粥 LIST OF NEW WORKS. PEAKS, PASSES, and GLACIERS. A Second Series of Excur sions and Explorations by Members of the Alpine Club. Edited by E. S. KENNEDY, M.A. F.R.G.S. President of the Club. With 4 Double and 10 Single Maps, and 51 Illustrations on Wood. 2 vols. square crown 8vo. price 42s. MOUNTAINEERING in 1861: A VACATION TOUR. By JOHN TYNDALL, F.R.S. &c. Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution. With Views on Wood of the Weisshorn and the Matterhorn. Square crown 8vo. 7s. 6d. III A SUMMER TOUR in the GRISONS and ITALIAN VALLEYS of the BERNINA. By Mrs. HENRY FRESHFIELD, Author of "Alpine Byways." With 2 Maps and + Illustrations in Chromo-lithography. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. IV VOLCANOES: The Character of their Phenomena, their Share in the Structure and Composition of the Surface of the Globe, &c. By G. POULETT SCROPE, M.P., F.R.S. Second Edition. Map and Illustrations. 8vo. price 15s. V THEBES; ITS TOMBS and their TENANTS, ANCIENT and MODERN: Including a Record of Excavations in the Necropolis. By A. HENRY RHIND, F.S.A. &c. 17 Illustrations in Chromo-lithography and on Wood, including a Coloured Map. Royal 8vo. 18s. VI ETTERS from ITALY and SWITZERLAND. LE With By FELIX MENDELSSOHN BARTHOLDY. Translated from the German by LADY WALLACE. Post Svo. 9s. 6d. VII CANADA and the CRIMEA; or, Sketches of a Soldier's Life, from the Journals and Correspondence of the late Major RANKEN, R.E. Edited by his Brother, W. BAYNE RANKEN. Post 8vo. with Portrait, 7s. 6d. ELLICE: a Tale. By L. N. COMYN. Post 8vo. 9s. 6d. IX IMPRESSIONS of ROME, FLORENCE, and TURIN. Author of "Amy Herbert." Post 8vo. X GLEIG and BRIALMONT'S LIFE of WELLINGTON. Edition, condensed by the Rev. G. R. GLEIG into one Volume. With Portrait, Plans, and Maps. 8vo. 15s. XI ESSAYS on SCIENTIFIC and other SUBJECTS, contributed to the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews. By Sir HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.D. F.R.S. D.C.L. Physician in Ordinary to the Queen. 8vo. 14s. XII PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRIES, Part II.: A Series of Essays intended to illustrate some Points in the Physical and Moral History of Man. By Sir B. C. BRODIE, Bart. D.C.L. V.P.R.S. &c. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. XIII THE VEN. ARCHDEACON SANDFORD'S BAMPTON LEC TURES on the MISSION and EXTENSION of the CHURCH at HOME. 8vo. price 12s. XIV A NEW LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. By the Rev. J. T. WHITE, M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford; and the Rev. J. E. RIDDLE, M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Imperial Svo. pp. 2128, price 42s. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, & CO. 14 Ludgate Hill. (316) 48 Paternoster Row; and Southampton Row. NEW WORKS & NEW EDITIONS Published by JOHN F. SHAW & CO. New Work by Rev. O. Winslow, D.D. PATRIARCHAL SHADOWS of CHRIST and HIS CHURCH, as exhibited in Passages drawn from the Life of Joseph. Fcp. Svo. 5s. cloth. [Immediately. The STORY of MARTIN LUTHER: a Book for the Young. Edited by Miss WHATELY. 1 vol. with Frontispiece, 5s. cloth extra. The CHRISTIAN VISITOR'S HANDBOOK to LONDON. Comprising a Guide to all the Objects of Interest in the Metropolis, Religious, Philanthropic, and General, together with a List of Churches and Chapels, with the Ministers and Times of Service, and a clear and accurate Map. Especially adapted for the Visitors to the Exhibition of 1862. With Illustrations, 1s. A CHEAP EDITION, without the Illustrations, 6d. New Tracts, by the Author of " Household Proverbs." HEARTH and HOME; or, Men as they Are, and Women as they Should Be. Nos. 1-6 in a Packet, 6d. Large-Type Tracts for Women. LOVING WORDS PLAINLY SPOKEN to POOR WOMEN. By Mrs. J. ADDISON. In a packet, 6d. The SAYINGS of the KING; or, Expressions of the Divine Will. With Introductory Remarks by the Rev. E. H. BICKERSTETH, M.A., Christ Church, Hampstead. By his SISTER. Small 8vo. 5s. cloth. "Where the word of a King is, there is power." viii. ECCLESIASTES, 4. "This work is truly a refreshing one. We thank the authoress much for the manner in which she has sought to unfold God's heart to his children. The volume is illustrated with beautiful anecdotes, many of them of very recent date. We trust many of its readers will rise from the perusal, strengthened, encouraged, and instructed." RECORD, April 19. "The moss-footed pedestal sun-dial in an old-fashioned country-house garden is not more distinct from the French clocks in our jewellers' windows than this book is from the of the year. We must allow the author to be a most oriordinary volumes which teem from the press at this season ginal thinker. The work is one that may be studied with enjoyment and advantage."