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I am doomed to know. Already I am almost in solitude, and in soul I am alone; for who is so destitute of all that is valuable on earth, as to sympathise in those sad feelings which are so constantly awakened in me, as to constitute my existence? Why is all this? Why was I created to be wretched? And whence this voice within me, which seems to reprove me for complaining; and whence this indignant stubbornness which rises in rebellion, and will complain? Is it the voice of power, declaring that its creature shall not with impunity say wherefore' to any of its decrees, and the reply of suffering weakness? How vain, how unequal is the contest! But, can power be loved? Can'

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Amongst all the uncertainties of external and of internal things, of this I am, from painful experience, most cer

tain, that the indulgence of evil passions produces more unmixed misery, than any external circumstances without that indulgence could produce, however unfortunate. All those feelings tend to bitterness and misery, which lead to repining, and rebellious indignation against→ whom? Against the Author of my being, and the Creator of all the loveliness of nature !-of all that in better times makes my soul thirst, pant, to recommend itself to Him by its purity and resignation to whatever His wisdom appoints for me. These wretched feelings are ever turning me from that path of acquiescence and calmness which my soul would tread, till that veil is withdrawn which separates us from God, and conceals from me that benevolence which can only intend ultimate good by the infliction of present suffering. Father of all thine intelligent offspring! Let the sorrow I now feel, atone for these devia

tions, of which, in my calmer hours, I most sincerely repent.'


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At times, particularly in my waking hours during the stillness of the night, a flash of truth beams into my soul with overpowering brightness, showing immortality so near as to startle me, and make all else appear of no more value than a dream,-and then the question, 'Can those hours which hurry on so rapidly, indeed comprehend all the time of my probation for eternity ? is asked in my inmost soul, with a force and clearness that makes it tremble. And when I turn to those thoughts with which I can at other times meet the idea of death, they seem all darkness and uncertainty. After these moments of vivid light have passed away, the recollection of them throws a doubt over all my hopes.****


Arthur's Letter to his Father.

'My revered and beloved Father, You have, for the first time in my

life, urged me to an openness with you, from which, I confess to you, I shrink. Since it is so, however, I shall begin by attempting to express feelings, which, if my poor, morbid, proud, and once wretched heart, is to be made known to you, ought first to have utterance; and those are the deep (I have not words to say how deep) feelings of gratitude to you, which I hope you have discovered, but which I have never found resolution to express. Now that I begin to see all things in the calm light of truth, I look back with wonder on the extreme delicacy and love with which I, so unlike all the others, so useless, on whom no pride, no hope could rest,-have ever been regarded by all my family; but still above all, by him whom I loved above all, whose love was most valued

by all, and whose slightest mark of disregard would have made me wretched. Never did my blindly indulged self-love receive one such wound from you. When surrounded by your other children, all lovely, all hopeful, in their flush of health, and animation, and strength, though each regarded his father as his best and kindest friend, yet most particularly so that one who could never disguise from himself, that the constant and peculiar gentleness and tenderness bestowed on him, proceeded from feelings, not of pleasure, like those felt towards the others, but of compassion and sadness. I can say no more on this subject,-one way of unburdening my full heart is now made known to me; and I trust the Hearer of prayer will answer my earnest and unceasing requests, by imparting to your soul a full, full measure of his own light, and peace, and joy.

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I feel ashamed to commence my own history, yet it is only a history of the

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