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(ǎn'tik), frolicsome leap or jump; a funny trick.

ant'ler (ǎnt'ler), the horn of a deer. ape (ap), imitate or mimic. a-poth e-ca-ry (å-poth ́ê-kâ-ri),


who prepares and sells drugs for medicine.

ap-plause' (ǎ-plôz'), praise or commendation expressed by clapping or some other sign.

ap-ply' (ǎ-pli'), put one thing to an other; make use of; make request. ap-proach' (ȧ-proch'), come near. apt (ǎpt), suitable; fit; ready. arch (ärch), mischievous; roguish. ar'dent (är'dent), intense; eager; passionate.

ar'gue (är'gū), dispute or discuss;


armor (är'mer), clothing or covering worn to protect the body in battle.

art' ful


(ärt'fool), cunning; skillful;

a skilled

ar-tif'i-cer (är-tif'i-ser), workman; a mechanic. as'pect (ǎs' pěkt), look; appearance. asp'en (ǎs' pěn; ȧs'), a poplar tree, the leaves of which are swayed by a slight movement of the air. as-pire' (ǎs-pire'), try to win or become something high or great. as-sem' ble (ǎ-sem'b'l), collect

one place; bring together. as-sume' (ǎ-sum), pretend; upon one's self; put on.



as-sure' (ă-shoor'), declare; persuade; convince.

stir' (a-stûr'), stirring; in a state of activity.


wonder; surprise.

a-sun' der


(a-sun'der), apart; sepa.

rate from each other. at-tain' (ǎ-tan'), arrive at; accomplish; obtain.

t-tempt' (ǎ-těmpt'), try; endeavor. au'di-ble (ô'di-b'l), capable of being heard.

aught (ôt), anything; any part. av'a-rice (ǎv'a-ris), greediness; great desire for gain.

-vert' (a-vûrt'), turn aside or away. a-wry' (ȧ-ri'), turned or twisted toward one side; crooked. az'ure (ăzh'ûr), sky blue.

bab'ble (băb''), utter words indistinctly; make a continuous murmuring noise.

Bag-dad' (bäg-däd'; băg'dăd), a city in Turkey in Asia.

bail (bal), the arched handle of a pail or kettle.

bait (bat), food used in catching any animal.

balk (bôk), stop and refuse to go. bal'lad (bǎl'ǎd), a simple song of any kind.

bal' sam (bôl'săm), a fragrant or spicy substance flowing from certain

plants. bal'us-trade (băl'us-trād), a row of upright supports topped by a rail, serving as a low wall.

ban’dit (băn’dit), one of a gang of robbers, especially one of a band living in mountains.

ban’quet (băn’kwět; kwit), a feast. bar' gain (bär'gen; gin), an agreement between persons settling what each shall give or receive in a transaction.

bar'on (băr'un), a nobleman. bass'wood'

(bas' wood'), a kind of

tree. bat'tle-ment (băt''l-ment), a low wall with open spaces on top of a fort. bawl (bôl), cry loudly.

ba-zaar' (bȧ-zär'), an assemblage of shops or group of streets lined with shops.

beau'te-ous (bū'tê-us), full of beauty. be-calm' (bē-käm'), make quiet keep from motion.

beck'on (běk''n), make a sign by motion of hand or finger.

beech'en (bech''n), belonging to the beech tree; made of the wood of bark of the beech tree.

be-fall' (bê-fôl'), come to pass; hap pen.

be-guile' (bê-gil'), deceive; amuse of entertain.

be-hold' (be-hold'), see; gaze upon. be-lat'ed (bě-lāt'ěd, delayed; over taken by night.

bel'fry (běl' fri), a bell tower. be-moan' (bê-mon'), express grief by moaning; lament.

be-nev'o-lent (bê-něv-Ô-lěnt), char itable; kind.

be-nig'nant (bê-nig'nănt), kind; gra cious; liberal.

be-seech' (bê-sech'), ask earnestly; beg. be-seem'

ting. be-stow'


(bê-sēm'), be proper, fit

(bê-stō'), give; grant; pre

be-tide' (bê-tid'), happen; come to


be-wil'der-ment (bê-wil'der), state of being bewildered.