-LITERARY GAZETTE. Altogether, for ingeniousness in the arguments, and eloquence in their enforcement, a work which will, we are assured, be placed in the foremost rank of lay productions on polemical theology."-IRISH TIMES. "His pages may be read with advantage by any studious Christian."-WARDER. "This is a really beautiful and instructive book. The author is evidently a right-hearted and singularly able man. His work is worth any dozen of those that reach our table, and will well repay, not light perusal, but serious study." ECCLESIASTICAL GAZETTE. "The author has the merit of originality, in the discussion of a subject that has occupied many gifted minds, particularly during the past twenty or thirty years. There is throughout the volume so much fresh thought, with many ably written pages, as must commend it to intelligent minds."-CALEDONIAN MERCURY. "The book affords ample evidence of rare ability and learning."-DAILY EXPRESS. "This is a very curious book, and the time will not be lost that is devoted to its perusal." LONDONDERRY SENTINEL. "A series of analogies remarkably interesting and strikingly impressive."-EDINBURGH WEEKLY MERCURY. "We have every confidence in recommending this work to the Christian public."-BELFAST NEWS LETTER. "The author does not follow the common track; an accomplished and earnest layman, as he proves himself to be, he is well worth a hearing. This we bespeak for him." ABERDEEN JOURNAL. "This work must command a careful hearing. That there is abundant ingenuity, tact, and thought literally teeming through these pages, every candid reader will allow. We like the work, and recommend it to the thinking public."-ISLE OF WIGHT EXPRESS. Dublin: Hodges, Smith, & Co., 104 Grafton Street, Booksellers to the University. London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., 4 Stationers'-hall Court. Edinburgh: John Menzies. (318) LIFE in JESUS: Memoir of Mrs. Mary PILGRIM LAYS: Songs for the Christian New Work by Dr. Cumming. The Reformation in Italy. New Publications, May 1, 1862. WORKS OF JOHN HOWE, THE BLESSEDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS; With a GENERAL PREFACE by HENRY ROGERS, The WORK of GOD in ITALY. With The volumes of this work will follow each other at Shaw's Cheap Religious Series. CHRIST the ROCK; or, Aids to Young Disciples. With Introduction by Rev. H. BOARDMAN, D.D. 1s. 6d. limp cloth; 2s. 6d. cloth extra. RILLS from the FOUNTAIN: Loving Words to the Young. By Rev. Dr. NEWTON. 1s. 6d. cloth limp; 2s. 6d. cloth extra. short intervals. QUEEN'S MAY; or, Stories for Village Girls. 18mo. With Engravings. 2s. cloth boards; 2s. 6d. extra boards, gilt edges. The Religious Tract Society, 56 Paternoster Row, and 164 Piccadilly. (319) Spiritualism and Mr. Foster. The BEST THINGS: Loving Words to the TEN YEARS' INQUIRIES into Young. By Rev. Dr. NEWTON. 18. 6d. limp cloth; 2s. 6d. cloth extra. JOHN F. SHAW & CO., Paternoster Row, and Southampton Row. (317) MODERN SPIRITUALISM. Crown 8vo. 168 pp. 2s.-Now ready. London: Fred. Pitman, Paternoster Row. Newcastle-on-Tyne: T. P. Barkas, of whom the work may be had post free. (320) R. DAVIDSON'S INTRODUCTION TARIEF: a Christian Monody. Dedicated DR. to the OLD TESTAMENT, Critical, Historical, and Theological, containing a Discussion of the most important Questions belonging to the several Books. By the Rev. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, D.D., LL.D. Vol. 1, 8vo. (Genesis to Samuel). To be completed in 3 vols.-Next week. Williams & Norgate, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London; and 20 South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. (322) The Japanese Ambassadors. Wana Romantic Biography. By WM. ILL ADAMS, the First Englishman DALTON. Crown 8vo. cloth, 20 Illustrations, 10s. 6d. "We have no hesitation in recommending Will Adams' to any one who is interested either in Japan, or in the history of the Christian religion." SATURDAY REVIEW. "The book is exceedingly interesting. All that relates to Japan is as good as the best fairy tale." SPECTATOR. The Photographically Illustrated Gift-Book. UINED ABBEYS and CASTLES of GREAT R BRITAIN. By WILLIAM and MARY HOWITT. The Photographic Illustrations by Bedford, Wilson, Sedgfield, Fenton, and others. Ornamental binding, cloth, 21s. ; morocco, 31s. 6d. "One of the most pleasing volumes published this season. In printing, paper, illustration, and binding, it is DAILY NEWS. a triumph of the graphic arts." "A beautiful volume." ART JOURNAL. EMOIRS of STEPHEN GRELLET. Edited by BENJAMIN SEEBOHM. A new Library Edition is in the press, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. MEMO A. W. Bennett, 5 Bishopsgate Without. (324) STAINED GLASS WINDOWS. With 10 pages of Illustrations, engraved by Bolton, from Photographs. 