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plicable to the various Federal agencies which are au

thorized to develop or participate in the development of water resources or to exercise licensing or regulatory functions in relation thereto;


(5) as modifying the terms of any interstate com

(6) as a limitation upon any State criminal statute or upon the police power of the respective States, or as derogating the authority of a local police officer in the performance of his duties, or as depriving any State or political subdivision thereof of any right it may have to

12 exercise civil and criminal jurisdiction on the national

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resource lands;

(7) as affecting the jurisdiction or responsibilities of

the several States with respect to wildlife and fish in the national resource lands; or

(8) as amending, limiting, or infringing the exist

ing laws providing grants of land to the States.

SEC. 502. VALID EXISTING RIGHTS.-All actions by

20 the Secretary under this Act shall be subject to valid exist

21 ing rights.



23 OF NATIONAL RESOURCE LANDS.-(a) The following

24 statutes or parts of statutes are repealed:

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The following words only: "Provided, That no further allotments of lands to Indians on the public domain shall be made in San Juan County, Utah, nor shall further Indian homesteads be made in said county under the Act of July 4, 1884 (23 Stat. 96: U.S.C. title 43, sec. 190)."

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The following words only: "No person who shall after the passage of this act, enter upon any of the public lands with a view to occupation, entry or settlement under any of the land laws shall be permitted to acquire title to more than three hundred and twenty acres in the aggregate, under all of said laws, but this limitation shall not operate to curtail the right of any person who has heretofore made entry or settlement on the public lands, or whose occupation, entry or settlement, is validated by this act." 26: 1101....

Mar. 3, 1891..



The following words only: "and that the provision of 'An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for other purposes,' which reads as follows, viz: 'No person who shall after the passage of this act enter upon any of the public lands with a view to occupation, entry or settlement under any of the land laws shall be permitted to acquire title to more than three hundred and twenty acres in the aggregate under all said laws,' shall be construed to include in the maximum amount of lands the title to which is permitted to be acquired by one person only agricultural lands and not to include lands entered or sought to be entered under mineral land laws."

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The following words only: "And provided further: That where soldier's additional homestead entries have been made or initiated upon certificate of the Commissioner of the General Land Office of the right to make such entry, and there is no adverse claimant, and such certificate is found erroneous or invalid for any cause, the purchaser thereunder, on making proof of such purchase, may perfect his title by payment of the Government price for the land; but no person shall be permitted to acquire more than one hundred and sixty acres of public land through the location of any such certificate." Aug. 18, 1894.


Only last
of Section
the Public

28: 397..


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The following words only: "Provided, That the President is hereby authorized by proclamation to withhold from sale and grant for public use to the municipal corporation in which the same is situated all or any portion of any abandoned military reservation not exceeding twenty acres in one place.'

Aug. 23, 1894.

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1077, 1078.
1080, 1077.

1091-1094, 1096, 1097.

Mar. 3, 1891.

Aug. 7, 1946.

Aug. 3, 1955.

May 14, 1890.
Sept. 1, 1893.
May 11, 1896.

Jan. 18, 1897.

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June 23, 1897

Mar. 1, 1899.

8. Sales of Isolated Tracts:

Revised Statute 2455.

Feb. 26, 1895.


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30: 966.

28: 687 34:517 37: 77 45: 253.


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(b) Section 7 of the Taylor Grazing Act, 48 Stat. 1272,

2 ch. 865, as amended by section 2 of the Act of June 26, 1936,

3 49 Stat. 1976, ch. 842, title I, 43 U.S.C. 315f, is further 4 amended to read as follows:


"The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his dis6 cretion to examine and classify any lands withdrawn or 7 reserved by Executive order of November 26, 1934 (num8 bered 6910), and amendments thereto, and Executive order 9 of February 5, 1935 (numbered 6964), or within a grazing 10 district, which are more valuable or suitable for any other use than for the use provided for under this Act, or proper 12 for acquisition in satisfaction of any outstanding lieu, ex13 change or land grant, and to open such lands to disposal in 14 accordance with such classification under applicable public 15 land laws. Such lands shall not be subject to disposition until 16 after the same have been classified and opened to disposal.". (c) Section 2 of the Act of March 8, 1922, 42 Stat.



18 416, ch. 96, as amended by section 2 of the Act of August

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