be-witch' (wich), charm; enchant. bit'ter (bit'er), severe; harsh, hav. ing a peculiar, disagreeable taste. bit'ter-ly (bit'er), painfully; with great grief.

blade (blad), a sword; the cutting part of an instrument.

blare (blâr), to sound with a loud and harsh tone.

plast (blåst), a violent gust of wind. bleach (blech), make white.

bleak (blēk), cold and cutting; desolate.

blend (blend), mix or mingle together.

bless'ing (blěs'), act of one who blesses; a gift; a means of happiness.

blight (blit), prevent the growth; ruin,

bliss (blis), gladness; joy; happiness. bloom (bloom), blossom; flower.

bluff (bluf), a high steep bank; a cliff.

blur (blûr), make indistinct or confused.

boast (bōst), brag; tell things to give

others a high opinion of one's self. bold' ness (bold'), bravery; courage. bomb (bom; bŭm), a shell; a hollow

sphere containing an explosive charge.

bom-bard 'ment (bom-bärd; bŭm), attack upon a fortified place with shot and shell.

boom'ing (boom'), making a hollow sound, as waves or cannon. boon boon), bountiful; gay; merry. boon (boon), a gift; a favor. boun'ti-ful (boun'ti-fool), free in giving; liberal.

boun'ty (boun'ti), liberality; generosity.

bow'er (bou'er), a shelter or


ered place in a garden; an arbor. brake (brak), a fern; a dense growth of shrubs.

brawn'y (brôn'i), powerful; strong. break'er (brāk'er), a wave breaking into foam against the shore. brilliant (bril' yǎnt), bright; glittering.

bre-cade' (brô-kād'), silk ornamented with raised flowers or woven with gold or silver threads.

bronze (bronz), a substance composed of copper and tin. brood (brood), think continuously and gloomily on one subject; sit quietly; sit and cover eggs, as a fowl. broom (broom), a plant with long slender branches and yellow flowers. bru'tal (broo'tǎl), like a brute; savage; cruel.

cab'in (kǎb'in), a small house.

Cai'ro (ki'ro), the capital of Egypt. cal'cu-late (kǎl'ku-lāt), count; esti

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ca'pable (kā'pȧ-b'l), having ability; skillful.

cap'tive (kǎp'tiv), prisoner.

cap'ture (kǎp'tûr), act of seizing by force.

car’a-van (kăr’ả-văn), a company of persons traveling together, especially through deserts.

ca-reer' (kȧ-rer'), conduct in life; general course of action.

car'go (kär'go), load or freight which a ship carries.

car'nage (kär'naj), great destruction of life, as in battle; slaughter. car'ol (kǎr'ŭl), a song of praise. cau’tion (ko’shăn), care; watchful ness; warning.

cau' tious (kô’shus), watchful: thoughtful; prudent.

cav'ern (kǎv'ern), a cave.

cease (sēs), come to an end; leave off.

cel' e-brate (sěl'ê-brät), honor by ceremonies of joy and respect. cel'e-bration (bra shun), act of cel ebrating.

cen'tu-ry (sěn'tû-ri), period of one hundred years.

cer’e-mo-ny (sěr’ê-mô-ni), an act di rected by law or custom in the conduct of important matters. chafe (chaf), irritate; vex.

chaff (chaf), husks of grains. cha-grin' (shȧ-grin'), mortification disgust.

chal-ced' o-ny (kăl-sěd’ô-ni, a pale blue or gray quartz.

chal'ice (chăl'is), a drinking cup of goblet.

chal'lenge (chăl'ěnj), assert a right; invite defiantly.

chan'dler (chan'dler), a dealer in

groceries, provisions or the like. charger (chär'jer), an officer's horse ridden in battle or parade. char'i-ty (chăr'i-ti), love; good will; liberality.

charm (chärm), any action or thing supposed to have magic power. chas'ten (chas''n), correct by punish ment; purify from faults. check (chěk), stop: hinder.

cheer (cher), mirth; cheerfulness:

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cir-cum'fer-ence (ser-kum'fer-ens), the

line what


goes around

a circular

civ'il (siv'il), respectful; obliging;

clad (klad), clothed.

