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Hayes, J. D. Interstate commerce: government responsibility. Detroit. Scripps [printer], 1887. 20 p.

Hillyer, C. R. Procedure before the interstate commerce commission. Chicago. La Salle Extension University. [1920]. Various paging.

Interstate commerce law convention. Proceedings, 1904, 1905. Washington, Detweiler [printers] 1904.

1905 proceedings have no place, publisher or date.

James, F. B. Interstate commerce legislation.

Introduction to

Clark on Interstate commerce. Washington, J. Byrne & Co. 1919. 60 p.

Kendall, C. W. Uniform rates of transportation. Speech in the House of representatives, May 24, 1872. Washington, Rives & Bailey [printers] 1872. 12 p.

Koren, John. History of statistics . . .

773 P.

N. Y. MacMillan 1918.

United States: Federal statistics by J. Cummings; Interstate commerce commission, pp. 605-614.

Lust, H. C. Act to regulate commerce and supplemental acts. Chicago, La Salle extension university. 1915. 141 p. N. Y. Board of Trade and transportation. .. Report of committee on railroad transportation . . . upon bills now pending in Congress to regulate commerce by railroad among the several states. n. p. no pub. 1880? 8 p.

Prouty, C. A. Powers of the Interstate commerce commission . . reprinted from North American review, Nov. 1898. Forum, April, 1899, and Annals of American academy of political and social science. January, 1900. Washington. no. pub. 1900. 42 p.

Ripley, W. Z. Railroads, rates and regulations.

Longmans, 1912. 659 p.

N. Y.

Sharfman, I. L. American railroad problem. . . . N. L. Century, 1921. 474 P.

Sterne, Simon. An address on interstate railway traffic... Dec. II, 1879. Boston. Tolman & White [printers] 1880. 22 p. Argument . . . before committee on railroads [N. Y.] on bill to create a Board of Railroad commissioners and to regulate their powers, Mar. 7, 1878. n.p. no pub. 1878?

40 p.

Railway in its relation to public and private interests Apr. 19, 1878. N. Y. Press of Chamber of commerce 1878. 38 p. Townshend, R. W. Speech [on bill to regulate interstate commerce] May 11, 1878. Washington, no pub. 1878 1878 16 p.


Adams, C. F. Jr. State and the railroads (In Atlantic monthly, March 1876, v. 37: 360-371 and 691-699)

Adams, H. C. Administrative supervision of railways under the 20th section of the act to regulate commerce. (In Quarterly journal of economics, May, 1908, v. 22:364-83)

Decade of Federal railway regulations. (In Atlantic monthly, Apr. 1898, v. 81:433-443).

Arnold, B. W. Jr. Railroads and the United States government. (In Gunton's magazine, Aug. 1898, v. 15: 125-133)

Bacon, E. P. Inadequate powers of the Interstate commerce commission. (In North American review, Jan. 1902, v. 174: 46-58) Clements, J. C. Interstate commerce law, its development and administration. (In Scientific American, June 17, 1911, v. 104: 585-6)

Crook, J. W. Interstate commerce commission and new railroad law. (In North American review, Dec. 1911, v. 194: 858-69) Davis, S. M. Powers of the commission. (In Outlook, Mar. 17, 1900, v. 64: 626-8)

Dixon, F. H. Interstate commerce act as amended. (In Quarterly journal of economics, Nov. 1906, v. 21: 22-51)

Mann-Elkins act; amending the act to regulate commerce. (In Quarterly journal of economics, Aug. 1910, v. 24: 593-633) Railroad accidents. (In Atlantic monthly, May 1907, v. 99: 577-590)

Giddings, F. H. Railroads and the state. (In Chautauqua, Jan. 1890, v. 10: 413-417)

Hadley, A. T. Legislation on railroads. (In Harper's magazine, June 1887, v. 75: 141-150)

Workings of interstate commerce law. (In Quarterly journal of economics, Jan. 1888, v. 2: 162-187)

Hooper, W. E. Accounting system prescribed for the railroads by the Interstate commerce commission. (In American academy of political and social science, Annals, Jan. 1916, v. 63: 223-231) Interstate commerce bill [editorial] (In Nation, Feb. 3, 1887, v. 44: 93-94)

McLean, S. J. Federal regulation of railroads in the United States. (In Economic journal, June, 1900, v. 10: 151-171)

Meyer, B. H. Past and future. (In Political science quarterly, Sept. 1902. v. 17: 394-437)

Montgomery, H. E. Federal control of interstate commerce. (In American academy of political and social science. Nov. 1905, v. 26: 642-55).

Prouty, C. A. Powers of the Interstate commerce commission. (In Forum, Apr. 1899, v. 27: 223-236)

Powers of the Interstate commerce commission. (In North American review, Nov. 1898, v. 167: 543-557).

Rich, E. J. Transportation act of 1920. (In American economic review, Sept, 1920, v. 10:507-27)

Ripley, W. Z. Federal railroad regulation. (In Atlantic monthly, Mar. 1910, v. 105: 414-27)

Robertson, W. A. Amendment of the Interstate commerce act. (In Forum, April, 1902, v. 33: 143-50)

Sakolski, A. M. Practical tests of the Transportation act. (In Political science quarterly, Sept. 1921, v. 36: 376-90)

Sedgwick, A. G. Ten years of United States regulation of railroads. (In Nation, Apr. 21, 1898, v. 66: 219-220)

Shoemaker, H. B. Federal power to regulate interstate commerce. (In American law review, Jan.-Feb. 1895, v. 29: 59-72)

Sterne, Simon. The railway problem. (In National quarterly review, Apr. 1880, v. 40: 395-425)

Stringfellow, H. Interstate commerce law. (In American law review, Jan.-Feb. 1889, v. 23: 84-99)

