W. H. COLLINGRIDGE calls the attention of the Trade to the facilities he possesses for the execution of every description of Letterpress, Copperplate, and Lithographic Printing, in First-class Style, and with Promptitude and Punctuality. The founts of Type are large and most varied, and equally adapted for the heaviest Newspaper, as well as for every description of First-class Jobbing and Bookwork. Estimates free. City Press, 117 to 119 Aldersgate Street, London, E.C. TERRY, STONEMAN, & CO. 6 HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, E.C. BOOKSELLERS, WHOLESALE NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISING AGENTS. Parcels Daily, Weekly, or Monthly, made up with accuracy, and despatched with punctuality. DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen, execute in the best style, on the most reasonable terms, and with despatch, every description of Lithography, Chromo-lithography, and Steel and Copperplate Printing, Artistic or Commercial. Applications for Estimates will meet with prompt attention. Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Original Patent Columbian Printing Press, EDWA AND CLARENDON GRIPPER MACHINE MANUFACTORY. DWARD BEVAN (late CLYMER & DIXON) desires to tender his grateful acknowledgments to all his Friends and the Trade for the liberal encouragement afforded him during nearly the last 20 years, while representing Messrs. ROBERT BESLEY & Co., and to inform them that his connexion with that firm having now ceased, he will be enabled to give his undivided attention to the above business, and earnestly solicits their support. Printing Presses, Screw Ditto, Paper-Cutting Machines, Roller Moulds, &c., at Reduced Prices." CLARENDON Catalogues upon application. PRINTING MACHINE. SINGLE CYLINDER GRIPPER-DOUBLE CYLINDER MOTION. TESTIMONIALS. THE "RUGBY GAZETTE" CLARENDON MACHINE PRINTING OFFICES, 39 HIGH STREET, RUGBY, May 22, 1861. Dear Sir, I have much pleasure in informing you that the double-royal "Clarendon " Machine I had from you gives the greatest satisfaction. I have given it a trial of twelve months, and have tested it with Newspaper, Postingbills, Hand-bills, Circulars, Bill-heads, &c., all of which it executes in a very superior manner. We can print the Newspaper (double-royal) at the rate of 1000 per hour, and Posting-bills of the same size 250 per hour. Hand-bills and common jobs can easily be worked, with two lads or with one man at the wheel, at the rate of 1500 per hour. Very good Register" can also be obtained without points, if ordinary care be used in laying on. In short, the Machine has answered my expectations in every respect, and I feel much gratified in testifying to its merits. Mr. Bevan. I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, " THOMAS ROGERS. LONDON, 15th Jan. 1862.-218A UPPER THAMES STREET, E.C. Sir,-We have much pleasure in expressing our entire approval of the double-demy Gripper Machine delivered to us in November 1861. As far as the principle and workmanship is concerned, it in every way answers our purpose. We have bad it at work constantly since the above date, throwing off 1200 impressious per hour, and giving us complete satisfaction in all respects. Mr. E. Bevan. We are, Sir, your obedient servants, DUDLEY ROLLS & CO. A DOUBLE-DEMY AND DOUBLE-ROYAL READY FOR DELIVERY. *Second-hand Presses taken in exchange. MANUFACTORY-10 FINSBURY STREET, LONDON, E.C. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. 234. To the TRADE.-R. T. Barras, Sta ADVERTISEMENTS intended for insertion are requested to be forwarded to the Publishers immediately. Longman & Co., 14 Ludgate Hill. tioner, Engraver, Lithographer, Draughtsman, Account-Book Maker, and General Printer, Sheffield and Rotherham.-Price Lists, &c., may be sent to 27 High Street, Sheffield. Testimonials To W. Lang's New Process of Marbling Book Edges. 84 WEST STREET, FAREHAM, HANTS. Notices of the Press appeared in "Stationer," December 10, 1861; "Publishers' Circular," December 6, 1861. From among many Testimonials of the Country Trade now using it, the following have been extracted by permission. No. 18 Beresford Street, Jersey, February 20, 1862. DEAR SIR,-Your ingenious method of Marbling must prove a great boon to country binders. I am fairly puzzling and astonishing my friends with splendid edges. Yours faithfully, Mr. W. Lang. C. LE FEUVRE. Reading, February 25, 1862. DEAR SIR,I have followed your instructions for Marbling Edges, and am much pleased with the result. I consider it a perfect boon to country bookbinders. I am, Sir, yours faithfully, Mr. W. Lang. J. C. WYLY. W. L. continues to give