clam'ber (klăm bēr), climb with dif-

clam'or-ous (klăm'er-ŭs), noisy; loud;
calling or demanding loudly.
clear'ing (klēr), a tract of land
cleared of trees.

left (kleft), a crack; an opening.
liff (klif), a high, steep face of rock;
a precipice.

clime (klim), climate; region.
cloud-rack (rak), flying, broken clouds.
clown (kloun), one who causes mer-
riment by awkward, silly actions.
clump (klump), a cluster; a group;
a thicket.

cock'a-too (kok'ȧ-too), a parrot.
cof'fer (kof'er), a chest to hold money
or valuables.

col'um-bine (kŏl'um-bin), a plant.
comb'er (kōm'ĕr), a long, curling


com-bine' (kom-bin), unite; join.
com'i-cal (kom'ikal), funny; laugh-

com-mand' (ko-mȧnd'), govern; give

com-par' a-tive (kom-păr'ȧ-tiv), esti-
mated by comparison with something


(kom-pěl'), force; oblige.
com-plain' (kom-plān'), find fault;
grumble; lament.
com'pli-ment (kom'pli-měnt), praise;
expression of admiration or respect.
com-posed' (kom-pōzd'), calm; quiet;

com-po'sure (kom-pō'zhûr), calmness;

com'rade (komʼrăd), companion; as-

con-ceal' (kon-sel'), hide; cover.
con-ceive' (kon-sēv'), think; suppose.
con-cern' (kon-sûrn'), interest; af-

con-clude' (kon-klood'), form a judg
ment; make an end.

con-demn' (kon-děm'), declare the
guilt of; reprove; blame.

con-fer' (kon-fûr'), give; bestow;

con-fess' (kon-fěs'), acknowledge or
own a fault.

con-found' (kon-found'), bewilder;
astonish; ruin.

con-fu'sion (fū'zhŭn), bewilderment;

con-join' (kõn-join'), join together;

con' science

(kon'shĕns), sense of
what is right and wrong in one's
own conduct.

ton'scious (kõnʼshŭs), having knowl
edge of; aware.

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rupted; connected.


con tract (kon'trăkt), an agreement;
a bargain.

con'tra-ry (kon'trȧ-ri), opposite; un-

con-triv'ance (kon-triv'ăns), plan; in-
vention; machine.

con-trive' (kon-triv'), form; plan;

con-vince' (kon-vins'), satisfy by
proof; persuade.

cor-nice (kor-nis), a molding or series
of moldings on a wall.
cor-po' re-al kor-pō'rê-ǎl), bodily;

cor re-spondent (kor'ê-spond'),
person employed to contribute news
regularly from a particular place;
one with whom communication is
carried on by letter.
corse' let
(kôrs' lět), armor for the

cost'ly (kost'li), expensive; of great


cot'tage (kot'âj), a small house.
couch'ing (kouch), hiding; lying
down for concealment.

coun'cil (koun'sil), an assembly for
consultation or advice.

coun'sel (koun'sěl), advise; instruct.
coun'se-lor (koun'sě-ler), an adviser.
count'less (kount'), incapable of be-
ing counted.

cou-ra'geous (kŭ-rā'jūs), brave; fear-
less; daring.

course (kors), way; passage; road.
cours'er (kōr'ser), a race horse or a
war horse.

court (kort), an uncovered space in-
closed by buildings or by walls.
cour'te-ous (kûr'tê-ŭs), polite; oblig.
ing: well-bred.

cour' te-sy (kûr'tê-si), politeness;
elegance; refinement.

courtier (kort'yer), one who is in
attendance at the court of a king.
cow' er (kou'er), crouch; sink
through fear.

