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Present-Vice President W. A. Janssen, Alfred E. Howell, H. R. Atwater, S. T. Johnston, V. E. Minich and C. E. Hoyt.

In the absence of President A. O. Backert, Chairman of the Committee, Vice President W. A. Janssen presided.

The Secretary made a statement as to the situation relative to a lease of Exhibition Hall of the Commercial Museum, and the power to be made available by the Philadelphia Electric Co. The Secretary reported that while he had had much correspondence with the Philadelphia local committee, the director of the Commercial Museum, and Mr. Fisher of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, a copy of the lease which was to be submitted to the Philadelphia Council, for approval, had not been furnished. It was pretty generally understood, however, that the terms of the lease would be as follows:

The nominal charge of $1 would be made.

The Association would be responsible for all expenses, including insurance, heat, light, janitor service, special watchmen and police, and would make good all damages of whatsoever character, done to the building and the premises during the period of occupation.

That the Association would have the privilege of cutting through the floor for foundations and pits, and doing whatever is customary at the annual exhibit.

That all the electrical installation in the building, aside from temporary connection of motors, is to be of a permanent character, approved by the Museum and City authorities, and remain the property of the Museum.

The Secretary also reported progress made in securing exhibits and stated that without doubt this would be the largest exhibit ever held.

The question of advertising was discussed, and the plan most favored was that of a series of letters addressed to foundries and individuals in the foundry field, setting forth the advantages and importance of attending the convention and exhibit. In this connection it was moved by Mr. S. T. Johnston and seconded by Mr. V. E. Minich, that the Exhibit Committee authorize the appropriation of certain necessary funds from the Department of Exhibits account, to be used to defray the expense of the proposed campaign by the Committee on Promotion and Membership, same to be charged to advertising.

The Secretary read the draft of Rules and Regulations governing the Philadelphia Exhibit, and these were approved paragraph by paragraph, the only changes of importance being to hold the exhibit open on Tuesday evening, Sept. 30, from 7 to 10 o'clock, and to close on all other days at 5 p. m.

The Secretary suggested that the exhibit be continued through Saturday, Oct. 4, but this was unanimously disapproved by the Committee.

Respectfully submitted,

C. E. HOYT, Secretary.

Annual Report of the Manager of Exhibits

Chicago, Feb. 7, 1919.

To the Committee on Exhibits, American Foundrymen's Association, Inc. I am pleased to submit the following as a report covering the third annual exhibit held under the auspices of the American Foundrymen's Association, Incorporated, and the thirteenth held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Association.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held in Pittsburgh, Feb. 16, 1918, a special committee consisting of President B. D. Fuller, Vice President Stanley G. Flagg, Secretary A. O. Backert, H. R. Atwater, S. T. Johnston, V. E. Minich and C. E. Hoyt, were appointed to select the place for the 1918 Convention and Exhibit. This entire committee with the exception of Mr. Stanley G. Flagg. met in Milwaukee, Feb. 25 and 26, and after a conference with the local interests, and due consideration of their proposition. selected that city as the place of the 1918 meeting..

The exhibit was held in the Auditorium at Milwaukee, Oct. 7 to 12, 1918. The building was well suited to our requirements. having splendid accommodations for the meetings of the Association as well as for the exhibits.

Number of Exhibits.-A total of 198 firms paid the annual exhibitor's permit fee, and 194 engaged space and made exhibits. This number considerably exceeded all previous records, and was a net gain of 42 over Boston in 1917. The total space, however, was 1200 square feet less than was used in Boston, but no doubt the 1917 figure would have been equaled, if not exceeded, had we had more available space, as many were obliged to use less than they would like to have had.

Ordnance Exhibit.-With the co-operation of the Ordnance Department, who detailed Lieut. A. B. Wallace, Jr., of the Property Division of Ordnance, to take charge of an exhibit of ordnance material, a very creditable and interesting display was made. We were disappointed in not being able to secure some 3-inch and 4.7-inch guns complete, because of the urgent need at that time of these pieces on the fighting front in France. The total cost of this exhibit to the Association was $147.61.

Admission Charge.-At the meeting of the Board of Directors, Feb. 16, 1918, a resolution was passed to the effect that we return to the practice of charging admission to all, irrespective of association membership. We believe that this policy should be continued.

The gross gate receipts, including exhibitors' buttons, were $2,602.75, a gain of $959.75 over 1917. From this, however, must be deducted $245.20, war tax on tickets, making the net gate receipts, including 521 exhibitors' buttons. $2376.55.