instructions by post to the Trade upon receipt of Trade Card and 10s. 6d. TO BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY, AND EXPORTERS OF BOOKS. W. KENT & CO. Respectfully inform the Trade that orders for Books and Monthly and Weekly Periodicals are executed by them with promptitude and on the best terms. Booksellers in London or the suburbs posting their orders overnight can have them completed early the next day, thus saving their collector's time. EXPORT ORDERS COLLECTED AND PACKED. London: PATERNOSTER ROW. TO BOOKSELLERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. HAYDAY & MANSELL Beg to inform the Trade that they are prepared to execute all Orders for any description of BOOKBINDING, either in Town or Country, upon the most liberal terms. Parcels from the Country enclosed and packed free of charge. NOTICE.-The first leaf or front board of all best work will be legibly stamped thus, HAYDAY & MANSELL, or BOUND BY HAYDAY. On the front board of all second quality work thus, HAYDAY & MANSELL (2). ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR LIBRARIES AND LARGE QUANTITIES. 31 Little Queen Street, London, W.C. TO PRINTERS. ELECTROTYPING TO health of the Proprietor, the GOODWILL O BE SOLD, in consequence of the то by Franchi & Son, 15 Myddelton Street, London, E.C. Electrotypes from WoodcutsMounted on wood, per square inch Ditto, unmounted, per ditto Electrotypes from FormsMounted on wood, per square inch Ditto, unmounted, per ditto and STOCK in Trade of a large Circulating Library and Bookselling and Stationery BUSINESS (established over 30 years), known as the Minervs 14d. Library, situate in Patrick Street, in the City of 14d. Cork (the best business street). The Library comprises about 7000 volumes in the various 14d. departments of Literature. Purchase money £300. -Apply to J. Hayes, 106 Patrick Street, Cork. 1d. R. HOLMES is instructed to sell the MR. GEO. NEWMAN is instructed to MR. BUSINESS of a Bookseller, Stationer, and Bookbinder, desirably situated in a flourishing Town 100 miles from London. The proprietor retiring. £300 to purchase.-Address Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. TR. HOLMES is instructed to sell the MR. BUSINESS of a Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer. An excellent living for a practical Printer. Present proprietor had it many years. sell the TRADE of a Stationer, Bookseller, News Agent, old-established, and eligibly situate in the Channel Islands. The Returns are good, and can be much extended. About £1000 required. -Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer to the Trade, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. £350 required. Profits nearly £200 a-year-Ad- MR. GEO. NEWMAN has been re dress Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. MR. HOLMES is instructed to sell [R. HOLMES is instructed to sell a complete little Printing Office PLANT, including two Presses, and a large assortment of Type, with every other requisite for a small Office. This is a rare chance for any one wishing to add the Printing Branch to his Trade, as the terms for quested to find a purchaser for a most eligible Bookselling, Printing, and Stationery BUSINESS, established over a century. The Returns are excellent, and may be entered upon for £750.-Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Auctioneer and Valuer to the Trade, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. purchase are very moderate.—Address Mr. Holmes, MR. GEO. NEWMAN is instructed to 48 Paternoster Row. dispose of a first-class BUSINESS, including Stationery, Despatch Boxes, Dressing Cases, and every description of Cutlery and Leather Goods. MR. HOLMES is instructed to introduce A Partnership might be arranged. From £1500 a PARTNER in a first-class Business. £1000 required. Income to be derived, £300 a-year.-Address Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. to £2500 required.-Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer and Auctioneer, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. MR. HOLMES is instructed to sell the TRADE VALUER.- Mr. Cussons, of BUSINESS of a Bookseller, Stationer, and News Agent, close to Regent's Park. £250 required. Gross profits, £217 per annum. Clear profits, after paying rent, taxes, gas, wages, &c., £146 per annum.-Address Mr. Holmes, 48 Paternoster Row. as the firm of Cussons and Sons, Booksellers, Printers, and Stationers, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, having had twenty-five years' experience VALUER, offers his services to those about to enter upon, or dispose of, a Business. Numerous and highly respectable references. TO BOOKBINDERS & STATIONERS, &c.