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kui, or Catarocouy, and that, being asked by the French from whence he came, said, "From preventing peace." They did not at first comprehend his meaning, but soon after, one of his prisoners, that escaped, gave them the history of the affair.

But for what followed, the character of Adario would stand well among warriors. He sacrificed his only prisoner, which completed this act of the tragedy; and it seemed necessary to carry out his deep-laid stratagem.

That the Iroquois should have no chance to believe the French innocent of the blood at the River Famine, which they had used great endeavors to effect, by sending emissaries among them, Adario went with his prisoner immediately to Michilimakinak, and delivered him to M. De la Durantaye, the commander of that post, who as yet had had no knowledge of any negotiation between the Iroquois and his superiors. Whereupon he forthwith caused the poor prisoner to be put to death. The news of this affair, the cunning chief caused to be made known among the cantons, by an old captive he had held a long time in bondage at his village, whom he now set at liberty for this purpose.

The catastrophes that befell the French not long after, and the suffering they endured, are almost without a parallel. †

About 1200 of the chief warriors of the Five Nations landed upon the Island of Montreal, 25 August, 1689, while the French were in perfect security, burnt their houses, sacked their plantations, and slew a vast number of the inhabitants. The English accounts say a thousand persons perished, but this number was no doubt far greater than the truth. In October following they attacked the island again with nearly equal success. These horrid disasters threw the whole country into the utmost consternation, in which the fort at Lake Ontario was abandoned by the garrison, and as soon possessed by the Indians. Here, among other things of great value to them, 28 barrels of gunpowder fell into their hands. Nothing now saved the French from an entire extermination but the ignorance of their enemies in the art of attacking fortified places.

Adario finally died at peace with the French, and almost in the act of concluding it. He had accompanied the heads of several tribes to Montreal, in 1701, to hold a treaty, and, on the 1 August, (that being the first day of public councils,) Adario found himself seized by sickness. Every thing was done to relieve him, (" as the governor general," says Charlevoix, "rested his principal hope of success in the treaty, upon him,") but without avail; being carried to l'Hotel Dieu, he died at two o'clock on the following night. At his funeral the greatest display was made, and nothing was omitted which could inspire the Indians present with a conviction of the great respect in which he was held. On his tomb-stone were engraved these words,

* « Il répondit qu'il venoit de teur la paix; et qu'il ajoûta, nous verrons comment Ononthio se tirera de cette affaire."

Few would wish to read, in English, the cruelties at the sacking of Montreal: the account of them, we agree with Dr. HOLMES, "is too horrid to translate."-" Ils trouverent tout le mond endormi, et ils commencerent par massacrer tous les hommes; ensuite ils mirent le feu aux maisons. Par-là tous ceux, qui y étoient restés, tomberent entre mains de ces sauvages, et essuyerent tout ce que la fureur peut inspirer à des barbares. Ils la pousserent même à des excès, dont on ne les avoit pas encore cru capables. Ils ouvrirent le sein des femmes enceintes, pour en arracher le fruit, qu'elles portoient, ils mirent des enfans tout virans à la broche, et contraignirent les meres de les tourner pour les faire rôtir. Ils inventerent quantité d'autres supplices inouis, et 200 personnes de tout âge et de tout scxe perirent ainsi en moins d'une heure dans les plus affreux tourmens. Cela fait, l'ennemi s'aprocha jusqu'à une liuè de la ville, faisant par tout les mêmes ravages, et exerçant les mêmes cruautes, et quand ils furent las de ces horreurs; ils firent 200 prisonniers, qu'ils emmenerent dans leur villages, où ils les brûlerent."

"Le lendemain on fit ses funerailles, qui eurent quelque chose de magnifique et de singulier. M. de St. Ours, premier capitaine, marchoit d'abord à la tête de 60 soldats sous les armes. Seize guerriers Hurons, vêtus de longues robes de castor, le visage peint en noir, et le fusil sous le bras, suivoient, marchant quatre à quatre. Le clergé venoit après, et six chefs de guerre portoient le cercueil, qui étoit couvert d'un poële semé de fleurs, sur lequel il y avoit un chapeau avec un plumet, un hausse-col et une épée. Les freres et les enfans du défunt étoient derriere, accompagnés de tous les chefs des nations, et M. de Vaudreuil, gouverneur de la ville, qui menoit madame de Champigny, sermoit la marche."


gave out, that they intended next winter to visit the governor of Canada: these visits are always made with much show. Under this pretence they gathered together 1000 or 1200 men. Their outscouts met with Piskaret near Nicolet River, and still pretending a friendly visit to the governor of Canada, as their only design, he told them, that the Adirondacks were divided into two bodies, one of which hunted on the north side of St. Lawrence River at Wabmake, three leagues above Trois Rivières, and the other at Nicolet. As soon as they had gained this information, they killed him, and returned with his head to the army. The Five Nations divided likewise into two bodies: they surprised the Adirondacks, in both places, and in both cut them in pieces."

