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Frederick came into contact in his characters of
Sovereign, legislator, author, and artist.

Professor Preuss, the editor of the collected works of Frederick the Great, is now advancing rapidly with his task. Twenty-one volumes are already completed. Of these, seven volumes comprise the king's historical writings; three, his philosophic works; six, his poems; and five, his correspondence. Only nine volumes are now wanting to complete the thirty of which the whole collection is to consist; and these will be ready in a year.

The Prussian government is preparing to send a small scientific expedition to explore some parts of the Caucasus. Dr Koch, of Jena, and Dr. Rose, the brother of the late Mr. Rose, the eminent Sanscrit scholar, are to be at the head of this expedition. Prussia is at the present moment sending scientific explorers to all the least-known corners of the globe.


The last number of the 'Foreign Quarterly Review' contained a notice of the death of Frederick Von Adelung, director of the Asiatic Academy of St. Petersburgh. The following biographical particulars relating to that distinguished scholar, are collected from an authentic source.



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Attention has recently been attracted in the literary circles of Madrid, to a curious manuscript work, in the Spanish language, forming an interesting Supplement to the History of the Emperor Charles V.,' and containing some very curious particulars of the latter days of that monarch in the monastery of St. Justus. This manuscript is the production of Don Tomas Gonzalez, a learned ecclesiastic, and the author of a 'Memorial on Philip II. of Spain and Queen Mary of England,' which forms a portion of the Memorias de la Real Academia de Historia.' Gonzalez was, during the latter period of his life, keeper of the State Archives at Simancas, and whilst there he was commissioned by the Historical Academy of Madrid to write a His tory of the Emperor Charles V., from the Period of his Abdication.' Though Gonzalez lived to complete this task, yet he died before the work appeared in the collection of the Memorias' of the Academy. At his decease he bequeathed the manuscript to his nephew (who succeeded him as keeper of the Archives of Simancas), with directions that the sum of 3,000 piasters should be paid for the privilege of publishing it. The manuscript forms one folio volume of 300 pages, neatly written by the hand of a copyist. On the He was born at Stettin in the year 1768, and margins there are numerous valuable notes and was the nephew (not the son as has been erro- additions in the handwriting of Gonzalez himself. neously stated) of the great linguist of the same The title is Vida y muerte del Emperador Carlos name. In 1787 he entered the University of Quinto en Yuste,' and the work commences with Leipsic, where he devoted some years to the an account of the abdication of the emperor at study of Jurisprudence and Philosophy. He Brussels, and the description of his journey to then accepted the appointment of tutor in the Spain. The illustrative documents, which are family of a Courland lady of rank. In 1794 he copied from the originals, are given in an appenvisited St. Petersburgh, where he became Cen- dix. As soon as the emperor sets foot on Spanish sor, and subsequently manager of the German ground, the interest of the narrative heightens. theatre in that capital. In the year 1803, the The sources whence the author has derived his Emperor Alexander appointed him tutor to his materials are of the most authentic and satisfactwo younger brothers, the Grand Dukes Nicho-tory character. The emperor's daughter, Donna las and Michael. After 1813 he became the Juana, the widow of Prince John of Portugal, coadjutor of the Imperial Chancellor, Count and during the absence of Philip, regent of Spain, Rumyanzoff, in a task of vast labour and re- commissioned Don Luis Quijada, the steward, search, viz., the collection and arrangement of and Don Juan Vasquez de Molina, the private all the existing ancient manuscripts relating to secretary of the emperor, to send her a daily the early History of Russia.' These united report of everything concerning her father. Ac labours, which were continued till the Chancel-cordingly, the two individuals abovenamed, who lor's death, brought to light a great store of were always about the person of the emperor, curious historical information. In 1824, Ade- and in the enjoyment of his fullest confidence, lung received the appointment of director of the dispatched a letter every day to Valladolid, Asiatic Academy, which he held till his death. where the princess resided, describing the empe Of his numerous writings on antiquities, one of ror's occupations, state of health, conversation, the most esteemed is the 'Description of the and in short all that took place in the monastery Korsun Gates of the Cathedral of St. Sophia at of St. Justus. These curious dispatches, which Novgorod.' Among Adelung's philological works, are among the archives at Simancas, have furthe most important in point of learning and re- nished Senor Gonzalez with materials for his search are his 'Bibliotheca Sanscrita' (Litera-narrative. Many of the documents are given in ture of the Sanscrit Language) and his Bibliotheca Glottica' (a General Survey of all known Languages and their Dialects.) From 1801 to 1806 he was a contributor to a magazine edited by Storch, and entitled Russia under Alexander I. On the early condition of Russia, he had intended to publish in three separate works; and he had collected an ample store of materials from Rome, Vienna, London, and Stockholm. But he died at St. Petersburgh on the 30th of January last, in the 75th year of his age.

