the intoxication took effect, no less than two watches of the day past on. The master, when he became sober after this time, shouting out, said, "halloo, brother, have you cooked that rice or not?" The domestic replied, "Sir, I am just done cooking it: it will be given to you in a moment." The master answered " Bring it quickly." To make a short story, with a thousand mischiefs, cooking on from morning till evening, at last, having made it ready, he brought it. When the master saw it, forgetting how long he had slept, he cried out, "Bravo! how quickly you have cooked and brought it!" Immediately on hearing this exclamation, the servant, who had been dreaming also, joined his hands together, and said " Please your highness, your honour's service will never do for me." The master asked for what reason. He gave answer, "In such a haste as this in a single day, my life would be entirely gone," and immediately he went away.

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CHAMBERS' EDINBURGH JOURNAL.-No. I. WHETHER We look to the quantity, the quality, or the price of this publication, we cannot withhold from it our approbation. Its contents are ample and yet select, its price so moderate as really to tempt the most penurious purchaser.

The Editor makes his bow to his readers in his own proper person; details, with considerable complacency, his pretensions ; and, with a laudable feeling of satisfaction, enumerates the various methods he intends to employ for the entertainment of his readers, whether young ladies, or young gentlemen, aged men, or boys.

We can only say, of his first Number, that it is highly creditable to his talents. It contains more facts worth knowing, and more matters of interest, than are, sometimes, embraced within the compass of an octavo volume.

The article on the Formation of Scottish Society is admirable, and will, we think, continue to increase in interest. Lady Jean is a well told tale, as far as it goes, but what we consider peculiarly suitable in the present state of agitation, is the article on the Plague, which contains many facts worth recording, and from these we beg to make a short extract. The first sentence alludes to a circumstance, which was, also, frequently observed in this neighbourhood last autumn :—

"In the summer, before the plague in 1664, there was such a multitude of flies, that they lined the insides of the houses. If any thread, or string, did hang down in any place, it was, presently, thick set with flies; also, the small-pox was so rife in our parish, that, between the church and the pond in St. Giles's, which is not above six-score paces, above forty families had the small-pox.

"The plague fell first upon the highest ground, for our parish is the highest ground about London, and the best air-yet was first infected. Those that died of the plague, died a very easy death generally-first, because it was speedy-secondly, because it was without convulsions. They did of a sudden, but feel their breath a little thick and short, and were presently gone, so that I have heard some say, 'how much am I bound to God, who takes me away by such an easy death!'

"The disease spread not altogether by contagion, but fell upon several places of the city and suburbs, like rain seen at the first." The selections from other works are numerous and judicious; but blush, oh! Athens. In the Edinburgh Literary Journal there is no Poet's Corner! If the Editor will undertake to pay the carriage, we shall be happy to forward him a few hundred weights of Poety without any charge, since, being a younger brother in the same laudable walk with ourselves, we wish him ail success and encouragement in his spirited enterprize.



WHAT words, unto my doubting fair,
Shall speak my ardent love;
What shall her cold and flinty heart,
To warmth and softness move.

I love you, as I love myself,
But that is half untrue;
I'd love that self too much, if it
I loved, as I love you.


It is an opinion, sanctioned by the approbation of all medical men, and by the recorded experience of those who have abode among pestilential diseases, that one of the most effectual means for checking an epidemic, such as the Cholera, is to keep the spirits light and the mind occupied. With the view of farthering this object among our townsmen, we shall in future make it our constant endeavour to present our Readers with articles that are calculated to amuse the fancy, and to follow the grave reflections, which some of our numbers are likely to produce, by a train of pleasing associations.

It is rumoured, that a History of the Fiction and Falsehoods propagated by foolish and thoughtless individuals relating to the Cholera, is preparing for the Press, by "A Lover of Truth," in this city. When it appears, we shall give copious extracts from it for the peculiar benefit of those who are, at present, haunted by the phantom of a diseased fancy.


WHAT part of the human face, in cold weather, is like an article of a lady's dress which is agreeable at the same time?-Chinchilly!

"I will never marry a woman who can't carve," said MWhy? "Because she would not be a help-meat for me.

A gentleman travelling in the Highlands, met a boy on the road, and, being pleased with his appearance, kindly said, "Well, my little fellow, what is your name?" "Tonald, Sir." "What more?" "Teil a muckle mair, Sir, only Tonald Mactonald."