Daed'a-lus (děd'ȧ-lus;

See note Page 66.
dag' ger (dăger), a

used for stabbing.


short weapon

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dame (dām), a mother or an elderly


Da-ri'us (da-ri's), name of a Persian king; here used as a boy's name. dawn (dôn), the first appearance of light in the morning.

dazzle (dăz''), be overpowered by light; have sight confused by light. dearth (dûrth), scarcity; want; famine. de-ceit (de-set'), an attempt to deceive; fraud; trickery.

de-cid'ed (dê-sided), fully settled; free from doubt; determined. deck (děk), the floor-like platform of a compartment of a ship. deck (děk), dress; adorn.

dec'la-ra tion (děk'la-ra shun), that which is declared; proclamation;


deed (ded), act; that which is done. de-fend' (de-fěnd'), protect; guard. de-fy' (dê-fi'), dare; provoke to strife; challenge.

del'i-cate (děl'i-kât), tender; fine; frail.

dell (děl), a small retired valley; a ravine.

de-mand' (dê-mand'), ask or call for with authority; claim as due. de'mon (de'mon), an evil spirit. dense (děns), close; thick; heavy. de-part' (de-pärt'), go away; leave; separate.

de-pos it (dė-poz'ĭt), place for safe keeping; put.

de-ri'sion (dê-rĭzh'un), scorn; mockery; insult.

de-scend' ant (dê-sen' dǎnt),

child, grandchild, great grandchild, etc. des'ert (děz'ert), a tract of land unOccupied and uncultivated.

de-sign' (dê-zīn'), a plan of something to be done; intention. de-sir' a-ble ́(dê-zīr ́à-b'l),



des o-lation (lãꞌ shŭn), ruin; destruction of inhabitants.

de-spair' (dê-spâr'), loss of hope; hopelessness.


des' per-ate (děs'per-ât), dangerous; rash; furious. des-sert' (dě-zûrt'), fruit or sweet things at the close of a meal. des' tine (děs'tin), fix or determine beforehand.

de-termine (dê-tûr'min), fix; resolve; decide.


dew'y (du'i), moist with dew. dif' fi-cul-ty (dif'i-kul-ti), a thing hard to do or to understand; obstacle. dig'ni-ty (dig'ni-ti), nobleness manner; stateliness; high office. dike (dik), an embankment to prevent floods.

dil'i-gence (dil'i-jens), industry; carefulness.

dil'i-gent (dil'ĭ-jěnt),

steady and earnest.

di-min'ish (di-min'ish),

take away.


make less;

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straighten out.


dis-guise' (dis-giz'), a dress put on for concealment or to deceive. dis-hon' or-a-ble (dis-on'ĕr-a-b'l), not honorable; shameful; disgraceful.

dis' mal (diz'măl), gloomy; sorrowful. dis-pose' (dis-pōz'), arrange; get rid of. dis-pute' (dis-pūt'), argue against discuss.

dis-qui'e-tude (dis-kwi'ê-tūd), want of peace; anxiety.

dis-suade (di-swăd'), advise against dis'tant (dis'tănt), not friendly haughty; far off.


dis-taste ful (täst'), unpleasant the taste; unpalatable. dis-tress' (dis-tres'), pain; suffering

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(di-vûr 'si-fid),


many forms jects.

or a variety of ob

diz'zy (diz'i), having a whirling sensation in the head; confused thoughtless.

doc'ile (dos'il), gentle; easily man aged.

dock (dok), an inclosure in connection with a harbor or river, with gates to keep the water in or shut it out. dole'ful (dōl'fool), sorrowful; sad. dome (dom), a roof having a rounded. form. do-min'ion (dô-minʼyŭn), the powe

of controlling and governing; au thority.

doubt (dout), uncertainty; distrust. doubt'less (dout), certainly; without doubt.

dow'ry (dou'ri), a gift of property by a man to or for his bride; the money or property which a womar brings to her husband in marriage. drag'on (drăg'ŭn), a huge serpent, an animal represented in fables and myths as a monstrous serpent with


draught (draft), the act of drinking liquid to be swallowed.

dread (drěd), to fear greatly; to have terror of.

dream'y (drēm'i), given to imagining

or fancying things; soothing; soft drear'y (drer'i), comfortless; gloomy droll (drol), amusing; queer; comic.