4to. cloth extra, 2s. 6d., or 2s. 10d. post free. Heaton, Butler, & Bayne, Stained Glass Works, 24A Cardington Street, Hampstead Road, N.W.; and Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers'-Hall Court, E.C. (325) ROYAL, and a NATION'S and Presented to the Princess Alice for the Royal Family. With a Medallion likeness of the late Prince Consort. By the Rev. H. BOLTON, M.A. 18. The Type is kept standing, to meet the demand. "A pretty book, and poetry beautiful." Hatchard & Co., 187 Piccadilly; and C. & E. Layton, 150 Fleet Street. (326) BIBLIOGRAPHIE JAPONAISE; ou Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs, au Japon, qui ont été publiés depuis de XV. Siecle jusqu'à nos Jours. Par Leon Pagés. In 4to. 6s. sewed. GRAMMAIRE JAPONAISE de Donker Curtius et Hoffman. Publiée en Français. Par Leon Pagés. In 8vo. 20s. DICTIONNAIRE JAPONAIS-FRANCAIS, traduit du Dictionnaire Japonais-Portugais composé par les Missionaires de la Compagnie de Jesus, et imprimé en 1603, a Nangasaki, et revue sur la Traduction Espagnole du même ouvrage, redigée par un Père Dominicain, et imprimée en 1630 à Manille. Publié par Leon Pagés. Premiere livraison (pages 1 a 200), 12s. 4to. Original Patent Columbian Printing Press, AND CLARENDON GRIPPER MACHINE MANUFACTORY. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICES OF THE PATENT COLUMBIAN PRINTING PRESS. EDWARD BEVAN (Successor to CLYMER, DIXON, & Co.) respectfully calls the attention of the Trade to his reduced List of Printing Presses, Paper-cutting Machines, and other articles which he manufactures. In making his reduction, E. B. has been prompted to this step by the advice of his Friends and the Trade generally, who complain of the various inferior imitations foisted upon them on the score of cheapness, and the consequent dissatisfaction experienced by having a bad article. E. B. finds it necessary to caution the Trade to be particular in giving their orders through Brokers and others, as, unless his manufacture be ordered, an inferior article will be sent. None are genuine without his name and address on the plate. THE "RUGBY GAZETTE" CLARENDON MACHINE PRINTING OFFICES, 39 HIGH STREET, RUGBY, May 22, 1861. Dear Sir, I have much pleasure in informing you that the double-royal "Clarendon " Machine I had from you gives the greatest satisfaction. I have given it a trial of twelve months, and have tested it with Newspaper, Postingbills, Hand-bills, Circulars, Bill-heads, &c., all of which it executes in a very superior manner. We can print the Newspaper (double-royal) at the rate of 1000 per hour, and Posting-bills of the same size 250 per hour. Hand-bills and common jobs can easily be worked, with two lads or with one man at the wheel, at the rate of 1500 per hour. Very good "Register" can also be obtained without points, if ordinary care be used in laying on. In short, the Machine has answered my expectations in every respect, and I feel much gratified in testifying to its merits. Mr. Bevan. I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, THOMAS ROGERS. LONDON, 15th Jan. 1862.-218A UPPER THAMES STREET, E.C. Sir, We have much pleasure in expressing our entire approval of the double-demy Gripper Machine delivered to us in November 1861. As far as the principle and workmanship is concerned, it in every way answers our purpose. We have had it at work constantly since the above date, throwing off 1200 impressions per hour, and giving us complete satisfaction in all respects. Mr. E. Bevan. We are, Sir, your obedient servants, DUDLEY ROLLS & CO. A DOUBLE-DEMY AND DOUBLE-ROYAL READY FOR DELIVERY. MANUFACTORY-10 FINSBURY STREET, LONDON, E.C. AND General Record of British and Foreign Literature. CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN AND EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD. ADVERTISEMENTS CONNECTED WITH LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. TO WHICH IS ANNEXED A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF THE NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDITIONS (INCLUDING PAMPHLETS, SINGLE SERMONS, &c. WITH THE SIZES-PRICES-DATES OF PUBLICATION-AND PUBLISHERS' NAMES) PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM and IMPORTED FROM AMERICA DURING THE YEAR 1861. VOL. XXV. LONDON PUBLISHED BY SAMPSON LOW, SON, & CO., AT THE OFFICE, 47 LUDGATE HILL. PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE & CO. LONDON, EC. |