This account is more circumstantial than that given by Charlevoix, but, as we have seen, would have been without any value, but for his chronology. He states that, by their previous conduct, the Mohawks had reason to expect, that all the neighboring nations would join to oppose them, and that they sent out parties to observe what was passing among them; that one of these scouts met Peiskaret alone, but dared not attack him; being persuaded he would kill at least half of them, as he had often done before. They therefore accosted him as a friend, while some came up behind him, and stabbed him to the heart.

But for the French, the Iroquois had now been complete masters of all the northern and western regions; and some have observed, that had they known the weakness of those white neighbors, at the time they overcame the Algonquins, near Quebec, they might easily have cleared the country of them also.

We will close this chapter with an account of the visit of five Iroquois chiefs to England. The English in America had supposed that if they could convince the Indian nations of the power and greatness of their mother country, they should be able to detach them forever from the influence of the French. To accomplish this object, these chiefs were prevailed upon to make the voyage. They visited the court of Queen Anne in the year 1710. None of the American historians seem to have known the names of these chiefs, or, if they did, have not thought it proper to transmit them. Smith, in his history of New York, mentions the fact of their having visited England, and gives the speech which they made to the queen, and says it is preserved "in Oldmixon," perhaps in the 2d edition of his BRITISH EMPIRE IN AMERICA, as nothing of the kind is found in his history of England, although he records the circumstance, and ill-naturedly enough too. We think he would hardly have done even this, but for the purpose of ridiculing the friends of the queen. The following is all that he says of them: "Three weeks after the battle of Sarragossa was fought by General Stanhope, whose victory made way for the march to Madrid, the news of the victory was brought to the queen by Colonel Harrison, the 15 September, O. S., at which time the High-church rabble were pelting General Stanhope's proxy, and knocking down his friends at the Westminster election. However, for the successes in Spain, and for the taking of Doway, Bethune and Aire, by the duke of Marlborough in Flanders, there was a thanksgiving-day appointed, which the queen solemnized in St. James's chapel. To have gone as usual to St. Paul's, and there to have had Te Deum sung on that occasion, would have shown too much countenance to those brave and victorious English generals, who were fighting her battles abroad, while High-church was plotting, and railing, and addressing against them at home. The carrying of four Indian Casaques about in the queen's coaches, was all the triumph of the Harleian administration; they were called kings, and clothed, by the

*No one can tell when next winter was, that is, what year it was in, by any connection in Colden's text; he is so exceedingly loose with regard to dates; but, according to Charlevoix, it was in 1646.

The first edition (which I possess) was printed in 1708.

Hist. England, ii. 452. (Fol. London, 1735.)

He says five, a few lines onward, in his usual random mode of expression, supposing it all the same, doubtless, as he was only considering Indians! It will be seen that five was the real


play-house tailor, like other kings of the theatre; they were conducted to audience by Sir Charles Cotterel; there was a speech made for them, and nothing omitted to do honor to these five monarchs, whose presence did so much honor to the new ministry; which the latter seemed to be extremely fond of, and defrayed all their expenses during their stay here. They were the captains of the four nations, [Five Nations,] in league with the English at New York and New England, and came in person to treat of matters concerning trade with the lords commissioners of plantations; as also of an enterprise against the French, and their confederate Indians in those parts." Sir Richard Steele mentions these chiefs in his Tatler of May 13, 1710, and Addison makes them the subject of a number of the Spectator the next year, at a suggestion of Dean Swift.* Neither of these papers, however, contain many facts respecting them. In the former it is mentioned that one of them was taken sick at the house where they were accommodated during their stay in London, and they all received great kindness and attention from their host, which, on their departure, was the cause of their honoring him with a name of distinction; which was Cadaroque, and signified "the strongest fort in their country." In speaking of their residence, Mr. Steele says, "They were placed in a handsome apartment at an upholster's in King-street, Covent-garden." There were fine portraits of each of them painted at the time, and are still to be seen in the British Museum. ‡