their literal form, together with numerous letters written by the emperor when on his journey to Spain, and after he had fixed his abode in the monastery. Heretofore it has generally been believed that Charles V., after his retirement to St. Justus, not only led a monkish life, but subjected himself to acts of the most rigorous penitence. It is even related that he laid himself in a coffin, and had solemn funeral rites performed over him whilst living. Robertson, in his 'History of Charles V.,' gives a circumstantial de

scription of this alleged ceremony; after which, he states, the emperor was attacked with a fever and died. That all this is a mere fiction is proved on the most incontrovertible testimony in the manuscript of Senor Gonzalez. The conclusion of the manuscript consists of an inquiry concerning the birth and early life of the celebrated Don John of Austria. As long as the emperor lived, Quijada, to whom the education of Don John was entrusted, and who alone knew the prince's parentage, refused to divulge the secret. But after the death of Charles V., Quijada formally confessed the illustrious birth of

Don John.

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formity with that monarch's will, are not of later date than 1786. Another collection of manuscripts relating to Gustavus has recently been brought to light, and their dates extend to the last years of his reign. The history of these newly-discovered manuscripts is curious. After the death of Gustavus, all his papers were col lected together, for the purpose of being sent, according to his desire, to the University of Up sala. Governor Rosenstein, who was intrusted with the execution of this business, lodged the chests containing the papers, in the Bank of Stockholm, until an opportunity should occur for sending them to Upsala. The chests were deposited in the cellars of the bank for nearly forty years, and then the directors of the bank declared they could not longer retain charge of them. Meanwhile Governor Rosenstein was dead, and the chests were conveyed to the country residence of Baron Tersmeden, his heir and successor. Baron Tersmeden, knowing that the chests belonged to the University of Upsala, requested the chancellor (Archbishop Rosenstein) to take charge of them; but the latter was in no hurry to do so, probably because he knew they could not be opened until fifty years after the death of the king. Some years afterwards, being no one at Upsala who was aware of the Archbishop Rosenstein himself died, and there existence of the chests, their recent arrival there was unexpected. Their contents are described as being more interesting than the manuscripts tion relates to the last years of the unfortunate examined last year. This newly-found collec monarch's reign, a period which is overhung with great mystery.

In April last, Captain C. A. Gosselman died at Nykoping, at the age of forty-three. He was celebrated for his travels, especially in South America, of which he has written interesting narratives.





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41r. Bd. (Das Herrenhaus-Das Jagdschloss
Diana.-Die Ruine). 8vo Hanover 5s
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Baustyls. 9r Heft. Entwürfe zu Kirchen im
Spitzbog. Baustyle Fol Stuttgard 1s
Nagler, G. K., neues allgemeines Künstler Lexicon
Vol XII (Poy-Ken) 8vo München 10s 6d
Prussia. Sammlung dreistimm. Lieder vaterland.
und verm. Inhalts. Herausgeg. von J. Müller.
Part I and II 4to Berlin Each 2s
Rückert, F., Saul und David, ein Drama der heiligen
Geschichte 12mo Erlängen 7s
Schadows, W., Ueber den Einfluss des Christen-
thums auf die bildende Kunst 8vo Düsseld, 1s
Schrödter, A., Radirungen. 1te Liefg. Dusseld. 15s
Steinhäuser, W., Verzieherungen für Architectur,
Zimmerdecoration und Eleganz. 2e Liefg. [4to
Berlin 5s

Strack, J. H., das altgriechische Theatergebäude nach sämmtlichen bekannten Ueberresten ; dargestellt auf 9 Tafeln. Imp fol Potsdam. 18s Vierteljahreschrift, Deutsche, 1843. Heft 1 8vo Stuttgard 8s 6d

Walhalla, gemält von H. Schönfeld, in buntem Farbenbruck, 2 Blätter. Gr. Fol. mit Text. 4to. Regensb. 15s

Zahu, W., Die Schönsten Ornamente und merkwürdigsten Gemälde aus Pompeii, Herculaneum und Stabiae. 2 Folge. 6 Heft. Imp. fol. Berlin. 30s



Albertini, C. da Verona, Le Rime del Petrarca con
note letterali e critiche del Castelvetro, Tassoni,
Muratori, Alfieri, Ginguenè. 2 tom. Firenze, 1842,