-To be Disposed of, the BUSINESS of a Bookbinder, Stationer, and Bookseller, established 23 years, in a highly respectable neighbourhood. This is a most excellent opportunity for a Young Man with a small capital, who has a good knowledge of the Bookbinding and Stationery business. Address Mr. Woodyatt, Ludlow. TO PRINTERS, STATIONERS, and BOOKSELLERS.-To be Disposed of, an excellent BUSINESS, established 14 years, in a Market Town about 14 miles from London, north of the Thames; the only Printing Office in the FIRST-RATE OPPORTUNITY. - A place; affording a most excellent opportunity to an modern-built House and Shop, &c., Books and Stationery, about two miles from the Bank, main road. Rent £28. Coming-in, with Fixtures, £30. Stock at value, about £20.Address J. E., Publishers Circular Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Office, Crayford, Kent. TO April 1, 1862 Good BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. TO MASTER PRINTERS.-Wanted, T in a Jobbing or Jobbing and News Office. O BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. TO PRINTERS.-Wanted, by the Ad Wanted, by a Young Man just out of his time, a Situation in the above trade, in the West-end. Is a good bookkeeper, and writes well. Satisfactory references.-Address, stating salary, &c., to A. Z., Pelham House, South Kensington, S.W. To TO BOOKSELLERS. Wanted, by a Young Man, aged 22, a situation as ASSISTANT CLERK or COLLECTOR, Town or Country. Many years' experience. 7 West Street, Soho, W.C. Address A. G., MASTER PRINTERS. Two Compositors, young men, permanent SITUATIONS (News, Book, or Jobbing). Refe class Letterpress Printing Establishment nearly vertiser, who has been Foreman of a firstnine years, an Engagement in a similar capacity. Has been in the habit of giving estimates. Good references as to ability. Country not objected to. Address Verity, Mr. May's, News Agent, 9 King Street, St. James's. A COMPOSITOR, who can be well recommended, desires a permanent Situation. Has been accustomed to News and Book work.Address M. Neate, Russell Street, Stroud, Gloucestershire. TSITUATION at Case, or Case and Press, in a rence from present situation if required.-Address Jobbing Office, by a good workman.— Address G. Welsford, 2 Charterhouse Street, Charterhouse J. P., Post Office, Birmingham. Square, London. TO PRINTERS.-Wanted, by a steady, WANTED, a situation by a Com respectable Young Man, who has been used to Book, Newswork, and General Jobbing, a situation as COMPOSITOR, in either Town or Country. Would assist at press if required. Can be strongly recommended by his present employer. -Apply to L. E., Mr. Blake's, Printer, Market Place, Salisbury. O MASTER PRINTERS.-A respect TM Man, aged 34, possessing a general knowledge of the business, wishes for regular EM of London. Would have no objection to take the PLOYMENT in a Country Office, or in the suburbs Management of a small Office.-Address W. W., 4 Arthur Street, Gray's Inn Road, London. TO MASTER PRINTERS.-A Young Man is in immediate want of a Situation in a Jobbing Office. Used to plain Binding. Good references.-Address G. L. M., 2 Frederick Street, Caledonian Road, Islington, London. TO BINDERS. A good FORWARDER wanted. None but an experienced hand need apply.-Address, stating references, to Mr.Batchelor, Bookbinder, &c., Portsmouth. WANTED in the Country, a good Plain Work well, and Letter Cloth Books.-Address то O PRINTERS.-Wanted, by a Young Lincolnshire. To WANTED, by a Young Man, a time at Case, or Press and Case. Town or Country. Situation to work at Press, and fill up his Address T. E., 50 St. Aldates, Oxford. ITHOGRAPHER, COPPERPLATE Transferring, and is thoroughly acquainted with то то STATIONERS.-A Printer, a short |TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. distance from Town, wishes to meet with one Wanted, by a quiet and respectable Young who, for mutual advantage, would give Book or Man, a situation as ASSISTANT. Age 23. Good Job PRINTING (to form stock work.)-Address references.-Address Z. Y., Post Office, Neath. D. G., 7 Florence Street, Islington, N. PRINTERS' COMPOSITION PRESS ROLLERS manufactured by Frederick Pickburn, 2 Sekforde Street, Clerkenwell Green, cheaper and more durable than any other house in the trade. Roller Frames and Moulds at reduced prices.-Terms, post free, on application. WANTED, the BUSINESS of a Sta tioner and Printer, situate in an improving TRAVELLER.-The Advertiser, who has had considerable experience in the Wholesale Trade, and some on the Road, is open to a reengagement as TRAVELLER, Town or Country, or in any capacity where a general knowledge of the trade is required. Unexceptionable references to first houses.