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drow'sy (drouʼzi), sleepy; heavy with sleepiness.


drug (drug), any substance used medicine; an article that is not in demand.

dun'geon (dun 'jun), a close, dark prison, underground.

dusk (dŭsk), the darker part of twilight or dawn.

dusk'y (dus'ki), dark colored; not bright.

du'ty (du'ti), conduct due parents or superiors; that which one ought to do.

dwarf (dwôrf), an animal or plant much below the ordinary size.

ea'ger (ē'ger), earnest; very desirous to do or to have.

ear' nest-ness (ûr'něst), seriousness; sincerity.

earth'en (ûr'th'n), made of earth; especially, made of clay.

eaves (ēvz), the edges of the roof of a building, which overhang the


eb'on (ěb'un), like ebony; black; dark.

ef'fort (ef'ôrt; ert), attempt; trial; endeavor.

e-lab'o-rate (ê-lǎb'ô-rât), worked out with great care and exactness. elf (elf), a fairy, a sprite. ell (ĕll), a measure for cloth,


English ell is about 45 inches. @m-brace' (ĕm-brās'), clasp in the arms, with affection.

m'er-ald (ĕm'ĕr-ǎld),

a stone of

deep green color used in jewelry. -merge (e-mûrj'), rise from; come into view.

mo'tion (e-mō'shun), feeling of joy, fear, grief, love or hate.

en-chant' (ĕn-chant'), act on by magic; delight.

en-circle (en-sûr'k'l), form a circle about.

en-counter (ĕn-koun'), engage in conflict; meet face to face. en-dear' ment (ĕn-der' měnt), caress; sign of affection.

en-dure' (en-dür'), remain firm; continue; hold out.

en e-my (en'ê-mi), one who hates and desires to injure another. en-grave' (en-grav'), carve figures or letters; impress deeply.

e-normous (ê-nôr'mus), huge; im

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en-treat'y (ĕn-trēt'i), request; prayer. en'vi-ous (ĕn'vi-ŭs), pained by the good fortune of another; grudging. en vy (ĕn-vi), discontent at the excellence or good fortune of another. eq'ui-page (ěk'wi-pāj), a carriage,

horses and coachman. ere (âr), before.

e-rect' (ê-rěkt'), upright; not bent. es-pe'cial (ĕs-pěsh'ǎl), particular; un


es-tate (es-tät'), property; fortune. es-teem (ĕs-tēm), favorable opinion; great regard.

es ti-mate (ĕs'tĭ-māt), a judgment or opinion.

e-ter'ni-ty (ê-tûr'ni-ti), immeasurable time; immortality.

e-vent' (ê-věnt'), that which happens; incident; adventure.

e'ven-tide (e'v'n-tid), evening. ex-ceed' (ěk-sēd'), go too

far; be

greater than others. ex-ceeding (ěk-sēd'), more than sufficient; extraordinary.

ex-cel' (ěk-sěl'), go beyond others in good qualities.

ex cel-lent (lent), very good; worthy. ex-cess (ěk-sĕs'), that which goes beyond what is usual or proper.

ex-cite' (ěk-sit'), stir up; rouse to feeling. ex-hausted (ĕg-zôs'těd), worn out; tired out.

ex'ile (ěk'sil), forced separation from one's native land; a person expelled from his country.

ex-pe' ri-ence (ěks-pē'ri-ĕns), the actual living through events. ex-per'i-ment (ěks-pěr'i-měnt), a trial; the act of trying or testing. ex-plore' (ěks-plōr), make or conduct a systematic search.

ex-pound' (ěks-pound'), explain; interpret.

ex'qui-site (ěks'kwi-zit), choice; delicate; perfect.

ex-tin quish (eks-tin'gwish), put out, as a light; destroy.

ex-traor' di-na-ry (ěks-trôr' di-nâ-ri), not usual; remarkable.

ex-trav' a-gant (ěks-trà v′′ ả- gắn t), wasteful; unrestrained.

ex-treme' (ěks-trēm'), very great; ut


ex-ult' ant (eg-zŭl'tănt), rejoicing. ey'ry ev'rie (e'ri), the nest of a bird of prey.

fa'ble (fa'b'l), a story in which animals speak and act like human beings; legend; untruth.

fa'bled (fa'b'ld), told in fable; having no real existence.

fab'ric (făb'rik), manufactured cloth; a building; a structure.

fain (fan), with joy; gladly.

fair'y (fâr'i), an imaginary being or spirit, supposed to meddle in the af fairs of human beings.

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