Américains, Les, en Europe, et les Européens aux
Etats-Unis, by Philarète Chasles: Paris, 1843,
American Newspaper Press. Answer to the article
on American Newspaper Literature in No. 59 of
the Foreign Quarterly Review.' New York
Morning Courier and Enquirer. New York
Herald; October to February, 1842-3; Les Amé-
ricains en Europe, et les Européens aux Etats-Unis
(Americans in Europe, and Europeans in the
United States. Par Philarète Chasles; 'Revue
des Deux Mondes.'. February, 1843). Les Etats-
Unis: Souvenir d'un Voyageur. Par M. Isidore
Löwenstern. Paris et Leipsic, 1842. North
American Review for January, 1843. Boston, U.
S. 135; remarks of the 'Edinburgh Review' and
'Times' on American Newspapers, 136; charge
of exaggeration against the Foreign Quarterly
Review, 137; defence of the American Press in
the Westminster Review,' 137, 138; letter of a
New York Merchant, 139; answer of the 'Morn-
ing Courier and Enquirer,' 139-142; the 'New
York Herald' and the President, 143, 144; answer
of the New York Herald,' and extracts from that
journal, 146-149; abuse of the President, 151; his-
tory of the Ashburton Treaty, 152; Mr. Dickens,
153; forgery of a letter attributed to Mr. O'Con-
nell, (see Note) ib.; French works on America,
ib.; the North American Review,' ib.
Analyse historique et critique de la Vie et des Tra-
vaux de Sir William Herschel (Historical and
Critical Analysis of the Life and Labours of Sir
William Herschel), par M. Arago. Paris: in the
'Annuaire du Bureau des Longitudes' of 1842,
242; sketch of the Life of Herschel, his arrival
in England, &c., 243-245; his scientific labours,
245-250; Sir John Herschel, 250, 251.
Ancelot, Madame, Les Deux Impératrices; ou,
Une Petite Guerre. Comédie, 76, 87.
Antiquités de la Bretagne, (Antiquities of Brittany),
par M. le Chevalier de Fremenville, ancien Capi-
taine des Frégates du Roi, &c. &c. Brest, 1837,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Barbier, Rimes Heroïques, 45.
Bretons, habits and superstitions of the, 191.
Burgraves, Les. Trilogie. L'Aïeul, Le Mendicant,
Le Caveau Perdu (The Burgraves of the Rhine.
A Trilogy. The Great-Grandfather, The Beggar,
The Lost Cave), par Victor Hugo, Paris, 1843,
105; outline of the plot of the drama, 106, 107;
an extract, rendered into English, 108.


Calderon's Schauspiele, übersetzt von J. D. Gries,
Berlin, 1840, 276.
Calderon, Teatro Escogido de, Madrid, 1839, 276.
Campbell, Thomas, Life of Petrarch, 219.
Capefigue, L'Europe pendant la Révolution Fran-
çaise, 297.

Chaine, Une, Comédie par Eugène Scribe, Paris,
1842, 76, 93.

Chasles, Philarète, Les Américains en Europe, et
les Européens en les Etats-Unis, 135.
Château, Le, des Pyrénées, par Fréderic Soulié,
Paris, 1843, 155.

Chefs-d'Euvres du Théâtre Espagnol, Lope de
Vega et Calderon, Traduction nouvelle, avec une
Introduction et des Notes (Masterpieces of the
Spanish Theatre, a French Translation), par M.
Damas-Hinard, Paris, 1841-2, 276; fertile inven-
tion of the old Spanish Dramatists, 276, 277; cha-
racteristics of the Spanish drama, 278-283; Cer-
vantes and Lope de Vega, 284, 285; estimate of
the genius of Lope de Vega, 285-288; Don Quix-
otte, 289; critical notice of Calderon, 289-291;
description of, and quotations from, two of Calde-
ron's plays, 291-296; French and German trans-
lations of Spanish dramas, 296, 297; Señor
Ochoa's' Tesoro de Teatro Español,' 297.
Clouds, The, of Aristophanes, with notes, by C. C.
Felton, M. A:, Eliot professor of Greek in Har-
vard University, Cambridge, Massuchusetts, U.
S. 1841, 260.

Correspondence, Foreign, 158; France, ib.; Ger-
many, 159.

Courson, Aurélien de, Essai sur l'Histoire, la langue
et les Institutions de la Bretagne Armoricaine,

Custine, Le Marquis de, La Russie en 1839, 4 vols.,



Damas-Hinard, Chefs-d'Euvres du Théâtre Es
pagnol; Lope de Vega et Calderon. Traduction
nouvelle avec une Introduction et des Notes, 276.
Derniers Bretons, Les, par Emile Souvestre, 4 tomes,
Paris, 1836, 191.

Deux Impératrices, Les; ou, une Petite Guerre.
Comédie par Madame Ancelot, Paris, 1842, 76, 87.
Discours de M. de Lamartine, prononcée à la Cham-
bre de Députés, revue par lui-même, Paris, 1843,
Lamartine's change of party, 64-67; M. Gui-


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