-Address S. T., 1 Victoria Road, Holloway, N. Has a town South of Birmingham and West of London. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. A good Counterman, of considerable experience The Advertiser requires a well-established and in the Trade, desires a Re-engagement. genuine concern, with a general connection capable good knowledge of Modern Books. First-class of extension. The Premises must be good and references.-Address Mitre, Post Office, Churten commodious. All communications will be regarded Street, Pimlico, S.W. as strictly confidential.-Address A. B., Mr. J. Batters, 2 Brockham Villas, Richmond Road, Dalston, London. TO PUBLISHERS & BOOK TRADE. Wanted, by a Gentleman of good standing in his University, a JUNIOR PARTNERSHIP, or engagement with view to Partnership. Premium £1500 to £2000.-Address W., 19 Clayton Place, S. WANTED, by a highly respectable Person, aged 21, a re-engagement as ASSISTANT in a Stationer's or Fancy business. Has had 34 years' experience in the Stationery and 9 mouths in the Fancy trade, and can give good references.-Address L. C. R., Mr. W. H. Smith, 8 St. Germain's Terrace, High Road, Lee, Kent. TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. Wanted, a situation as ASSISTANT, by a Young Man of good address, who is capable of managing a business, and is accustomed to a large Library and Miscellaneous Trade.-Apply to Liber, care of Mr. Head, Hereford. TO COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS. The parents of a well-educated, stout boy, 16 years of age, are desirous of placing him with an English Country Bookseller, as an APPRENTICE. Address W. W., care of Mr. Sword, 22 Hanover Street, Edinburgh. TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. Wanted, a situation in the above trades, by an ASSISTANT who has been in good business houses.-Address E. H., 3 Waterloo Place, S.W. WANTED, by a Young Man of expe WA rience, a situation as ASSISTANT, or to take the management of a Bookselling and Stationery knowledge of Printing.-Address B. C., Belton, business. Age 30; a Dissenter. Has a practical near Grantham. TO STATIONERS.-Wanted, a situa tion as ASSISTANT, by a Young Man who has a thorough knowledge of the business. Address D. D., 97 Upper Seymour Street, Euston Square. TO BOOKSELLERS.—A Married Man requires a situation as Town or Town and Country TRAVELLER, or in any capacity where a trustworthy Assistant is required. Excellent references. Address T. C., Post Office, Ludgate Street, E.C. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— Wants a situation, as MANAGING or ADVERTISING CLERK in a Newspaper Office, a persevering Young Man, who has served an appren ticeship in that department upon a first-class Newspaper. Can give security if required.—Apply to F. G. R., 42 Chancery Lane, London. TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. A Young Man, who has had some years' expe rience in a first-class establishment, which he is now leaving, wishes a re-engagement as ASSISTANT, or to take charge of a branch business. Unexceptionable references. Address M. H. W., Post Office, Clifton, near Bristol. - TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, TO BOOKSELLERS, &c. - A Young &c.-Wanted, a situation as ASSISTANT in the Bookselling trade, by a Young Married Man, who has served an apprenticeship to the Bookbinding, at which he would have no objection to assist occasionally. Has had the care of a library for the last twelve months. Nine years' testimonial from Married Man, capable of managing a small Retail, or a Department in a Wholesale business, having had several years' experience in both, is open to an Engagement. Salary wanted, £80 per annum. Address W. J., 70 Mitchell Street, Glasgow. 'HE Son of a first-class Bookseller and the situation he is about to leave.-Address W. D., Stationer in the Country, of 5 years' expe Post Office, Salisbury, Wilts. TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. The friends of an intelligent Youth, aged 15, wish to place him as INDOOR APPRENTICE to the above business, where he will be treated as one of the family.-Address A. Z., care of Mr. John Gray, 10 Green Street, Cambridge. rience in the usual branches of the business, is desi rous of taking a situation as "ASSISTANT in a similar line. Is thoroughly versed in Accounts and Correspondence. Has a knowledge of the Music and Fancy trade. - Address, for fuller particulars, to J. S. C., care of Messrs. W. Kent & Co., 23 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. |