The auditor's financial statement, which is presented later. will show receipts and expenditures, but for your information I am pleased to submit a comparative statement for the years 1916. 1917 and, 1918. The total space used in 1916 was 37.930 square feet: cost per square foot was 535 cents income per square foot 53.4 cents plus. Total space in 1917. 43 674 square feet cost net square foot 62 cents plus; income per square foot, 53.4 cents plus.

Total space in 1918, 42,474 square feet; cost per square foot, 56.8 cents; income per square foot, 584 cents; 1918, I believe, was the first time in the history of these exhibits where space earned a profit. This amounted to $912.27. The average total space for three years was 41,357 square feet; average cost per square foot, 57.7 cents; average income per square foot, 55 cents plus.

From the above it will be seen that all surplus, with the exception of the small earnings on space last year, has come from exhibitors' permit fees, gate receipts, contributions, and bank interest.

To carry further the comparative figures, the net earnings for 1916 were $6829.60; 1917, $6701.37; 1918, $8376.12; the average earnings for three years being $7302.36. Out of these earnings we have paid during the past three years, $2000 to the Technical Department of the American Foundrymen's Association, $416.50 to the Metals Division of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, formerly the American Institute of Metals, rebated to 1916 exhibitors, $2018.60, and paid into the War Service Committee Fund, $4529.57, making a total of $9964.67.

of receipts and ex

We have also prepared a statement penses covering three years, which are appended:

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Reserve for Contingencies.-While we have been fortunate in showing an average earning of something over $7000 for the past three years, I desire to call your attention to the importance of

having a contingency or emergency fund to protect association members against any unexpected loss.

We have had, during this brief period of three years, two very close calls. The threatened railroad strike in 1916 was scheduled to come off just one week ahead of our opening day at Cleveland. Last year at Milwaukee the influenza epidemic closed everything in that city except the Auditorium, on Thursday of the week we were there, and on Saturday night following the day that we closed, the Auditorium was converted into an influenza hospital.

Our contracts protect us against certain emergencies. However, should we be unable to deliver the space, we would be in a very serious situation if we did not have a sufficient reserve fund to tide us over such an emergency. Unlike most going concerns, we demand payment in advance of delivery of goods, and a considerable part of this money is spent in promoting the show previous to the delivery of the goods.

I would suggest that this committee recommend to the Board of Directors, that a certain sum, to be decided upon later, be set aside out of our surplus, as a reserve for contingencies, and that we annually add to this fund as we are able, until it has reached an amount equal to our average yearly expenses.

Opening Exhibits Evenings.-Our rules and regulations usually state that the exhibits may be open one or more evenings at the discretion of the committee on exhibits, but the hours usually announced are for day exhibits only. On several occasions there have been very pressing demands on the part of the local people and some exhibitors, that the exhibits be kept open evenings, and at Milwaukee we were waited on by a committee who were so insistent that it was finally decided to hold the exhibit open on Tuesday evening, on condition that newspaper publicity was not given, and that they would assume the responsibility of notifying the trade. We were all doubtful about results, but believe it was more successful than any of the committee expected it would be. To avoid change in program which results in misunderstanding and complaints, I would recommend for your consideration, that we adopt the policy of being open one night each year, and have it generally understood. Tuesday evening would probably be the most acceptable one of the week.

The books of the Department of Exhibits were audited as of date of Dec. 15, by A. E. White & Co., Public Accountants, and the details are presented in the report of the Secretary-Treasurer for 1918-19.

Respectfully submitted,

C. E. HOYT, Manager, Department of Exhibits.

Annual Report of the Secretary


To the President and Members of the American Foundrymen's Association, Inc.:

We submit herewith the secretary-treasurer's annual report for the year ending June 30, 1919. The conditions affecting membership for the previous year, due to the war, continued through a large part of the past year, and numerous changes in the personnel of the membership have resulted. In nearly all cases, however, the firm membership has been continued and a net gain in membership is shown. Complete data covering the membership of our organization follows:

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Resignations of active members during year.

Resignations of associate members during year..
Deaths of associate members..







Total membership paid to June 30, 1919..

Deaths of honorary members

Deaths of active members

Active members dropped for nonpayment of dues.

Associate members dropped for nonpayment of dues..

New members received during the year 1918-19, 131, of which 122 were active, and 9 associate.

Accompanying this report is a chart showing the membership of the American Foundrymen's Association, Inc., each year since the date of its organization in 1896.

Change of Office

Although the secretary-treasurer was elected at the annual meeting in Milwaukee, Oct. 9, 1918, he did not assume

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