The best and most methodical account of these chiefs was published in the great annual history by Mr. Boyer, § and from which we extract as follows: "On the 19 April Te Yee Neen Ho Ga Prow, and Sa Ga Yean Qua Prah Ton, of the Maquas; Elow Oh Koam, and Oh Nee Yeath Ton No Prow, || of the river sachem,¶ and the Ganajoh-hore sachem,** four kings, or chiefs of the Six Nations ff in the West Indies, ‡‡ which lie between New England, and New France, or Canada: who lately came over with the West India fleet, and were cloathed and entertained at the queen's expense, had a public audience of her majesty at the palace of St. James, being conducted thither in two of her majesty's coaches, by Sir Charles Cotterel, master of the ceremonies, and introduced by the duke of Shrewsbury, lord chamberlain. They made a speech by their intrepreter, which Major Pidgeon, who was one of the officers that came with them, read in English to her majesty, being as follows:

"Great Queen-We have undertaken a long and tedious voyage, which none of our predecessors §§ could be prevailed upon to undertake. The motive that induced us was, that we might see our great queen, and relate to her those things we thought absolutely necessary, for the good of her, and us, her allies, on the other side the great water. We doubt not but our great


"I intended to have written a book on that subject. I believe he [Addison] has spent all in one paper, and all the under hints there are mine too." Swift's Letter to Mrs. Johnson, dated London, 28 April, 1711.

This was probably the one that died, of whom Kalm, in his travels in America, i. 210, makes mention; though I do not find a record of it in any periodical of that day.

Notes to the Spectator, ed. in 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1789.

"The Annals of Queen Anne's Reign, Year the IX. for 1710," 189-191. This is a work containing a most valuable fund of information, and is, with its continuation, a lasting monument to its learned publisher; his being dragged into the Dunciad in one of Pope's freaks notwithstanding.

We have these names in the Tatler, spelt Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Sa Ga Yeath Rua Geth Ton, E Tow Oh Koam, and Ho Nec Yeth Taw No Row.

It is difficult to conceive what is meant by River Indians from many of our authors. In the Appendix to Jefferson's Notes, 308, they are called River Indians, or Mohickanders, "who had their dwellings between the west branch of Delaware and Hudson's river, from the Kittatinny ridge down to the Rariton." The "Mohiccons" were another tribe about the islands and mouth of the Hudson.

**Probably the chief of Canajohara.

Query. If, according to Colden and others, the Tuscaroras did not join the Iroquois until 1712, and until that time these were called the Five Nations, how comes it that they were known in England by the name of Six Nations in 1710?

No one can be misled by this error, any more than an Englishman would be by being toid that London is situated at the foot of the Rocky Mountains.

§ None of the Six Nations, must be understood.

queen has been acquainted with our long and tedious war, in conjunction with her children, against her enemies the French: and that we have been as a strong wall for their security, even to the loss of our best men. The truth of which our brother Queder, Colonel [Peter] Schuyler, and Anadagarjaux, Colonel Nicholson, can testify; they having all our proposals in writing. We were mightily rejoiced when we heard by Anadagarjaux, that our great queen had resolved to send an army to reduce Canada; from whose mouth we readily embraced our great queen's instructions: and in token of our friendship, we hung up the kettle, and took up the hatchet; and with one consent joined our brother Queder, and Anadagarjaux, in making preparations on this side the lake, by building forts, store-houses, canoes and batteaux ; whilst Aundiasia, Colonel Vetch, at the same time, raised an army at Boston, of which we were informed by our ambassadors, whom we sent thither for that purpose. We waited long in expectation of the fleet from England, to join Anadiasia, to go against Quebec by sea, whilst Anadagarjaux, Queder, and we, went to Port Royal by land; but at last we were told, that our great queen, by some important affair, was prevented in her design for that season. This made us extreme sorrowful, lest the French, who hitherto had dreaded us, should now think us unable to make war against them. The reduction of Canada is of such weight, that after the effecting thereof, we should have free hunting, and a great trade with our great queen's children; and as a token of the sincerity of the Six Nations, we do here, in the name of all, present our great queen with the belts of wampum. We need not urge to our great queen, more than the necessity we really labor under obliges us, that in case our great queen should not be mindful of us, we must, with our families, forsake our country, and seek other habitations, or stand neuter; either of which will be much against our inclinations. Since we have been in alliance with our great queen's children, we have had some knowledge of the Savior of the world; and have often been importuned by the French, both by the insinuations of their priests, and by presents, to come over to their interest, but have always esteemed them men of falsehood; but if our great queen will be pleased to send over some persons to instruct us, they shall find a most hearty welcome. We now close, with hopes of our great queen's favor, and leave it to her most gracious consideration."