Taylor, Frederic. National control of railroads. (In Forum, May, 1888, v. 5: 299-319)

Vanderblue, H. B. Railroad valuation by the Interstate commerce commission. (In Quarterly journal of economics, Nov. 1919 and Feb. 1920, v. 34: 22-87 and 260-99)

Van Metre, T. W. ed. The Interstate commerce commission and its work. [articles by several authors]. (In American academy of political and social science, Annals, Jan. 1916, v. 63: 155-231) Walker, A. F. Operation of interstate commerce law. (In Forum, July, 1891, v. II: 524-540)

White, H. Interstate commerce bill, 1886. (In Nation, Dec. 23, 1886, v. 43: 516-517)

Legislative regulation of railroads. (In Nation, May 28, 1885, v. 40: 437-438)

Railroad Gazette. See Interstate commerce commission in index of annual bound volumes 1874-1908. In 1908 absorbed Railway age and changed name to Railway Age Gazette, which see 1908date.

Railway age. See Interstate commerce commission in index of annual bound volumes from 1876-1908.

Railway review. See Interstate commerce commission in index of annual bound volumes 1868-1898.


Abandonment of line, 76, 118.
Accidents, causes of, 37-38; publi-
cations on, 139. See also Safety.
Accidents Reports Act, 37-38.
Accounts, powers and duties relating

to, 17-19, 23-24, 45-46. 53-54, 86-88;
publications on, 138-139. See also

Accounts, Bureau of, 23n, 119, 130.
Accounts, Section of, 118.
Administration, Bureau of, 109-11,

Administration, Section of, 118-120.
Aggregate of Intermediates Clause,

Amendments, recommended by Com-

mission, 7-8, 27, 47. See also
Interstate Commerce Act.
American Railway Association, 9, 10,
91, 117.

Annual Reports, Section of, 120. See
also Reports.

Association of American Railway
Accounting Officers, 19-23.
Attorney General, 20n, 23, 25, 27, 66,

Boiler Inspection. See Locomotive
inspection; Safety.

Block Signal and Train Control
Board, 35.

Block signal systems. See Safety.
Brakes. See Safety.

Cable companies, 64.

Car service, 78; Commission on, 50.
Car Service Act, 50.

Certification of standard return, 52-
53, 67; of loans, 70.
Chairman, 11, 41.

Chief Inspector of Locomotives, 32-
34, 95.

Civil Service Commission, 95, 106.
Claims, adjustment of, by boards of
referees, 68.

Clayton Act, 30, 97.
Commerce Court, 27-28.
Commodities clause, 23, 42.

Common carrier, definitions of, 64.
Consolidation of railroads, 61, 72-73.
Contingent fund, maintenance of, 76.
Convenience and necessity, Section
of, 118.

Coupler, automatic. See Safety.
Courts, attitude of, toward Commis-
sion, 11-16, 22, 24, 27-29; toward
safety laws, 34-35; utilization of
by Commission, 66-67, 106; pro-
ceedings in, instituted by states,

Cullom Committee, 5-7.

[blocks in formation]

National Association of Railway and
Utilities Commissions, 103.

Government operation, 50-62; liqui-
dation of matters resulting from,

Grabirons. See Safety.

Guarantee of income, 70.

Handholds. See Safety.

Hepburn Act, 21-26.

Hours-of-Service Act, 34-35, 94-95,


Industrial Commission, 12.

Informal Cases, Bureau of, 112-13,

Inquiry, Bureau of, 114-15, 129.
Interior, Secretary of, 7, 8.
Interlocking Directorates, Section
of, 118.

Interstate Commerce Act, 1, 5-7;
amendments of, 8, 9, 13, 20, 21, 26-
27, 30, 49-50, 56-62. See also

Investigations, 42, 48-50, 61, 89-90.

Joint Rates, Division of, 22, 29n, 75.
Joint rates, publication of required,

Jurisdiction, of Commission, 21, 26,
56-62, 64-67.

Ladders. See Safety.

Labor, Commissioner of, II.

Law, Bureau of, 115, 129; Section
of, 118.

Loans to carriers, 57, 60, 61, 70.
Loans, Section of, 118.

Locomotive Inspection, Bureau of,
116-17, 127-28. See also Safety.
Long-and-Short-Haul Clause, 15-16,
26, 29, 80.

Mann-Elkins Act, 26-28.
Massachusetts, Railroad Commission
of, 3.

Maximum Freight Rate Case, 14.
Mechanical Tabulation, Section of,


Medals-of-Honor Act, 96.

Mediation and Conciliation, Board
of, 41.

Merchant Marine Act, 60-61, 100,


Newlands Act, 41.

[blocks in formation]

Railroad Administration, 53.
Railroad Labor Board, 59, IOI.
Railroads, Commissioner of, 18n.
Railway mail pay, 39-40, 98-100.
Railways, street, relation of Com-
mission to, 40-41.

Rates, parcel post, 41; railroad, 14,
15, 20, 22, 25, 40, 46-47, 52-53, 56-
58, 78-82; water, 26, 29n, 30, 47,
61, 73-74, 80.

Reagan, John H., 5.

Rebates. See Discrimination.

Referees, boards of, 52-53, 68.

Released rates, 83.

Released Rates Board, 114.
Reports, annual, 9, 140.
Review, Board of, 112.
Ripley, W. Z., 73.

Safety, 9-10, 17, 31-39, 44-45, 48, 53-
54, 58, 60, 90-96, 115.

Safety, Bureau of, 115-16, 127.
Secretary, of Commission, 105, 109.
Securities, authorization of issuance
of, 85-86.

Securities, Section of,

Service, Bureau of, 59, 117, 130.
Shipping Board, 50, 60, 102.

Sill steps. See Safety.
Social Circle Case, 14.

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