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. THE University of the Austrian Capital is perhaps, in the most deplorable state of any in Germany. Kilian, in his work on the German Universities, has already awarded it this justice. The fault is less owing to its organization than to the total want of scientific ardour, and the blind routine of the greater part of the professors. Here, however, as every where else, there are some able men, who have rendered important services to science. Mohs, Littrow, Jacquin, Baumgartner, and, among the young professors, Czermak, are worthy of esteem; the first in particular, has greatly contributed to raise mineralogy to the dignity of science. University is well attended, from the simple reason that no Austrian is permitted to study in foreign countries.



THE REV. T. VOWLER SHORT, B. D., is preparing for publication, a "History of the Church of England."

"Reflections on the Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Analysis," by M. CARNOT; translated by the Rev. W. R. Browell, M. D., is about to appear.

A new monthly periodical is about to start, having in view objects particularly valuable to British science. It is to be called the Nautical Magazine, and to contain a Register of Maritime Discoveries in all parts of the world, &c. &c.

"The British Magazine, and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastical Information, Parochial History, Documents respecting the State of the Poor, Progress of Education," &c. No. I. will appear on the 1st of March.

A very clever drawing of the Ettrick Shepherd has just been completed by Mr. Fox, well known for his fine engraving of the head of Burnet: it will form a characteristic frontispiece to the forthcoming edition of his works.



NEWLY-DISCOVERED MOSAIC AT POMPEII.-" At last," writes a correspondent from Naples, "I have been fortunate enough to obtain a sight of the Noble Mosaic at Pompeii. It surpasses every expectation which even the encomiums of others had led me to entertain of it. I was least satisfied with Alexander's head; and it is a subject of deep regret, that the head of the dying youth has been seriously injured. We are, however, greatly compensated for this loss by the head of the warrior who is preparing to mount his horse, as well as by the animal itself, which is bending its neck, and is represented in a fore-shortened attitude. The heads of Darius and his charioteer also; nor less those of the two Persian commanders, who are conjuring the king to fly instantly from the spot, with an eloquence of expression which is perfectly wonderful, are beyond all praise. It is greatly to be lamented, that, with the exception of Alexander and the section of the head, which is supposed to be Parmenio's, scarcely any of the Greek figures are to be recognized. This is the part of the Mosaic which has suffered most."-Athenæum.


A CURE FOR LOVE.-Ridicule, perhaps, is a better expedient against love, than sober advice, and I am of opinion, that Hudibras and Don Quixote may be as effectual to cure the extravagancies of this passion, as any one of the old philosophers.-Addison.

DR. FRANCIA, THE DICTATOR OF PARAGUAY.-During several months in the year he takes up his residence in the cavalry barracks, varying occasionally his monotonous existence with the pleasures of the chase. Arms are always placed within his reach -pistols and naked swords are to be seen in every corner of his apartment. When any one is admitted to an audience, he must not approach within a certain distance until motioned by him to advance. The arms must then be extended along the body, and the hands open and hanging down. None of his officers must enter his presence armed. Reugger mentions, that, in his first audience, being ignorant of this custom, he omitted carrying his arms in the prescribed form, which drew from the dictator the question, "If he intended drawing a dagger from his pocket?" On another occasion he asked him, "If through his skill in anatomy he could discover if the people of Parguay had an extra bone in the neck, which prevented them holding their heads erect and speaking loud?" In conversation the dictator always aims at intimidation; if, however, his first attack is sustained with firmness, his manner insensibly softens, and he converses with the greatest affability. It is on these occasions that his great talents develope themselves; his mind grasps with facility every variety of topic, and displays an extent of knowledge very astonishing for one who has never moved beyond the confines of Paraguay. Above the prejudices of his countrymen, he frequently makes them a subject of pleasantry, and launches forth furious diatribes against the priests. "You see," said he to M. Reugger, "the tendency of these priests and their religion; it is to make mankind worship a devil instead of God." Still, at the commencement of his career, he regularly heard mass, but in the year 1820, he dismissed his chaplain, and since that year he has evinced the most marked contempt for the established religion. To a military officer, who asked him for the image of a saint to put in a newly constructed fortress, he answered, " O, people of Paraguay, how long will you remain idiots! When I was a Catholic I thought as you do; but now I know that the best saints you can have on the frontiers are cannon balls."-Monthly Magazine.


"THE MORAL POETS of GREAT BRITAIN, No. II.-WATTS,"will appear to-morrow.

Ebenezer's Epistle has been received, and will have a place. The Pirate's Serenade, by W. A. S. we have not yet had time to examine. So far as we recollect, it bears much resemblance to a piece of the same kind by our friend W. Kennedy. If however there be sufficient originality in the Poem, which is really good, we shall certainly give it an early place in our Poet's Corner. C. A. M.'s Stanzas may perhaps appear in a future number. "The Poet's Death" is put into our poetical critic's hands for his judgment.

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