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ration and execution of plans and programs concerning, and

2 in the management of, the national resource lands.


SEC. 6. ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMITTEES.-In 4 providing for public participation in planning and program5 ing for the national resource lands, the Secretary, pursuant 6 to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (86 Stat. 770) and 7 other applicable law, may establish and consult such advisory 8 boards and committees as he deems necessary to secure full 9 information and advice on the execution of his responsibili10 ties. The membership of such boards and committees shall be 11 representative of a cross section of groups interested in the 12 management of the national resource lands and the various 13 types of use and enjoyment of such lands.



SEC. 7. ANNUAL REPORT.-The Secretary shall prepare

an annual report which he shall make available to the pub16 lic and submit to Congress no later than 120 days after the 17 close of each fiscal year. The report shall describe, in appro18 priate detail, activities relating or pursuant to this Act for 19 the fiscal year just ended, any problems which may have 20 arisen concerning such activities, and other pertinent infor21 mation which will assist the accomplishment of the provisions 22 and purposes of this Act. The report shall contain a detailed 23 list and description of all transfers of national resource lands 24 out of Federal ownership for the fiscal year just ended. It


1 shall include such tables, graphs, and illustrations as will 2 adequately reflect the fiscal year's activities, historical trends, 3 and future projections relating to the national resource lands. SEC. 8. DIRECTOR.-Appointments made on or after the


5 date of the enactment of this Act to the position of the Direc6 tor of the Bureau of Land Management, within the Depart7 ment of the Interior, shall be made by the President, by and 8 with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director 9 shall have a broad background and experience in public land 10 and natural resource management.


SEC. 9. APPROPRIATIONS.-There is hereby authorized 12 to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out

13 the purposes and provisions of this Act.






SEC. 101. MANAGEMENT.-The Secretary shall manage

17 the national resource lands in accordance with the policies 18 and procedures of this Act and with any land use plans 19 which he has prepared, pursuant to section 103 of this Act, 20 except to the extent that other applicable law provides other21 wise. Such management shall include:

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(1) regulating, through permits, licenses, leases, or such other instruments as the Secretary deems appropriate, the use, occupancy, or development of the national resource lands not provided for by other laws: Provided,

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however, That no provision of this Act shall be construed

as authorizing the Secretary to require any Federal permit to hunt or fish on the national resource lands;

(2) requiring appropriate land reclamation as a condition of use, and requiring performance bonds or other security guaranteeing such reclamation in a timely manner from any person permitted to engage in an extractive or other activity likely to entail significant dis

turbance to or alteration of the national resource lands;

(3) inserting in permits, licenses, leases, or other authorizations to use, occupy, or develop the national resource lands, provisions authorizing revocation or suspension, after notice and hearing, of such permits, licenses, leases, or other authorizations, upon final administrative finding of a violation of any regulations issued by the Secretary under any Act applicable to the national resource lands or upon final administrative find

ing of a violation on such lands of any applicable State or Federal air or water quality standard or implemen

tation plan: Provided, That the Secretary may order an immediate temporary suspension prior to a hearing or final administrative finding if he determines that such a suspension is necessary to protect public health or safe

ty or the environment: Provided further, That, where S. 507-2










other applicable law contains specific provisions for suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a permit, license, or other authorization to use, occupy, or develop the national resource lands, the specific provisions of such law shall prevail; and

(4) the prompt development of regulations for the protection of areas of critical environmental concern. SEC. 102. INVENTORY.-(a) The Secretary shall pre9 pare and maintain on a continuing basis an inventory of all 10 national resource lands, and their resource and other values 11 (including outdoor recreation and scenic values) giving pri12 ority to areas of critical environmental concern. Areas con13 taining wilderness characteristics as described in section 2 (c) 14 of the Act of September 3, 1964 (78 Stat. 890), shall be 15 identified within five years of enactment of this Act. The 16 inventory shall be kept current so as to reflect changes in 17 conditions and in identifications of resource and other values. 18 The preparation and maintenance of such inventory or the 19 identification of such areas shall not, of itself, change or 20 prevent change in the management or use of national resource 21 lands.

22 (b) The Secretary, where he determines it to be appro23 priate, may provide (i) means of public identification of 24 national resource lands, including signs and maps, and (ii) 25 State and local governments with data from the inventory


1 for the purpose of planning and regulating the uses of non

2 Federal lands in the proximity of national resource lands.


SEC. 103. LAND USE PLANS.-(a) The Secretary shall, 4 with public participation, develop, maintain, and, when ap5 propriate, revise land use plans for the national resource lands 6 consistent with the terms and conditions of this Act and 7 coordinated so far as he finds feasible and proper, or as may 8 be required by the enactment of a national land use policy or 9 other law, with the land use plans, including the statewide 10 outdoor recreation plans developed under the Act of Sep11 tember 3, 1964 (78 Stat. 897), of State and local govern12 ments and other Federal agencies.

13 (b) In the development and maintenance of land use 14 plans, the Secretary shall:

[blocks in formation]

(1) use a systematic interdisciplinary approach to achieve integrated consideration of physical, biological, economic, and social sciences;

(2) give priority to the designation and protection of areas of critical environmental concern;

(3) rely, to the extent it is available, on the inventory of the national resource lands, their resources, and other values;

(4) consider present and potential uses of the lands;

(5) consider the relative scarcity of the values in

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