We cannot but respond amen to Mr. Oldmixon's opinion of this speech, namely, that it was made for instead of by the chiefs; still we thought it proper to print it, and that by so doing we should give satisfaction to more than by withholding it. Our account next proceeds: "On Friday, the 21 April, the four Indian princes went to see Dr. Flamstead's house, and mathematical instruments, in Greenwich Park; after which they were nobly treated by some of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, in one of her majesty's yachts. They staid about a fortnight longer in London, where they were entertained by several persons of distinction, particularly by the duke of Ormond, who regaled them likewise with a review of the four troops of life-guards; and having seen all the curiosities in and about this metropolis, they went down to Portsmouth, through Hampton Court and Windsor, and embarked on board the Dragon, one of her majesty's ships, Captain Martin, commodore, together with Colonel Francis Nicholson, commander-in-chief of the forces designed for an expedition in America. On the 8 May, the Dragon and Falmouth sailed from Spithead, having under convoy about 18 sail, consisting of merchantmen, a bomb-ship and tender, and several transports, with British officers, a regiment of marines, provisions and stores of war; and on the 15 July arrived at Boston in New England."

Little is to be gathered from Smith's history of New York relative to those sachems. He gives a speech which they made to the queen, but it is a meagre abridgment of less than half of the one above, and the

And the chiefs made a speech in return, but our author makes this note upon it: "N. B. The speech which was said to have been made by them, on that occasion, to the duke of Ormond, is spurious.'

rest is omitted entirely. “The arrival of the five sachems in England made a great bruit throughout the whole kingdom. The mob followed wherever they went, and small cuts of them were sold among the people."*

The main object of their visit to England was not, nor, in the nature of things, could it be effected. I mean the introduction of Christianity among them. Even these very sachems, who, according to the stories of that day, requested to have missionaries settled with them, were among the first to neglect them when settled among them. "It might have been imagined," says the author just cited, "the sachems, those petty kings, who were in England in the late Queen's time, should have been so strongly affected with seeing the grandeur, pleasure, and plenty of this nation, that when they came to their own countries, they would have tried to reduce their people to a polite life; would have employed their whole power to expel that rude barbarism, and introduce arts, manners, and religion: but the contrary happened; they sunk themselves into their old brutal life, and though they had seen this great city, [London,] when they came to their own woods, they were all savages again."

There cannot be a wider difference than the two nations, English and French, make in their accounts of the original condition, manners and customs of the Iroquois. While the writers of the former described them as the most barbarous, cruel, and bloody, those of the latter portray them in enviable colors. This difference seems to have entirely arisen from the different relation of the two nations to them. That they were cruel and barbarous to their enemies is agreed by both, and it unfortunately happened that the English were generally their enemies, until the reduction of Canada,

in 1760.



TAMANY, a famous ancient Delaware—His history—SHIKELLIMUS-Favors the Moravian Brethren-His reception of Count Zinzendorf-His death-CANASSATEGO-Visits Philadelphia-His speech to the Delawares-Anecdotes of him-GLIKHIKAN-His speech to Half-king-His attachment to the Christian Indians-Meets with much trouble from Captain Pipe-Conduct of Half-king-Of Pipe-Glikhikan perishes in the massacre at Gnadenhuetten-PAKANKE-His history-NETAWATWEES— Becomes a Christian-His speech to Pakanke-His death-PAXNOUS-TADEUSKUND -His history and death-WHITE-EYES-His transactions with the missionaries— SKENANDO-His celebrated speech-Curious anecdote of him-His death.

TAMANY was a name much in print, fifty years since, but of what nation or country, or whether applied to an imaginary or real personage, by any account accompanying it, no one could determine. The truth respecting this has at length come to light.

He was a Delaware chief, of similar renown to the Basheba of Kennebeck, and Nanepashemet of Massachusetts; and we infer from Gabriel Thomas,‡ that possibly he might have been alive as late as 1680 or 1690. He wrote the name Temeny.

Mr. Heckewelder, in his Historical ACCOUNT OF THE INDIAN NATIONS, devotes a chapter to this chief and Tadeuskund. He spells the name Tamaned. The difficulty of gaining information of deceased individuals among the Indians is well known to those conversant with their history. Mr. Heckewelder says, "No white man who regards their feelings, will introduce such subjects in conversation with them." This reluctance to speak of the de

* Hist. New York, 122. ed. 4to. London, 1757. Beautiful full-length portraits of four of these chiefs were done in mezzotinto at the time they were in England, but they were long since of very rare occurrence. I possess the best set of them which I have ever seen. They are usually found in black frames, and are about 20 inches in height by 12 in breadth. The portrait of the one that died was not probably taken, which accounts for our having but four. HUMPHREY'S Historical Account Soc. for Prop. Gospel, 309, 310.

"Who resided there [in Pennsylvania] about 15 years," and who published “ An Historic al and Geographical Account of Pa. and W. Jersey,” 12mo. London, 1698.

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